require "http/client" require "json" require "kemal" require "pg" require "xml" require "time" # Get rid of everything except video_info, video_html, video_id # class AdaptiveFmts # JSON.mapping( # clen: Int32, # url: String, # lmt: Int64, # index: String, # fps: Int32, # itag: Int32, # projection_type: Int32, # size: String, # init: String, # quality_label: String, # bitrate: Int32, # type: String # ) # end # class URLEncodedFmtStreamMap # JSON.mapping( # url: String, # itag: Int32, # fallback_host: String, # quality: String, # type: String # ) # end class CaptionTranslationLanguages JSON.mapping( lc: String, n: String ) end class VideoInfo JSON.mapping( cver: String, length_seconds: Int32, iurlhq720: String, vm: String, ypc_ad_indicator: Int32, hash_cc: Bool, dashmpd: String, iv3_module: Int32, iurlmq: String, no_get_video_log: Int32, cc_font: Int32, allowed_ads: String, oid: String, iv_invideo_url: String, cc_asr: Int32, relative_loudness: Float64, video_verticals: String, default_audio_track_index: Int32, loudness: Float64, ptchn: String, csn: String, pltype: String, author: String, # caption_audio_tracks: videostats_playback_base_url: String, root_ve_type: String, muted: Int32, cc3_module: Int32, adaptive_fmts: AdaptiveFmts, fmt_list: Array(String), allow_embed: Int32, iurlhq: String, use_cipher_signature: Bool, status: String, video_id: String, idpj: Int32, iurlhmaxres: String, short_view_count_text: String, iv_load_policy: Int32, plid: String, vss_host: String, ttsurl: String, token: String, account_playback_token: String, of: String, iurl: String, iurlsd: String, c: String, timestamp: Int32, url_encoded_fmt_stream_map: URLEncodedFmtStreamMap, allow_ratings: Int32, view_count: Int64, title: String, caption_tracks: CaptionTracks, fexp: Array(String), storyboard_spec: String, keywords: Array(String), ucid: String, remarketing_url: String, caption_translation_languages: CaptionTranslationLanguages, avg_rating: Float64, is_listed: Int32, ptk: String, cl: Int32, watermark: Array(String), ldpj: Int32, tmi: Int32, eventid: String, thumbnail_url: String ) end class Record end macro templated(filename) render "src/views/#{{{filename}}}.ecr", "src/views/layout.ecr" end class Video getter last_updated : Time getter video_id : String getter video_info : String getter video_html : String getter views : String getter likes : Int32 getter dislikes : Int32 getter rating : Float64 getter description : String def initialize(last_updated, video_id, video_info, video_html, views, likes, dislikes, rating, description) @last_updated = last_updated @video_id = video_id @video_info = video_info @video_html = video_html @views = views @likes = likes @dislikes = dislikes @rating = rating @description = description end def to_a return [@last_updated, @video_id, @video_info, @video_html, @views, @likes, @dislikes, @rating, @description] end DB.mapping({ last_updated: Time, video_id: String, video_info: String, video_html: String, views: Int64, likes: Int32, dislikes: Int32, rating: Float64, description: String, }) end def get_video(video_id, context) client ="", 443, context) video_info = client.get("/get_video_info?video_id=#{video_id}&el=info&ps=default&eurl=&gl=US&hl=en").body info = HTTP::Params.parse(video_info) video_html = client.get("/watch?v=#{video_id}").body html = XML.parse(video_html) views = info["view_count"].to_i64 rating = info["avg_rating"].to_f64 likes = html.xpath_node(%q(//button[@title="I like this"]/span)) if likes likes = likes.content.delete(",").to_i else likes = 1 end dislikes = html.xpath_node(%q(//button[@title="I dislike this"]/span)) if dislikes dislikes = dislikes.content.delete(",").to_i else dislikes = 1 end description = html.xpath_node(%q(//p[@id="eow-description"])) if description description = description.to_xml else description = "" end video_record =, video_id, video_info, video_html, views, likes, dislikes, rating, description) return video_record end # See def ci_lower_bound(pos, n) if n == 0 return 0 end # z value here represents a confidence level of 0.95 z = 1.96 phat = 1.0*pos/n return (phat + z*z/(2*n) - z * Math.sqrt((phat*(1 - phat) + z*z/(4*n))/n))/(1 + z*z/n) end get "/" do |env| templated "index" end pg = "postgres://kemal:kemal@localhost:5432/invidious" context = OpenSSL::SSL::Context::Client.insecure get "/watch" do |env| video_id = env.params.query["v"] if pg.query_one?("select exists (select true from videos where video_id = $1)", video_id, as: Bool) video_record = pg.query_one("select * from videos where video_id = $1", video_id, as: Video) # If record was last updated more than 1 hour ago, refresh if - video_record.last_updated >, 0, 0, 0) video_record = get_video(video_id, context) pg.exec("update videos set last_updated = $1, video_info = $3, video_html = $4,\ views = $5, likes = $6, dislikes = $7, rating = $8, description = $9 where video_id = $2", video_record.to_a) end else client ="", 443, context) video_info = client.get("/get_video_info?video_id=#{video_id}&el=info&ps=default&eurl=&gl=US&hl=en").body info = HTTP::Params.parse(video_info) if info["reason"]? error_message = info["reason"] next templated "error" end video_record = get_video(video_id, context) pg.exec("insert into videos values ($1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6,$7,$8, $9)", video_record.to_a) end # last_updated, video_id, video_info, video_html, views, likes, dislikes, rating video_info = HTTP::Params.parse(video_record.video_info) video_html = XML.parse(video_record.video_html) fmt_stream = [] of HTTP::Params video_info["url_encoded_fmt_stream_map"].split(",") do |string| fmt_stream << HTTP::Params.parse(string) end fmt_stream.reverse! # We want lowest quality first related_videos = video_html.xpath_nodes(%q(//li/div/a[contains(@class,"content-link")]/@href)) if related_videos.empty? related_videos = video_html.xpath_nodes(%q(//ytd-compact-video-renderer/div/a/@href)) end likes = video_record.likes.to_f dislikes = video_record.dislikes.to_f views = video_record.views.to_f engagement = ((dislikes + likes)/views * 100) calculated_rating = (likes/(likes + dislikes) * 4 + 1) templated "watch" end get "/search" do |env| query = URI.escape(env.params.query["q"]) client ="", 443, context) results_html = client.get("{query}&page=1").body html = XML.parse(results_html) videos = html.xpath_nodes(%q(//div[@class="style-scope ytd-item-section-renderer"]/ytd-video-renderer)) channels = html.xpath_nodes(%q(//div[@class="style-scope ytd-item-section-renderer"]/ytd-channel-renderer)) if videos.empty? videos = html.xpath_nodes(%q(//div[contains(@class,"yt-lockup-video")]/div/div[contains(@class,"yt-lockup-thumbnail")]/a/@href)) channels = html.xpath_nodes(%q(//div[contains(@class,"yt-lockup-channel")]/div/div[contains(@class,"yt-lockup-thumbnail")]/a/@href)) end templated "search" end error 404 do |env| templated "index" end error 500 do |env| templated "index" end public_folder "assets"