mirror of
synced 2025-03-12 00:46:39 -04:00
Translations update from Hosted Weblate (#3977)
This commit is contained in:
@ -540,5 +540,13 @@
"Channel Sponsor": "راعي القناة",
"Standard YouTube license": "ترخيص YouTube القياسي",
"Download is disabled": "تم تعطيل التحميلات",
"Import YouTube playlist (.csv)": "استيراد قائمة تشغيل YouTube (.csv)"
"Import YouTube playlist (.csv)": "استيراد قائمة تشغيل YouTube (.csv)",
"generic_button_save": "حفظ",
"generic_button_delete": "حذف",
"generic_button_edit": "تحرير",
"generic_button_cancel": "الغاء",
"generic_button_rss": "RSS",
"channel_tab_releases_label": "الإصدارات",
"playlist_button_add_items": "إضافة مقاطع فيديو",
"channel_tab_podcasts_label": "البودكاست"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1 @@
@ -492,5 +492,13 @@
"Song: ": "Skladba: ",
"Standard YouTube license": "Standardní licence YouTube",
"Download is disabled": "Stahování je zakázáno",
"Import YouTube playlist (.csv)": "Importovat YouTube playlist (.csv)"
"Import YouTube playlist (.csv)": "Importovat YouTube playlist (.csv)",
"generic_button_save": "Uložit",
"generic_button_delete": "Odstranit",
"generic_button_cancel": "Zrušit",
"channel_tab_podcasts_label": "Podcasty",
"channel_tab_releases_label": "Vydání",
"generic_button_edit": "Upravit",
"generic_button_rss": "RSS",
"playlist_button_add_items": "Přidat videa"
@ -476,5 +476,11 @@
"Standard YouTube license": "Standard YouTube-Lizenz",
"Song: ": "Musik: ",
"Download is disabled": "Herunterladen ist deaktiviert",
"Import YouTube playlist (.csv)": "YouTube Playlist Importieren (.csv)"
"Import YouTube playlist (.csv)": "YouTube Playlist Importieren (.csv)",
"generic_button_delete": "Löschen",
"generic_button_edit": "Bearbeiten",
"generic_button_save": "Speichern",
"generic_button_cancel": "Abbrechen",
"generic_button_rss": "RSS",
"playlist_button_add_items": "Videos hinzufügen"
@ -154,7 +154,7 @@
"View YouTube comments": "Vidi komentojn de JuTubo",
"View more comments on Reddit": "Vidi pli komentoj en Reddit",
"View `x` comments": {
"([^.,0-9]|^)1([^.,0-9]|$)": "Vidi `x` komentojn",
"([^.,0-9]|^)1([^.,0-9]|$)": "Vidi `x` komenton",
"": "Vidi `x` komentojn"
"View Reddit comments": "Vidi komentojn de Reddit",
@ -447,8 +447,8 @@
"French (auto-generated)": "Franca (aŭtomate generita)",
"Spanish (Mexico)": "Hispana (Meksiko)",
"Spanish (auto-generated)": "Hispana (aŭtomate generita)",
"generic_count_days": "{{count}} jaro",
"generic_count_days_plural": "{{count}} jaroj",
"generic_count_days": "{{count}} tago",
"generic_count_days_plural": "{{count}} tagoj",
"search_filters_type_option_all": "Ajna speco",
"search_filters_duration_option_none": "Ajna daŭro",
"search_filters_apply_button": "Uzi elektitajn filtrilojn",
@ -476,5 +476,13 @@
"Song: ": "Muzikaĵo: ",
"Standard YouTube license": "Implicita YouTube-licenco",
"Download is disabled": "Elŝuto estas malebligita",
"Import YouTube playlist (.csv)": "Importi YouTube-ludliston (.csv)"
"Import YouTube playlist (.csv)": "Importi YouTube-ludliston (.csv)",
"generic_button_edit": "Redakti",
"playlist_button_add_items": "Aldoni videojn",
"generic_button_rss": "RSS",
"generic_button_delete": "Forigi",
"channel_tab_podcasts_label": "Podkastoj",
"generic_button_cancel": "Nuligi",
"channel_tab_releases_label": "Eldonoj",
"generic_button_save": "Konservi"
@ -113,7 +113,7 @@
"Token manager": "Gestor de tokens",
"Token": "Ficha",
"Import/export": "Importar/Exportar",
"unsubscribe": "Desuscribirse",
"unsubscribe": "desuscribirse",
"revoke": "revocar",
"Subscriptions": "Suscripciones",
"search": "buscar",
@ -154,7 +154,7 @@
"View YouTube comments": "Ver los comentarios de YouTube",
"View more comments on Reddit": "Ver más comentarios en Reddit",
"View `x` comments": {
"([^.,0-9]|^)1([^.,0-9]|$)": "Ver `x` comentarios",
"([^.,0-9]|^)1([^.,0-9]|$)": "Ver `x` comentario",
"": "Ver `x` comentarios"
"View Reddit comments": "Ver los comentarios de Reddit",
@ -476,5 +476,13 @@
"Channel Sponsor": "Patrocinador del canal",
"Standard YouTube license": "Licencia de YouTube estándar",
"Download is disabled": "La descarga está deshabilitada",
"Import YouTube playlist (.csv)": "Importar lista de reproducción de YouTube (.csv)"
"Import YouTube playlist (.csv)": "Importar lista de reproducción de YouTube (.csv)",
"playlist_button_add_items": "Añadir vídeos",
"generic_button_edit": "Editar",
"generic_button_save": "Guardar",
"generic_button_delete": "Borrar",
"generic_button_cancel": "Cancelar",
"generic_button_rss": "RSS",
"channel_tab_podcasts_label": "Podcasts",
"channel_tab_releases_label": "Publicaciones"
@ -55,10 +55,10 @@
"Password": "Mot de passe",
"Time (h:mm:ss):": "Heure (h:mm:ss) :",
"Text CAPTCHA": "CAPTCHA textuel",
"Image CAPTCHA": "CAPTCHA graphique",
"Sign In": "Se connecter",
"Image CAPTCHA": "CAPTCHA pictural",
"Sign In": "S'identifier",
"Register": "S'inscrire",
"E-mail": "E-mail",
"E-mail": "Courriel",
"Preferences": "Préférences",
"preferences_category_player": "Préférences du lecteur",
"preferences_video_loop_label": "Lire en boucle : ",
@ -128,8 +128,8 @@
"Subscription manager": "Gestionnaire d'abonnement",
"Token manager": "Gestionnaire de token",
"Token": "Token",
"tokens_count": "{{count}} token",
"tokens_count_plural": "{{count}} tokens",
"tokens_count": "{{count}} jeton",
"tokens_count_plural": "{{count}} jetons",
"Import/export": "Importer/Exporter",
"unsubscribe": "se désabonner",
"revoke": "révoquer",
@ -482,5 +482,7 @@
"Music in this video": "Musique dans cette vidéo",
"Channel Sponsor": "Soutien de la chaîne",
"Download is disabled": "Le téléchargement est désactivé",
"Import YouTube playlist (.csv)": "Importer des listes de lecture de Youtube (.csv)"
"Import YouTube playlist (.csv)": "Importer des listes de lecture de Youtube (.csv)",
"channel_tab_releases_label": "Parutions",
"channel_tab_podcasts_label": "Émissions audio"
@ -471,5 +471,18 @@
"channel_tab_shorts_label": "शॉर्ट्स",
"channel_tab_streams_label": "लाइवस्ट्रीम्स",
"channel_tab_playlists_label": "प्लेलिस्ट्स",
"channel_tab_channels_label": "चैनल्स"
"channel_tab_channels_label": "चैनल्स",
"generic_button_save": "सहेजें",
"generic_button_cancel": "रद्द करें",
"generic_button_rss": "आरएसएस",
"generic_button_edit": "संपादित करें",
"generic_button_delete": "मिटाएं",
"playlist_button_add_items": "वीडियो जोड़ें",
"Song: ": "गाना: ",
"channel_tab_podcasts_label": "पाॅडकास्ट",
"channel_tab_releases_label": "रिलीज़ेस्",
"Import YouTube playlist (.csv)": "YouTube प्लेलिस्ट (.csv) आयात करें",
"Standard YouTube license": "मानक यूट्यूब लाइसेंस",
"Channel Sponsor": "चैनल प्रायोजक",
"Download is disabled": "डाउनलोड करना अक्षम है"
@ -492,5 +492,13 @@
"Song: ": "Pjesma: ",
"Standard YouTube license": "Standardna YouTube licenca",
"Download is disabled": "Preuzimanje je deaktivirano",
"Import YouTube playlist (.csv)": "Uvezi YouTube zbirku (.csv)"
"Import YouTube playlist (.csv)": "Uvezi YouTube zbirku (.csv)",
"generic_button_delete": "Izbriši",
"playlist_button_add_items": "Dodaj videa",
"channel_tab_podcasts_label": "Podcasti",
"generic_button_edit": "Uredi",
"generic_button_save": "Spremi",
"generic_button_cancel": "Odustani",
"generic_button_rss": "RSS",
"channel_tab_releases_label": "Izdanja"
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
"View playlist on YouTube": "Vedi playlist su YouTube",
"newest": "più recente",
"oldest": "più vecchio",
"popular": "Tendenze",
"popular": "popolare",
"last": "ultimo",
"Next page": "Pagina successiva",
"Previous page": "Pagina precedente",
@ -467,7 +467,7 @@
"channel_tab_shorts_label": "Short",
"channel_tab_playlists_label": "Playlist",
"channel_tab_channels_label": "Canali",
"channel_tab_streams_label": "Livestream",
"channel_tab_streams_label": "Trasmissioni in diretta",
"channel_tab_community_label": "Comunità",
"Music in this video": "Musica in questo video",
"Artist: ": "Artista: ",
@ -476,5 +476,13 @@
"Song: ": "Canzone: ",
"Standard YouTube license": "Licenza standard di YouTube",
"Channel Sponsor": "Sponsor del canale",
"Import YouTube playlist (.csv)": "Importa playlist di YouTube (.csv)"
"Import YouTube playlist (.csv)": "Importa playlist di YouTube (.csv)",
"generic_button_edit": "Modifica",
"generic_button_cancel": "Annulla",
"generic_button_rss": "RSS",
"channel_tab_releases_label": "Pubblicazioni",
"generic_button_delete": "Elimina",
"generic_button_save": "Salva",
"playlist_button_add_items": "Aggiungi video",
"channel_tab_podcasts_label": "Podcast"
@ -81,7 +81,7 @@
"preferences_category_subscription": "登録チャンネル設定",
"preferences_annotations_subscribed_label": "最初から登録チャンネルのアノテーションを表示 ",
"Redirect homepage to feed: ": "ホームからフィードにリダイレクト: ",
"preferences_max_results_label": "フィードに表示する動画の量: ",
"preferences_max_results_label": "フィードに表示する動画数: ",
"preferences_sort_label": "動画を並び替え: ",
"published": "投稿日",
"published - reverse": "投稿日 - 逆順",
@ -460,5 +460,13 @@
"Channel Sponsor": "チャンネルのスポンサー",
"Standard YouTube license": "標準 Youtube ライセンス",
"Download is disabled": "ダウンロード: このインスタンスでは未対応",
"Import YouTube playlist (.csv)": "YouTube 再生リストをインポート (.csv)"
"Import YouTube playlist (.csv)": "YouTube 再生リストをインポート (.csv)",
"generic_button_delete": "削除",
"generic_button_cancel": "キャンセル",
"channel_tab_podcasts_label": "ポッドキャスト",
"channel_tab_releases_label": "リリース",
"generic_button_edit": "編集",
"generic_button_save": "保存",
"generic_button_rss": "RSS",
"playlist_button_add_items": "動画を追加"
@ -460,5 +460,13 @@
"Music in this video": "동영상 속 음악",
"Artist: ": "아티스트: ",
"Download is disabled": "다운로드가 비활성화 되어있음",
"Import YouTube playlist (.csv)": "유튜브 플레이리스트 가져오기 (.csv)"
"Import YouTube playlist (.csv)": "유튜브 플레이리스트 가져오기 (.csv)",
"playlist_button_add_items": "동영상 추가",
"channel_tab_podcasts_label": "팟캐스트",
"generic_button_delete": "삭제",
"generic_button_edit": "편집",
"generic_button_save": "저장",
"generic_button_cancel": "취소",
"generic_button_rss": "RSS",
"channel_tab_releases_label": "출시"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1 @@
@ -154,7 +154,7 @@
"View YouTube comments": "Vis YouTube-kommentarer",
"View more comments on Reddit": "Vis flere kommenterer på Reddit",
"View `x` comments": {
"([^.,0-9]|^)1([^.,0-9]|$)": "Vis `x` kommentarer",
"([^.,0-9]|^)1([^.,0-9]|$)": "Vis `x` kommentar",
"": "Vis `x` kommentarer"
"View Reddit comments": "Vis Reddit-kommentarer",
@ -476,5 +476,13 @@
"Album: ": "Album: ",
"Download is disabled": "Nedlasting er avskrudd",
"Channel Sponsor": "Kanalsponsor",
"Import YouTube playlist (.csv)": "Importer YouTube-spilleliste (.csv)"
"Import YouTube playlist (.csv)": "Importer YouTube-spilleliste (.csv)",
"channel_tab_podcasts_label": "Podkaster",
"channel_tab_releases_label": "Utgaver",
"generic_button_delete": "Slett",
"generic_button_edit": "Endre",
"generic_button_save": "Lagre",
"generic_button_cancel": "Avbryt",
"generic_button_rss": "RSS",
"playlist_button_add_items": "Legg til videoer"
@ -1 +1,29 @@
"preferences_quality_dash_option_720p": "୭୨୦ପି",
"preferences_quality_dash_option_4320p": "୪୩୨୦ପି",
"preferences_quality_dash_option_240p": "୨୪୦ପି",
"preferences_quality_dash_option_2160p": "୨୧୬୦ପି",
"preferences_quality_dash_option_144p": "୧୪୪ପି",
"reddit": "Reddit",
"preferences_quality_dash_option_480p": "୪୮୦ପି",
"preferences_dark_mode_label": "ଥିମ୍: ",
"dark": "ଗାଢ଼",
"published": "ପ୍ରକାଶିତ",
"generic_videos_count": "{{count}}ଟିଏ ଵିଡ଼ିଓ",
"generic_videos_count_plural": "{{count}}ଟି ଵିଡ଼ିଓ",
"generic_button_edit": "ସମ୍ପାଦନା",
"light": "ହାଲୁକା",
"last": "ଗତ",
"New password": "ନୂଆ ପାସ୍ୱର୍ଡ଼",
"preferences_quality_dash_option_1440p": "୧୪୪୦ପି",
"preferences_quality_dash_option_360p": "୩୬୦ପି",
"preferences_quality_option_medium": "ମଧ୍ୟମ",
"preferences_quality_dash_option_1080p": "୧୦୮୦ପି",
"youtube": "YouTube",
"preferences_quality_option_hd720": "HD୭୨୦",
"invidious": "Invidious",
"generic_playlists_count": "{{count}}ଟିଏ ଚାଳନାତାଲିକା",
"generic_playlists_count_plural": "{{count}}ଟି ଚାଳନାତାଲିକା",
"Yes": "ହଁ",
"No": "ନାହିଁ"
@ -148,12 +148,12 @@
"Blacklisted regions: ": "Niedostępny na obszarach: ",
"Shared `x`": "Udostępniono `x`",
"Premieres in `x`": "Publikacja za `x`",
"Premieres `x`": "Publikacja za `x`",
"Premieres `x`": "Publikacja `x`",
"Hi! Looks like you have JavaScript turned off. Click here to view comments, keep in mind they may take a bit longer to load.": "Cześć! Wygląda na to, że masz wyłączoną obsługę JavaScriptu. Kliknij tutaj, żeby zobaczyć komentarze. Pamiętaj, że wczytywanie może potrwać dłużej.",
"View YouTube comments": "Wyświetl komentarze z YouTube",
"View more comments on Reddit": "Wyświetl więcej komentarzy na Reddicie",
"View `x` comments": {
"([^.,0-9]|^)1([^.,0-9]|$)": "Wyświetl `x` komentarzy",
"([^.,0-9]|^)1([^.,0-9]|$)": "Wyświetl `x` komentarz",
"": "Wyświetl `x` komentarzy"
"View Reddit comments": "Wyświetl komentarze z Redditta",
@ -492,5 +492,13 @@
"Song: ": "Piosenka: ",
"Channel Sponsor": "Sponsor kanału",
"Standard YouTube license": "Standardowa licencja YouTube",
"Import YouTube playlist (.csv)": "Importuj playlistę YouTube (.csv)"
"Import YouTube playlist (.csv)": "Importuj playlistę YouTube (.csv)",
"generic_button_edit": "Edytuj",
"generic_button_cancel": "Anuluj",
"generic_button_rss": "RSS",
"channel_tab_podcasts_label": "Podkasty",
"channel_tab_releases_label": "Wydania",
"generic_button_delete": "Usuń",
"generic_button_save": "Zapisz",
"playlist_button_add_items": "Dodaj filmy"
@ -475,6 +475,14 @@
"Standard YouTube license": "Licença padrão do YouTube",
"Song: ": "Música: ",
"Channel Sponsor": "Patrocinador do Canal",
"Download is disabled": "Download está desativado",
"Import YouTube playlist (.csv)": "Importar lista de reprodução do YouTube (.csv)"
"Download is disabled": "Download está desabilitado",
"Import YouTube playlist (.csv)": "Importar lista de reprodução do YouTube (.csv)",
"generic_button_delete": "Apagar",
"generic_button_save": "Salvar",
"generic_button_edit": "Editar",
"playlist_button_add_items": "Adicionar vídeos",
"channel_tab_releases_label": "Lançamentos",
"channel_tab_podcasts_label": "Podcasts",
"generic_button_cancel": "Cancelar",
"generic_button_rss": "RSS"
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
"search_filters_features_option_hdr": "HDR",
"search_filters_features_option_location": "Localização",
"search_filters_features_option_four_k": "4K",
"search_filters_features_option_live": "Em direto",
"search_filters_features_option_live": "Ao Vivo",
"search_filters_features_option_three_d": "3D",
"search_filters_features_option_c_commons": "Creative Commons",
"search_filters_features_option_subtitles": "Legendas",
@ -365,7 +365,7 @@
"Subscribe": "Subscrever",
"Unsubscribe": "Anular subscrição",
"Shared `x` ago": "Partilhado `x` atrás",
"LIVE": "Em direto",
"search_filters_duration_option_short": "Curto (< 4 minutos)",
"search_filters_duration_option_long": "Longo (> 20 minutos)",
"footer_source_code": "Código-fonte",
@ -476,5 +476,13 @@
"Channel Sponsor": "Patrocinador do canal",
"Standard YouTube license": "Licença padrão do YouTube",
"Download is disabled": "A descarga está desativada",
"Import YouTube playlist (.csv)": "Importar lista de reprodução do YouTube (.csv)"
"Import YouTube playlist (.csv)": "Importar lista de reprodução do YouTube (.csv)",
"generic_button_delete": "Deletar",
"generic_button_edit": "Editar",
"generic_button_rss": "RSS",
"channel_tab_podcasts_label": "Podcasts",
"channel_tab_releases_label": "Lançamentos",
"generic_button_save": "Salvar",
"generic_button_cancel": "Cancelar",
"playlist_button_add_items": "Adicionar vídeos"
@ -492,5 +492,13 @@
"Standard YouTube license": "Стандартная лицензия YouTube",
"Channel Sponsor": "Спонсор канала",
"Download is disabled": "Загрузка отключена",
"Import YouTube playlist (.csv)": "Импорт плейлиста YouTube (.csv)"
"Import YouTube playlist (.csv)": "Импорт плейлиста YouTube (.csv)",
"channel_tab_releases_label": "Релизы",
"generic_button_delete": "Удалить",
"generic_button_edit": "Редактировать",
"generic_button_save": "Сохранить",
"generic_button_cancel": "Отменить",
"generic_button_rss": "RSS",
"playlist_button_add_items": "Добавить видео",
"channel_tab_podcasts_label": "Подкасты"
@ -89,7 +89,7 @@
"preferences_quality_option_hd720": "HD720",
"preferences_quality_dash_option_auto": "ස්වයංක්රීය",
"preferences_quality_option_small": "කුඩා",
"preferences_quality_dash_option_best": "උසස්",
"preferences_quality_dash_option_best": "හොඳම",
"preferences_quality_dash_option_2160p": "2160p",
"preferences_quality_dash_option_1440p": "1440p",
"preferences_quality_dash_option_720p": "720p",
@ -119,5 +119,9 @@
"Only show latest unwatched video from channel: ": "නාලිකාවේ නවතම නැරඹන නොලද වීඩියෝව පමණක් පෙන්වන්න: ",
"preferences_category_data": "දත්ත මනාප",
"Clear watch history": "නැරඹුම් ඉතිහාසය මකාදැමීම",
"Subscriptions": "දායකත්ව"
"Subscriptions": "දායකත්ව",
"generic_button_rss": "RSS",
"generic_button_save": "සුරකින්න",
"generic_button_cancel": "අවලංගු කරන්න",
"preferences_quality_dash_option_worst": "නරකම"
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
"last": "posledné",
"Next page": "Ďalšia strana",
"Previous page": "Predchádzajúca strana",
"Clear watch history?": "Vymazať históriu sledovania?",
"Clear watch history?": "Vymazať históriu pozerania?",
"New password": "Nové heslo",
"New passwords must match": "Nové heslá sa musia zhodovať",
"Authorize token?": "Autorizovať token?",
@ -99,5 +99,23 @@
"generic_subscriptions_count_1": "{{count}} odbery",
"generic_subscriptions_count_2": "{{count}} odberov",
"Authorize token for `x`?": "Autorizovať token pre `x`?",
"View playlist on YouTube": "Zobraziť playlist na YouTube"
"View playlist on YouTube": "Zobraziť playlist na YouTube",
"preferences_quality_dash_option_best": "Najlepšia",
"preferences_quality_dash_option_worst": "Najhoršia",
"preferences_quality_dash_option_1440p": "1440p",
"preferences_quality_dash_option_720p": "720p",
"preferences_quality_option_hd720": "HD720",
"preferences_quality_dash_label": "Preferovaná video kvalita DASH: ",
"preferences_quality_option_dash": "DASH (adaptívna kvalita)",
"preferences_quality_option_small": "Malá",
"preferences_watch_history_label": "Zapnúť históriu pozerania: ",
"preferences_quality_dash_option_240p": "240p",
"preferences_quality_dash_option_1080p": "1080p",
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@ -222,7 +222,7 @@
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"search_filters_type_option_all": "Katerakoli vrsta",
"search_filters_type_option_playlist": "Seznami predvajanja",
"search_filters_type_option_playlist": "Seznam predvajanja",
"search_filters_features_option_subtitles": "Podnapisi/CC",
"search_filters_features_option_location": "Lokacija",
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@ -508,5 +508,13 @@
"Standard YouTube license": "Standardna licenca YouTube",
"Channel Sponsor": "Sponzor kanala",
"Download is disabled": "Prenos je onemogočen",
"Import YouTube playlist (.csv)": "Uvoz seznama predvajanja YouTube (.csv)"
"Import YouTube playlist (.csv)": "Uvoz seznama predvajanja YouTube (.csv)",
"generic_button_delete": "Izbriši",
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"generic_button_save": "Shrani",
"generic_button_cancel": "Prekliči",
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"playlist_button_add_items": "Dodaj videoposnetke",
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"channel_tab_releases_label": "Izdaje"
@ -476,5 +476,13 @@
"Song: ": "Şarkı: ",
"Standard YouTube license": "Standart YouTube lisansı",
"Download is disabled": "İndirme devre dışı",
"Import YouTube playlist (.csv)": "YouTube Oynatma Listesini İçe Aktar (.csv)"
"Import YouTube playlist (.csv)": "YouTube Oynatma Listesini İçe Aktar (.csv)",
"generic_button_delete": "Sil",
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"generic_button_save": "Kaydet",
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"playlist_button_add_items": "Video ekle",
"channel_tab_podcasts_label": "Podcast'ler"
@ -492,5 +492,13 @@
"Channel Sponsor": "Спонсор каналу",
"Standard YouTube license": "Стандартна ліцензія YouTube",
"Download is disabled": "Завантаження вимкнено",
"Import YouTube playlist (.csv)": "Імпорт списку відтворення YouTube (.csv)"
"Import YouTube playlist (.csv)": "Імпорт списку відтворення YouTube (.csv)",
"channel_tab_podcasts_label": "Подкасти",
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"generic_button_edit": "Змінити",
"generic_button_save": "Зберегти"
@ -71,7 +71,7 @@
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"preferences_automatic_instance_redirect_label": "Tự động chuyển hướng phiên bản (dự phòng về redirect.invidious.io): ",
@ -120,7 +120,7 @@
"View JavaScript license information.": "Xem thông tin giấy phép JavaScript.",
"View privacy policy.": "Xem chính sách bảo mật.",
"Trending": "Xu hướng",
"Public": "Công cộng",
"Public": "Công khai",
"Unlisted": "Không hiển thị",
"Private": "Riêng tư",
"View all playlists": "Xem tất cả danh sách phát",
@ -182,17 +182,17 @@
"Amharic": "Amharic",
"Arabic": "Tiếng Ả Rập",
"Armenian": "Tiếng Armenia",
"Azerbaijani": "Azerbaijan",
"Bangla": "Bangla",
"Azerbaijani": "Tiếng Azerbaijan",
"Bangla": "Tiếng Bengal",
"Basque": "Tiếng Basque",
"Belarusian": "Người Belarus",
"Belarusian": "Tiếng Belarus",
"Bosnian": "Tiếng Bosnia",
"Bulgarian": "Tiếng Bungari",
"Burmese": "Tiếng Miến Điện",
"Catalan": "Tiếng Catalan",
"Cebuano": "Cebuano",
"Chinese (Simplified)": "Tiếng Trung (Giản thể)",
"Chinese (Traditional)": "Truyền thống Trung Hoa)",
"Chinese (Traditional)": "Tiếng Trung (Phồn thể)",
"Corsican": "Corsican",
"Croatian": "Tiếng Croatia",
"Czech": "Tiếng Séc",
@ -219,22 +219,22 @@
"Igbo": "Igbo",
"Indonesian": "Tiếng Indonesia",
"Irish": "Tiếng Ailen",
"Italian": "Người Ý",
"Italian": "Tiếng Ý",
"Japanese": "Tiếng Nhật",
"Javanese": "Tiếng Java",
"Kannada": "Tiếng Kannada",
"Kazakh": "Tiếng Kazakh",
"Khmer": "Tiếng Khmer",
"Korean": "Hàn Quốc",
"Korean": "Tiếng Hàn",
"Kurdish": "Tiếng Kurd",
"Kyrgyz": "Kyrgyz",
"Lao": "Lào",
"Latin": "Latin",
"Kyrgyz": "Tiếng Kyrgyz",
"Lao": "Tiếng Lào",
"Latin": "Tiếng Latin",
"Latvian": "Tiếng Latvia",
"Lithuanian": "Tiếng Litva",
"Luxembourgish": "Tiếng Luxembourg",
"Macedonian": "Người Macedonian",
"Malagasy": "Malagasy",
"Macedonian": "Tiếng Macedonian",
"Malagasy": "Tiếng Malagasy",
"Malay": "Tiếng Mã Lai",
"Malayalam": "Tiếng Malayalam",
"Maltese": "Cây nho",
@ -364,7 +364,7 @@
"Import/export": "Xuất/nhập dữ liệu",
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"generic_subscriptions_count_0": "{{count}} thuê bao",
"generic_subscriptions_count_0": "{{count}} người đăng kí",
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"preferences_quality_dash_option_480p": "480p",
"preferences_quality_dash_option_2160p": "2160p",
@ -383,5 +383,9 @@
"Standard YouTube license": "Giấy phép YouTube thông thường",
"Album: ": "Album: ",
"preferences_save_player_pos_label": "Lưu vị trí xem cuối cùng ",
"Hi! Looks like you have JavaScript turned off. Click here to view comments, keep in mind they may take a bit longer to load.": "Xin chào! Có vẻ như bạn đã tắt JavaScript. Bấm vào đây để xem bình luận, lưu ý rằng thời gian tải có thể lâu hơn."
"Hi! Looks like you have JavaScript turned off. Click here to view comments, keep in mind they may take a bit longer to load.": "Xin chào! Có vẻ như bạn đã tắt JavaScript. Bấm vào đây để xem bình luận, lưu ý rằng thời gian tải có thể lâu hơn.",
"Chinese (China)": "Tiếng Trung (Trung Quốc)",
"generic_button_cancel": "Hủy",
"Chinese": "Tiếng Trung",
"generic_button_delete": "Xóa"
@ -460,5 +460,13 @@
"Channel Sponsor": "频道赞助者",
"Standard YouTube license": "标准 YouTube 许可证",
"Download is disabled": "已禁用下载",
"Import YouTube playlist (.csv)": "导入 YouTube 播放列表(.csv)"
"Import YouTube playlist (.csv)": "导入 YouTube 播放列表(.csv)",
"generic_button_cancel": "取消",
"playlist_button_add_items": "添加视频",
"generic_button_delete": "删除",
"channel_tab_podcasts_label": "播客",
"generic_button_edit": "编辑",
"generic_button_save": "保存",
"generic_button_rss": "RSS",
"channel_tab_releases_label": "公告"
@ -460,5 +460,13 @@
"Song: ": "歌曲: ",
"Standard YouTube license": "標準 YouTube 授權條款",
"Download is disabled": "已停用下載",
"Import YouTube playlist (.csv)": "匯入 YouTube 播放清單 (.csv)"
"Import YouTube playlist (.csv)": "匯入 YouTube 播放清單 (.csv)",
"generic_button_cancel": "取消",
"generic_button_edit": "編輯",
"generic_button_save": "儲存",
"generic_button_rss": "RSS",
"generic_button_delete": "刪除",
"playlist_button_add_items": "新增影片",
"channel_tab_podcasts_label": "Podcast",
"channel_tab_releases_label": "發布"
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