# protodec Command-line tool to encode and decode arbitrary protobuf data. ## Usage ``` $ ./protodec -h Usage: protodec [arguments] Command-line encoder and decoder for arbitrary protobuf data. Reads from standard input. -e, --encode Encode input -d, --decode Decode input (default) -b, --base64 STDIN is Base64-encoded -x, --hex STDIN is space-separated hexstring -r, --raw STDIN is raw binary data (default) -p, --pretty Pretty print output -h, --help Show this help ``` ``` $ echo 'CkEKCeOCj+OBn+OBlxDSCSIQWmQ730+N8z8tsp3vp8YJQCoSCAESBzA4MDAwMDAaBQ26sSZEKgsIARIHMDgwMDAwMBXD9UhA' | ./protodec -bp { "1:0:embedded": { "1:0:string": "わたし", "2:1:varint": 1234, "4:2:bytes": [ 90, 100, 59, 223, 79, 141, 243, 63, 45, 178, 157, 239, 167, 198, 9, 64 ], "5:3:embedded": { "1:0:varint": 1, "2:1:string": "0800000", "3:2:embedded": { "1:0:float32": 666.7769775390625 } }, "5:4:embedded": { "1:0:varint": 1, "2:1:string": "0800000" } }, "2:1:float32": 3.140000104904175 } ``` ## Windows Windows users can run the binaries in a linux-on-windows tool (like Git bash or WSL) or use the official [protobuf binaries](https://github.com/protocolbuffers/protobuf/releases) to encode/decode protobuf data. ## Contributing 1. Fork it () 2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`) 3. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Add some feature'`) 4. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`) 5. Create a new Pull Request ## Contributors - [Omar Roth](https://github.com/omarroth) - creator and maintainer