class invidious_embed { static widgetid = 0; static eventname_table = { onPlaybackRateChange: 'ratechange', onStateChange: 'statechange', onError: 'error', onReady: 'ready' }; static available_event_name = [ 'ready', 'ended', 'error', 'ratechange', 'volumechange', 'waiting', 'timeupdate', 'loadedmetadata', 'play', 'seeking', 'seeked', 'playerresize', 'pause' ]; /** * Recive event response synchronization or asynchronous. * * Default false mean synchronization * @type {boolean} */ static api_promise = false; static invidious_instance = ''; /** * @type {[string]} */ static api_instance_list = []; static instance_status_list = {}; static videodata_cahce = {}; /** * Add event execute function for player * @param {string} eventname * @param {Function} event_execute_function */ addEventListener(eventname, event_execute_function) { if (typeof event_execute_function === 'function') { if (eventname in invidious_embed.eventname_table) { this.eventobject[invidious_embed.eventname_table[eventname]].push(event_execute_function); } else if (invidious_embed.available_event_name.includes(eventname)) { this.eventobject[eventname].push(event_execute_function); } else { console.warn('addEventListener cannot find such eventname : ' + eventname); } } else { console.warn("addEventListner secound args must be function"); } } /** * remove spacific event execute function * @param {string} eventname * @param {Function} delete_event_function */ removeEventListener(eventname, delete_event_function) { if (typeof delete_event_function === 'function') { let internal_eventname; if (eventname in invidious_embed.eventname_table) { internal_eventname = invidious_embed.eventname_table[eventname]; } else if (invidious_embed.available_event_name.includes(eventname)) { internal_eventname = eventname; } else { console.warn('removeEventListner cannot find such eventname : ' + eventname); return; } this.eventobject[internal_eventname] = this.eventobject[internal_eventname].filter(listed_function => { const allowFunctionDetected = listed_function.toString()[0] === '('; if (allowFunctionDetected) { listed_function.toString() !== delete_event_function.toString(); } else { listed_function !== delete_event_function; } }); } else { console.warn("removeEventListener secound args must be function"); } } /** * return whether instance_origin origin can use or not * @param {string} instance_origin * @returns {Promise} */ async instance_access_check(instance_origin) { let return_status; const status_cahce_exist = instance_origin in invidious_embed.instance_status_list; if (!status_cahce_exist) { try { const instance_stats = await fetch(instance_origin + '/api/v1/stats'); if (instance_stats.ok) { const instance_stats_json = await instance_stats.json(); return_status = ( === 'invidious'); } else { return_status = false; } } catch { return_status = false; } invidious_embed.instance_status_list[instance_origin] = return_status; return return_status; } else { return invidious_embed.instance_status_list[instance_origin]; } } /** * Need to use await * * Add invidious_embed.api_instance_list * * fetch from */ async get_instance_list() { invidious_embed.api_instance_list = []; const instance_list_api = await (await fetch(',users')).json(); instance_list_api.forEach(instance_data => { const http_check = instance_data[1]['type'] === 'https'; let status_check_api_data; if (instance_data[1]['monitor'] !== null) { status_check_api_data = instance_data[1]['monitor']['statusClass'] === 'success'; } const api_available = instance_data[1]['api'] && instance_data[1]['cors']; if (http_check && status_check_api_data && api_available) { invidious_embed.api_instance_list.push(instance_data[1]['uri']); } }); } /** * Need to use await * * Auto select invidious instance and set invidious_embed.invidious_instance */ async auto_instance_select() { if (await this.instance_access_check(invidious_embed.invidious_instance)) { return; } else { if (invidious_embed.api_instance_list.length === 0) { await this.get_instance_list(); } for (let x = 0; x < invidious_embed.api_instance_list.length; x++) { if (await this.instance_access_check(invidious_embed.api_instance_list[x])) { invidious_embed.invidious_instance = invidious_embed.api_instance_list[x]; break; } } } } /** * Need to use await * Return videoData using invidious videos api * @param {string} videoid * @returns {Promise<{ * title:string, * videoId:string, * videoThumbnails:[{ * quarity:string, * url:string, * height:number, * width:number * }], * storyboards:[{ * url:string, * templateUrl:string, * width:number, * height:number, * count:number, * interval:number, * storyboardWidth:number, * storyboardHeight:number, * storyboardCount:number * }] * description:string, * descriptionHtml:string, * published:number, * publishedText:string, * keywords:[string], * viewCount:number, * likeCount:number, * dislikeCount:number, * paid:boolean, * premium:boolean, * isFamilyFriendly:boolean, * allowedRegions:[string], * genre:string, * genreUrl:string, * author:string, * authorId:string, * authorUrl:string, * authorThumbnails:[{ * url:string, * width:number, * height:number * }] * subCountText:string, * lengthSeconds:number, * allowRatings:string, * rating:number, * isListed:boolean, * liveNow:boolean, * isUpcoming:boolean, * dashUrl:string, * adaptiveFormats:[{ * init:string, * index:string, * bitrate:string, * url:string, * itag:string, * type:string, * clen:string, * lmt:string, * projectionType:string, * fps:number, * container:string, * encoding:string, * audioQuality:string, * audioSampleRate:number, * audioChannels:number * }] * formatStreams:[{ * url:string, * itag:string, * type:string, * quarity:string, * fps:number, * container:string, * encoding:string, * resolution:string, * qualityLabel:string, * size:string * }] * captions:[{ * label:string, * language_code:string, * url:string * }] * recommendedVideos:[{ * videoId:string, * title:string, * videoThumbnails:[{ * quarity:string, * url:string, * height:number, * width:number * }], * author:string, * authorId:string, * authorUrl:string, * lengthSeconds:number, * viewCountText:string, * viewCount:number * }] * }>} */ async videodata_api(videoid) { const not_in_videodata_cahce = !(videoid in invidious_embed.videodata_cahce); if (not_in_videodata_cahce) { const video_api_response = await fetch(invidious_embed.invidious_instance + "/api/v1/videos/" + videoid); if (video_api_response.ok) { invidious_embed.videodata_cahce[videoid] = Object.assign({}, { status: true }, await video_api_response.json()); } else { invidious_embed.videodata_cahce[videoid] = { status: false }; } } return invidious_embed.videodata_cahce[videoid]; } /** * Need to use await * check whether videoid exist or not * @param {string} videoid * @returns {promise} */ async videoid_accessable_check(videoid) { return (await this.videodata_api(videoid)).status; } /** * Need to use await * return array of videoid in playlistid * @param {string} playlistid * @returns {Promise<[string]>} */ async getPlaylistVideoids(playlistid) { const playlist_api_response = await fetch(invidious_embed.invidious_instance + "/api/v1/playlists/" + playlistid); if (playlist_api_response.ok) { const playlist_api_json = await playlist_api_response.json(); let tmp_videoid_list = []; playlist_api_json.videos.forEach(videodata => tmp_videoid_list.push(videodata.videoId)); return tmp_videoid_list; } else { return []; } } /** * * @param {string|Node} element * @param {{ * videoId:string, * host:string, * playerVars:{ * start:number|string, * end:number|string, * autoplay:number|string * }, * events:{ * onReady:Function, * onError:Function, * onStateChange:Function, * onPlaybackRateChange:Function * } * }} options * @returns */ async Player(element, options) { this.player_status = -1; this.error_code = 0; this.volume = 100; this.loop = false; this.playlistVideoIds = []; this.eventobject = { ready: [], ended: [], error: [], ratechange: [], volumechange: [], waiting: [], timeupdate: [], loadedmetadata: [], play: [], seeking: [], seeked: [], playerresize: [], pause: [], statechange: [] }; let replace_elemnt; this.isPlaylistVideoList = false; if (element === undefined || element === null) { throw 'Please, pass element id or HTMLElement as first argument'; } else if (typeof element === 'string') { replace_elemnt = document.getElementById(element); if(replace_elemnt === null){ throw 'Can not find spacific element' } } else { replace_elemnt = element; } let iframe_src = ''; if ( !== undefined && !== "") { iframe_src = new URL(; } else if (invidious_embed.invidious_instance !== '') { iframe_src = invidious_embed.invidious_instance; } if (!await this.instance_access_check(iframe_src)) { await this.auto_instance_select(); iframe_src = invidious_embed.invidious_instance; } invidious_embed.invidious_instance = iframe_src; this.target_origin = iframe_src; iframe_src += '/embed/'; if (typeof options.videoId === 'string' && options.videoId.length === 11) { iframe_src += options.videoId; this.videoId = options.videoId; if (!await this.videoid_accessable_check(options.videoId)) { this.error_code = 100; this.event_executor('error'); return; } } else { this.error_code = 2; this.event_executor('error'); return; } let search_params = new URLSearchParams(''); search_params.append('widgetid', invidious_embed.widgetid); this.widgetid = invidious_embed.widgetid; invidious_embed.widgetid++; search_params.append('origin', location.origin); search_params.append('enablejsapi', '1'); let no_start_parameter = true; if (typeof options.playerVars === 'object') { this.option_playerVars = options.playerVars; Object.keys(options.playerVars).forEach(key => { if (typeof key === 'string') { let keyValue = options.playerVars[key]; switch (typeof keyValue) { case 'number': keyValue = keyValue.toString(); break; case 'string': break; default: console.warn('player vars key value must be string or number'); } search_params.append(key, keyValue); } else { console.warn('player vars key must be string'); } }); if (options.playerVars.start !== undefined) { no_start_parameter = false; } if (options.playerVars.autoplay === undefined) { search_params.append('autoplay', '0'); } } else { search_params.append('autoplay', '0'); } if (no_start_parameter) { search_params.append('start', '0'); } iframe_src += "?" + search_params.toString(); if (typeof === 'object') { Object.keys( => { if (typeof[key] === 'function') { this.addEventListener(key,[key]); } else { console.warn('event function must be function'); } }); } this.player_iframe = document.createElement("iframe"); this.loaded = false; this.addEventListener('loadedmetadata', () => { this.event_executor('ready'); this.loaded = true; }); this.addEventListener('loadedmetadata', () => { this.setVolume(this.volume); }); this.addEventListener('ended', () => { if (this.isPlaylistVideoList) { this.nextVideo() } }) this.player_iframe.src = iframe_src; if (typeof options.width === 'number') { this.player_iframe.width = options.width; } else { this.player_iframe.width = 640; = '100%'; } if (typeof options.height === 'number') { this.player_iframe.height = options.height; } else { this.player_iframe.height = this.player_iframe.width * (9 / 16); } = "none"; replace_elemnt.replaceWith(this.player_iframe); /** * @type {Object.} */ this.eventdata = {}; return this; } postMessage(data) { const additionalInfo = { 'origin': location.origin, 'widgetid': this.widgetid.toString(), 'target': 'invidious_control' }; data = Object.assign(additionalInfo, data); this.player_iframe.contentWindow.postMessage(data, this.target_origin); } /** * execute eventname event * @param {string} eventname */ event_executor(eventname) { const execute_functions = this.eventobject[eventname]; let return_data = { type: eventname, data: null, target: this }; switch (eventname) { case 'statechange': = this.getPlayerState(); break; case 'error': = this.error_code; } execute_functions.forEach(func => { try { func(return_data); } catch (e) { console.error(e); } }); } /** * * @param {{ * data:{ * from:string, * message_kind:string, * widgetid:string, * command:string, * value:string|number|object|null, * eventname:string * } * }} message */ receiveMessage(message) { const onControlAndHasWidgetId = === 'invidious_control' && === this.widgetid.toString(); if (onControlAndHasWidgetId) { switch ( { case 'info_return': const promise_array = this.message_wait[]; promise_array.forEach(element => { if ( === 'getvolume') { element( * 100); } else { element(; } }); this.message_wait[] = []; break; case 'event': if (typeof === 'string') { this.event_executor(; const previous_status = this.player_status; switch ( { case 'ended': this.player_status = 0; break; case 'play': this.player_status = 1; break; case 'timeupdate': this.player_status = 1; this.eventdata = Object.assign({}, this.eventdata,; break; case 'pause': this.player_status = 2; break; case 'waiting': this.player_status = 3; break; case 'loadedmetadata': this.eventdata = Object.assign({}, this.eventdata,; break; } if (previous_status !== this.player_status) { this.event_executor('statechange'); } } } } } /** * Default return no Promise value. * * But if set invidious_embed.api_promise true, return Promise value * * send eventname event to player iframe * @param {'getvolume'|'setvolume'|'getmutestatus'|'getplaybackrate'|'getavailableplaybackrates'|'getplaylistindex'|'getduration'|'gettitle'|'getplaylistid'|'getcurrenttime'} event_name * @returns {number|boolean|[number]|string|Promise|Promise|Promise<[number]>|Promise} */ promise_send_event(event_name) { if (invidious_embed.api_promise) { const promise_object = new Promise((resolve, reject) => this.message_wait[event_name].push(resolve) ); this.postMessage({ eventname: event_name }); return promise_object; } else { return this.eventdata[event_name]; } } /** * return playerstatus same as youtube iframe api * * -1:unstarted * * 0:ended * * 1:playing * * 2:paused * * 3:buffering * * 5:video cued * @returns {number} * @example * const player_statrus = player.getPlayerState(); * //player_statrus = 1; */ getPlayerState() { return this.player_status; } /** * send play command to iframe player * @example * player.playVideo(); */ playVideo() { this.postMessage({ eventname: 'play' }); } /** * send pause command to iframe player * @example * player.pauseVideo(); */ pauseVideo() { this.postMessage({ eventname: 'pause' }); } /** * Default return number range 0 to 100 * * But if set invidious_embed.api_promise true, return Promise * @returns {number|Promise} * @example * const volume = player.getVolume();//invidious_embed.api_promise is false * const volume = await player.getVolume();//invidious_embed.api_promise is true * //volume = 100 */ getVolume() { return this.promise_send_event('getvolume'); } /** * Send set volume event to iframe player * * volume must be range 0 to 100 * @param {number} volume * @example * player.setVolume(50);//set volume 50% */ setVolume(volume) { if (typeof volume === 'number') { this.volume = volume; if (volume !== NaN && volume >= 0 && volume <= 100) { this.postMessage({ eventname: 'setvolume', value: volume / 100 }); } } else { console.warn("setVolume first argument must be number"); } } /** * Get player iframe node * @returns {Node} * @example * const invidious_player_node = player.getIframe(); */ getIframe() { return this.player_iframe; } /** * delete player iframe * @example * player.destroy(); */ destroy() { this.player_iframe.remove(); } /** * send mute event to iframe player * @example * player.mute(); */ mute() { this.postMessage({ eventname: 'setmutestatus', value: true }); } /** * send unmute event to iframe player * @example * player.unMute(); */ unMute() { this.postMessage({ eventname: 'setmutestatus', value: false }); } /** * Whether mute or not. * * Default return boolean. * * But if set invidious_embed.api_promise true, return Promise. * @returns {boolean|Promise} * @example * const muteStatus = player.isMuted();//invidious_embed.api_promise false * const muteStatus = await player.isMuted();//invidious_embed.api_promise true * //muteStatus = false */ isMuted() { return this.promise_send_event('getmutestatus'); } /** * send command seek video to seconds to iframe player. * * seconds count start with video 0 seconds. * @param {number} seconds * @param {boolean} allowSeekAhead ignore. only maintained for compatibility of youtube iframe player * @example * player.seekTo(100);//seek to 100 seconds of video which counts start with 0 seconds of the video */ seekTo(seconds, allowSeekAhead) { if (typeof seconds === 'number') { if (seconds !== NaN && seconds !== undefined) { this.postMessage({ eventname: 'seek', value: seconds }); } } else { console.warn('seekTo first argument type must be number') } } /** * set iframe size * @param {number} width * @param {number} height * @example * player.setSize(480,270); */ setSize(width, height) { if (typeof width === 'number' && typeof height === 'number') { this.player_iframe.width = width; this.player_iframe.height = height; } else { console.warn('setSize first and secound argument type must be number'); } } /** * get playback rate. * * Default return number. * * But if set invidious_embed.api_promise true, return Promise. * @returns {number|Promise} * @example * const now_playback_rate = player.getPlaybackRate();//invidious_embed.api_promise is false * const now_playback_rate = await player.getPlaybackRate();//invidious_embed.api_promise is true * //now_playback_rate = 1.0 */ getPlaybackRate() { return this.promise_send_event('getplaybackrate'); } /** * Set video play back rate * @param {number} suggestedRate * @example * player.setPlaybackRate(0.5);//play video 0.5x * player.setPlaybackRate(1.2);//play video 1.2x */ setPlaybackRate(suggestedRate) { if (typeof suggestedRate === 'number') { if (suggestedRate !== NaN) { this.postMessage({ eventname: 'setplaybackrate', value: suggestedRate }); } else { console.warn('setPlaybackRate first argument NaN is no valid'); } } else { console.warn('setPlaybackRate first argument type must be number'); } } /** * get available playback rates. * * Default return [number]. * * But if set invidious_embed.api_promise true, return Promise<[number]> * @returns {[number]|Promise<[number]>} * @example * const available_playback_rates = player.getAvailablePlaybackRates();//invidious_embed.api_promise is false * const available_playback_rates = player.getAvailablePlaybackRates();//invidious_embed.api_promise is true * //available_playback_rates = [0.25,0.5,0.75,1,1.25,1.5,1.75,2.0]; */ getAvailablePlaybackRates() { return this.promise_send_event('getavailableplaybackrates'); } /** * * @param {string|{ * videoId:string|undefined, * mediaContentUrl:string|undefined, * startSeconds:number, * endSeconds:number * }} option * @param {boolean} autoplay * @param {number|undefined} startSeconds_arg * @param {Object.} additional_argument * @returns */ async playOtherVideoById(option, autoplay, startSeconds_arg, additional_argument) {//internal fuction let videoId = ''; let startSeconds = 0; let endSeconds = -1; let mediaContetUrl = ''; if (typeof option === 'string') { if (option.length === 11) { videoId = option; } else { mediaContetUrl = option; } if (typeof startSeconds_arg === 'number') { startSeconds = startSeconds_arg; } } else if (typeof option === 'object') { if (typeof option.videoId === 'string') { if (option.videoId.length == 11) { videoId = option.videoId; } else { this.error_code = 2; this.event_executor('error'); return; } } else if (typeof option.mediaContentUrl === 'string') { mediaContetUrl = option.mediaContentUrl; } else { this.error_code = 2; this.event_executor('error'); return; } if (typeof option.startSeconds === 'number' && option.startSeconds >= 0) { startSeconds = option.startSeconds; } if (typeof option.endSeconds === 'number' && option.endSeconds >= 0) { endSeconds = option.endSeconds; } } if (mediaContetUrl.length > 0) { const match_result = mediaContetUrl.match(/\/([A-Za-z0-9]{11})/); if (match_result !== null && match_result.length === 2) { videoId = match_result[1]; } else { this.error_code = 2; this.event_executor('error'); return; } } let iframe_sorce = this.target_origin.slice(); iframe_sorce += "/embed/" + videoId; this.videoId = videoId; if (!await this.videoid_accessable_check(videoId)) { this.error_code = 100; this.event_executor('error'); return; } let search_params = new URLSearchParams(''); search_params.append('origin', location.origin); search_params.append('enablejsapi', '1'); search_params.append('widgetid', invidious_embed.widgetid); this.widgetid = invidious_embed.widgetid; invidious_embed.widgetid++; search_params.append('autoplay', Number(autoplay)); if (this.option_playerVars !== undefined) { const ignore_keys = ['autoplay', 'start', 'end', 'index', 'list']; Object.keys(this.option_playerVars).forEach(key => { if (!ignore_keys.includes(key)) { search_params.append(key, this.option_playerVars[key]); } }) } if (typeof additional_argument === 'object') { const ignore_keys = ['autoplay', 'start', 'end']; Object.keys(additional_argument).forEach(key => { if (!ignore_keys.includes(key)) { search_params.append(key, additional_argument[key]); } }) } search_params.append('start', startSeconds); if (endSeconds !== -1 && endSeconds >= 0) { if (endSeconds > startSeconds) { search_params.append('end', endSeconds); } else { throw 'Invalid end seconds because end seconds before start seconds'; } } iframe_sorce += "?" + search_params.toString(); this.player_iframe.src = iframe_sorce; if (autoplay) { this.player_status = 5; } this.eventdata = {}; } /** * Load video using videoId * @param {string|{ * videoId:string, * startSeconds:number|undefined, * endSeconds:number|undefined * }} option * @param {number|undefined} startSeconds * @example * player.loadVideoById('INHasAVlzI8');//load video INHasAVlzI8 * player.loadVideoById('INHasAVlzI8',52);//load video INHasAVlzI8 and start with 52 seconds * player.loadVideoById({videoId:'INHasAVlzI8',startSeconds:52,endSeconds:76});//load video INHasAVlzI8 ,start with 52 seconds and end 76 seconds */ loadVideoById(option, startSeconds) { this.isPlaylistVideoList = false; this.playOtherVideoById(option, true, startSeconds, {}); } /** * Cue video using videoId * * Cue mean before playing video only show video thumbnail and title * @param {string|{ * videoId:string, * startSeconds:number|undefined, * endSeconds:number|undefined * }} option * @param {number|undefined} startSeconds * @example * player.cueVideoById('INHasAVlzI8');//load video INHasAVlzI8 * player.cueVideoById('INHasAVlzI8',52);//load video INHasAVlzI8 and start with 52 seconds * player.cueVideoById({videoId:'INHasAVlzI8',startSeconds:52,endSeconds:76});//load video INHasAVlzI8 ,start with 52 seconds and end 76 seconds */ cueVideoById(option, startSeconds) { this.isPlaylistVideoList = false; this.playOtherVideoById(option, false, startSeconds, {}); } /** * Cue video using media content url * * Cue mean before playing video only show video thumbnail and title * * Media content url like .Cannot run like this behavior is same as youtube iframe api * @param {string|{ * mediaContentUrl:string, * startSeconds:number|undefined, * endSeconds:number|undefined * }} option * @param {number|undefined} startSeconds * @example * player.cueVideoByUrl('');//load video INHasAVlzI8 * player.cueVideoByUrl('',52);//load video INHasAVlzI8 and start with 52 seconds * player.cueVideoByUrl({mediaContentUrl:'',startSeconds:52,endSeconds:76});//load video INHasAVlzI8 ,start with 52 seconds and end 76 seconds */ cueVideoByUrl(option, startSeconds) { this.isPlaylistVideoList = false; this.playOtherVideoById(option, false, startSeconds, {}); } /** * Load video using media content url * * Media content url like .Cannot run like this behavior is same as youtube iframe api * @param {string|{ * mediaContentUrl:string, * startSeconds:number|undefined, * endSeconds:number|undefined * }} option * @param {number|undefined} startSeconds * @example * player.loadVideoByUrl('');//load video INHasAVlzI8 * player.loadVideoByUrl('',52);//load video INHasAVlzI8 and start with 52 seconds * player.loadVideoByUrl({mediaContentUrl:'',startSeconds:52,endSeconds:76});//load video INHasAVlzI8 ,start with 52 seconds and end 76 seconds */ loadVideoByUrl(option, startSeconds) { this.isPlaylistVideoList = false; this.playOtherVideoById(option, true, startSeconds, {}); } /** * * @param {string|[string]|{index:number|undefined,list:string,listType:string|undefined}} playlistData * @param {boolean} autoplay * @param {number} index * @param {number} startSeconds */ async playPlaylist(playlistData, autoplay, index, startSeconds) { /** * @type {string} */ let playlistId; if (typeof playlistData === 'string') { this.playlistVideoIds = [playlistData]; this.isPlaylistVideoList = true; } else if (typeof playlistData === 'object') { if (Array.isArray(playlistData)) { this.playlistVideoIds = playlistData; this.isPlaylistVideoList = true; } else { index = playlistData['index']; let listType = 'playlist'; if (typeof playlistData['listType'] === 'string') { listType = playlistData['listType']; } switch (listType) { case 'playlist': if (typeof playlistData['list'] === 'string') { this.playlistVideoIds = await this.getPlaylistVideoids(playlistData['list']); playlistId = playlistData['list']; } else { console.error('playlist data list must be string'); return; } break; case 'user_uploads': console.warn('sorry user_uploads not support'); return; default: console.error('listType : ' + listType + ' is unknown'); return; } } if (typeof playlistData.startSeconds === 'number') { startSeconds = playlistData.startSeconds; } } else { console.error('playlist function first argument must be string or array of string'); return; } if (this.playlistVideoIds.length === 0) { console.error('playlist length 0 is invalid'); return; } let parameter = { index: 0 }; if (typeof index === 'undefined') { index = 0; } else if (typeof index === 'number') { parameter.index = index; } else { console.error('index must be number of undefined'); } if (typeof playlistId === 'string') { parameter['list'] = playlistId; this.playlistId = playlistId; } this.sub_index = parameter.index; if (index >= this.playlistVideoIds.length) { index = 0; parameter.index = 0; } this.playOtherVideoById(this.playlistVideoIds[index], autoplay, startSeconds, parameter); } /** * Cue playlist and play video at index number * @param {string|[string]|{index:number|undefined,list:string,listType:string|undefined}} data * @param {number|undefined} index count start with 0 * @param {number|undefined} startSeconds only affect first video * @example * player.loadPlaylist('i50sUufNbzY');//play i50sUufNbzY video start with 0 second * player.loadPlaylist(['i50sUufNbzY','BgNVwiX7K8E','L7PCS7afS3Y'],1,10);//play index second playlist (BgNVwiX7K8E) and play start with 10 seconds * player.loadPlaylist({list:'PL84LbRiy3noqhbyqr-IcCKhyXE6mFoQzF'});//play playlist first index of PL84LbRiy3noqhbyqr-IcCKhyXE6mFoQzF and start with 0 second */ cuePlaylist(data, index, startSeconds) { this.playPlaylist(data, false, index, startSeconds); } /** * Load playlist and play video at index number * * Cue mean before playing video only show video thumbnail and title * @param {string|[string]|{index:number|undefined,list:string,listType:string|undefined}} data * @param {number|undefined} index count start with 0 * @param {number|undefined} startSeconds only affect first video * @example * player.loadPlaylist('i50sUufNbzY');//play i50sUufNbzY video start with 0 second * player.loadPlaylist(['i50sUufNbzY','BgNVwiX7K8E','L7PCS7afS3Y'],1,10);//play index second playlist (BgNVwiX7K8E) and play start with 10 seconds * player.loadPlaylist({list:'PL84LbRiy3noqhbyqr-IcCKhyXE6mFoQzF'});//play playlist first index of PL84LbRiy3noqhbyqr-IcCKhyXE6mFoQzF and start with 0 second */ loadPlaylist(data, index, startSeconds) { this.playPlaylist(data, true, index, startSeconds); } /** * Play video spacific number of index * @param {number} index count start with 0 * @example * player.playVideoAt(5);//play video playlist index 6th */ playVideoAt(index) { if (typeof index === 'number') { let parameter = { index: index }; if (this.playlistId !== undefined) { parameter['list'] = this.playlistId; } this.playOtherVideoById(this.playlistVideoIds[index], true, 0, parameter); } else { console.error('playVideoAt first argument must be number'); } } /** * play next video of playlist * * if end of playlist,if loop is true, load first video of playlist. * @example * player.nextVideo(); */ async nextVideo() { let now_index = this.promise_send_event('getplaylistindex'); if (now_index === null) { now_index = this.sub_index; } if (now_index === this.playlistVideoIds.length - 1) { if (this.loop) { now_index = 0; } else { console.log('end of playlist'); return; } } else { now_index++; } this.sub_index = now_index; let parameter = { index: now_index }; if (this.playlistId !== undefined) { parameter['list'] = this.playlistId; } this.playOtherVideoById(this.playlistVideoIds[now_index], true, 0, parameter); } /** * play previous video of playlist * * if start of playlist,if loop is true, load end video of playlist. * @example * player.previousVideo(); */ async previousVideo() { let now_index = this.promise_send_event('getplaylistindex'); if (now_index === null) { now_index = this.sub_index; } if (now_index === 0) { if (this.loop) { now_index = this.playlistVideoIds.length - 1; } else { console.log('back to start of playlist'); return; } } else { now_index--; } this.sub_index = now_index; let parameter = { index: now_index }; if (this.playlistId !== undefined) { parameter['list'] = this.playlistId; } this.playOtherVideoById(this.playlistVideoIds[now_index], true, 0, parameter); } /** * Get dulation of video * * Default return number * * But if set invidious_embed.api_promise true, return Promise. * @returns {number|Promise} * @example * const player_dulation = player.getDuration();//invidious_embed.api_promise is false * const player_dulation = await player.getDuration();//invidious_embed.api_promise is true * //player_dulation = 80 */ getDuration() { return this.promise_send_event('getduration'); } /** * Get url of loaded video * @returns {string} * @example * const video_url = player.getVideoUrl(); * //video_url = "" */ getVideoUrl() { return this.target_origin + "/watch?v=" + this.videoId; } /** * Get title of loaded video. * * Default return string * * But if set invidious_embed.api_promise true, return Promise. * @returns {string,Promise} * @example * const title = player.getTitle();//invidious_embed.api_promise is false * const title = await player.getTitle();//invidious_embed.api_promise is true * //title = "【夏の終わりに】夏祭り/ときのそら【歌ってみた】" */ getTitle() { return this.promise_send_event('gettitle'); } /** * Get video embed iframe string * * Default return string * * But if set invidious_embed.api_promise true, return Promise. * @returns {string,Promise} * @example * const embed_code = player.getVideoEmbedCode();//invidious_embed.api_promise is false * const embed_code = await player.getVideoEmbedCode();//invidious_embed.api_promise is true * //embed_code = `` */ getVideoEmbedCode() { const embed_url = encodeURI(`${this.target_origin}/embed/${this.videoId}`); const html_escape = (html) => { const html_escaped = html.replace(/[&'`"<>]/g, match => { return { '&': '&', "'": ''', '`': '`', '"': '"', '<': '<', '>': '>', }[match] }); return html_escaped; } const iframe_constractor = (raw_title) => { const html_escaped_title = html_escape(raw_title); return ``; } if (invidious_embed.api_promise) { return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => { resolve(iframe_constractor(await this.getTitle())); }) } else { return iframe_constractor(this.getTitle()); } } /** * Get current playing time start with video 0 seconds * * Default return number * * But if set invidious_embed.api_promise true, return Promise. * @returns {number|Promise} * @example * const player_time = player.getCurrentTime();//invidious_embed.api_promise is false * const player_time = await player.getCurrentTime();//invidious_embed.api_promise is true * //player_time = 80 */ getCurrentTime() { return this.promise_send_event('getcurrenttime'); } /** * Get video related data. * * This function is not compatible with youtube iframe api * @returns {Promise<{ * video_id:string, * title:string, * list:?string, * isListed:boolean, * isLibe:boolean, * isPremiere:boolean * }>} * @example * const video_data = await player.getVideoData(); * //video_data = {"video_id": "KqE7Bwhd-rE","title": "【夏の終わりに】夏祭り/ときのそら【歌ってみた】","list": null,"isListed": true,"isLive": false,"isPremiere": false} */ async getVideoData() { const videoData = await this.videodata_api(this.videoId); return { video_id: this.videoId, title: await this.promise_send_event('gettitle'), list: await this.promise_send_event('getplaylistid'), isListed: videoData.isListed, isLive: videoData.liveNow, isPremiere: videoData.premium }; } /** * Get playlist index which count start with 0 * * Default return number * * But if set invidious_embed.api_promise true, return Promise. * @returns {number|Promise} * @example * const playlist_index = player.getPlaylistIndex();//invidious_embed.api_promise is false * const playlist_index = await player.getPlaylistIndex();//invidious_embed.api_promise is true * //playlist_index = 3 */ getPlaylistIndex() { return this.promise_send_event('getplaylistindex'); } /** * Get playlist videoIds * @returns {[string]|undefined} * @example * const playlist_videoids = player.getPlaylist(); * //playlist_videoids = ['i50sUufNbzY','BgNVwiX7K8E','L7PCS7afS3Y']; */ getPlaylist() { return this.playlistVideoIds !== undefined ? this.playlistVideoIds : []; } /** * set loop video or not * @param {boolean} loopStatus * @example * player.setLoop(true); */ setLoop(loopStatus) { if (typeof loopStatus === 'boolean') { this.loop = loopStatus; } else { console.error('setLoop first argument must be bool'); } } constructor(element, options) { this.Player(element, options); window.addEventListener('message', (ms) => { this.receiveMessage(ms) }); this.message_wait = { getvolume: [], getmutestatus: [], getduration: [], getcurrenttime: [], getplaybackrate: [], getavailableplaybackrates: [], gettitle: [] }; } } /** * After load iFrame api,function will execute * * But this function always execute imidiretry because iframe api ready mean load complete this js file * @param {Function} func */ function invidious_ready(func) { if (typeof func === 'function') { func(); } else { console.warn('invidious.ready first argument must be function'); } } invidious_embed.invidious_instance = new URL(document.currentScript.src).origin;//set default instance using load origin of js file instance const invidious = { Player: invidious_embed, PlayerState: { ENDED: 0, PLAYING: 1, PAUSED: 2, BUFFERING: 3, CUED: 5 }, ready: invidious_ready }; if (typeof onInvidiousIframeAPIReady === 'function') { try { onInvidiousIframeAPIReady(); } catch (e) { console.error(e); } }