diff --git a/src/invidious.cr b/src/invidious.cr
index bc429fbf7..4628dd86b 100644
--- a/src/invidious.cr
+++ b/src/invidious.cr
@@ -81,16 +81,15 @@ crawl_threads.times do
ids = Deque(String).new
random = Random.new
- client = make_client(YT_URL)
- search(random.base64(3), client) do |id|
- ids << id
+ search(random.base64(3)).each do |video|
+ ids << video.id
loop do
client = make_client(YT_URL)
if ids.empty?
- search(random.base64(3), client) do |id|
- ids << id
+ search(random.base64(3)).each do |video|
+ ids << video.id
@@ -1267,13 +1266,65 @@ get "/api/v1/channels/:ucid/videos" do |env|
+get "/api/v1/search" do |env|
+ if env.params.query["q"]?
+ query = env.params.query["q"]
+ else
+ next env.redirect "/"
+ end
+ page = env.params.query["page"]?.try &.to_i?
+ page ||= 1
+ client = make_client(YT_URL)
+ html = client.get("/results?q=#{URI.escape(query)}&page=#{page}&sp=EgIQAVAU&disable_polymer=1").body
+ html = XML.parse_html(html)
+ results = JSON.build do |json|
+ json.array do
+ html.xpath_nodes(%q(//ol[@class="item-section"]/li)).each do |item|
+ anchor = item.xpath_node(%q(.//h3[contains(@class,"yt-lockup-title")]/a)).not_nil!
+ if anchor["href"].starts_with? "https://www.googleadservices.com"
+ next
+ end
+ title = anchor.content.strip
+ video_id = anchor["href"].lchop("/watch?v=")
+ anchor = item.xpath_node(%q(.//div[contains(@class, "yt-lockup-byline")]/a)).not_nil!
+ author = anchor.content
+ author_url = anchor["href"]
+ published = item.xpath_node(%q(.//div[contains(@class,"yt-lockup-meta")]/ul/li[1]))
if !published
published = published.content
+ if published.ends_with? "watching"
+ next
+ end
published = decode_date(published)
- length_seconds = item.xpath_node(%q(.//span[@class="video-time"]/span)).not_nil!.content
+ view_count = item.xpath_node(%q(.//div[contains(@class,"yt-lockup-meta")]/ul/li[2])).not_nil!
+ view_count = view_count.content.rchop(" views")
+ if view_count = "No"
+ view_count = 0
+ else
+ view_count = view_count.delete(",").to_i
+ end
+ descriptionHtml = item.xpath_node(%q(.//div[contains(@class, "yt-lockup-description")]))
+ if !descriptionHtml
+ description = ""
+ descriptionHtml = ""
+ else
+ descriptionHtml = descriptionHtml.to_s
+ description = descriptionHtml.gsub("
", "\n")
+ description = description.gsub("
", "\n")
+ description = XML.parse_html(description).content.strip("\n ")
+ end
+ length_seconds = item.xpath_node(%q(.//span[@class="video-time"])).not_nil!.content
length_seconds = length_seconds.split(":").map { |a| a.to_i }
length_seconds = [0] * (3 - length_seconds.size) + length_seconds
length_seconds = Time::Span.new(length_seconds[0], length_seconds[1], length_seconds[2])
@@ -1282,6 +1333,9 @@ end
json.field "title", title
json.field "videoId", video_id
+ json.field "author", author
+ json.field "authorUrl", author_url
json.field "videoThumbnails" do
json.object do
qualities = [{name: "default", url: "default", width: 120, height: 90},
@@ -1312,7 +1366,7 @@ end
env.response.content_type = "application/json"
- videos
+ results
get "/embed/:id" do |env|
@@ -1471,39 +1525,7 @@ get "/search" do |env|
page = env.params.query["page"]?.try &.to_i?
page ||= 1
- client = make_client(YT_URL)
- html = client.get("/results?q=#{URI.escape(query)}&page=#{page}&sp=EgIQAVAU").body
- html = XML.parse_html(html)
- videos = [] of ChannelVideo
- html.xpath_nodes(%q(//ol[@class="item-section"]/li)).each do |item|
- root = item.xpath_node(%q(div[contains(@class,"yt-lockup-video")]/div))
- if root
- id = root.xpath_node(%q(div[contains(@class,"yt-lockup-thumbnail")]/a/@href))
- if id
- id = id.content.lchop("/watch?v=")
- end
- id ||= ""
- title = root.xpath_node(%q(div[@class="yt-lockup-content"]/h3/a))
- if title
- title = title.content
- end
- title ||= ""
- author = root.xpath_node(%q(div[@class="yt-lockup-content"]/div/a))
- if author
- ucid = author["href"].rpartition("/")[-1]
- author = author.content
- end
- author ||= ""
- ucid ||= ""
- video = ChannelVideo.new(id, title, Time.now, Time.now, ucid, author)
- videos << video
- end
- end
+ videos = search(query, page)
templated "search"
diff --git a/src/invidious/helpers.cr b/src/invidious/helpers.cr
index aa0939f1c..68699fc8c 100644
--- a/src/invidious/helpers.cr
+++ b/src/invidious/helpers.cr
@@ -345,19 +345,42 @@ def get_video(id, db, refresh = true)
return video
-def search(query, client, &block)
- html = client.get("/results?q=#{query}&sp=EgIQAVAU&disable_polymer=1").body
+def search(query, page = 1)
+ client = make_client(YT_URL)
+ html = client.get("/results?q=#{URI.escape(query)}&page=#{page}&sp=EgIQAVAU").body
html = XML.parse_html(html)
+ videos = [] of ChannelVideo
html.xpath_nodes(%q(//ol[@class="item-section"]/li)).each do |item|
root = item.xpath_node(%q(div[contains(@class,"yt-lockup-video")]/div))
if root
- link = root.xpath_node(%q(div[contains(@class,"yt-lockup-thumbnail")]/a/@href))
- if link
- yield link.content.split("=")[1]
+ id = root.xpath_node(%q(div[contains(@class,"yt-lockup-thumbnail")]/a/@href))
+ if id
+ id = id.content.lchop("/watch?v=")
+ id ||= ""
+ title = root.xpath_node(%q(div[@class="yt-lockup-content"]/h3/a))
+ if title
+ title = title.content
+ end
+ title ||= ""
+ author = root.xpath_node(%q(div[@class="yt-lockup-content"]/div/a))
+ if author
+ ucid = author["href"].rpartition("/")[-1]
+ author = author.content
+ end
+ author ||= ""
+ ucid ||= ""
+ video = ChannelVideo.new(id, title, Time.now, Time.now, ucid, author)
+ videos << video
+ return videos
def splice(a, b)