macro add_mapping(mapping) def initialize({{* { |id| "@#{id}".id }}}) end def to_a return [{{* { |id| "@#{id}".id }}}] end DB.mapping({{mapping}}) end macro templated(filename) render "src/views/#{{{filename}}}.ecr", "src/views/layout.ecr" end class Config YAML.mapping({ pool_size: Int32, threads: Int32, channel_threads: Int32, db: NamedTuple( user: String, password: String, host: String, port: Int32, dbname: String, ), dl_api_key: String?, }) end class FilteredCompressHandler < Kemal::Handler exclude ["/videoplayback"] def call(env) return call_next env if exclude_match? env {% if flag?(:without_zlib) %} call_next env {% else %} request_headers = env.request.headers if request_headers.includes_word?("Accept-Encoding", "gzip") env.response.headers["Content-Encoding"] = "gzip" env.response.output =, sync_close: true) elsif request_headers.includes_word?("Accept-Encoding", "deflate") env.response.headers["Content-Encoding"] = "deflate" env.response.output =, sync_close: true) end call_next env {% end %} end end class Video module HTTPParamConverter def self.from_rs(rs) HTTP::Params.parse( end end add_mapping({ id: String, info: { type: HTTP::Params, default: HTTP::Params.parse(""), converter: Video::HTTPParamConverter, }, updated: Time, title: String, views: Int64, likes: Int32, dislikes: Int32, wilson_score: Float64, published: Time, description: String, language: String?, }) end class InvidiousChannel module XMLConverter def self.from_rs(rs) XML.parse_html( end end add_mapping({ id: String, author: String, updated: Time, }) end class ChannelVideo add_mapping({ id: String, title: String, published: Time, updated: Time, ucid: String, author: String, }) end class User add_mapping({ id: String, updated: Time, notifications: Array(String), subscriptions: Array(String), email: String, }) end class RedditSubmit JSON.mapping({ data: RedditSubmitData, }) end class RedditSubmitData JSON.mapping({ children: Array(RedditThread), }) end class RedditThread JSON.mapping({ data: RedditThreadData, }) end class RedditThreadData JSON.mapping({ subreddit: String, id: String, num_comments: Int32, score: Int32, author: String, permalink: String, title: String, }) end # See def ci_lower_bound(pos, n) if n == 0 return 0.0 end # z value here represents a confidence level of 0.95 z = 1.96 phat = 1.0*pos/n return (phat + z*z/(2*n) - z * Math.sqrt((phat*(1 - phat) + z*z/(4*n))/n))/(1 + z*z/n) end def elapsed_text(elapsed) millis = elapsed.total_milliseconds return "#{millis.round(2)}ms" if millis >= 1 "#{(millis * 1000).round(2)}µs" end def get_client(pool) while pool.empty? sleep rand(0..10).milliseconds end return pool.shift end def fetch_video(id, client) info = client.get("/get_video_info?video_id=#{id}&el=detailpage&ps=default&eurl=&gl=US&hl=en").body html = client.get("/watch?v=#{id}&bpctr=#{ + 2000}").body html = XML.parse_html(html) info = HTTP::Params.parse(info) if info["reason"]? info = client.get("/get_video_info?video_id=#{id}&ps=default&eurl=&gl=US&hl=en").body info = HTTP::Params.parse(info) if info["reason"]? raise info["reason"] end end title = info["title"] views = info["view_count"].to_i64 likes = html.xpath_node(%q(//button[@title="I like this"]/span)) likes = likes.try &.content.delete(",").try &.to_i likes ||= 0 dislikes = html.xpath_node(%q(//button[@title="I dislike this"]/span)) dislikes = dislikes.try &.content.delete(",").try &.to_i dislikes ||= 0 description = html.xpath_node(%q(//p[@id="eow-description"])) description = description ? description.to_xml : "" wilson_score = ci_lower_bound(likes, likes + dislikes) published = html.xpath_node(%q(//strong[contains(@class,"watch-time-text")])) if published published = published.content else raise "Could not find date published" end published = published.lchop("Published ") published = published.lchop("Started streaming ") published = published.lchop("Streamed live ") published = published.lchop("Uploaded ") published = published.lchop("on ") published = published.lchop("Scheduled for ") if !published.includes?("ago") published = Time.parse(published, "%b %-d, %Y") else # Time matches format "20 hours ago", "40 minutes ago"... delta = published.split(" ")[0].to_i case published when .includes? "minute" published = - delta.minutes when .includes? "hour" published = - delta.hours else raise "Could not parse #{published}" end end video =, info,, title, views, likes, dislikes, wilson_score, published, description, nil) return video end def get_video(id, client, db, refresh = true) if db.query_one?("SELECT EXISTS (SELECT true FROM videos WHERE id = $1)", id, as: Bool) video = db.query_one("SELECT * FROM videos WHERE id = $1", id, as: Video) # If record was last updated over an hour ago, refresh (expire param in response lasts for 6 hours) if refresh && - video.updated > 1.hour begin video = fetch_video(id, client) video_array = video.to_a args = arg_array(video_array[1..-1], 2) db.exec("UPDATE videos SET (info,updated,title,views,likes,dislikes,wilson_score,published,description,language)\ = (#{args}) WHERE id = $1", video_array) rescue ex db.exec("DELETE FROM videos * WHERE id = $1", id) end end else video = fetch_video(id, client) args = arg_array(video.to_a) db.exec("INSERT INTO videos VALUES (#{args})", video.to_a) end return video end def search(query, client) html = client.get("{query}&sp=EgIQAVAU").body html = XML.parse_html(html) html.xpath_nodes(%q(//ol[@class="item-section"]/li)).each do |item| root = item.xpath_node(%q(div[contains(@class,"yt-lockup-video")]/div)) if root link = root.xpath_node(%q(div[contains(@class,"yt-lockup-thumbnail")]/a/@href)) if link yield link.content.split("=")[1] end end end end def splice(a, b) c = a[0] a[0] = a[b % a.size] a[b % a.size] = c return a end def decrypt_signature(a) a = a.split("") a.delete_at(0..0) a = splice(a, 70) a = splice(a, 15) a = splice(a, 3) a.reverse! a.delete_at(0..1) a.reverse! a.delete_at(0..1) a.reverse! return a.join("") end def rank_videos(db, n, pool, filter) top = [] of {Float64, String} db.query("SELECT id, wilson_score, published FROM videos WHERE views > 5000 ORDER BY published DESC LIMIT 1000") do |rs| rs.each do id = wilson_score = published = # Exponential decay, older videos tend to rank lower temperature = wilson_score * Math.exp(-0.000005*(( - published).total_minutes)) top << {temperature, id} end end top.sort! # Make hottest come first top.reverse! top = { |a, b| b } if filter language_list = [] of String top.each do |id| if language_list.size == n break else client = get_client(pool) begin video = get_video(id, client, db) rescue ex next end pool << client if video.language language = video.language else description = XML.parse(video.description) content = [video.title, description.content].join(" ") content = content[0, 10000] results = DetectLanguage.detect(content) language = results[0].language db.exec("UPDATE videos SET language = $1 WHERE id = $2", language, id) end if language == "en" language_list << id end end end return language_list else return top[0..n - 1] end end def make_client(url) context = context.add_options( OpenSSL::SSL::Options::ALL | OpenSSL::SSL::Options::NO_SSL_V2 | OpenSSL::SSL::Options::NO_SSL_V3 ) client =, context) client.read_timeout = 10.seconds client.connect_timeout = 10.seconds return client end def get_reddit_comments(id, client, headers) query = "(url:3D#{id}%20OR%20url:#{id})%20(" search_results = client.get("/search.json?q=#{query}", headers) if search_results.status_code == 200 search_results = RedditSubmit.from_json(search_results.body) thread = { |child| }[-1] result = client.get("/r/#{}/comments/#{}?limit=100&sort=top", headers).body result = JSON.parse(result) elsif search_results.status_code == 302 search_results = client.get(search_results.headers["Location"], headers).body result = JSON.parse(search_results) thread = RedditThread.from_json(result[0]["data"]["children"][0].to_json) else raise "Got error code #{search_results.status_code}" end comments = result[1]["data"]["children"] return comments, thread end def template_comments(root) html = "" root.each do |child| if child["data"]["body_html"]? author = child["data"]["author"] score = child["data"]["score"] body_html = HTML.unescape(child["data"]["body_html"].as_s) replies_html = "" if child["data"]["replies"] != "" replies_html = template_comments(child["data"]["replies"]["data"]["children"]) end content = <<-END_HTML

[ - ] #{score} #{author}

#{body_html} #{replies_html}
END_HTML if child["data"]["depth"].as_i > 0 html += <<-END_HTML
END_HTML else html += <<-END_HTML
END_HTML end end end return html end def number_with_separator(number) number.to_s.reverse.gsub(/(\d{3})(?=\d)/, "\\1,").reverse end def arg_array(array, start = 1) if array.size == 0 args = "NULL" else args = [] of String (start..array.size + start - 1).each { |i| args << "($#{i})" } args = args.join(",") end return args end def add_alt_links(html) alt_links = [] of {Int32, String} # This is painful but is likely the only way to accomplish this in Crystal, # as Crystigiri and others are not able to insert XML Nodes into a document. # The goal here is to use as little regex as possible html.scan(/]*>([^<]+)<\/a>/) do |match| anchor = XML.parse_html(match[0]) anchor = anchor.xpath_node("//a").not_nil! url = URI.parse(HTML.unescape(anchor["href"])) if ["", ""].includes?( && url.path == "/watch" || url.path == "/redirect" alt_link = <<-END_HTML END_HTML elsif == "" alt_link = <<-END_HTML END_HTML else alt_link = "" end alt_links << {match.end.not_nil!, alt_link} end alt_links.reverse! alt_links.each do |position, alt_link| html = html.insert(position, alt_link) end return html end def fill_links(html, scheme, host) html = XML.parse_html(html) html.xpath_nodes("//a").each do |match| url = URI.parse(match["href"]) # Reddit links don't have host if ! && !match["href"].starts_with?("javascript") url.scheme = scheme = host match["href"] = url end end html = html.to_xml end def login_req(login_form, f_req) data = { "pstMsg" => "1", "checkConnection" => "youtube", "checkedDomains" => "youtube", "hl" => "en", "deviceinfo" => %q([null,null,null,[],null,"US",null,null,[],"GlifWebSignIn",null,[null,null,[]]]), "f.req" => f_req, "flowName" => "GlifWebSignIn", "flowEntry" => "ServiceLogin", } data = data.merge(login_form) return HTTP::Params.encode(data) end def get_channel(id, client, db) if db.query_one?("SELECT EXISTS (SELECT true FROM channels WHERE id = $1)", id, as: Bool) channel = db.query_one("SELECT * FROM channels WHERE id = $1", id, as: InvidiousChannel) if - channel.updated > 1.minute channel = fetch_channel(id, client, db) channel_array = channel.to_a args = arg_array(channel_array) db.exec("INSERT INTO channels VALUES (#{args}) \ ON CONFLICT (id) DO UPDATE SET updated = $3", channel_array) end else channel = fetch_channel(id, client, db) args = arg_array(channel.to_a) db.exec("INSERT INTO channels VALUES (#{args})", channel.to_a) end return channel end def fetch_channel(id, client, db) rss = client.get("/feeds/videos.xml?channel_id=#{id}").body rss = XML.parse_html(rss) db.exec("DELETE FROM channel_videos * WHERE ucid = $1", id) rss.xpath_nodes("//feed/entry").each do |entry| video_id = entry.xpath_node("videoid").not_nil!.content title = entry.xpath_node("title").not_nil!.content published = Time.parse(entry.xpath_node("published").not_nil!.content, "%FT%X%z") updated = Time.parse(entry.xpath_node("updated").not_nil!.content, "%FT%X%z") author = entry.xpath_node("author/name").not_nil!.content ucid = entry.xpath_node("channelid").not_nil!.content video =, title, published, updated, ucid, author) video_array = video.to_a args = arg_array(video_array) db.exec("UPDATE users SET notifications = notifications || $1 \ WHERE updated < $2 AND $3 = ANY(subscriptions) AND $1 <> ALL(notifications)", video_id, published, ucid) # TODO: Update record on conflict db.exec("INSERT INTO channel_videos VALUES (#{args})\ ON CONFLICT (id) DO NOTHING", video_array) end author = rss.xpath_node("//feed/author/name").not_nil!.content channel =, author, return channel end def get_user(sid, client, headers, db) if db.query_one?("SELECT EXISTS (SELECT true FROM users WHERE id = $1)", sid, as: Bool) user = db.query_one("SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = $1", sid, as: User) if - user.updated > 1.minutes user = fetch_user(sid, client, headers) user_array = user.to_a args = arg_array(user_array) db.exec("INSERT INTO users VALUES (#{args}) \ ON CONFLICT (email) DO UPDATE SET id = $1, updated = $2, notifications = $3, subscriptions = $4", user_array) end else user = fetch_user(sid, client, headers) user_array = user.to_a args = arg_array(user.to_a) db.exec("INSERT INTO users VALUES (#{args}) \ ON CONFLICT (email) DO UPDATE SET id = $1, updated = $2, subscriptions = $4", user_array) end return user end def fetch_user(sid, client, headers) feed = client.get("/subscription_manager?disable_polymer=1", headers).body channels = [] of String feed = XML.parse_html(feed) feed.xpath_nodes(%q(//a[@class="subscription-title yt-uix-sessionlink"]/@href)).each do |channel| channel_id = channel.content.lstrip("/channel/").not_nil! get_channel(channel_id, client, PG_DB) channels << channel_id end email = feed.xpath_node(%q(//a[@class="yt-masthead-picker-header yt-masthead-picker-active-account"])) if email email = email.content.strip else email = "" end user =,, [] of String, channels, email) return user end