require "http" require "yaml" require "digest/sha1" require "option_parser" require "colorize" # Hacky solution to get separated arguments when called from if ARGV.size == 1 parser_args = [] of String ARGV[0].split(",") { |str| parser_args << str.strip } else parser_args = ARGV end # Taken from minified = false skip_checksum = false OptionParser.parse(parser_args) do |parser| parser.banner = "Usage: Fetch VideoJS dependencies [arguments]" parser.on("-m", "--minified", "Use minified versions of VideoJS dependencies (performance and bandwidth benefit)") { minified = true } parser.on("--skip-checksum", "Skips the checksum validation of downloaded files") { skip_checksum = true } parser.on("-h", "--help", "Show this help") do puts parser exit end parser.invalid_option do |flag| STDERR.puts "ERROR: #{flag} is not a valid option." STDERR.puts parser exit(1) end end required_dependencies ="videojs-dependencies.yml") do |file| YAML.parse(file).as_h end def update_versions_yaml(required_dependencies, minified, dep_name)"assets/videojs/#{dep_name}/versions.yml", "w") do |io| do |builder| builder.mapping do # Versions builder.scalar "version" builder.scalar "#{required_dependencies[dep_name]["version"]}" builder.scalar "minified" builder.scalar minified end end end end # The first step is to check which dependencies we'll need to install. # If the version we have requested in `videojs-dependencies.yml` is the # same as what we've installed, we shouldn't do anything. Likewise, if it's # different or the requested dependency just isn't present, then it needs to be # installed. dependencies_to_install = [] of String required_dependencies.keys.each do |dep| dep = dep.as_s path = "assets/videojs/#{dep}" # Check for missing dependencies # # Does the directory exist? # Does the Javascript file exist? # Does the CSS file exist? # # videojs-contrib-quality-levels.js is the only dependency that does not come with a CSS file so # we skip the check there if !Dir.exists?(path) Dir.mkdir(path) next dependencies_to_install << dep elsif !(File.exists?("#{path}/#{dep}.js") || File.exists?("#{path}/versions.yml")) next dependencies_to_install << dep elsif dep != "videojs-contrib-quality-levels" && !File.exists?("#{path}/#{dep}.css") next dependencies_to_install << dep end # Check if we need to update the dependency config ="#{path}/versions.yml") do |file| YAML.parse(file).as_h end if config["version"].as_s != required_dependencies[dep]["version"].as_s || config["minified"].as_bool != minified # Clear directory {"*.js", "*.css"}.each do |file_types| Dir.glob("#{path}/#{file_types}").each do |file_path| File.delete(file_path) end end dependencies_to_install << dep end end # Now we begin the fun part of installing the dependencies. # But first we'll setup a temp directory to store the plugins tmp_dir_path = "#{Dir.tempdir}/invidious-videojs-dep-install" Dir.mkdir(tmp_dir_path) if !Dir.exists? tmp_dir_path channel = Channel(String | Exception).new dependencies_to_install.each do |dep| spawn do dep_name = dep download_path = "#{tmp_dir_path}/#{dep}" dest_path = "assets/videojs/#{dep}" HTTP::Client.get("{dep}/-/#{dep}-#{required_dependencies[dep]["version"]}.tgz") do |response| Dir.mkdir(download_path) data = response.body_io.gets_to_end File.write("#{download_path}/package.tgz", data) # if !skip_checksum && `sha1sum #{download_path}/package.tgz`.split(" ")[0] != required_dependencies[dep]["shasum"] raise"Checksum for '#{dep}' failed") end end # Unless we install an external dependency, crystal provides no way of extracting a tarball. # Thus we'll go ahead and call a system command. `tar -vzxf '#{download_path}/package.tgz' -C '#{download_path}'` raise "Extraction for #{dep} failed" if !$?.success? # Would use File.rename in the following steps but for some reason it just doesn't work here. # Video.js itself is structured slightly differently dep = "video" if dep == "video.js" # This dep nests everything under an additional JS or CSS folder if dep == "silvermine-videojs-quality-selector" js_path = "js/" # It also stores their quality selector as `quality-selector.css` `mv #{download_path}/package/dist/css/quality-selector.css #{dest_path}/quality-selector.css` else js_path = "" end # Would use File.rename but for some reason it just doesn't work here. if minified && File.exists?("#{download_path}/package/dist/#{js_path}#{dep}.min.js") `mv #{download_path}/package/dist/#{js_path}#{dep}.min.js #{dest_path}/#{dep}.js` else `mv #{download_path}/package/dist/#{js_path}#{dep}.js #{dest_path}/#{dep}.js` end # Fetch CSS which isn't guaranteed to exist # # Also, video JS changes structure here once again... dep = "video-js" if dep == "video" # VideoJS marker uses a dot on the CSS files. dep = "videojs.markers" if dep == "videojs-markers" if File.exists?("#{download_path}/package/dist/#{dep}.css") if minified && File.exists?("#{download_path}/package/dist/#{dep}.min.css") `mv #{download_path}/package/dist/#{dep}.min.css #{dest_path}/#{dep}.css` else `mv #{download_path}/package/dist/#{dep}.css #{dest_path}/#{dep}.css` end end # Update/create versions file for the dependency update_versions_yaml(required_dependencies, minified, dep_name) channel.send(dep_name) rescue ex channel.send(ex) end end if dependencies_to_install.empty? puts "#{"Player".colorize(:blue)} #{"dependencies".colorize(:green)} are satisfied" else puts "#{"Resolving".colorize(:green)} #{"player".colorize(:blue)} dependencies" dependencies_to_install.size.times do result = channel.receive if result.is_a? Exception raise result end puts "#{"Fetched".colorize(:green)} #{result.colorize(:blue)}" end end # Cleanup `rm -rf #{tmp_dir_path}`