# "Invidious" (which is an alternative front-end to YouTube) # Copyright (C) 2018 Omar Roth # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published # by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . require "digest/md5" require "file_utils" require "kemal" require "openssl/hmac" require "option_parser" require "pg" require "sqlite3" require "xml" require "yaml" require "zip" require "./invidious/helpers/*" require "./invidious/*" CONFIG = Config.from_yaml(File.read("config/config.yml")) HMAC_KEY = CONFIG.hmac_key || Random::Secure.hex(32) config = CONFIG logger = Invidious::LogHandler.new Kemal.config.extra_options do |parser| parser.banner = "Usage: invidious [arguments]" parser.on("-t THREADS", "--crawl-threads=THREADS", "Number of threads for crawling YouTube (default: #{config.crawl_threads})") do |number| begin config.crawl_threads = number.to_i rescue ex puts "THREADS must be integer" exit end end parser.on("-c THREADS", "--channel-threads=THREADS", "Number of threads for refreshing channels (default: #{config.channel_threads})") do |number| begin config.channel_threads = number.to_i rescue ex puts "THREADS must be integer" exit end end parser.on("-f THREADS", "--feed-threads=THREADS", "Number of threads for refreshing feeds (default: #{config.feed_threads})") do |number| begin config.feed_threads = number.to_i rescue ex puts "THREADS must be integer" exit end end parser.on("-v THREADS", "--video-threads=THREADS", "Number of threads for refreshing videos (default: #{config.video_threads})") do |number| begin config.video_threads = number.to_i rescue ex puts "THREADS must be integer" exit end end parser.on("-o OUTPUT", "--output=OUTPUT", "Redirect output (default: STDOUT)") do |output| FileUtils.mkdir_p(File.dirname(output)) logger = Invidious::LogHandler.new(File.open(output, mode: "a")) end end Kemal::CLI.new ARGV YT_URL = URI.parse("https://www.youtube.com") REDDIT_URL = URI.parse("https://www.reddit.com") LOGIN_URL = URI.parse("https://accounts.google.com") PUBSUB_URL = URI.parse("https://pubsubhubbub.appspot.com") TEXTCAPTCHA_URL = URI.parse("http://textcaptcha.com/omarroth@hotmail.com.json") CURRENT_COMMIT = `git rev-list HEAD --max-count=1 --abbrev-commit`.strip CURRENT_VERSION = `git describe --tags $(git rev-list --tags --max-count=1)`.strip CURRENT_BRANCH = `git status | head -1`.strip LOCALES = { "ar" => load_locale("ar"), "de" => load_locale("de"), "en-US" => load_locale("en-US"), "eu" => load_locale("eu"), "fr" => load_locale("fr"), "it" => load_locale("it"), "nb_NO" => load_locale("nb_NO"), "nl" => load_locale("nl"), "pl" => load_locale("pl"), "ru" => load_locale("ru"), } statistics = { "error" => "Statistics are not availabile.", } decrypt_function = [] of {name: String, value: Int32} spawn do update_decrypt_function do |function| decrypt_function = function end end proxies = PROXY_LIST before_all do |env| env.response.headers["X-XSS-Protection"] = "1; mode=block;" env.response.headers["X-Content-Type-Options"] = "nosniff" locale = env.params.query["hl"]? locale ||= "en-US" env.set "locale", locale end # API Endpoints get "/api/v1/stats" do |env| env.response.content_type = "application/json" if statistics["error"]? halt env, status_code: 500, response: statistics.to_json end if !config.statistics_enabled error_message = {"error" => "Statistics are not enabled."}.to_json halt env, status_code: 400, response: error_message end if env.params.query["pretty"]? && env.params.query["pretty"] == "1" statistics.to_pretty_json else statistics.to_json end end get "/api/v1/captions/:id" do |env| locale = LOCALES[env.get("locale").as(String)]? env.response.content_type = "application/json" id = env.params.url["id"] region = env.params.query["region"]? client = make_client(YT_URL) begin video = fetch_video(id, proxies, region: region) rescue ex : VideoRedirect next env.redirect "/api/v1/captions/#{ex.message}" rescue ex halt env, status_code: 500 end captions = video.captions label = env.params.query["label"]? lang = env.params.query["lang"]? tlang = env.params.query["tlang"]? if !label && !lang response = JSON.build do |json| json.object do json.field "captions" do json.array do captions.each do |caption| json.object do json.field "label", caption.name.simpleText json.field "languageCode", caption.languageCode json.field "url", "/api/v1/captions/#{id}?label=#{URI.escape(caption.name.simpleText)}" end end end end end end if env.params.query["pretty"]? && env.params.query["pretty"] == "1" next JSON.parse(response).to_pretty_json else next response end end env.response.content_type = "text/vtt" caption = captions.select { |caption| caption.name.simpleText == label } if lang caption = captions.select { |caption| caption.languageCode == lang } end if caption.empty? halt env, status_code: 404 else caption = caption[0] end caption_xml = client.get(caption.baseUrl + "&tlang=#{tlang}").body caption_xml = XML.parse(caption_xml) webvtt = <<-END_VTT WEBVTT Kind: captions Language: #{tlang || caption.languageCode} END_VTT caption_nodes = caption_xml.xpath_nodes("//transcript/text") caption_nodes.each_with_index do |node, i| start_time = node["start"].to_f.seconds duration = node["dur"]?.try &.to_f.seconds duration ||= start_time if caption_nodes.size > i + 1 end_time = caption_nodes[i + 1]["start"].to_f.seconds else end_time = start_time + duration end start_time = "#{start_time.hours.to_s.rjust(2, '0')}:#{start_time.minutes.to_s.rjust(2, '0')}:#{start_time.seconds.to_s.rjust(2, '0')}.#{start_time.milliseconds.to_s.rjust(3, '0')}" end_time = "#{end_time.hours.to_s.rjust(2, '0')}:#{end_time.minutes.to_s.rjust(2, '0')}:#{end_time.seconds.to_s.rjust(2, '0')}.#{end_time.milliseconds.to_s.rjust(3, '0')}" text = HTML.unescape(node.content) text = text.gsub(//, "") text = text.gsub(/<\/font>/, "") if md = text.match(/(?.*) : (?.*)/) text = "#{md["text"]}" end webvtt = webvtt + <<-END_CUE #{start_time} --> #{end_time} #{text} END_CUE end webvtt end get "/api/v1/comments/:id" do |env| locale = LOCALES[env.get("locale").as(String)]? region = env.params.query["region"]? env.response.content_type = "application/json" id = env.params.url["id"] source = env.params.query["source"]? source ||= "youtube" format = env.params.query["format"]? format ||= "json" continuation = env.params.query["continuation"]? if source == "youtube" begin comments = fetch_youtube_comments(id, continuation, proxies, format, locale, region) rescue ex error_message = {"error" => ex.message}.to_json halt env, status_code: 500, response: error_message end next comments elsif source == "reddit" begin comments, reddit_thread = fetch_reddit_comments(id) content_html = template_reddit_comments(comments, locale) content_html = fill_links(content_html, "https", "www.reddit.com") content_html = replace_links(content_html) rescue ex comments = nil reddit_thread = nil content_html = "" end if !reddit_thread || !comments halt env, status_code: 404 end if format == "json" reddit_thread = JSON.parse(reddit_thread.to_json).as_h reddit_thread["comments"] = JSON.parse(comments.to_json) if env.params.query["pretty"]? && env.params.query["pretty"] == "1" next reddit_thread.to_pretty_json else next reddit_thread.to_json end else response = { "title" => reddit_thread.title, "permalink" => reddit_thread.permalink, "contentHtml" => content_html, } if env.params.query["pretty"]? && env.params.query["pretty"] == "1" next response.to_pretty_json else next response.to_json end end end end get "/api/v1/insights/:id" do |env| locale = LOCALES[env.get("locale").as(String)]? id = env.params.url["id"] env.response.content_type = "application/json" error_message = {"error" => "YouTube has removed publicly-available analytics."}.to_json halt env, status_code: 410, response: error_message client = make_client(YT_URL) headers = HTTP::Headers.new html = client.get("/watch?v=#{id}&gl=US&hl=en&disable_polymer=1") headers["cookie"] = html.cookies.add_request_headers(headers)["cookie"] headers["content-type"] = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" headers["x-client-data"] = "CIi2yQEIpbbJAQipncoBCNedygEIqKPKAQ==" headers["x-spf-previous"] = "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=#{id}" headers["x-spf-referer"] = "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=#{id}" headers["x-youtube-client-name"] = "1" headers["x-youtube-client-version"] = "2.20180719" body = html.body session_token = body.match(/'XSRF_TOKEN': "(?[A-Za-z0-9\_\-\=]+)"/).not_nil!["session_token"] post_req = { "session_token" => session_token, } post_req = HTTP::Params.encode(post_req) response = client.post("/insight_ajax?action_get_statistics_and_data=1&v=#{id}", headers, post_req).body response = XML.parse(response) html_content = XML.parse_html(response.xpath_node(%q(//html_content)).not_nil!.content) graph_data = response.xpath_node(%q(//graph_data)) if !graph_data error = html_content.xpath_node(%q(//p)).not_nil!.content next {"error" => error}.to_json end graph_data = JSON.parse(graph_data.content) view_count = 0_i64 time_watched = 0_i64 subscriptions_driven = 0 shares = 0 stats_nodes = html_content.xpath_nodes(%q(//table/tr/td)) stats_nodes.each do |node| key = node.xpath_node(%q(.//span)) value = node.xpath_node(%q(.//div)) if !key || !value next end key = key.content value = value.content case key when "Views" view_count = value.delete(", ").to_i64 when "Time watched" time_watched = value when "Subscriptions driven" subscriptions_driven = value.delete(", ").to_i when "Shares" shares = value.delete(", ").to_i end end avg_view_duration_seconds = html_content.xpath_node(%q(//div[@id="stats-chart-tab-watch-time"]/span/span[2])).not_nil!.content avg_view_duration_seconds = decode_length_seconds(avg_view_duration_seconds) response = { "viewCount" => view_count, "timeWatchedText" => time_watched, "subscriptionsDriven" => subscriptions_driven, "shares" => shares, "avgViewDurationSeconds" => avg_view_duration_seconds, "graphData" => graph_data, } if env.params.query["pretty"]? && env.params.query["pretty"] == "1" next response.to_pretty_json else next response.to_json end end get "/api/v1/videos/:id" do |env| locale = LOCALES[env.get("locale").as(String)]? env.response.content_type = "application/json" id = env.params.url["id"] region = env.params.query["region"]? begin video = fetch_video(id, proxies, region: region) rescue ex : VideoRedirect next env.redirect "/api/v1/videos/#{ex.message}" rescue ex error_message = {"error" => ex.message}.to_json halt env, status_code: 500, response: error_message end fmt_stream = video.fmt_stream(decrypt_function) adaptive_fmts = video.adaptive_fmts(decrypt_function) captions = video.captions video_info = JSON.build do |json| json.object do json.field "title", video.title json.field "videoId", video.id json.field "videoThumbnails" do generate_thumbnails(json, video.id) end video.description, description = html_to_content(video.description) json.field "description", description json.field "descriptionHtml", video.description json.field "published", video.published.to_unix json.field "publishedText", translate(locale, "`x` ago", recode_date(video.published, locale)) json.field "keywords", video.keywords json.field "viewCount", video.views json.field "likeCount", video.likes json.field "dislikeCount", video.dislikes json.field "paid", video.paid json.field "premium", video.premium json.field "isFamilyFriendly", video.is_family_friendly json.field "allowedRegions", video.allowed_regions json.field "genre", video.genre json.field "genreUrl", video.genre_url json.field "author", video.author json.field "authorId", video.ucid json.field "authorUrl", "/channel/#{video.ucid}" json.field "authorThumbnails" do json.array do qualities = [32, 48, 76, 100, 176, 512] qualities.each do |quality| json.object do json.field "url", video.author_thumbnail.gsub("=s48-", "=s#{quality}-") json.field "width", quality json.field "height", quality end end end end json.field "subCountText", video.sub_count_text json.field "lengthSeconds", video.info["length_seconds"].to_i if video.info["allow_ratings"]? json.field "allowRatings", video.info["allow_ratings"] == "1" else json.field "allowRatings", false end json.field "rating", video.info["avg_rating"].to_f32 if video.info["is_listed"]? json.field "isListed", video.info["is_listed"] == "1" end if video.player_response["streamingData"]?.try &.["hlsManifestUrl"]? host_url = make_host_url(Kemal.config.ssl || config.https_only, config.domain) host_params = env.request.query_params host_params.delete_all("v") hlsvp = video.player_response["streamingData"]["hlsManifestUrl"].as_s hlsvp = hlsvp.gsub("https://manifest.googlevideo.com", host_url) json.field "hlsUrl", hlsvp end json.field "adaptiveFormats" do json.array do adaptive_fmts.each do |fmt| json.object do json.field "index", fmt["index"] json.field "bitrate", fmt["bitrate"] json.field "init", fmt["init"] json.field "url", fmt["url"] json.field "itag", fmt["itag"] json.field "type", fmt["type"] json.field "clen", fmt["clen"] json.field "lmt", fmt["lmt"] json.field "projectionType", fmt["projection_type"] fmt_info = itag_to_metadata?(fmt["itag"]) if fmt_info fps = fmt_info["fps"]?.try &.to_i || fmt["fps"]?.try &.to_i || 30 json.field "fps", fps json.field "container", fmt_info["ext"] json.field "encoding", fmt_info["vcodec"]? || fmt_info["acodec"] if fmt_info["height"]? json.field "resolution", "#{fmt_info["height"]}p" quality_label = "#{fmt_info["height"]}p" if fps > 30 quality_label += "60" end json.field "qualityLabel", quality_label if fmt_info["width"]? json.field "size", "#{fmt_info["width"]}x#{fmt_info["height"]}" end end end end end end end json.field "formatStreams" do json.array do fmt_stream.each do |fmt| json.object do json.field "url", fmt["url"] json.field "itag", fmt["itag"] json.field "type", fmt["type"] json.field "quality", fmt["quality"] fmt_info = itag_to_metadata?(fmt["itag"]) if fmt_info fps = fmt_info["fps"]?.try &.to_i || fmt["fps"]?.try &.to_i || 30 json.field "fps", fps json.field "container", fmt_info["ext"] json.field "encoding", fmt_info["vcodec"]? || fmt_info["acodec"] if fmt_info["height"]? json.field "resolution", "#{fmt_info["height"]}p" quality_label = "#{fmt_info["height"]}p" if fps > 30 quality_label += "60" end json.field "qualityLabel", quality_label if fmt_info["width"]? json.field "size", "#{fmt_info["width"]}x#{fmt_info["height"]}" end end end end end end end json.field "captions" do json.array do captions.each do |caption| json.object do json.field "label", caption.name.simpleText json.field "languageCode", caption.languageCode json.field "url", "/api/v1/captions/#{id}?label=#{URI.escape(caption.name.simpleText)}" end end end end json.field "recommendedVideos" do json.array do video.info["rvs"]?.try &.split(",").each do |rv| rv = HTTP::Params.parse(rv) if rv["id"]? json.object do json.field "videoId", rv["id"] json.field "title", rv["title"] json.field "videoThumbnails" do generate_thumbnails(json, rv["id"]) end json.field "author", rv["author"] json.field "lengthSeconds", rv["length_seconds"].to_i json.field "viewCountText", rv["short_view_count_text"] end end end end end end end if env.params.query["pretty"]? && env.params.query["pretty"] == "1" JSON.parse(video_info).to_pretty_json else video_info end end get "/api/v1/trending" do |env| locale = LOCALES[env.get("locale").as(String)]? env.response.content_type = "application/json" region = env.params.query["region"]? trending_type = env.params.query["type"]? begin trending = fetch_trending(trending_type, proxies, region, locale) rescue ex error_message = {"error" => ex.message}.to_json halt env, status_code: 500, response: error_message end videos = JSON.build do |json| json.array do trending.each do |video| json.object do json.field "title", video.title json.field "videoId", video.id json.field "videoThumbnails" do generate_thumbnails(json, video.id) end json.field "lengthSeconds", video.length_seconds json.field "viewCount", video.views json.field "author", video.author json.field "authorId", video.ucid json.field "authorUrl", "/channel/#{video.ucid}" json.field "published", video.published.to_unix json.field "publishedText", translate(locale, "`x` ago", recode_date(video.published, locale)) json.field "description", video.description json.field "descriptionHtml", video.description_html json.field "liveNow", video.live_now json.field "paid", video.paid json.field "premium", video.premium end end end end if env.params.query["pretty"]? && env.params.query["pretty"] == "1" JSON.parse(videos).to_pretty_json else videos end end get "/api/v1/channels/:ucid" do |env| locale = LOCALES[env.get("locale").as(String)]? env.response.content_type = "application/json" ucid = env.params.url["ucid"] sort_by = env.params.query["sort_by"]?.try &.downcase sort_by ||= "newest" begin author, ucid, auto_generated = get_about_info(ucid, locale) rescue ex error_message = {"error" => ex.message}.to_json halt env, status_code: 500, response: error_message end page = 1 if auto_generated videos = [] of SearchVideo count = 0 else begin videos, count = get_60_videos(ucid, page, auto_generated, sort_by) rescue ex error_message = {"error" => ex.message}.to_json halt env, status_code: 500, response: error_message end end client = make_client(YT_URL) channel_html = client.get("/channel/#{ucid}/about?disable_polymer=1").body channel_html = XML.parse_html(channel_html) banner = channel_html.xpath_node(%q(//div[@id="gh-banner"]/style)).not_nil!.content banner = "https:" + banner.match(/background-image: url\((?[^)]+)\)/).not_nil!["url"] author = channel_html.xpath_node(%q(//a[contains(@class, "branded-page-header-title-link")])).not_nil!.content author_url = channel_html.xpath_node(%q(//a[@class="channel-header-profile-image-container spf-link"])).not_nil!["href"] author_thumbnail = channel_html.xpath_node(%q(//img[@class="channel-header-profile-image"])).not_nil!["src"] description_html = channel_html.xpath_node(%q(//div[contains(@class,"about-description")])) description_html, description = html_to_content(description_html) paid = channel_html.xpath_node(%q(//meta[@itemprop="paid"])).not_nil!["content"] == "True" is_family_friendly = channel_html.xpath_node(%q(//meta[@itemprop="isFamilyFriendly"])).not_nil!["content"] == "True" allowed_regions = channel_html.xpath_node(%q(//meta[@itemprop="regionsAllowed"])).not_nil!["content"].split(",") related_channels = channel_html.xpath_nodes(%q(//div[contains(@class, "branded-page-related-channels")]/ul/li)) related_channels = related_channels.map do |node| related_id = node["data-external-id"]? related_id ||= "" anchor = node.xpath_node(%q(.//h3[contains(@class, "yt-lockup-title")]/a)) related_title = anchor.try &.["title"] related_title ||= "" related_author_url = anchor.try &.["href"] related_author_url ||= "" related_author_thumbnail = node.xpath_node(%q(.//img)).try &.["data-thumb"] related_author_thumbnail ||= "" { id: related_id, author: related_title, author_url: related_author_url, author_thumbnail: related_author_thumbnail, } end total_views = 0_i64 sub_count = 0_i64 joined = Time.unix(0) metadata = channel_html.xpath_nodes(%q(//span[@class="about-stat"])) metadata.each do |item| case item.content when .includes? "views" total_views = item.content.delete("views •,").to_i64 when .includes? "subscribers" sub_count = item.content.delete("subscribers").delete(",").to_i64 when .includes? "Joined" joined = Time.parse(item.content.lchop("Joined "), "%b %-d, %Y", Time::Location.local) end end channel_info = JSON.build do |json| json.object do json.field "author", author json.field "authorId", ucid json.field "authorUrl", author_url json.field "authorBanners" do json.array do qualities = [{width: 2560, height: 424}, {width: 2120, height: 351}, {width: 1060, height: 175}] qualities.each do |quality| json.object do json.field "url", banner.gsub("=w1060", "=w#{quality[:width]}") json.field "width", quality[:width] json.field "height", quality[:height] end end json.object do json.field "url", banner.rchop("=w1060-fcrop64=1,00005a57ffffa5a8-nd-c0xffffffff-rj-k-no") json.field "width", 512 json.field "height", 288 end end end json.field "authorThumbnails" do json.array do qualities = [32, 48, 76, 100, 176, 512] qualities.each do |quality| json.object do json.field "url", author_thumbnail.gsub("/s100-", "/s#{quality}-") json.field "width", quality json.field "height", quality end end end end json.field "subCount", sub_count json.field "totalViews", total_views json.field "joined", joined.to_unix json.field "paid", paid json.field "autoGenerated", auto_generated json.field "isFamilyFriendly", is_family_friendly json.field "description", description json.field "descriptionHtml", description_html json.field "allowedRegions", allowed_regions json.field "latestVideos" do json.array do videos.each do |video| json.object do json.field "title", video.title json.field "videoId", video.id if auto_generated json.field "author", video.author json.field "authorId", video.ucid json.field "authorUrl", "/channel/#{video.ucid}" else json.field "author", author json.field "authorId", ucid json.field "authorUrl", "/channel/#{ucid}" end json.field "videoThumbnails" do generate_thumbnails(json, video.id) end json.field "description", video.description json.field "descriptionHtml", video.description_html json.field "viewCount", video.views json.field "published", video.published.to_unix json.field "publishedText", translate(locale, "`x` ago", recode_date(video.published, locale)) json.field "lengthSeconds", video.length_seconds json.field "liveNow", video.live_now json.field "paid", video.paid json.field "premium", video.premium end end end end json.field "relatedChannels" do json.array do related_channels.each do |related_channel| json.object do json.field "author", related_channel[:author] json.field "authorId", related_channel[:id] json.field "authorUrl", related_channel[:author_url] json.field "authorThumbnails" do json.array do qualities = [32, 48, 76, 100, 176, 512] qualities.each do |quality| json.object do json.field "url", related_channel[:author_thumbnail].gsub("=s48-", "=s#{quality}-") json.field "width", quality json.field "height", quality end end end end end end end end end end if env.params.query["pretty"]? && env.params.query["pretty"] == "1" JSON.parse(channel_info).to_pretty_json else channel_info end end ["/api/v1/channels/:ucid/videos", "/api/v1/channels/videos/:ucid"].each do |route| get route do |env| locale = LOCALES[env.get("locale").as(String)]? env.response.content_type = "application/json" ucid = env.params.url["ucid"] page = env.params.query["page"]?.try &.to_i? page ||= 1 sort_by = env.params.query["sort"]?.try &.downcase sort_by ||= env.params.query["sort_by"]?.try &.downcase sort_by ||= "newest" begin author, ucid, auto_generated = get_about_info(ucid, locale) rescue ex error_message = {"error" => ex.message}.to_json halt env, status_code: 500, response: error_message end begin videos, count = get_60_videos(ucid, page, auto_generated, sort_by) rescue ex error_message = {"error" => ex.message}.to_json halt env, status_code: 500, response: error_message end result = JSON.build do |json| json.array do videos.each do |video| json.object do json.field "title", video.title json.field "videoId", video.id if auto_generated json.field "author", video.author json.field "authorId", video.ucid json.field "authorUrl", "/channel/#{video.ucid}" else json.field "author", author json.field "authorId", ucid json.field "authorUrl", "/channel/#{ucid}" end json.field "videoThumbnails" do generate_thumbnails(json, video.id) end json.field "description", video.description json.field "descriptionHtml", video.description_html json.field "viewCount", video.views json.field "published", video.published.to_unix json.field "publishedText", translate(locale, "`x` ago", recode_date(video.published, locale)) json.field "lengthSeconds", video.length_seconds json.field "liveNow", video.live_now json.field "paid", video.paid json.field "premium", video.premium end end end end if env.params.query["pretty"]? && env.params.query["pretty"] == "1" JSON.parse(result).to_pretty_json else result end end end ["/api/v1/channels/:ucid/latest", "/api/v1/channels/latest/:ucid"].each do |route| get route do |env| locale = LOCALES[env.get("locale").as(String)]? env.response.content_type = "application/json" ucid = env.params.url["ucid"] begin videos = get_latest_videos(ucid) rescue ex error_message = {"error" => ex.message}.to_json halt env, status_code: 500, response: error_message end response = JSON.build do |json| json.array do videos.each do |video| json.object do json.field "title", video.title json.field "videoId", video.id json.field "authorId", ucid json.field "authorUrl", "/channel/#{ucid}" json.field "videoThumbnails" do generate_thumbnails(json, video.id) end json.field "description", video.description json.field "descriptionHtml", video.description_html json.field "viewCount", video.views json.field "published", video.published.to_unix json.field "publishedText", translate(locale, "`x` ago", recode_date(video.published, locale)) json.field "lengthSeconds", video.length_seconds json.field "liveNow", video.live_now json.field "paid", video.paid json.field "premium", video.premium end end end end if env.params.query["pretty"]? && env.params.query["pretty"] == "1" JSON.parse(response).to_pretty_json else response end end end ["/api/v1/channels/:ucid/playlists", "/api/v1/channels/playlists/:ucid"].each do |route| get route do |env| locale = LOCALES[env.get("locale").as(String)]? env.response.content_type = "application/json" ucid = env.params.url["ucid"] continuation = env.params.query["continuation"]? sort_by = env.params.query["sort"]?.try &.downcase sort_by ||= env.params.query["sort_by"]?.try &.downcase sort_by ||= "last" begin author, ucid, auto_generated = get_about_info(ucid, locale) rescue ex error_message = ex.message halt env, status_code: 500, response: error_message end items, continuation = fetch_channel_playlists(ucid, author, auto_generated, continuation, sort_by) response = JSON.build do |json| json.object do json.field "playlists" do json.array do items.each do |item| json.object do if item.is_a?(SearchPlaylist) json.field "title", item.title json.field "playlistId", item.id json.field "author", item.author json.field "authorId", item.ucid json.field "authorUrl", "/channel/#{item.ucid}" json.field "videoCount", item.video_count json.field "videos" do json.array do item.videos.each do |video| json.object do json.field "title", video.title json.field "videoId", video.id json.field "lengthSeconds", video.length_seconds json.field "videoThumbnails" do generate_thumbnails(json, video.id) end end end end end end end end end end json.field "continuation", continuation end end if env.params.query["pretty"]? && env.params.query["pretty"] == "1" JSON.parse(response).to_pretty_json else response end end end get "/api/v1/channels/search/:ucid" do |env| locale = LOCALES[env.get("locale").as(String)]? env.response.content_type = "application/json" ucid = env.params.url["ucid"] query = env.params.query["q"]? query ||= "" page = env.params.query["page"]?.try &.to_i? page ||= 1 count, search_results = channel_search(query, page, ucid) response = JSON.build do |json| json.array do search_results.each do |item| json.object do case item when SearchVideo json.field "type", "video" json.field "title", item.title json.field "videoId", item.id json.field "author", item.author json.field "authorId", item.ucid json.field "authorUrl", "/channel/#{item.ucid}" json.field "videoThumbnails" do generate_thumbnails(json, item.id) end json.field "description", item.description json.field "descriptionHtml", item.description_html json.field "viewCount", item.views json.field "published", item.published.to_unix json.field "publishedText", translate(locale, "`x` ago", recode_date(item.published, locale)) json.field "lengthSeconds", item.length_seconds json.field "liveNow", item.live_now json.field "paid", item.paid json.field "premium", item.premium when SearchPlaylist json.field "type", "playlist" json.field "title", item.title json.field "playlistId", item.id json.field "author", item.author json.field "authorId", item.ucid json.field "authorUrl", "/channel/#{item.ucid}" json.field "videoCount", item.video_count json.field "videos" do json.array do item.videos.each do |video| json.object do json.field "title", video.title json.field "videoId", video.id json.field "lengthSeconds", video.length_seconds json.field "videoThumbnails" do generate_thumbnails(json, video.id) end end end end end when SearchChannel json.field "type", "channel" json.field "author", item.author json.field "authorId", item.ucid json.field "authorUrl", "/channel/#{item.ucid}" json.field "authorThumbnails" do json.array do qualities = [32, 48, 76, 100, 176, 512] qualities.each do |quality| json.object do json.field "url", item.author_thumbnail.gsub("=s176-", "=s#{quality}-") json.field "width", quality json.field "height", quality end end end end json.field "subCount", item.subscriber_count json.field "videoCount", item.video_count json.field "description", item.description json.field "descriptionHtml", item.description_html end end end end end if env.params.query["pretty"]? && env.params.query["pretty"] == "1" JSON.parse(response).to_pretty_json else response end end get "/api/v1/search" do |env| locale = LOCALES[env.get("locale").as(String)]? region = env.params.query["region"]? env.response.content_type = "application/json" query = env.params.query["q"]? query ||= "" page = env.params.query["page"]?.try &.to_i? page ||= 1 sort_by = env.params.query["sort_by"]?.try &.downcase sort_by ||= "relevance" date = env.params.query["date"]?.try &.downcase date ||= "" duration = env.params.query["duration"]?.try &.downcase duration ||= "" features = env.params.query["features"]?.try &.split(",").map { |feature| feature.downcase } features ||= [] of String content_type = env.params.query["type"]?.try &.downcase content_type ||= "video" begin search_params = produce_search_params(sort_by, date, content_type, duration, features) rescue ex env.response.status_code = 400 next JSON.build do |json| json.object do json.field "error", ex.message end end end count, search_results = search(query, page, search_params, proxies, region).as(Tuple) response = JSON.build do |json| json.array do search_results.each do |item| json.object do case item when SearchVideo json.field "type", "video" json.field "title", item.title json.field "videoId", item.id json.field "author", item.author json.field "authorId", item.ucid json.field "authorUrl", "/channel/#{item.ucid}" json.field "videoThumbnails" do generate_thumbnails(json, item.id) end json.field "description", item.description json.field "descriptionHtml", item.description_html json.field "viewCount", item.views json.field "published", item.published.to_unix json.field "publishedText", translate(locale, "`x` ago", recode_date(item.published, locale)) json.field "lengthSeconds", item.length_seconds json.field "liveNow", item.live_now json.field "paid", item.paid json.field "premium", item.premium when SearchPlaylist json.field "type", "playlist" json.field "title", item.title json.field "playlistId", item.id json.field "author", item.author json.field "authorId", item.ucid json.field "authorUrl", "/channel/#{item.ucid}" json.field "videoCount", item.video_count json.field "videos" do json.array do item.videos.each do |video| json.object do json.field "title", video.title json.field "videoId", video.id json.field "lengthSeconds", video.length_seconds json.field "videoThumbnails" do generate_thumbnails(json, video.id) end end end end end when SearchChannel json.field "type", "channel" json.field "author", item.author json.field "authorId", item.ucid json.field "authorUrl", "/channel/#{item.ucid}" json.field "authorThumbnails" do json.array do qualities = [32, 48, 76, 100, 176, 512] qualities.each do |quality| json.object do json.field "url", item.author_thumbnail.gsub("=s176-", "=s#{quality}-") json.field "width", quality json.field "height", quality end end end end json.field "subCount", item.subscriber_count json.field "videoCount", item.video_count json.field "description", item.description json.field "descriptionHtml", item.description_html end end end end end if env.params.query["pretty"]? && env.params.query["pretty"] == "1" JSON.parse(response).to_pretty_json else response end end get "/api/v1/playlists/:plid" do |env| locale = LOCALES[env.get("locale").as(String)]? env.response.content_type = "application/json" plid = env.params.url["plid"] page = env.params.query["page"]?.try &.to_i? page ||= 1 format = env.params.query["format"]? format ||= "json" continuation = env.params.query["continuation"]? if plid.starts_with? "RD" next env.redirect "/api/v1/mixes/#{plid}" end begin playlist = fetch_playlist(plid, locale) rescue ex error_message = {"error" => "Playlist is empty"}.to_json halt env, status_code: 500, response: error_message end begin videos = fetch_playlist_videos(plid, page, playlist.video_count, continuation, locale) rescue ex videos = [] of PlaylistVideo end response = JSON.build do |json| json.object do json.field "title", playlist.title json.field "playlistId", playlist.id json.field "author", playlist.author json.field "authorId", playlist.ucid json.field "authorUrl", "/channel/#{playlist.ucid}" json.field "authorThumbnails" do json.array do qualities = [32, 48, 76, 100, 176, 512] qualities.each do |quality| json.object do json.field "url", playlist.author_thumbnail.gsub("=s100-", "=s#{quality}-") json.field "width", quality json.field "height", quality end end end end json.field "description", playlist.description json.field "descriptionHtml", playlist.description_html json.field "videoCount", playlist.video_count json.field "viewCount", playlist.views json.field "updated", playlist.updated.to_unix json.field "videos" do json.array do videos.each do |video| json.object do json.field "title", video.title json.field "videoId", video.id json.field "author", video.author json.field "authorId", video.ucid json.field "authorUrl", "/channel/#{video.ucid}" json.field "videoThumbnails" do generate_thumbnails(json, video.id) end json.field "index", video.index json.field "lengthSeconds", video.length_seconds end end end end end end if format == "html" response = JSON.parse(response) playlist_html = template_playlist(response) next_video = response["videos"].as_a[1]?.try &.["videoId"] response = { "playlistHtml" => playlist_html, "nextVideo" => next_video, }.to_json end if env.params.query["pretty"]? && env.params.query["pretty"] == "1" JSON.parse(response).to_pretty_json else response end end get "/api/v1/mixes/:rdid" do |env| locale = LOCALES[env.get("locale").as(String)]? env.response.content_type = "application/json" rdid = env.params.url["rdid"] continuation = env.params.query["continuation"]? continuation ||= rdid.lchop("RD")[0, 11] format = env.params.query["format"]? format ||= "json" begin mix = fetch_mix(rdid, continuation, locale: locale) if !rdid.ends_with? continuation mix = fetch_mix(rdid, mix.videos[1].id) index = mix.videos.index(mix.videos.select { |video| video.id == continuation }[0]?) end index ||= 0 mix.videos = mix.videos[index..-1] rescue ex error_message = {"error" => ex.message}.to_json halt env, status_code: 500, response: error_message end response = JSON.build do |json| json.object do json.field "title", mix.title json.field "mixId", mix.id json.field "videos" do json.array do mix.videos.each do |video| json.object do json.field "title", video.title json.field "videoId", video.id json.field "author", video.author json.field "authorId", video.ucid json.field "authorUrl", "/channel/#{video.ucid}" json.field "videoThumbnails" do json.array do generate_thumbnails(json, video.id) end end json.field "index", video.index json.field "lengthSeconds", video.length_seconds end end end end end end if format == "html" response = JSON.parse(response) playlist_html = template_mix(response) next_video = response["videos"].as_a[1]?.try &.["videoId"] next_video ||= "" response = { "playlistHtml" => playlist_html, "nextVideo" => next_video, }.to_json end if env.params.query["pretty"]? && env.params.query["pretty"] == "1" JSON.parse(response).to_pretty_json else response end end get "/api/manifest/dash/id/videoplayback" do |env| env.response.headers["Access-Control-Allow-Origin"] = "*" env.redirect "/videoplayback?#{env.params.query}" end get "/api/manifest/dash/id/videoplayback/*" do |env| env.response.headers["Access-Control-Allow-Origin"] = "*" env.redirect env.request.path.lchop("/api/manifest/dash/id") end get "/api/manifest/dash/id/:id" do |env| env.response.headers.add("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*") env.response.content_type = "application/dash+xml" local = env.params.query["local"]?.try &.== "true" id = env.params.url["id"] region = env.params.query["region"]? client = make_client(YT_URL) begin video = fetch_video(id, proxies, region: region) rescue ex : VideoRedirect url = "/api/manifest/dash/id/#{ex.message}" if local url += "?local=true" end next env.redirect url rescue ex halt env, status_code: 403 end if dashmpd = video.player_response["streamingData"]["dashManifestUrl"]?.try &.as_s manifest = client.get(dashmpd).body manifest = manifest.gsub(/[^<]+<\/BaseURL>/) do |baseurl| url = baseurl.lchop("") url = url.rchop("") if local url = URI.parse(url).full_path.lchop("/") end "#{url}" end next manifest end adaptive_fmts = video.adaptive_fmts(decrypt_function) if local adaptive_fmts.each do |fmt| fmt["url"] = URI.parse(fmt["url"]).full_path.lchop("/") end end audio_streams = video.audio_streams(adaptive_fmts).select { |stream| stream["type"].starts_with? "audio/mp4" } video_streams = video.video_streams(adaptive_fmts).select { |stream| stream["type"].starts_with? "video/mp4" }.uniq { |stream| stream["size"] } manifest = XML.build(indent: " ", encoding: "UTF-8") do |xml| xml.element("MPD", "xmlns": "urn:mpeg:dash:schema:mpd:2011", "profiles": "urn:mpeg:dash:profile:isoff-live:2011", minBufferTime: "PT1.5S", type: "static", mediaPresentationDuration: "PT#{video.info["length_seconds"]}S") do xml.element("Period") do xml.element("AdaptationSet", mimeType: "audio/mp4", startWithSAP: 1, subsegmentAlignment: true) do audio_streams.each do |fmt| codecs = fmt["type"].split("codecs=")[1].strip('"') bandwidth = fmt["bitrate"] itag = fmt["itag"] url = fmt["url"] xml.element("Representation", id: fmt["itag"], codecs: codecs, bandwidth: bandwidth) do xml.element("AudioChannelConfiguration", schemeIdUri: "urn:mpeg:dash:23003:3:audio_channel_configuration:2011", value: "2") xml.element("BaseURL") { xml.text url } xml.element("SegmentBase", indexRange: fmt["index"]) do xml.element("Initialization", range: fmt["init"]) end end end end xml.element("AdaptationSet", mimeType: "video/mp4", startWithSAP: 1, subsegmentAlignment: true, scanType: "progressive") do video_streams.each do |fmt| codecs = fmt["type"].split("codecs=")[1].strip('"') bandwidth = fmt["bitrate"] itag = fmt["itag"] url = fmt["url"] height, width = fmt["size"].split("x") xml.element("Representation", id: itag, codecs: codecs, width: width, height: height, startWithSAP: "1", maxPlayoutRate: "1", bandwidth: bandwidth, frameRate: fmt["fps"]) do xml.element("BaseURL") { xml.text url } xml.element("SegmentBase", indexRange: fmt["index"]) do xml.element("Initialization", range: fmt["init"]) end end end end end end end manifest = manifest.gsub(%(), %()) manifest = manifest.gsub(%(), %()) manifest end get "/api/manifest/hls_variant/*" do |env| client = make_client(YT_URL) manifest = client.get(env.request.path) if manifest.status_code != 200 halt env, status_code: manifest.status_code end env.response.content_type = "application/x-mpegURL" env.response.headers.add("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*") host_url = make_host_url(Kemal.config.ssl || config.https_only, config.domain) manifest = manifest.body manifest.gsub("https://www.youtube.com", host_url) end get "/api/manifest/hls_playlist/*" do |env| client = make_client(YT_URL) manifest = client.get(env.request.path) if manifest.status_code != 200 halt env, status_code: manifest.status_code end host_url = make_host_url(Kemal.config.ssl || config.https_only, config.domain) manifest = manifest.body.gsub("https://www.youtube.com", host_url) manifest = manifest.gsub(/https:\/\/r\d---.{11}\.c\.youtube\.com/, host_url) fvip = manifest.match(/hls_chunk_host\/r(?\d)---/).not_nil!["fvip"] manifest = manifest.gsub("seg.ts", "seg.ts/fvip/#{fvip}") env.response.content_type = "application/x-mpegURL" env.response.headers.add("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*") manifest end # YouTube /videoplayback links expire after 6 hours, # so we have a mechanism here to redirect to the latest version get "/latest_version" do |env| if env.params.query["download_widget"]? download_widget = JSON.parse(env.params.query["download_widget"]) id = download_widget["id"].as_s itag = download_widget["itag"].as_s title = download_widget["title"].as_s local = "true" end id ||= env.params.query["id"]? itag ||= env.params.query["itag"]? region = env.params.query["region"]? local ||= env.params.query["local"]? local ||= "false" local = local == "true" if !id || !itag halt env, status_code: 400 end video = fetch_video(id, proxies, region: region) fmt_stream = video.fmt_stream(decrypt_function) adaptive_fmts = video.adaptive_fmts(decrypt_function) urls = (fmt_stream + adaptive_fmts).select { |fmt| fmt["itag"] == itag } if urls.empty? halt env, status_code: 404 elsif urls.size > 1 halt env, status_code: 409 end url = urls[0]["url"] if local url = URI.parse(url).full_path.not_nil! end if title url += "&title=#{title}" end env.redirect url end options "/videoplayback" do |env| env.response.headers["Access-Control-Allow-Origin"] = "*" env.response.headers["Access-Control-Allow-Methods"] = "GET, OPTIONS" env.response.headers["Access-Control-Allow-Headers"] = "Content-Type, Range" end options "/videoplayback/*" do |env| env.response.headers["Access-Control-Allow-Origin"] = "*" env.response.headers["Access-Control-Allow-Methods"] = "GET, OPTIONS" env.response.headers["Access-Control-Allow-Headers"] = "Content-Type, Range" end options "/api/manifest/dash/id/videoplayback" do |env| env.response.headers["Access-Control-Allow-Origin"] = "*" env.response.headers["Access-Control-Allow-Methods"] = "GET, OPTIONS" env.response.headers["Access-Control-Allow-Headers"] = "Content-Type, Range" end options "/api/manifest/dash/id/videoplayback/*" do |env| env.response.headers["Access-Control-Allow-Origin"] = "*" env.response.headers["Access-Control-Allow-Methods"] = "GET, OPTIONS" env.response.headers["Access-Control-Allow-Headers"] = "Content-Type, Range" end get "/videoplayback/*" do |env| path = env.request.path path = path.lchop("/videoplayback/") path = path.rchop("/") path = path.gsub(/mime\/\w+\/\w+/) do |mimetype| mimetype = mimetype.split("/") mimetype[0] + "/" + mimetype[1] + "%2F" + mimetype[2] end path = path.split("/") raw_params = {} of String => Array(String) path.each_slice(2) do |pair| key, value = pair value = URI.unescape(value) if raw_params[key]? raw_params[key] << value else raw_params[key] = [value] end end query_params = HTTP::Params.new(raw_params) env.response.headers["Access-Control-Allow-Origin"] = "*" env.redirect "/videoplayback?#{query_params}" end get "/videoplayback" do |env| query_params = env.params.query fvip = query_params["fvip"]? || "3" mn = query_params["mn"].split(",")[-1] host = "https://r#{fvip}---#{mn}.googlevideo.com" url = "/videoplayback?#{query_params.to_s}" headers = env.request.headers headers.delete("Host") headers.delete("Cookie") headers.delete("User-Agent") headers.delete("Referer") region = query_params["region"]? response = HTTP::Client::Response.new(403) loop do begin client = make_client(URI.parse(host), proxies, region) response = client.head(url, headers) break rescue ex end end if response.headers["Location"]? url = URI.parse(response.headers["Location"]) env.response.headers["Access-Control-Allow-Origin"] = "*" url = url.full_path if region url += "®ion=#{region}" end next env.redirect url end if response.status_code >= 400 halt env, status_code: response.status_code end client = make_client(URI.parse(host), proxies, region) client.get(url, headers) do |response| env.response.status_code = response.status_code if title = env.params.query["title"]? # https://blog.fastmail.com/2011/06/24/download-non-english-filenames/ env.response.headers["Content-Disposition"] = "attachment; filename=\"#{URI.escape(title)}\"; filename*=UTF-8''#{URI.escape(title)}" end response.headers.each do |key, value| env.response.headers[key] = value end env.response.headers["Access-Control-Allow-Origin"] = "*" begin chunk_size = 4096 size = 1 while size > 0 size = IO.copy(response.body_io, env.response.output, chunk_size) env.response.flush Fiber.yield end rescue ex break end end end get "/ggpht*" do |env| end get "/ggpht/*" do |env| host = "https://yt3.ggpht.com" client = make_client(URI.parse(host)) url = env.request.path.lchop("/ggpht") headers = env.request.headers headers.delete("Host") headers.delete("Cookie") headers.delete("User-Agent") headers.delete("Referer") client.get(url, headers) do |response| env.response.status_code = response.status_code response.headers.each do |key, value| env.response.headers[key] = value end if response.status_code == 304 break end chunk_size = 4096 size = 1 if response.headers.includes_word?("Content-Encoding", "gzip") Gzip::Writer.open(env.response) do |deflate| until size == 0 size = IO.copy(response.body_io, deflate) env.response.flush end end elsif response.headers.includes_word?("Content-Encoding", "deflate") Flate::Writer.open(env.response) do |deflate| until size == 0 size = IO.copy(response.body_io, deflate) env.response.flush end end else until size == 0 size = IO.copy(response.body_io, env.response, chunk_size) env.response.flush end end end end get "/vi/:id/:name" do |env| id = env.params.url["id"] name = env.params.url["name"] host = "https://i.ytimg.com" client = make_client(URI.parse(host)) if name == "maxres.jpg" VIDEO_THUMBNAILS.each do |thumb| if client.head("/vi/#{id}/#{thumb[:url]}.jpg").status_code == 200 name = thumb[:url] + ".jpg" break end end end url = "/vi/#{id}/#{name}" headers = env.request.headers headers.delete("Host") headers.delete("Cookie") headers.delete("User-Agent") headers.delete("Referer") client.get(url, headers) do |response| env.response.status_code = response.status_code response.headers.each do |key, value| env.response.headers[key] = value end if response.status_code == 304 break end chunk_size = 4096 size = 1 if response.headers.includes_word?("Content-Encoding", "gzip") Gzip::Writer.open(env.response) do |deflate| until size == 0 size = IO.copy(response.body_io, deflate) env.response.flush end end elsif response.headers.includes_word?("Content-Encoding", "deflate") Flate::Writer.open(env.response) do |deflate| until size == 0 size = IO.copy(response.body_io, deflate) env.response.flush end end else until size == 0 size = IO.copy(response.body_io, env.response, chunk_size) env.response.flush end end end end error 404 do |env| env.response.content_type = "application/json" error_message = "404 Not Found" {"error" => error_message}.to_json end error 500 do |env| env.response.content_type = "application/json" error_message = "500 Server Error" {"error" => error_message}.to_json end # Add redirect if SSL is enabled if Kemal.config.ssl spawn do server = HTTP::Server.new do |context| redirect_url = "https://#{context.request.host}#{context.request.path}" if context.request.query redirect_url += "?#{context.request.query}" end context.response.headers.add("Location", redirect_url) context.response.status_code = 301 end server.bind_tcp "", 80 server.listen end end Kemal.config.powered_by_header = false add_handler APIHandler.new Kemal.config.logger = logger Kemal.run