2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< ? xml version = "1.0" encoding = "utf-8" ? >
< TS version = "2.1" language = "pt_BR" >
< context >
< name > AddCollectionView < / name >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/AddCollectionView.qml" line = "45" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > ← Existing Collections < / source >
< translation > ← Minhas coleções < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/AddCollectionView.qml" line = "68" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Add Document Collection < / source >
< translation > Adicionar Coleção de Documentos < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/AddCollectionView.qml" line = "78" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Add a folder containing plain text files , PDFs , or Markdown . Configure additional extensions in Settings . < / source >
< translation > Adicione uma pasta contendo arquivos de texto simples , PDFs ou Markdown . Configure extensões adicionais nas Configurações . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/AddCollectionView.qml" line = "94" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Please choose a directory < / source >
< translation > Escolha um diretório < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/AddCollectionView.qml" line = "106" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Name < / source >
< translation > Nome < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/AddCollectionView.qml" line = "121" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Collection name . . . < / source >
< translation > Nome da coleção . . . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/AddCollectionView.qml" line = "123" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Name of the collection to add ( Required ) < / source >
< translation > Nome da coleção ( obrigatório ) < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/AddCollectionView.qml" line = "139" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Folder < / source >
< translation > Pasta < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/AddCollectionView.qml" line = "156" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Folder path . . . < / source >
< translation > Caminho da pasta . . . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/AddCollectionView.qml" line = "159" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Folder path to documents ( Required ) < / source >
< translation > Caminho da pasta com os documentos ( obrigatório ) < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/AddCollectionView.qml" line = "171" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Browse < / source >
< translation > Procurar < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/AddCollectionView.qml" line = "184" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Create Collection < / source >
< translation > Criar Coleção < / translation >
< / message >
< / context >
< context >
< name > AddModelView < / name >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/AddModelView.qml" line = "55" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > ← Existing Models < / source >
< translation > ← Meus Modelos < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/AddModelView.qml" line = "75" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Explore Models < / source >
< translation > Descobrir Modelos < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/AddModelView.qml" line = "92" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Discover and download models by keyword search . . . < / source >
< translation > Pesquisar modelos . . . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/AddModelView.qml" line = "95" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Text field for discovering and filtering downloadable models < / source >
< translation > Campo de texto para descobrir e filtrar modelos para download < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/AddModelView.qml" line = "171" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Initiate model discovery and filtering < / source >
< translation > Pesquisar e filtrar modelos < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/AddModelView.qml" line = "172" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Triggers discovery and filtering of models < / source >
< translation > Aciona a descoberta e filtragem de modelos < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/AddModelView.qml" line = "191" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Default < / source >
< translation > Padrão < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/AddModelView.qml" line = "192" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Likes < / source >
< translation > Curtidas < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/AddModelView.qml" line = "193" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Downloads < / source >
< translation > Downloads < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/AddModelView.qml" line = "194" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Recent < / source >
< translation > Recentes < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/AddModelView.qml" line = "216" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Asc < / source >
< translation > Asc < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/AddModelView.qml" line = "217" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Desc < / source >
< translation > Desc < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/AddModelView.qml" line = "252" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > None < / source >
< translation > Nenhum < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/AddModelView.qml" line = "101" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Searching · % 1 < / source >
< translation > Pesquisando · % 1 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/AddModelView.qml" line = "202" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Sort by : % 1 < / source >
< translation > Ordenar por : % 1 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/AddModelView.qml" line = "230" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Sort dir : % 1 < / source >
< translation > Ordenar diretório : % 1 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/AddModelView.qml" line = "274" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Limit : % 1 < / source >
< translation > Limite : % 1 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/AddModelView.qml" line = "307" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Network error : could not retrieve % 1 < / source >
< translation > Erro de rede : não foi possível obter % 1 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/AddModelView.qml" line = "317" / >
< location filename = "../src/qml/AddModelView.qml" line = "605" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Busy indicator < / source >
< translation > Indicador de processamento < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/AddModelView.qml" line = "318" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Displayed when the models request is ongoing < / source >
< translation > xibido enquanto os modelos estão sendo carregados < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/AddModelView.qml" line = "358" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Model file < / source >
< translation > Arquivo do modelo < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/AddModelView.qml" line = "359" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Model file to be downloaded < / source >
< translation > Arquivo do modelo a ser baixado < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/AddModelView.qml" line = "382" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Description < / source >
< translation > Descrição < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/AddModelView.qml" line = "383" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > File description < / source >
< translation > Descrição do arquivo < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/AddModelView.qml" line = "416" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Cancel < / source >
< translation > Cancelar < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/AddModelView.qml" line = "416" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Resume < / source >
< translation > Retomar < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/AddModelView.qml" line = "416" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Download < / source >
< translation > Baixar < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/AddModelView.qml" line = "424" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Stop / restart / start the download < / source >
< translation > Parar / reiniciar / iniciar o download < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/AddModelView.qml" line = "436" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Remove < / source >
< translation > Remover < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/AddModelView.qml" line = "443" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Remove model from filesystem < / source >
< translation > Remover modelo do sistema < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/AddModelView.qml" line = "457" / >
< location filename = "../src/qml/AddModelView.qml" line = "491" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Install < / source >
< translation > Instalar < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/AddModelView.qml" line = "492" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Install online model < / source >
< translation > Instalar modelo online < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/AddModelView.qml" line = "521" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > & lt ; strong & gt ; & lt ; font size = & quot ; 2 & quot ; & gt ; WARNING : Not recommended for your hardware . Model requires more memory ( % 1 GB ) than your system has available ( % 2 ) . & lt ; / s t r o n g & g t ; & l t ; / f o n t & g t ; < / s o u r c e >
< translation > & lt ; strong & gt ; & lt ; font size = & quot ; 2 & quot ; & gt ; ATENÇÃO : Este modelo não é recomendado para seu hardware . Ele exige mais memória ( % 1 GB ) do que seu sistema possui ( % 2 ) . & lt ; / s t r o n g & g t ; & l t ; / f o n t & g t ; < / t r a n s l a t i o n >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/AddModelView.qml" line = "619" / >
2024-07-25 15:47:20 -04:00
< source > ERROR : $API_KEY is empty . < / source >
2024-08-09 11:50:45 -04:00
< translation > ERRO : A $API_KEY está vazia . < / translation >
2024-07-25 15:47:20 -04:00
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/AddModelView.qml" line = "640" / >
2024-07-25 15:47:20 -04:00
< source > ERROR : $BASE_URL is empty . < / source >
2024-08-09 11:50:45 -04:00
< translation > ERRO : A $BASE_URL está vazia . < / translation >
2024-07-25 15:47:20 -04:00
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/AddModelView.qml" line = "646" / >
2024-07-25 15:47:20 -04:00
< source > enter $BASE_URL < / source >
2024-08-09 11:50:45 -04:00
< translation > inserir a $BASE_URL < / translation >
2024-07-25 15:47:20 -04:00
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/AddModelView.qml" line = "661" / >
2024-07-25 15:47:20 -04:00
< source > ERROR : $MODEL_NAME is empty . < / source >
2024-08-09 11:50:45 -04:00
< translation > ERRO : O $MODEL_NAME está vazio . < / translation >
2024-07-25 15:47:20 -04:00
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/AddModelView.qml" line = "667" / >
2024-07-25 15:47:20 -04:00
< source > enter $MODEL_NAME < / source >
2024-08-09 11:50:45 -04:00
< translation > inserir o $MODEL_NAME < / translation >
2024-07-25 15:47:20 -04:00
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/AddModelView.qml" line = "716" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > % 1 GB < / source >
< translation > % 1 GB < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/AddModelView.qml" line = "716" / >
< location filename = "../src/qml/AddModelView.qml" line = "738" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > ? < / source >
< translation > ? < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/AddModelView.qml" line = "508" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Describes an error that occurred when downloading < / source >
< translation > Mostra informações sobre o erro no download < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/AddModelView.qml" line = "502" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > & lt ; strong & gt ; & lt ; font size = & quot ; 1 & quot ; & gt ; & lt ; a href = & quot ; # error & quot ; & gt ; Error & lt ; / a & g t ; & l t ; / s t r o n g & g t ; & l t ; / f o n t & g t ; < / s o u r c e >
< translation > & lt ; strong & gt ; & lt ; font size = & quot ; 1 & quot ; & gt ; & lt ; a href = & quot ; # error & quot ; & gt ; Erro & lt ; / a & g t ; & l t ; / s t r o n g & g t ; & l t ; / f o n t & g t ; < / t r a n s l a t i o n >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/AddModelView.qml" line = "527" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Error for incompatible hardware < / source >
< translation > Aviso : Hardware não compatível < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/AddModelView.qml" line = "565" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Download progressBar < / source >
< translation > Progresso do download < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/AddModelView.qml" line = "566" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Shows the progress made in the download < / source >
< translation > Mostra o progresso do download < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/AddModelView.qml" line = "576" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Download speed < / source >
< translation > Velocidade de download < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/AddModelView.qml" line = "577" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Download speed in bytes / kilobytes / megabytes per second < / source >
< translation > Velocidade de download em bytes / kilobytes / megabytes por segundo < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/AddModelView.qml" line = "594" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Calculating . . . < / source >
< translation > Calculando . . . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/AddModelView.qml" line = "598" / >
< location filename = "../src/qml/AddModelView.qml" line = "628" / >
< location filename = "../src/qml/AddModelView.qml" line = "649" / >
< location filename = "../src/qml/AddModelView.qml" line = "670" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Whether the file hash is being calculated < / source >
< translation > Quando o hash do arquivo está sendo calculado < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/AddModelView.qml" line = "606" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Displayed when the file hash is being calculated < / source >
< translation > Exibido durante o cálculo do hash do arquivo < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/AddModelView.qml" line = "625" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > enter $API_KEY < / source >
< translation > inserir $API_KEY < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/AddModelView.qml" line = "689" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > File size < / source >
< translation > Tamanho do arquivo < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/AddModelView.qml" line = "711" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > RAM required < / source >
< translation > RAM necessária < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/AddModelView.qml" line = "733" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Parameters < / source >
< translation > Parâmetros < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/AddModelView.qml" line = "755" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Quant < / source >
< translation > Quant < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/AddModelView.qml" line = "777" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Type < / source >
< translation > Tipo < / translation >
< / message >
< / context >
< context >
< name > ApplicationSettings < / name >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/ApplicationSettings.qml" line = "16" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Application < / source >
< translation > Aplicativo < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/ApplicationSettings.qml" line = "25" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Network dialog < / source >
< translation > Mensagens de rede < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/ApplicationSettings.qml" line = "26" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > opt - in to share feedback / conversations < / source >
< translation > Compartilhar feedback e conversas < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/ApplicationSettings.qml" line = "48" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Error dialog < / source >
< translation > Mensagens de erro < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/ApplicationSettings.qml" line = "72" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Application Settings < / source >
< translation > Configurações < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/ApplicationSettings.qml" line = "85" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > General < / source >
< translation > Geral < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/ApplicationSettings.qml" line = "97" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Theme < / source >
< translation > Tema < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/ApplicationSettings.qml" line = "98" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > The application color scheme . < / source >
< translation > Esquema de cores . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/ApplicationSettings.qml" line = "113" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Dark < / source >
< translation > Modo Escuro < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/ApplicationSettings.qml" line = "112" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Light < / source >
< translation > Modo Claro < / translation >
< / message >
2024-09-19 14:35:53 -04:00
< message >
< location filename = "../src/qml/ApplicationSettings.qml" line = "39" / >
< source > ERROR : Update system could not find the MaintenanceTool used to check for updates ! & lt ; br / & gt ; & lt ; br / & gt ; Did you install this application using the online installer ? If so , the MaintenanceTool executable should be located one directory above where this application resides on your filesystem . & lt ; br / & gt ; & lt ; br / & gt ; If you can & apos ; t start it manually , then I & apos ; m afraid you & apos ; ll have to reinstall . < / source >
< translation > ERRO : O sistema de atualização não encontrou a Ferramenta de Manutenção necessária para verificar atualizações ! & lt ; br & gt ; & lt ; br & gt ; Você instalou este aplicativo usando o instalador online ? Se sim , o executável da Ferramenta de Manutenção deve estar localizado um diretório acima de onde este aplicativo está instalado . & lt ; br & gt ; & lt ; br & gt ; Se você não conseguir iniciá - lo manualmente , será necessário reinstalar o aplicativo . < / translation >
< / message >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/ApplicationSettings.qml" line = "114" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > LegacyDark < / source >
< translation > Modo escuro ( legado ) < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/ApplicationSettings.qml" line = "136" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Font Size < / source >
< translation > Tamanho da Fonte < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/ApplicationSettings.qml" line = "137" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > The size of text in the application . < / source >
< translation > Tamanho do texto . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/ApplicationSettings.qml" line = "151" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Small < / source >
2024-08-09 22:21:22 -04:00
< translation > Pequeno < / translation >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/ApplicationSettings.qml" line = "152" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Medium < / source >
< translation > Médio < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/ApplicationSettings.qml" line = "153" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Large < / source >
< translation > Grande < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/ApplicationSettings.qml" line = "176" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Language and Locale < / source >
< translation > Idioma e Região < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/ApplicationSettings.qml" line = "177" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > The language and locale you wish to use . < / source >
< translation > Selecione seu idioma e região . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/ApplicationSettings.qml" line = "196" / >
2024-07-25 15:47:20 -04:00
< source > System Locale < / source >
2024-08-09 11:50:45 -04:00
< translation > Local do Sistema < / translation >
2024-07-25 15:47:20 -04:00
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/ApplicationSettings.qml" line = "223" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Device < / source >
< translation > Processador < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/ApplicationSettings.qml" line = "224" / >
2024-07-25 15:47:20 -04:00
< source > The compute device used for text generation . < / source >
2024-08-09 22:21:22 -04:00
< translatorcomment > I chose to use & quot ; Processador & quot ; instead of & quot ; Dispositivo & quot ; ( Device ) or & quot ; Dispositivo de Computação & quot ; ( Compute Device ) to simplify the terminology and make it more straightforward and understandable . & quot ; Dispositivo & quot ; can be vague and could refer to various types of hardware , whereas & quot ; Processador & quot ; clearly and specifically indicates the component responsible for processing tasks . This improves usability by avoiding the ambiguity that might arise from using more generic terms like & quot ; Dispositivo . & quot ; < / translatorcomment >
2024-08-09 11:50:45 -04:00
< translation > Processador usado para gerar texto . < / translation >
2024-07-25 15:47:20 -04:00
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/ApplicationSettings.qml" line = "242" / >
< location filename = "../src/qml/ApplicationSettings.qml" line = "297" / >
2024-07-25 15:47:20 -04:00
< source > Application default < / source >
2024-08-09 11:50:45 -04:00
< translation > Aplicativo padrão < / translation >
2024-07-25 15:47:20 -04:00
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/ApplicationSettings.qml" line = "275" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Default Model < / source >
< translation > Modelo Padrão < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/ApplicationSettings.qml" line = "276" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > The preferred model for new chats . Also used as the local server fallback . < / source >
< translation > Modelo padrão para novos chats e em caso de falha do modelo principal . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/ApplicationSettings.qml" line = "339" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Suggestion Mode < / source >
< translation > Modo de sugestões < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/ApplicationSettings.qml" line = "340" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Generate suggested follow - up questions at the end of responses . < / source >
< translation > Sugerir perguntas após as respostas . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/ApplicationSettings.qml" line = "353" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > When chatting with LocalDocs < / source >
< translation > Ao conversar com o LocalDocs < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/ApplicationSettings.qml" line = "354" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Whenever possible < / source >
< translation > Sempre que possível < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/ApplicationSettings.qml" line = "355" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Never < / source >
< translation > Nunca < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/ApplicationSettings.qml" line = "368" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Download Path < / source >
< translation > Diretório de Download < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/ApplicationSettings.qml" line = "369" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Where to store local models and the LocalDocs database . < / source >
< translation > Pasta para modelos e banco de dados do LocalDocs . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/ApplicationSettings.qml" line = "398" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Browse < / source >
< translation > Procurar < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/ApplicationSettings.qml" line = "399" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Choose where to save model files < / source >
< translation > Local para armazenar os modelos < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/ApplicationSettings.qml" line = "410" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Enable Datalake < / source >
< translation > Habilitar Datalake < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/ApplicationSettings.qml" line = "411" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Send chats and feedback to the GPT4All Open - Source Datalake . < / source >
< translation > Contribua para o Datalake de código aberto do GPT4All . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/ApplicationSettings.qml" line = "444" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Advanced < / source >
< translation > Avançado < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/ApplicationSettings.qml" line = "456" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > CPU Threads < / source >
< translation > Threads de CPU < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/ApplicationSettings.qml" line = "457" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > The number of CPU threads used for inference and embedding . < / source >
< translation > Quantidade de núcleos ( threads ) do processador usados para processar e responder à s suas perguntas . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/ApplicationSettings.qml" line = "488" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Save Chat Context < / source >
2024-08-09 22:21:22 -04:00
< translatorcomment > I used & quot ; Histórico do Chat & quot ; ( Chat History ) instead of & quot ; Contexto do Chat & quot ; ( Chat Context ) to clearly convey that it refers to saving past messages , making it more intuitive and avoiding potential confusion with abstract terms . < / translatorcomment >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< translation > Salvar Histórico do Chat < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/ApplicationSettings.qml" line = "489" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Save the chat model & apos ; s state to disk for faster loading . WARNING : Uses ~ 2 GB per chat . < / source >
< translation > Salvar histórico do chat para carregamento mais rápido . ( Usa aprox . 2 GB por chat ) . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/ApplicationSettings.qml" line = "505" / >
2024-08-30 13:00:33 -04:00
< source > Enable Local API Server < / source >
2024-09-19 14:35:53 -04:00
< translation > Ativar servidor de API local < / translation >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/ApplicationSettings.qml" line = "506" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Expose an OpenAI - Compatible server to localhost . WARNING : Results in increased resource usage . < / source >
< translation > Ativar servidor local compatível com OpenAI ( uso de recursos elevado ) . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/ApplicationSettings.qml" line = "522" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > API Server Port < / source >
< translation > Porta da API < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/ApplicationSettings.qml" line = "523" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > The port to use for the local server . Requires restart . < / source >
< translation > Porta de acesso ao servidor local . ( requer reinicialização ) . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/ApplicationSettings.qml" line = "575" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Check For Updates < / source >
< translation > Procurar por Atualizações < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/ApplicationSettings.qml" line = "576" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Manually check for an update to GPT4All . < / source >
< translation > Verifica se há novas atualizações para o GPT4All . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/ApplicationSettings.qml" line = "585" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Updates < / source >
< translation > Atualizações < / translation >
< / message >
< / context >
< context >
< name > Chat < / name >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/chat.cpp" line = "25" / >
< location filename = "../src/chat.h" line = "72" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > New Chat < / source >
< translation > Novo Chat < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/chat.cpp" line = "38" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Server Chat < / source >
< translation > Chat com o Servidor < / translation >
< / message >
< / context >
2024-07-25 15:47:20 -04:00
< context >
< name > ChatAPIWorker < / name >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/chatapi.cpp" line = "230" / >
2024-07-25 15:47:20 -04:00
< source > ERROR : Network error occurred while connecting to the API server < / source >
2024-08-09 11:50:45 -04:00
< translation > ERRO : Ocorreu um erro de rede ao conectar - se ao servidor da API < / translation >
2024-07-25 15:47:20 -04:00
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/chatapi.cpp" line = "243" / >
2024-07-25 15:47:20 -04:00
< source > ChatAPIWorker : : handleFinished got HTTP Error % 1 % 2 < / source >
2024-08-09 11:50:45 -04:00
< translation > ChatAPIWorker : : handleFinished recebeu erro HTTP % 1 % 2 < / translation >
2024-07-25 15:47:20 -04:00
< / message >
< / context >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< context >
< name > ChatDrawer < / name >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/ChatDrawer.qml" line = "37" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Drawer < / source >
< translation > Menu Lateral < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/ChatDrawer.qml" line = "38" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Main navigation drawer < / source >
< translation > Menu de navegação principal < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/ChatDrawer.qml" line = "49" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > + New Chat < / source >
< translation > + Novo Chat < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/ChatDrawer.qml" line = "50" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Create a new chat < / source >
< translation > Criar um novo chat < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/ChatDrawer.qml" line = "199" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Select the current chat or edit the chat when in edit mode < / source >
< translation > Selecione o chat atual ou edite o chat quando estiver no modo de edição < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/ChatDrawer.qml" line = "216" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Edit chat name < / source >
< translation > Editar nome do chat < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/ChatDrawer.qml" line = "229" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Save chat name < / source >
< translation > Salvar nome do chat < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/ChatDrawer.qml" line = "246" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Delete chat < / source >
< translation > Excluir chat < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/ChatDrawer.qml" line = "283" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Confirm chat deletion < / source >
< translation > Confirmar exclusão do chat < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/ChatDrawer.qml" line = "305" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Cancel chat deletion < / source >
< translation > Cancelar exclusão do chat < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/ChatDrawer.qml" line = "317" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > List of chats < / source >
< translation > Lista de chats < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/ChatDrawer.qml" line = "318" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > List of chats in the drawer dialog < / source >
< translation > Lista de chats na caixa de diálogo do menu lateral < / translation >
< / message >
< / context >
< context >
< name > ChatListModel < / name >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/chatlistmodel.h" line = "86" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > TODAY < / source >
< translation > HOJE < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/chatlistmodel.h" line = "88" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > THIS WEEK < / source >
< translation > ESTA SEMANA < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/chatlistmodel.h" line = "90" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > THIS MONTH < / source >
< translation > ESTE MÊS < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/chatlistmodel.h" line = "92" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > LAST SIX MONTHS < / source >
< translation > Ú LTIMOS SEIS MESES < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/chatlistmodel.h" line = "94" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > THIS YEAR < / source >
< translation > ESTE ANO < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/chatlistmodel.h" line = "96" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > LAST YEAR < / source >
< translation > ANO PASSADO < / translation >
< / message >
< / context >
< context >
< name > ChatView < / name >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/ChatView.qml" line = "77" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > & lt ; h3 & gt ; Warning & lt ; / h 3 & g t ; & l t ; p & g t ; % 1 & l t ; / p & g t ; < / s o u r c e >
< translation > & lt ; h3 & gt ; Aviso & lt ; / h 3 & g t ; & l t ; p & g t ; % 1 & l t ; / p & g t ; < / t r a n s l a t i o n >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/ChatView.qml" line = "86" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Switch model dialog < / source >
< translation > Mensagem ao troca de modelo < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/ChatView.qml" line = "87" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Warn the user if they switch models , then context will be erased < / source >
< translation > Ao trocar de modelo , o contexto da conversa será apagado < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/ChatView.qml" line = "94" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Conversation copied to clipboard . < / source >
< translation > Conversa copiada . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/ChatView.qml" line = "101" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Code copied to clipboard . < / source >
< translation > Código copiado . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/ChatView.qml" line = "231" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Chat panel < / source >
< translation > Painel de chat < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/ChatView.qml" line = "232" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Chat panel with options < / source >
< translation > Painel de chat com opções < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/ChatView.qml" line = "339" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Reload the currently loaded model < / source >
< translation > Recarregar modelo atual < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/ChatView.qml" line = "353" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Eject the currently loaded model < / source >
< translation > Ejetar o modelo carregado atualmente < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/ChatView.qml" line = "365" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > No model installed . < / source >
< translation > Nenhum modelo instalado . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/ChatView.qml" line = "367" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Model loading error . < / source >
< translation > Erro ao carregar o modelo . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/ChatView.qml" line = "369" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Waiting for model . . . < / source >
< translation > Aguardando modelo . . . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/ChatView.qml" line = "371" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Switching context . . . < / source >
< translation > Mudando de contexto . . . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/ChatView.qml" line = "373" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Choose a model . . . < / source >
< translation > Escolha um modelo . . . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/ChatView.qml" line = "375" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Not found : % 1 < / source >
< translation > Não encontrado : % 1 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/ChatView.qml" line = "463" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > The top item is the current model < / source >
< translation > O modelo atual é exibido no topo < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/ChatView.qml" line = "549" / >
< location filename = "../src/qml/ChatView.qml" line = "1313" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > LocalDocs < / source >
< translation > LocalDocs < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/ChatView.qml" line = "567" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Add documents < / source >
< translation > Adicionar documentos < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/ChatView.qml" line = "568" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > add collections of documents to the chat < / source >
< translation > Adicionar Coleção de Documentos < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/ChatView.qml" line = "738" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Load the default model < / source >
< translation > Carregar o modelo padrão < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/ChatView.qml" line = "739" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Loads the default model which can be changed in settings < / source >
< translation > Carrega o modelo padrão ( personalizável nas configurações ) < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/ChatView.qml" line = "750" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > No Model Installed < / source >
< translation > Nenhum Modelo Instalado < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/ChatView.qml" line = "759" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > GPT4All requires that you install at least one
model to get started < / source >
< translation > O GPT4All precisa de pelo menos um modelo
modelo instalado para funcionar < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/ChatView.qml" line = "771" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Install a Model < / source >
< translation > Instalar um Modelo < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/ChatView.qml" line = "776" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Shows the add model view < / source >
< translation > Mostra a visualização para adicionar modelo < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/ChatView.qml" line = "801" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Conversation with the model < / source >
< translation > Conversa com o modelo < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/ChatView.qml" line = "802" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > prompt / response pairs from the conversation < / source >
< translation > Pares de pergunta / resposta da conversa < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/ChatView.qml" line = "854" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > GPT4All < / source >
< translation > GPT4All < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/ChatView.qml" line = "854" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > You < / source >
< translation > Você < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/ChatView.qml" line = "878" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > response stopped . . . < / source >
< translation > resposta interrompida . . . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/ChatView.qml" line = "881" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > processing . . . < / source >
< translation > processando . . . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/ChatView.qml" line = "882" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > generating response . . . < / source >
< translation > gerando resposta . . . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/ChatView.qml" line = "883" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > generating questions . . . < / source >
< translation > gerando perguntas . . . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/ChatView.qml" line = "949" / >
< location filename = "../src/qml/ChatView.qml" line = "1905" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Copy < / source >
< translation > Copiar < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/ChatView.qml" line = "955" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Copy Message < / source >
< translation > Copiar Mensagem < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/ChatView.qml" line = "965" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Disable markdown < / source >
< translation > Desativar markdown < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/ChatView.qml" line = "965" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Enable markdown < / source >
< translation > Ativar markdown < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/ChatView.qml" line = "1055" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Thumbs up < / source >
< translation > Resposta boa < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/ChatView.qml" line = "1056" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Gives a thumbs up to the response < / source >
< translation > Curte a resposta < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/ChatView.qml" line = "1089" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Thumbs down < / source >
< translation > Resposta ruim < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/ChatView.qml" line = "1090" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Opens thumbs down dialog < / source >
< translation > Abrir diálogo de joinha para baixo < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/ChatView.qml" line = "1389" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Suggested follow - ups < / source >
< translation > Perguntas relacionadas < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/ChatView.qml" line = "1665" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Erase and reset chat session < / source >
< translation > Apagar e redefinir sessão de chat < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/ChatView.qml" line = "1686" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Copy chat session to clipboard < / source >
< translation > Copiar histórico da conversa < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/ChatView.qml" line = "1712" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Redo last chat response < / source >
< translation > Refazer ú ltima resposta < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/ChatView.qml" line = "1961" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Stop generating < / source >
< translation > Parar de gerar < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/ChatView.qml" line = "1962" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Stop the current response generation < / source >
< translation > Parar a geração da resposta atual < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/ChatView.qml" line = "1777" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Reloads the model < / source >
< translation > Recarrega modelo < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/ChatView.qml" line = "58" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > & lt ; h3 & gt ; Encountered an error loading model : & lt ; /h3><br><i>"%1"</i & gt ; & lt ; br & gt ; & lt ; br & gt ; Model loading failures can happen for a variety of reasons , but the most common causes include a bad file format , an incomplete or corrupted download , the wrong file type , not enough system RAM or an incompatible model type . Here are some suggestions for resolving the problem : & lt ; br & gt ; & lt ; ul & gt ; & lt ; li & gt ; Ensure the model file has a compatible format and type & lt ; li & gt ; Check the model file is complete in the download folder & lt ; li & gt ; You can find the download folder in the settings dialog & lt ; li & gt ; If you & apos ; ve sideloaded the model ensure the file is not corrupt by checking md5sum & lt ; li & gt ; Read more about what models are supported in our & lt ; a href = & quot ; https : //docs.gpt4all.io/">documentation</a> for the gui<li>Check out our <a href="https://discord.gg/4M2QFmTt2k">discord channel</a> for help</source>
< translation > & lt ; h3 & gt ; Ocorreu um erro ao carregar o modelo : & lt ; /h3><br><i>"%1"</i & gt ; & lt ; br & gt ; & lt ; br & gt ; Falhas no carregamento do modelo podem acontecer por vários motivos , mas as causas mais comuns incluem um formato de arquivo incorreto , um download incompleto ou corrompido , o tipo de arquivo errado , memória RAM do sistema insuficiente ou um tipo de modelo incompatível . Aqui estão algumas sugestões para resolver o problema : & lt ; br & gt ; & lt ; ul & gt ; & lt ; li & gt ; Certifique - se de que o arquivo do modelo tenha um formato e tipo compatíveis & lt ; li & gt ; Verifique se o arquivo do modelo está completo na pasta de download & lt ; li & gt ; Você pode encontrar a pasta de download na caixa de diálogo de configurações & lt ; li & gt ; Se você carregou o modelo , certifique - se de que o arquivo não esteja corrompido verificando o md5sum & lt ; li & gt ; Leia mais sobre quais modelos são suportados em nossa & lt ; a href = & quot ; https : //docs.gpt4all.io/">documentação</a> para a interface gráfica<li>Confira nosso <a href="https://discord.gg/4M2QFmTt2k">canal do Discord</a> para obter ajuda</translation>
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/ChatView.qml" line = "377" / >
< location filename = "../src/qml/ChatView.qml" line = "1775" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Reload · % 1 < / source >
< translation > Recarregar · % 1 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/ChatView.qml" line = "379" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Loading · % 1 < / source >
< translation > Carregando · % 1 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/ChatView.qml" line = "714" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Load · % 1 ( default ) → < / source >
< translation > Carregar · % 1 ( padrão ) → < / translation >
< / message >
2024-08-08 17:03:07 -04:00
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/ChatView.qml" line = "876" / >
2024-08-08 17:03:07 -04:00
< source > restoring from text . . . < / source >
2024-08-09 11:50:45 -04:00
< translation > Recuperando do texto . . . < / translation >
2024-08-08 17:03:07 -04:00
< / message >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/ChatView.qml" line = "879" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > retrieving localdocs : % 1 . . . < / source >
< translation > Recuperando dados em LocalDocs : % 1 . . . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/ChatView.qml" line = "880" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > searching localdocs : % 1 . . . < / source >
< translation > Buscando em LocalDocs : % 1 . . . < / translation >
< / message >
2024-08-19 12:01:18 -04:00
< message numerus = "yes" >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/ChatView.qml" line = "1145" / >
2024-08-19 12:01:18 -04:00
< source > % n Source ( s ) < / source >
< translation >
< numerusform > % n Origem < / numerusform >
< numerusform > % n Origens < / numerusform >
< / translation >
< / message >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/ChatView.qml" line = "1851" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Send a message . . . < / source >
< translation > Enviar uma mensagem . . . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/ChatView.qml" line = "1851" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Load a model to continue . . . < / source >
< translation > Carregue um modelo para continuar . . . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/ChatView.qml" line = "1854" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Send messages / prompts to the model < / source >
< translation > Enviar mensagens / prompts para o modelo < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/ChatView.qml" line = "1899" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Cut < / source >
< translation > Recortar < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/ChatView.qml" line = "1911" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Paste < / source >
< translation > Colar < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/ChatView.qml" line = "1915" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Select All < / source >
< translation > Selecionar tudo < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/ChatView.qml" line = "1985" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Send message < / source >
< translation > Enviar mensagem < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/ChatView.qml" line = "1986" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Sends the message / prompt contained in textfield to the model < / source >
< translation > Envia a mensagem / prompt contida no campo de texto para o modelo < / translation >
< / message >
< / context >
< context >
< name > CollectionsDrawer < / name >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/CollectionsDrawer.qml" line = "70" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Warning : searching collections while indexing can return incomplete results < / source >
< translation > Aviso : pesquisar coleções durante a indexação pode retornar resultados incompletos < / translation >
< / message >
< message numerus = "yes" >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/CollectionsDrawer.qml" line = "87" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > % n file ( s ) < / source >
< translation >
< numerusform > % n arquivo ( s ) < / numerusform >
< numerusform > % n arquivo ( s ) < / numerusform >
< / translation >
< / message >
< message numerus = "yes" >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/CollectionsDrawer.qml" line = "87" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > % n word ( s ) < / source >
< translation >
< numerusform > % n palavra ( s ) < / numerusform >
< numerusform > % n palavra ( s ) < / numerusform >
< / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/CollectionsDrawer.qml" line = "103" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Updating < / source >
< translation > Atualizando < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/CollectionsDrawer.qml" line = "128" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > + Add Docs < / source >
< translation > + Adicionar Documentos < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/CollectionsDrawer.qml" line = "137" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Select a collection to make it available to the chat model . < / source >
< translation > Selecione uma coleção para disponibilizá - la ao modelo de chat . < / translation >
< / message >
< / context >
2024-07-25 15:47:20 -04:00
< context >
< name > Download < / name >
< message >
2024-09-19 14:35:53 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/download.cpp" line = "278" / >
2024-07-25 15:47:20 -04:00
< source > Model & quot ; % 1 & quot ; is installed successfully . < / source >
2024-08-09 11:50:45 -04:00
< translation > Modelo & quot ; % 1 & quot ; instalado com sucesso . < / translation >
2024-07-25 15:47:20 -04:00
< / message >
< message >
2024-09-19 14:35:53 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/download.cpp" line = "288" / >
2024-07-25 15:47:20 -04:00
< source > ERROR : $MODEL_NAME is empty . < / source >
2024-08-09 11:50:45 -04:00
< translation > ERRO : O nome do modelo ( $MODEL_NAME ) está vazio . < / translation >
2024-07-25 15:47:20 -04:00
< / message >
< message >
2024-09-19 14:35:53 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/download.cpp" line = "294" / >
2024-07-25 15:47:20 -04:00
< source > ERROR : $API_KEY is empty . < / source >
2024-08-09 11:50:45 -04:00
< translation > ERRO : A chave da API ( $API_KEY ) está vazia . < / translation >
2024-07-25 15:47:20 -04:00
< / message >
< message >
2024-09-19 14:35:53 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/download.cpp" line = "300" / >
2024-07-25 15:47:20 -04:00
< source > ERROR : $BASE_URL is invalid . < / source >
2024-08-09 11:50:45 -04:00
< translation > ERRO : A URL base ( $BASE_URL ) é inválida . < / translation >
2024-07-25 15:47:20 -04:00
< / message >
< message >
2024-09-19 14:35:53 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/download.cpp" line = "306" / >
2024-07-25 15:47:20 -04:00
< source > ERROR : Model & quot ; % 1 ( % 2 ) & quot ; is conflict . < / source >
2024-08-09 11:50:45 -04:00
< translation > ERRO : Conflito com o modelo & quot ; % 1 ( % 2 ) & quot ; . < / translation >
2024-07-25 15:47:20 -04:00
< / message >
< message >
2024-09-19 14:35:53 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/download.cpp" line = "325" / >
2024-07-25 15:47:20 -04:00
< source > Model & quot ; % 1 ( % 2 ) & quot ; is installed successfully . < / source >
2024-08-09 11:50:45 -04:00
< translation > Modelo & quot ; % 1 ( % 2 ) & quot ; instalado com sucesso . < / translation >
2024-07-25 15:47:20 -04:00
< / message >
< message >
2024-09-19 14:35:53 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/download.cpp" line = "349" / >
2024-07-25 15:47:20 -04:00
< source > Model & quot ; % 1 & quot ; is removed . < / source >
2024-08-09 11:50:45 -04:00
< translation > Modelo & quot ; % 1 & quot ; removido . < / translation >
2024-07-25 15:47:20 -04:00
< / message >
< / context >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< context >
< name > HomeView < / name >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/HomeView.qml" line = "49" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Welcome to GPT4All < / source >
< translation > Bem - vindo ao GPT4All < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/HomeView.qml" line = "56" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > The privacy - first LLM chat application < / source >
< translation > O aplicativo de chat LLM que prioriza a privacidade < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/HomeView.qml" line = "66" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Start chatting < / source >
< translation > Iniciar chat < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/HomeView.qml" line = "81" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Start Chatting < / source >
< translation > Iniciar Chat < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/HomeView.qml" line = "82" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Chat with any LLM < / source >
< translation > Converse com qualquer LLM < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/HomeView.qml" line = "92" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > LocalDocs < / source >
< translation > LocalDocs < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/HomeView.qml" line = "93" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Chat with your local files < / source >
< translation > Converse com seus arquivos locais < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/HomeView.qml" line = "103" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Find Models < / source >
< translation > Encontrar Modelos < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/HomeView.qml" line = "104" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Explore and download models < / source >
< translation > Descubra e baixe modelos < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/HomeView.qml" line = "190" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Latest news < / source >
< translation > Ú ltimas novidades < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/HomeView.qml" line = "191" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Latest news from GPT4All < / source >
< translation > Ú ltimas novidades do GPT4All < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/HomeView.qml" line = "222" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Release Notes < / source >
< translation > Notas de versão < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/HomeView.qml" line = "228" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Documentation < / source >
< translation > Documentação < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/HomeView.qml" line = "234" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Discord < / source >
< translation > Discord < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/HomeView.qml" line = "240" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > X ( Twitter ) < / source >
< translation > X ( Twitter ) < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/HomeView.qml" line = "246" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Github < / source >
< translation > Github < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/HomeView.qml" line = "257" / >
2024-08-26 18:41:15 -04:00
< source > nomic . ai < / source >
< translation > nomic . ai < / translation >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/HomeView.qml" line = "282" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Subscribe to Newsletter < / source >
< translation > Assine nossa Newsletter < / translation >
< / message >
< / context >
< context >
< name > LocalDocsSettings < / name >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/LocalDocsSettings.qml" line = "19" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > LocalDocs < / source >
< translation > LocalDocs < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/LocalDocsSettings.qml" line = "29" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > LocalDocs Settings < / source >
< translation > Configurações do LocalDocs < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/LocalDocsSettings.qml" line = "38" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Indexing < / source >
< translation > Indexação < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/LocalDocsSettings.qml" line = "51" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Allowed File Extensions < / source >
< translation > Extensões de Arquivo Permitidas < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/LocalDocsSettings.qml" line = "52" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Comma - separated list . LocalDocs will only attempt to process files with these extensions . < / source >
< translation > Lista separada por vírgulas . O LocalDocs tentará processar apenas arquivos com essas extensões . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/LocalDocsSettings.qml" line = "100" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Embedding < / source >
< translation > Incorporação < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/LocalDocsSettings.qml" line = "112" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Use Nomic Embed API < / source >
< translation > Usar a API Nomic Embed < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/LocalDocsSettings.qml" line = "113" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Embed documents using the fast Nomic API instead of a private local model . Requires restart . < / source >
< translation > Incorporar documentos usando a API Nomic rápida em vez de um modelo local privado . Requer reinicialização . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/LocalDocsSettings.qml" line = "130" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Nomic API Key < / source >
< translation > Chave da API Nomic < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/LocalDocsSettings.qml" line = "131" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > API key to use for Nomic Embed . Get one from the Atlas & lt ; a href = & quot ; https : //atlas.nomic.ai/cli-login">API keys page</a>. Requires restart.</source>
< translation > Chave da API a ser usada para Nomic Embed . Obtenha uma na página de & lt ; a href = & quot ; https : //atlas.nomic.ai/cli-login">chaves de API do Atlas</a>. Requer reinicialização.</translation>
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/LocalDocsSettings.qml" line = "165" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Embeddings Device < / source >
< translation > Processamento de Incorporações < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/LocalDocsSettings.qml" line = "166" / >
2024-08-14 16:28:17 -04:00
< source > The compute device used for embeddings . Requires restart . < / source >
< translation > Dispositivo usado para processar as incorporações . Requer reinicialização . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/LocalDocsSettings.qml" line = "176" / >
2024-08-14 16:28:17 -04:00
< source > Application default < / source >
< translation > Aplicativo padrão < / translation >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/LocalDocsSettings.qml" line = "210" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Display < / source >
< translation > Exibir < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/LocalDocsSettings.qml" line = "223" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Show Sources < / source >
< translation > Mostrar Fontes < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/LocalDocsSettings.qml" line = "224" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Display the sources used for each response . < / source >
< translation > Mostra as fontes usadas para cada resposta . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/LocalDocsSettings.qml" line = "241" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Advanced < / source >
< translation > Apenas para usuários avançados < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/LocalDocsSettings.qml" line = "257" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Warning : Advanced usage only . < / source >
< translation > Atenção : Apenas para usuários avançados . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/LocalDocsSettings.qml" line = "258" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Values too large may cause localdocs failure , extremely slow responses or failure to respond at all . Roughly speaking , the { N chars x N snippets } are added to the model & apos ; s context window . More info & lt ; a href = & quot ; https : //docs.gpt4all.io/gpt4all_desktop/localdocs.html">here</a>.</source>
2024-08-09 22:21:22 -04:00
< translation > Valores muito altos podem causar falhas no LocalDocs , respostas extremamente lentas ou até mesmo nenhuma resposta . De forma geral , o valor { Número de Caracteres x Número de Trechos } é adicionado à janela de contexto do modelo . Clique & lt ; a href = & quot ; https : //docs.gpt4all.io/gpt4all_desktop/localdocs.html">aqui</a> para mais informações.</translation>
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/LocalDocsSettings.qml" line = "266" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Document snippet size ( characters ) < / source >
2024-08-09 22:21:22 -04:00
< translatorcomment > I translated & quot ; snippet & quot ; as & quot ; trecho & quot ; to make the term feel more natural and understandable in Portuguese . & quot ; Trecho & quot ; effectively conveys the idea of a portion or section of a document , fitting well within the context , whereas a more literal translation might sound less intuitive or awkward for users . < / translatorcomment >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< translation > Tamanho do trecho de documento ( caracteres ) < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/LocalDocsSettings.qml" line = "267" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Number of characters per document snippet . Larger numbers increase likelihood of factual responses , but also result in slower generation . < / source >
< translation > Número de caracteres por trecho de documento . Valores maiores aumentam a chance de respostas factuais , mas também tornam a geração mais lenta . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/LocalDocsSettings.qml" line = "292" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Max document snippets per prompt < / source >
< translation > Máximo de Trechos de Documento por Prompt < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/LocalDocsSettings.qml" line = "293" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Max best N matches of retrieved document snippets to add to the context for prompt . Larger numbers increase likelihood of factual responses , but also result in slower generation . < / source >
< translation > Número máximo de trechos de documentos a serem adicionados ao contexto do prompt . Valores maiores aumentam a chance de respostas factuais , mas também tornam a geração mais lenta . < / translation >
< / message >
< / context >
< context >
< name > LocalDocsView < / name >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/LocalDocsView.qml" line = "52" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > LocalDocs < / source >
< translation > LocalDocs < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/LocalDocsView.qml" line = "58" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Chat with your local files < / source >
< translation > Converse com seus arquivos locais < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/LocalDocsView.qml" line = "71" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > + Add Collection < / source >
< translation > + Adicionar Coleção < / translation >
< / message >
2024-07-25 15:47:20 -04:00
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/LocalDocsView.qml" line = "85" / >
2024-07-25 15:47:20 -04:00
< source > & lt ; h3 & gt ; ERROR : The LocalDocs database cannot be accessed or is not valid . & lt ; /h3><br><i>Note: You will need to restart after trying any of the following suggested fixes.</i & gt ; & lt ; br & gt ; & lt ; ul & gt ; & lt ; li & gt ; Make sure that the folder set as & lt ; b & gt ; Download Path & lt ; / b & g t ; e x i s t s o n t h e f i l e s y s t e m . & l t ; / l i & g t ; & l t ; l i & g t ; C h e c k o w n e r s h i p a s w e l l a s r e a d a n d w r i t e p e r m i s s i o n s o f t h e & l t ; b & g t ; D o w n l o a d P a t h & l t ; / b & g t ; . & l t ; / l i & g t ; & l t ; l i & g t ; I f t h e r e i s a & l t ; b & g t ; l o c a l d o c s _ v 2 . d b & l t ; / b & g t ; f i l e , c h e c k i t s o w n e r s h i p a n d r e a d / w r i t e p e r m i s s i o n s , t o o . & l t ; / l i & g t ; & l t ; / u l & g t ; & l t ; b r & g t ; I f t h e p r o b l e m p e r s i s t s a n d t h e r e a r e a n y & a p o s ; l o c a l d o c s _ v * . d b & a p o s ; f i l e s p r e s e n t , a s a l a s t r e s o r t y o u c a n & l t ; b r & g t ; t r y b a c k i n g t h e m u p a n d r e m o v i n g t h e m . Y o u w i l l h a v e t o r e c r e a t e y o u r c o l l e c t i o n s , h o w e v e r . < / s o u r c e >
2024-08-09 22:21:22 -04:00
< translation > & lt ; h3 & gt ; ERRO : Não foi possível acessar o banco de dados do LocalDocs ou ele não é válido . & lt ; /h3><br><i>Observação: Será necessário reiniciar o aplicativo após tentar qualquer uma das seguintes correções sugeridas.</i & gt ; & lt ; br & gt ; & lt ; ul & gt ; & lt ; li & gt ; Certifique - se de que a pasta definida como & lt ; b & gt ; Caminho de Download & lt ; / b & g t ; e x i s t e n o s i s t e m a d e a r q u i v o s . & l t ; / l i & g t ; & l t ; l i & g t ; V e r i f i q u e a p r o p r i e d a d e , b e m c o m o a s p e r m i s s õ e s d e l e i t u r a e g r a v a ç ã o d o & l t ; b & g t ; C a m i n h o d e D o w n l o a d & l t ; / b & g t ; . & l t ; / l i & g t ; & l t ; l i & g t ; S e h o u v e r u m a r q u i v o & l t ; b & g t ; l o c a l d o c s _ v 2 . d b & l t ; / b & g t ; , v e r i f i q u e t a m b é m s u a p r o p r i e d a d e e p e r m i s s õ e s d e l e i t u r a / g r a v a ç ã o . & l t ; / l i & g t ; & l t ; / u l & g t ; & l t ; b r & g t ; S e o p r o b l e m a p e r s i s t i r e h o u v e r a l g u m a r q u i v o & a p o s ; l o c a l d o c s _ v * . d b & a p o s ; p r e s e n t e , c o m o ú l t i m o r e c u r s o , v o c ê p o d e & l t ; b r & g t ; t e n t a r f a z e r b a c k u p d e l e s e r e m o v ê - l o s . N o e n t a n t o , v o c ê t e r á q u e r e c r i a r s u a s c o l e ç õ e s . < / t r a n s l a t i o n >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/LocalDocsView.qml" line = "109" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > No Collections Installed < / source >
< translation > Nenhuma Coleção Instalada < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/LocalDocsView.qml" line = "118" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Install a collection of local documents to get started using this feature < / source >
< translation > Instale uma coleção de documentos locais para começar a usar este recurso < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/LocalDocsView.qml" line = "129" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > + Add Doc Collection < / source >
< translation > + Adicionar Coleção de Documentos < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/LocalDocsView.qml" line = "134" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Shows the add model view < / source >
< translation > Mostra a visualização para adicionar modelo < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/LocalDocsView.qml" line = "231" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Indexing progressBar < / source >
< translation > Barra de progresso de indexação < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/LocalDocsView.qml" line = "232" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Shows the progress made in the indexing < / source >
< translation > Mostra o progresso da indexação < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/LocalDocsView.qml" line = "257" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > ERROR < / source >
< translation > ERRO < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/LocalDocsView.qml" line = "261" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > INDEXING < / source >
< translation > INDEXANDO < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/LocalDocsView.qml" line = "265" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > EMBEDDING < / source >
< translation > INCORPORANDO < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/LocalDocsView.qml" line = "268" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > REQUIRES UPDATE < / source >
< translation > REQUER ATUALIZAÇÃO < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/LocalDocsView.qml" line = "271" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > READY < / source >
< translation > PRONTO < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/LocalDocsView.qml" line = "273" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > INSTALLING < / source >
< translation > INSTALANDO < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/LocalDocsView.qml" line = "300" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Indexing in progress < / source >
< translation > Indexação em andamento < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/LocalDocsView.qml" line = "303" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Embedding in progress < / source >
< translation > Incorporação em andamento < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/LocalDocsView.qml" line = "306" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > This collection requires an update after version change < / source >
2024-08-09 22:21:22 -04:00
< translation > Esta coleção precisa ser atualizada após a mudança de versão < / translation >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/LocalDocsView.qml" line = "309" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Automatically reindexes upon changes to the folder < / source >
< translation > Reindexa automaticamente após alterações na pasta < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/LocalDocsView.qml" line = "311" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Installation in progress < / source >
< translation > Instalação em andamento < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/LocalDocsView.qml" line = "325" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > % < / source >
< translation > % < / translation >
< / message >
< message numerus = "yes" >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/LocalDocsView.qml" line = "337" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > % n file ( s ) < / source >
< translation >
< numerusform > % n arquivo ( s ) < / numerusform >
< numerusform > % n arquivo ( s ) < / numerusform >
< / translation >
< / message >
< message numerus = "yes" >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/LocalDocsView.qml" line = "337" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > % n word ( s ) < / source >
< translation >
< numerusform > % n palavra ( s ) < / numerusform >
< numerusform > % n palavra ( s ) < / numerusform >
< / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/LocalDocsView.qml" line = "408" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Remove < / source >
< translation > Remover < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/LocalDocsView.qml" line = "420" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Rebuild < / source >
< translation > Reconstruir < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/LocalDocsView.qml" line = "423" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Reindex this folder from scratch . This is slow and usually not needed . < / source >
2024-08-09 22:21:22 -04:00
< translation > eindexar pasta do zero . Lento e geralmente desnecessário . < / translation >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/LocalDocsView.qml" line = "430" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Update < / source >
< translation > Atualizar < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/LocalDocsView.qml" line = "433" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Update the collection to the new version . This is a slow operation . < / source >
2024-08-09 22:21:22 -04:00
< translation > Atualizar coleção para nova versão . Pode demorar . < / translation >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< / message >
< / context >
< context >
< name > ModelList < / name >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/modellist.cpp" line = "1566" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > & lt ; ul & gt ; & lt ; li & gt ; Requires personal OpenAI API key . & lt ; / l i & g t ; & l t ; l i & g t ; W A R N I N G : W i l l s e n d y o u r c h a t s t o O p e n A I ! & l t ; / l i & g t ; & l t ; l i & g t ; Y o u r A P I k e y w i l l b e s t o r e d o n d i s k & l t ; / l i & g t ; & l t ; l i & g t ; W i l l o n l y b e u s e d t o c o m m u n i c a t e w i t h O p e n A I & l t ; / l i & g t ; & l t ; l i & g t ; Y o u c a n a p p l y f o r a n A P I k e y & l t ; a h r e f = & q u o t ; h t t p s : / / p l a t f o r m . o p e n a i . c o m / a c c o u n t / a p i - k e y s & q u o t ; & g t ; h e r e . & l t ; / a & g t ; & l t ; / l i & g t ; < / s o u r c e >
< translation > & lt ; ul & gt ; & lt ; li & gt ; É necessária uma chave de API da OpenAI . & lt ; / l i & g t ; & l t ; l i & g t ; A V I S O : S e u s c h a t s s e r ã o e n v i a d o s p a r a a O p e n A I ! & l t ; / l i & g t ; & l t ; l i & g t ; S u a c h a v e d e A P I s e r á a r m a z e n a d a l o c a l m e n t e & l t ; / l i & g t ; & l t ; l i & g t ; E l a s e r á u s a d a a p e n a s p a r a c o m u n i c a ç ã o c o m a O p e n A I & l t ; / l i & g t ; & l t ; l i & g t ; V o c ê p o d e s o l i c i t a r u m a c h a v e d e A P I & l t ; a h r e f = & q u o t ; h t t p s : / / p l a t f o r m . o p e n a i . c o m / a c c o u n t / a p i - k e y s & q u o t ; & g t ; a q u i . & l t ; / a & g t ; & l t ; / l i & g t ; < / t r a n s l a t i o n >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/modellist.cpp" line = "1585" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > & lt ; strong & gt ; OpenAI & apos ; s ChatGPT model GPT - 3.5 Turbo & lt ; / s t r o n g & g t ; & l t ; b r & g t ; % 1 < / s o u r c e >
< translation > & lt ; strong & gt ; Modelo ChatGPT GPT - 3.5 Turbo da OpenAI & lt ; / s t r o n g & g t ; & l t ; b r & g t ; % 1 < / t r a n s l a t i o n >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/modellist.cpp" line = "1613" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > & lt ; strong & gt ; OpenAI & apos ; s ChatGPT model GPT - 4 & lt ; / s t r o n g & g t ; & l t ; b r & g t ; % 1 % 2 < / s o u r c e >
< translation > & lt ; strong & gt ; Modelo ChatGPT GPT - 4 da OpenAI & lt ; / s t r o n g & g t ; & l t ; b r & g t ; % 1 % 2 < / t r a n s l a t i o n >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/modellist.cpp" line = "1644" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > & lt ; strong & gt ; Mistral Tiny model & lt ; / s t r o n g & g t ; & l t ; b r & g t ; % 1 < / s o u r c e >
< translation > & lt ; strong & gt ; Modelo Mistral Tiny & lt ; / s t r o n g & g t ; & l t ; b r & g t ; % 1 < / t r a n s l a t i o n >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/modellist.cpp" line = "1669" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > & lt ; strong & gt ; Mistral Small model & lt ; / s t r o n g & g t ; & l t ; b r & g t ; % 1 < / s o u r c e >
< translation > & lt ; strong & gt ; Modelo Mistral Small & lt ; / s t r o n g & g t ; & l t ; b r & g t ; % 1 < / t r a n s l a t i o n >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/modellist.cpp" line = "1695" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > & lt ; strong & gt ; Mistral Medium model & lt ; / s t r o n g & g t ; & l t ; b r & g t ; % 1 < / s o u r c e >
< translation > & lt ; strong & gt ; Modelo Mistral Medium & lt ; / s t r o n g & g t ; & l t ; b r & g t ; % 1 < / t r a n s l a t i o n >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/modellist.cpp" line = "1598" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > & lt ; br & gt ; & lt ; br & gt ; & lt ; i & gt ; * Even if you pay OpenAI for ChatGPT - 4 this does not guarantee API key access . Contact OpenAI for more info . < / source >
< translation > & lt ; br & gt ; & lt ; br & gt ; & lt ; i & gt ; * Mesmo que você pague pelo ChatGPT - 4 da OpenAI , isso não garante acesso à chave de API . Contate a OpenAI para mais informações . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/modellist.cpp" line = "1226" / >
< location filename = "../src/modellist.cpp" line = "1277" / >
< source > cannot open & quot ; % 1 & quot ; : % 2 < / source >
2024-09-19 14:35:53 -04:00
< translation > não é possível abrir & quot ; % 1 & quot ; : % 2 < / translation >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../src/modellist.cpp" line = "1238" / >
< source > cannot create & quot ; % 1 & quot ; : % 2 < / source >
2024-09-19 14:35:53 -04:00
< translation > não é possível criar & quot ; % 1 & quot ; : % 2 < / translation >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../src/modellist.cpp" line = "1288" / >
2024-07-25 15:47:20 -04:00
< source > % 1 ( % 2 ) < / source >
2024-08-09 11:50:45 -04:00
< translation > % 1 ( % 2 ) < / translation >
2024-07-25 15:47:20 -04:00
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/modellist.cpp" line = "1289" / >
2024-07-25 15:47:20 -04:00
< source > & lt ; strong & gt ; OpenAI - Compatible API Model & lt ; / s t r o n g & g t ; & l t ; b r & g t ; & l t ; u l & g t ; & l t ; l i & g t ; A P I K e y : % 1 & l t ; / l i & g t ; & l t ; l i & g t ; B a s e U R L : % 2 & l t ; / l i & g t ; & l t ; l i & g t ; M o d e l N a m e : % 3 & l t ; / l i & g t ; & l t ; / u l & g t ; < / s o u r c e >
2024-08-09 11:50:45 -04:00
< translation > & lt ; strong & gt ; Modelo de API Compatível com OpenAI & lt ; / s t r o n g & g t ; & l t ; b r & g t ; & l t ; u l & g t ; & l t ; l i & g t ; C h a v e d a A P I : % 1 & l t ; / l i & g t ; & l t ; l i & g t ; U R L B a s e : % 2 & l t ; / l i & g t ; & l t ; l i & g t ; N o m e d o M o d e l o : % 3 & l t ; / l i & g t ; & l t ; / u l & g t ; < / t r a n s l a t i o n >
2024-07-25 15:47:20 -04:00
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/modellist.cpp" line = "1625" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > & lt ; ul & gt ; & lt ; li & gt ; Requires personal Mistral API key . & lt ; / l i & g t ; & l t ; l i & g t ; W A R N I N G : W i l l s e n d y o u r c h a t s t o M i s t r a l ! & l t ; / l i & g t ; & l t ; l i & g t ; Y o u r A P I k e y w i l l b e s t o r e d o n d i s k & l t ; / l i & g t ; & l t ; l i & g t ; W i l l o n l y b e u s e d t o c o m m u n i c a t e w i t h M i s t r a l & l t ; / l i & g t ; & l t ; l i & g t ; Y o u c a n a p p l y f o r a n A P I k e y & l t ; a h r e f = & q u o t ; h t t p s : / / c o n s o l e . m i s t r a l . a i / u s e r / a p i - k e y s & q u o t ; & g t ; h e r e & l t ; / a & g t ; . & l t ; / l i & g t ; < / s o u r c e >
< translation > & lt ; ul & gt ; & lt ; li & gt ; É necessária uma chave de API da Mistral . & lt ; / l i & g t ; & l t ; l i & g t ; A V I S O : S e u s c h a t s s e r ã o e n v i a d o s p a r a a M i s t r a l ! & l t ; / l i & g t ; & l t ; l i & g t ; S u a c h a v e d e A P I s e r á a r m a z e n a d a l o c a l m e n t e & l t ; / l i & g t ; & l t ; l i & g t ; E l a s e r á u s a d a a p e n a s p a r a c o m u n i c a ç ã o c o m a M i s t r a l & l t ; / l i & g t ; & l t ; l i & g t ; V o c ê p o d e s o l i c i t a r u m a c h a v e d e A P I & l t ; a h r e f = & q u o t ; h t t p s : / / c o n s o l e . m i s t r a l . a i / u s e r / a p i - k e y s & q u o t ; & g t ; a q u i & l t ; / a & g t ; . & l t ; / l i & g t ; < / t r a n s l a t i o n >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/modellist.cpp" line = "1707" / >
2024-07-25 15:47:20 -04:00
< source > & lt ; ul & gt ; & lt ; li & gt ; Requires personal API key and the API base URL . & lt ; / l i & g t ; & l t ; l i & g t ; W A R N I N G : W i l l s e n d y o u r c h a t s t o t h e O p e n A I - c o m p a t i b l e A P I S e r v e r y o u s p e c i f i e d ! & l t ; / l i & g t ; & l t ; l i & g t ; Y o u r A P I k e y w i l l b e s t o r e d o n d i s k & l t ; / l i & g t ; & l t ; l i & g t ; W i l l o n l y b e u s e d t o c o m m u n i c a t e w i t h t h e O p e n A I - c o m p a t i b l e A P I S e r v e r & l t ; / l i & g t ; < / s o u r c e >
2024-08-09 11:50:45 -04:00
< translation > & lt ; ul & gt ; & lt ; li & gt ; É necessária uma chave de API e a URL da API . & lt ; / l i & g t ; & l t ; l i & g t ; A V I S O : S e u s c h a t s s e r ã o e n v i a d o s p a r a o s e r v i d o r d e A P I c o m p a t í v e l c o m O p e n A I q u e v o c ê e s p e c i f i c o u ! & l t ; / l i & g t ; & l t ; l i & g t ; S u a c h a v e d e A P I s e r á a r m a z e n a d a n o d i s c o & l t ; / l i & g t ; & l t ; l i & g t ; S e r á u s a d a a p e n a s p a r a c o m u n i c a ç ã o c o m o s e r v i d o r d e A P I c o m p a t í v e l c o m O p e n A I & l t ; / l i & g t ; < / t r a n s l a t i o n >
2024-07-25 15:47:20 -04:00
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/modellist.cpp" line = "1724" / >
2024-07-25 15:47:20 -04:00
< source > & lt ; strong & gt ; Connect to OpenAI - compatible API server & lt ; / s t r o n g & g t ; & l t ; b r & g t ; % 1 < / s o u r c e >
2024-08-09 11:50:45 -04:00
< translation > & lt ; strong & gt ; Conectar a um servidor de API compatível com OpenAI & lt ; / s t r o n g & g t ; & l t ; b r & g t ; % 1 < / t r a n s l a t i o n >
2024-07-25 15:47:20 -04:00
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/modellist.cpp" line = "2138" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > & lt ; strong & gt ; Created by % 1 . & lt ; /strong><br><ul><li>Published on %2.<li>This model has %3 likes.<li>This model has %4 downloads.<li>More info can be found <a href="https:/ / huggingface . co / % 5 & quot ; & gt ; here . & lt ; / a & g t ; & l t ; / u l & g t ; < / s o u r c e >
< translation > & lt ; strong & gt ; Criado por % 1 . & lt ; /strong><br><ul><li>Publicado em %2.<li>Este modelo tem %3 curtidas.<li>Este modelo tem %4 downloads.<li>Mais informações podem ser encontradas <a href="https:/ / huggingface . co / % 5 & quot ; & gt ; aqui . & lt ; / a & g t ; & l t ; / u l & g t ; < / t r a n s l a t i o n >
< / message >
< / context >
< context >
< name > ModelSettings < / name >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/ModelSettings.qml" line = "14" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Model < / source >
< translation > Modelo < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/ModelSettings.qml" line = "33" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Model Settings < / source >
< translation > Configurações do Modelo < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/ModelSettings.qml" line = "83" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Clone < / source >
< translation > Clonar < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/ModelSettings.qml" line = "93" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Remove < / source >
< translation > Remover < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/ModelSettings.qml" line = "107" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Name < / source >
< translation > Nome < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/ModelSettings.qml" line = "140" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Model File < / source >
< translation > Arquivo do Modelo < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/ModelSettings.qml" line = "158" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > System Prompt < / source >
< translation > Prompt do Sistema < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/ModelSettings.qml" line = "159" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Prefixed at the beginning of every conversation . Must contain the appropriate framing tokens . < / source >
< translation > Prefixado no início de cada conversa . Deve conter os tokens de enquadramento apropriados . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/ModelSettings.qml" line = "205" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Prompt Template < / source >
< translation > Modelo de Prompt < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/ModelSettings.qml" line = "206" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > The template that wraps every prompt . < / source >
< translation > Modelo para cada prompt . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/ModelSettings.qml" line = "210" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Must contain the string & quot ; % 1 & quot ; to be replaced with the user & apos ; s input . < / source >
< translation > Deve incluir & quot ; % 1 & quot ; para a entrada do usuário . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/ModelSettings.qml" line = "255" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Chat Name Prompt < / source >
< translation > Prompt para Nome do Chat < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/ModelSettings.qml" line = "256" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Prompt used to automatically generate chat names . < / source >
< translation > Prompt usado para gerar automaticamente nomes de chats . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/ModelSettings.qml" line = "298" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Suggested FollowUp Prompt < / source >
< translation > Prompt de Sugestão de Acompanhamento < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/ModelSettings.qml" line = "299" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Prompt used to generate suggested follow - up questions . < / source >
< translation > Prompt usado para gerar sugestões de perguntas . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/ModelSettings.qml" line = "352" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Context Length < / source >
< translation > Tamanho do Contexto < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/ModelSettings.qml" line = "353" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Number of input and output tokens the model sees . < / source >
< translation > Tamanho da Janela de Contexto . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/ModelSettings.qml" line = "374" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Maximum combined prompt / response tokens before information is lost .
Using more context than the model was trained on will yield poor results .
NOTE : Does not take effect until you reload the model . < / source >
< translation > Máximo de tokens combinados ( prompt + resposta ) antes da perda de informações .
Usar mais contexto do que o modelo foi treinado pode gerar resultados ruins .
Obs. : Só entrará em vigor após recarregar o modelo . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/ModelSettings.qml" line = "412" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Temperature < / source >
< translation > Temperatura < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/ModelSettings.qml" line = "413" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Randomness of model output . Higher - & gt ; more variation . < / source >
< translation > Aleatoriedade das respostas . Quanto maior , mais variadas . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/ModelSettings.qml" line = "424" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Temperature increases the chances of choosing less likely tokens .
NOTE : Higher temperature gives more creative but less predictable outputs . < / source >
< translation > Aumenta a chance de escolher tokens menos prováveis .
Obs. : Uma temperatura mais alta gera resultados mais criativos , mas menos previsíveis . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/ModelSettings.qml" line = "458" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Top - P < / source >
< translation > Top - P < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/ModelSettings.qml" line = "459" / >
2024-08-26 18:41:15 -04:00
< source > Nucleus Sampling factor . Lower - & gt ; more predictable . < / source >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< translation > Amostragem por núcleo . Menor valor , respostas mais previsíveis . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/ModelSettings.qml" line = "469" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Only the most likely tokens up to a total probability of top_p can be chosen .
NOTE : Prevents choosing highly unlikely tokens . < / source >
< translation > Apenas tokens com probabilidade total até o valor de top_p serão escolhidos .
Obs. : Evita tokens muito improváveis . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/ModelSettings.qml" line = "503" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Min - P < / source >
< translation > Min - P < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/ModelSettings.qml" line = "504" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Minimum token probability . Higher - & gt ; more predictable . < / source >
< translation > Probabilidade mínima do token . Quanto maior - & gt ; mais previsível . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/ModelSettings.qml" line = "514" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Sets the minimum relative probability for a token to be considered . < / source >
< translation > Define a probabilidade relativa mínima para um token ser considerado . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/ModelSettings.qml" line = "550" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Top - K < / source >
< translation > Top - K < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/ModelSettings.qml" line = "551" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Size of selection pool for tokens . < / source >
< translation > Número de tokens considerados na amostragem . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/ModelSettings.qml" line = "562" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Only the top K most likely tokens will be chosen from . < / source >
< translation > Serão escolhidos apenas os K tokens mais prováveis . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/ModelSettings.qml" line = "597" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Max Length < / source >
< translation > Comprimento Máximo < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/ModelSettings.qml" line = "598" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Maximum response length , in tokens . < / source >
< translation > Comprimento máximo da resposta , em tokens . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/ModelSettings.qml" line = "643" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Prompt Batch Size < / source >
< translation > Tamanho do Lote de Processamento < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/ModelSettings.qml" line = "644" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > The batch size used for prompt processing . < / source >
< translation > Tokens processados por lote . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/ModelSettings.qml" line = "655" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Amount of prompt tokens to process at once .
NOTE : Higher values can speed up reading prompts but will use more RAM . < / source >
< translation > Quantidade de tokens de prompt para processar de uma vez .
OBS. : Valores mais altos podem acelerar a leitura dos prompts , mas usarão mais RAM . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/ModelSettings.qml" line = "690" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Repeat Penalty < / source >
< translation > Penalidade de Repetição < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/ModelSettings.qml" line = "691" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Repetition penalty factor . Set to 1 to disable . < / source >
< translation > Penalidade de Repetição ( 1 para desativar ) . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/ModelSettings.qml" line = "735" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Repeat Penalty Tokens < / source >
< translation > Tokens para penalizar repetição < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/ModelSettings.qml" line = "736" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Number of previous tokens used for penalty . < / source >
< translation > Número de tokens anteriores usados para penalidade . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/ModelSettings.qml" line = "781" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > GPU Layers < / source >
< translation > Camadas na GPU < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/ModelSettings.qml" line = "782" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Number of model layers to load into VRAM . < / source >
< translation > Camadas Carregadas na GPU . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/ModelSettings.qml" line = "793" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > How many model layers to load into VRAM . Decrease this if GPT4All runs out of VRAM while loading this model .
Lower values increase CPU load and RAM usage , and make inference slower .
NOTE : Does not take effect until you reload the model . < / source >
< translation > Número de camadas do modelo carregadas na VRAM . Diminua se faltar VRAM ao carregar o modelo .
Valores menores aumentam o uso de CPU e RAM , e deixam a inferência mais lenta .
Obs. : Só entrará em vigor após recarregar o modelo . < / translation >
< / message >
< / context >
< context >
< name > ModelsView < / name >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/ModelsView.qml" line = "40" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > No Models Installed < / source >
< translation > Nenhum Modelo Instalado < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/ModelsView.qml" line = "49" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Install a model to get started using GPT4All < / source >
< translation > Instale um modelo para começar a usar o GPT4All < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/ModelsView.qml" line = "60" / >
< location filename = "../src/qml/ModelsView.qml" line = "102" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > + Add Model < / source >
< translation > + Adicionar Modelo < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/ModelsView.qml" line = "65" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Shows the add model view < / source >
< translation > Mostra a visualização para adicionar modelo < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/ModelsView.qml" line = "83" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Installed Models < / source >
< translation > Modelos Instalados < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/ModelsView.qml" line = "89" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Locally installed chat models < / source >
< translation > Modelos de chat instalados localmente < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/ModelsView.qml" line = "147" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Model file < / source >
< translation > Arquivo do modelo < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/ModelsView.qml" line = "148" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Model file to be downloaded < / source >
< translation > Arquivo do modelo a ser baixado < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/ModelsView.qml" line = "170" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Description < / source >
< translation > Descrição < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/ModelsView.qml" line = "171" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > File description < / source >
< translation > Descrição do arquivo < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/ModelsView.qml" line = "196" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Cancel < / source >
< translation > Cancelar < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/ModelsView.qml" line = "196" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Resume < / source >
< translation > Retomar < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/ModelsView.qml" line = "204" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Stop / restart / start the download < / source >
< translation > Parar / reiniciar / iniciar o download < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/ModelsView.qml" line = "216" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Remove < / source >
< translation > Remover < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/ModelsView.qml" line = "223" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Remove model from filesystem < / source >
< translation > Remover modelo do sistema de arquivos < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/ModelsView.qml" line = "237" / >
< location filename = "../src/qml/ModelsView.qml" line = "271" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Install < / source >
< translation > Instalar < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/ModelsView.qml" line = "272" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Install online model < / source >
< translation > Instalar modelo online < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/ModelsView.qml" line = "282" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > & lt ; strong & gt ; & lt ; font size = & quot ; 1 & quot ; & gt ; & lt ; a href = & quot ; # error & quot ; & gt ; Error & lt ; / a & g t ; & l t ; / s t r o n g & g t ; & l t ; / f o n t & g t ; < / s o u r c e >
< translation > & lt ; strong & gt ; & lt ; font size = & quot ; 1 & quot ; & gt ; & lt ; a href = & quot ; # error & quot ; & gt ; Erro & lt ; / a & g t ; & l t ; / s t r o n g & g t ; & l t ; / f o n t & g t ; < / t r a n s l a t i o n >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/ModelsView.qml" line = "301" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > & lt ; strong & gt ; & lt ; font size = & quot ; 2 & quot ; & gt ; WARNING : Not recommended for your hardware . Model requires more memory ( % 1 GB ) than your system has available ( % 2 ) . & lt ; / s t r o n g & g t ; & l t ; / f o n t & g t ; < / s o u r c e >
< translation > & lt ; strong & gt ; & lt ; font size = & quot ; 2 & quot ; & gt ; AVISO : Não recomendado para seu hardware . O modelo requer mais memória ( % 1 GB ) do que seu sistema tem disponível ( % 2 ) . & lt ; / s t r o n g & g t ; & l t ; / f o n t & g t ; < / t r a n s l a t i o n >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/ModelsView.qml" line = "399" / >
2024-07-25 15:47:20 -04:00
< source > ERROR : $API_KEY is empty . < / source >
2024-08-09 11:50:45 -04:00
< translation > ERRO : A $API_KEY está vazia . < / translation >
2024-07-25 15:47:20 -04:00
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/ModelsView.qml" line = "420" / >
2024-07-25 15:47:20 -04:00
< source > ERROR : $BASE_URL is empty . < / source >
2024-08-09 11:50:45 -04:00
< translation > ERRO : A $BASE_URL está vazia . < / translation >
2024-07-25 15:47:20 -04:00
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/ModelsView.qml" line = "426" / >
2024-07-25 15:47:20 -04:00
< source > enter $BASE_URL < / source >
2024-08-09 11:50:45 -04:00
< translation > inserir a $BASE_URL < / translation >
2024-07-25 15:47:20 -04:00
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/ModelsView.qml" line = "441" / >
2024-07-25 15:47:20 -04:00
< source > ERROR : $MODEL_NAME is empty . < / source >
2024-08-09 11:50:45 -04:00
< translation > ERRO : O $MODEL_NAME está vazio . < / translation >
2024-07-25 15:47:20 -04:00
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/ModelsView.qml" line = "447" / >
2024-07-25 15:47:20 -04:00
< source > enter $MODEL_NAME < / source >
2024-08-09 11:50:45 -04:00
< translation > inserir o $MODEL_NAME < / translation >
2024-07-25 15:47:20 -04:00
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/ModelsView.qml" line = "496" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > % 1 GB < / source >
< translation > % 1 GB < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/ModelsView.qml" line = "496" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > ? < / source >
< translation > ? < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/ModelsView.qml" line = "288" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Describes an error that occurred when downloading < / source >
< translation > Descreve um erro que ocorreu durante o download < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/ModelsView.qml" line = "307" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Error for incompatible hardware < / source >
< translation > Erro para hardware incompatível < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/ModelsView.qml" line = "345" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Download progressBar < / source >
< translation > Barra de progresso do download < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/ModelsView.qml" line = "346" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Shows the progress made in the download < / source >
< translation > Mostra o progresso do download < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/ModelsView.qml" line = "356" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Download speed < / source >
< translation > Velocidade de download < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/ModelsView.qml" line = "357" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Download speed in bytes / kilobytes / megabytes per second < / source >
< translation > Velocidade de download em bytes / kilobytes / megabytes por segundo < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/ModelsView.qml" line = "374" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Calculating . . . < / source >
< translation > Calculando . . . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/ModelsView.qml" line = "378" / >
< location filename = "../src/qml/ModelsView.qml" line = "408" / >
< location filename = "../src/qml/ModelsView.qml" line = "429" / >
< location filename = "../src/qml/ModelsView.qml" line = "450" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Whether the file hash is being calculated < / source >
< translation > Se o hash do arquivo está sendo calculado < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/ModelsView.qml" line = "385" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Busy indicator < / source >
< translation > Indicador de ocupado < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/ModelsView.qml" line = "386" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Displayed when the file hash is being calculated < / source >
< translation > Exibido quando o hash do arquivo está sendo calculado < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/ModelsView.qml" line = "405" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > enter $API_KEY < / source >
< translation > inserir $API_KEY < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/ModelsView.qml" line = "469" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > File size < / source >
< translation > Tamanho do arquivo < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/ModelsView.qml" line = "491" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > RAM required < / source >
< translation > RAM necessária < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/ModelsView.qml" line = "513" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Parameters < / source >
< translation > Parâmetros < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/ModelsView.qml" line = "535" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Quant < / source >
< translation > Quant < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/ModelsView.qml" line = "557" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Type < / source >
< translation > Tipo < / translation >
< / message >
< / context >
< context >
< name > MyFancyLink < / name >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/MyFancyLink.qml" line = "42" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Fancy link < / source >
< translation > Link personalizado < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/MyFancyLink.qml" line = "43" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > A stylized link < / source >
< translation > Um link personalizado < / translation >
< / message >
< / context >
< context >
< name > MySettingsStack < / name >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/MySettingsStack.qml" line = "66" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Please choose a directory < / source >
< translation > Escolha um diretório < / translation >
< / message >
< / context >
< context >
< name > MySettingsTab < / name >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/MySettingsTab.qml" line = "62" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Restore Defaults < / source >
< translation > Restaurar Configurações Padrão < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/MySettingsTab.qml" line = "66" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Restores settings dialog to a default state < / source >
< translation > Restaura as configurações para o estado padrão < / translation >
< / message >
< / context >
< context >
< name > NetworkDialog < / name >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/NetworkDialog.qml" line = "39" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Contribute data to the GPT4All Opensource Datalake . < / source >
< translation > Contribuir com dados para o Datalake de código aberto GPT4All . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/NetworkDialog.qml" line = "55" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > By enabling this feature , you will be able to participate in the democratic process of training a large language model by contributing data for future model improvements .
When a GPT4All model responds to you and you have opted - in , your conversation will be sent to the GPT4All Open Source Datalake . Additionally , you can like / dislike its response . If you dislike a response , you can suggest an alternative response . This data will be collected and aggregated in the GPT4All Datalake .
NOTE : By turning on this feature , you will be sending your data to the GPT4All Open Source Datalake . You should have no expectation of chat privacy when this feature is enabled . You should ; however , have an expectation of an optional attribution if you wish . Your chat data will be openly available for anyone to download and will be used by Nomic AI to improve future GPT4All models . Nomic AI will retain all attribution information attached to your data and you will be credited as a contributor to any GPT4All model release that uses your data ! < / source >
< translation > Ao habilitar este recurso , você poderá participar do processo democrático de treinamento de um grande modelo de linguagem , contribuindo com dados para futuras melhorias do modelo .
Quando um modelo GPT4All responder a você e você tiver optado por participar , sua conversa será enviada para o Datalake de Código Aberto do GPT4All . Além disso , você pode curtir / não curtir a resposta . Se você não gostar de uma resposta , pode sugerir uma resposta alternativa . Esses dados serão coletados e agregados no Datalake do GPT4All .
OBS. : Ao ativar este recurso , você estará enviando seus dados para o Datalake de Código Aberto do GPT4All . Você não deve ter nenhuma expectativa de privacidade no chat quando este recurso estiver ativado . No entanto , você deve ter a expectativa de uma atribuição opcional , se desejar . Seus dados de chat estarão disponíveis para qualquer pessoa baixar e serão usados pela Nomic AI para melhorar os futuros modelos GPT4All . A Nomic AI manterá todas as informações de atribuição anexadas aos seus dados e você será creditado como colaborador em qualquer versão do modelo GPT4All que utilize seus dados ! < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-09-19 14:35:53 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/NetworkDialog.qml" line = "70" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Terms for opt - in < / source >
< translation > Termos de participação < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-09-19 14:35:53 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/NetworkDialog.qml" line = "71" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Describes what will happen when you opt - in < / source >
< translation > Descrição do que acontece ao participar < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-09-19 14:35:53 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/NetworkDialog.qml" line = "79" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Please provide a name for attribution ( optional ) < / source >
< translation > Forneça um nome para atribuição ( opcional ) < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-09-19 14:35:53 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/NetworkDialog.qml" line = "81" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Attribution ( optional ) < / source >
< translation > Atribuição ( opcional ) < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-09-19 14:35:53 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/NetworkDialog.qml" line = "82" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Provide attribution < / source >
< translation > Fornecer atribuição < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-09-19 14:35:53 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/NetworkDialog.qml" line = "95" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Enable < / source >
< translation > Habilitar < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-09-19 14:35:53 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/NetworkDialog.qml" line = "96" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Enable opt - in < / source >
< translation > Ativar participação < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-09-19 14:35:53 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/NetworkDialog.qml" line = "100" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Cancel < / source >
< translation > Cancelar < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-09-19 14:35:53 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/NetworkDialog.qml" line = "101" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Cancel opt - in < / source >
< translation > Cancelar participação < / translation >
< / message >
< / context >
< context >
< name > NewVersionDialog < / name >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/NewVersionDialog.qml" line = "34" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > New version is available < / source >
< translation > Atualização disponível < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/NewVersionDialog.qml" line = "46" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Update < / source >
< translation > Atualizar agora < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/NewVersionDialog.qml" line = "48" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Update to new version < / source >
< translation > Baixa e instala a ú ltima versão do GPT4All < / translation >
< / message >
< / context >
< context >
< name > PopupDialog < / name >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/PopupDialog.qml" line = "38" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Reveals a shortlived help balloon < / source >
< translation > Exibe uma dica rápida < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/PopupDialog.qml" line = "48" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Busy indicator < / source >
2024-08-09 22:21:22 -04:00
< translatorcomment > The literal translation of & quot ; busy indicator & quot ; as & quot ; indicador de ocupado & quot ; might create ambiguity in Portuguese , as it doesn & apos ; t clearly convey whether the system is processing something or simply unavailable . & quot ; Progresso & quot ; ( progress ) was chosen to more clearly indicate that an activity is in progress and that the user should wait for its completion . < / translatorcomment >
< translation > Indicador de progresso < / translation >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/PopupDialog.qml" line = "49" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Displayed when the popup is showing busy < / source >
< translation > Visível durante o processamento < / translation >
< / message >
< / context >
< context >
< name > SettingsView < / name >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/SettingsView.qml" line = "22" / >
< location filename = "../src/qml/SettingsView.qml" line = "61" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Settings < / source >
2024-08-09 22:21:22 -04:00
< translatorcomment > I used & quot ; Config & quot ; instead of & quot ; Configurações & quot ; to keep the UI concise and visually balanced . & quot ; Config & quot ; is a widely recognized abbreviation that maintains clarity while saving space , making the interface cleaner and more user - friendly , especially in areas with limited space . < / translatorcomment >
< translation > Config < / translation >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/SettingsView.qml" line = "23" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Contains various application settings < / source >
< translation > Acessar as configurações do aplicativo < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/SettingsView.qml" line = "29" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Application < / source >
< translation > Aplicativo < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/SettingsView.qml" line = "32" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Model < / source >
< translation > Modelo < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/SettingsView.qml" line = "35" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > LocalDocs < / source >
< translation > LocalDocs < / translation >
< / message >
< / context >
< context >
< name > StartupDialog < / name >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/StartupDialog.qml" line = "50" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Welcome ! < / source >
< translation > Bem - vindo ( a ) ! < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/StartupDialog.qml" line = "67" / >
2024-09-18 14:18:36 -04:00
< source > # # # Release Notes
% 1 & lt ; br / & gt ;
# # # Contributors
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
% 2 < / source >
< translation > # # # Notas de lançamento
2024-09-18 14:18:36 -04:00
% 1 & lt ; br / & gt ;
# # # Colaboradores
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
% 2 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/StartupDialog.qml" line = "71" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Release notes < / source >
< translation > Notas de lançamento < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/StartupDialog.qml" line = "72" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Release notes for this version < / source >
< translation > Notas de lançamento desta versão < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/StartupDialog.qml" line = "87" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > # # # Opt - ins for anonymous usage analytics and datalake
By enabling these features , you will be able to participate in the democratic process of training a
large language model by contributing data for future model improvements .
When a GPT4All model responds to you and you have opted - in , your conversation will be sent to the GPT4All
Open Source Datalake . Additionally , you can like / dislike its response . If you dislike a response , you
can suggest an alternative response . This data will be collected and aggregated in the GPT4All Datalake .
NOTE : By turning on this feature , you will be sending your data to the GPT4All Open Source Datalake .
You should have no expectation of chat privacy when this feature is enabled . You should ; however , have
an expectation of an optional attribution if you wish . Your chat data will be openly available for anyone
to download and will be used by Nomic AI to improve future GPT4All models . Nomic AI will retain all
attribution information attached to your data and you will be credited as a contributor to any GPT4All
model release that uses your data ! < / source >
< translation > # # # Opções para análise de uso anônimo e banco de dados
Ao habilitar esses recursos , você poderá participar do processo democrático de treinamento de um
grande modelo de linguagem , contribuindo com dados para futuras melhorias do modelo .
Quando um modelo GPT4All responder a você e você tiver optado por participar , sua conversa será enviada para o Datalake de
Código Aberto do GPT4All . Além disso , você pode curtir / não curtir a resposta . Se você não gostar de uma resposta ,
pode sugerir uma resposta alternativa . Esses dados serão coletados e agregados no Datalake do GPT4All .
OBS. : Ao ativar este recurso , você estará enviando seus dados para o Datalake de Código Aberto do GPT4All .
Você não deve ter nenhuma expectativa de privacidade no chat quando este recurso estiver ativado . No entanto ,
você deve ter a expectativa de uma atribuição opcional , se desejar . Seus dados de chat estarão disponíveis para
qualquer pessoa baixar e serão usados pela Nomic AI para melhorar os futuros modelos GPT4All . A Nomic AI manterá
todas as informações de atribuição anexadas aos seus dados e você será creditado como colaborador em qualquer
versão do modelo GPT4All que utilize seus dados ! < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/StartupDialog.qml" line = "106" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Terms for opt - in < / source >
< translation > Termos de participação < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/StartupDialog.qml" line = "107" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Describes what will happen when you opt - in < / source >
< translation > Descrição do que acontece ao participar < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/StartupDialog.qml" line = "124" / >
< location filename = "../src/qml/StartupDialog.qml" line = "150" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Opt - in for anonymous usage statistics < / source >
< translation > Enviar estatísticas de uso anônimas < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/StartupDialog.qml" line = "147" / >
< location filename = "../src/qml/StartupDialog.qml" line = "262" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Yes < / source >
< translation > Sim < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/StartupDialog.qml" line = "151" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Allow opt - in for anonymous usage statistics < / source >
< translation > Permitir o envio de estatísticas de uso anônimas < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/StartupDialog.qml" line = "189" / >
< location filename = "../src/qml/StartupDialog.qml" line = "304" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > No < / source >
< translation > Não < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/StartupDialog.qml" line = "192" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Opt - out for anonymous usage statistics < / source >
< translation > Recusar envio de estatísticas de uso anônimas < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/StartupDialog.qml" line = "193" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Allow opt - out for anonymous usage statistics < / source >
< translation > Permitir recusar envio de estatísticas de uso anônimas < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/StartupDialog.qml" line = "238" / >
< location filename = "../src/qml/StartupDialog.qml" line = "265" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Opt - in for network < / source >
< translation > Aceitar na rede < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/StartupDialog.qml" line = "239" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Allow opt - in for network < / source >
< translation > Permitir aceitação na rede < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/StartupDialog.qml" line = "266" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Allow opt - in anonymous sharing of chats to the GPT4All Datalake < / source >
< translation > Permitir compartilhamento anônimo de chats no Datalake GPT4All < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/StartupDialog.qml" line = "307" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Opt - out for network < / source >
< translation > Recusar na rede < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/StartupDialog.qml" line = "308" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Allow opt - out anonymous sharing of chats to the GPT4All Datalake < / source >
< translation > Permitir recusar compartilhamento anônimo de chats no Datalake GPT4All < / translation >
< / message >
< / context >
< context >
< name > SwitchModelDialog < / name >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/SwitchModelDialog.qml" line = "22" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > & lt ; b & gt ; Warning : & lt ; / b & g t ; c h a n g i n g t h e m o d e l w i l l e r a s e t h e c u r r e n t c o n v e r s a t i o n . D o y o u w i s h t o c o n t i n u e ? < / s o u r c e >
< translation > & lt ; b & gt ; Atenção : & lt ; / b & g t ; A o t r o c a r o m o d e l o a c o n v e r s a a t u a l s e r á p e r d i d a . C o n t i n u a r ? < / t r a n s l a t i o n >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/SwitchModelDialog.qml" line = "33" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Continue < / source >
< translation > Continuar < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/SwitchModelDialog.qml" line = "34" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Continue with model loading < / source >
< translation > Confirma a troca do modelo < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/SwitchModelDialog.qml" line = "38" / >
< location filename = "../src/qml/SwitchModelDialog.qml" line = "39" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Cancel < / source >
< translation > Cancelar < / translation >
< / message >
< / context >
< context >
< name > ThumbsDownDialog < / name >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/ThumbsDownDialog.qml" line = "39" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Please edit the text below to provide a better response . ( optional ) < / source >
< translation > Editar resposta ( opcional ) < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/ThumbsDownDialog.qml" line = "54" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Please provide a better response . . . < / source >
< translation > Digite sua resposta . . . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/ThumbsDownDialog.qml" line = "64" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Submit < / source >
< translation > Enviar < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/ThumbsDownDialog.qml" line = "65" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Submits the user & apos ; s response < / source >
< translation > Enviar < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/ThumbsDownDialog.qml" line = "69" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Cancel < / source >
< translation > Cancelar < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/qml/ThumbsDownDialog.qml" line = "70" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Closes the response dialog < / source >
< translation > Fecha a caixa de diálogo de resposta < / translation >
< / message >
< / context >
< context >
< name > main < / name >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/main.qml" line = "111" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > & lt ; h3 & gt ; Encountered an error starting up : & lt ; /h3><br><i>"Incompatible hardware detected."</i & gt ; & lt ; br & gt ; & lt ; br & gt ; Unfortunately , your CPU does not meet the minimal requirements to run this program . In particular , it does not support AVX intrinsics which this program requires to successfully run a modern large language model . The only solution at this time is to upgrade your hardware to a more modern CPU . & lt ; br & gt ; & lt ; br & gt ; See here for more information : & lt ; a href = & quot ; https : //en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Advanced_Vector_Extensions">https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Advanced_Vector_Extensions</a></source>
< translation > & lt ; h3 & gt ; Ocorreu um erro ao iniciar : & lt ; /h3><br><i>"Hardware incompatível detectado."</i & gt ; & lt ; br & gt ; & lt ; br & gt ; Infelizmente , seu processador não atende aos requisitos mínimos para executar este programa . Especificamente , ele não possui suporte à s instruções AVX , que são necessárias para executar modelos de linguagem grandes e modernos . A ú nica solução , no momento , é atualizar seu hardware para um processador mais recente . & lt ; br & gt ; & lt ; br & gt ; Para mais informações , consulte : & lt ; a href = & quot ; https : //pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Advanced_Vector_Extensions">https://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Advanced_Vector_Extensions</a></translation>
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/main.qml" line = "23" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > GPT4All v % 1 < / source >
< translation > GPT4All v % 1 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/main.qml" line = "127" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > & lt ; h3 & gt ; Encountered an error starting up : & lt ; /h3><br><i>"Inability to access settings file."</i & gt ; & lt ; br & gt ; & lt ; br & gt ; Unfortunately , something is preventing the program from accessing the settings file . This could be caused by incorrect permissions in the local app config directory where the settings file is located . Check out our & lt ; a href = & quot ; https : //discord.gg/4M2QFmTt2k">discord channel</a> for help.</source>
< translation > & lt ; h3 & gt ; Ocorreu um erro ao iniciar : & lt ; /h3><br><i>"Não foi possível acessar o arquivo de configurações."</i & gt ; & lt ; br & gt ; & lt ; br & gt ; Infelizmente , algo está impedindo o programa de acessar o arquivo de configurações . Isso pode acontecer devido a permissões incorretas na pasta de configurações do aplicativo . Para obter ajuda , acesse nosso & lt ; a href = & quot ; https : //discord.gg/4M2QFmTt2k">canal no Discord</a>.</translation>
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/main.qml" line = "155" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Connection to datalake failed . < / source >
< translation > Falha na conexão com o datalake . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/main.qml" line = "166" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Saving chats . < / source >
< translation > Salvando chats . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/main.qml" line = "177" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Network dialog < / source >
< translation > Avisos de rede < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/main.qml" line = "178" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > opt - in to share feedback / conversations < / source >
< translation > permitir compartilhamento de feedback / conversas < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/main.qml" line = "231" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Home view < / source >
< translation > Tela inicial < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/main.qml" line = "232" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Home view of application < / source >
< translation > Tela inicial do aplicativo < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/main.qml" line = "240" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Home < / source >
< translation > Início < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/main.qml" line = "266" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Chat view < / source >
< translation > Visualização do Chat < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/main.qml" line = "267" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Chat view to interact with models < / source >
< translation > Visualização do chat para interagir com os modelos < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/main.qml" line = "275" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Chats < / source >
< translation > Chats < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/main.qml" line = "300" / >
< location filename = "../src/main.qml" line = "309" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Models < / source >
< translation > Modelos < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/main.qml" line = "301" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Models view for installed models < / source >
< translation > Tela de modelos instalados < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/main.qml" line = "334" / >
< location filename = "../src/main.qml" line = "343" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > LocalDocs < / source >
< translation > LocalDocs < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/main.qml" line = "335" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > LocalDocs view to configure and use local docs < / source >
< translation > Tela de configuração e uso de documentos locais do LocalDocs < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/main.qml" line = "368" / >
< location filename = "../src/main.qml" line = "377" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Settings < / source >
2024-08-09 22:21:22 -04:00
< translation > Config < / translation >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/main.qml" line = "369" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Settings view for application configuration < / source >
< translation > Tela de configurações do aplicativo < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/main.qml" line = "422" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > The datalake is enabled < / source >
< translation > O datalake está ativado < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/main.qml" line = "424" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Using a network model < / source >
< translation > Usando um modelo de rede < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/main.qml" line = "426" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Server mode is enabled < / source >
< translation > Modo servidor ativado < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/main.qml" line = "640" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > Installed models < / source >
< translation > Modelos instalados < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2024-08-30 12:44:10 -04:00
< location filename = "../src/main.qml" line = "641" / >
2024-07-25 09:18:44 -04:00
< source > View of installed models < / source >
< translation > Exibe os modelos instalados < / translation >
< / message >
< / context >
< / TS >