diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index 3e05d48..73a0501 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -1,16 +1,17 @@ # 9/11 Truth Resources ## ***-----NEVER FORGET-----*** >“The truth will set you free, but first it will piss you off.” + +I put together this list in honor of those who died on 9/11 and also for all the reseachers who dedicated themselves to the pursuit of truth. I converted many of the dead links and I found that a large number of 9/11 truth sites are now offline and are only available via archived links... so please share, rearchive and download! + +**Credits Due** +- https://911research.wtc7.net for resources lists + --- ### Archive & Share - https://git.hackliberty.org/c0mmando/911-truth-resources (Main Repo) --- -## **Predictions** -- [Alex Jones predicted 9/11 attack on July 25, 2001](https://yewtu.be/watch?v=a8Hk1-BpXO8) -- [Bill Cooper predicted 9/11 attack on June 28, 2001](https://yewtu.be/watch?v=lLHVQUTrgvM) -- [Donald Trump Predicted Large-Scale Terror Attack Before 9/11 In 2000](https://yewtu.be/watch?v=60RuXCV71ic) - ## **Websites** ### **World Trade Center Destruction Forensics** - [Journal of 9/11 Studies](https://web.archive.org/web/20230827165830/http://www.journalof911studies.com/) - This journal is edited by Prof Steven Jones and Kevin Ryan, two of the preeminent scholars challenging the official explanation of the World Trade Center collapses. @@ -30,7 +31,7 @@ - [Why Indeed Did the WTC Buildings Completely Collapse?](https://web.archive.org/web/20230520060126/https://journalof911studies.com/volume/200609/WhyIndeedDidtheWorldTradeCenterBuildingsCompletelyCollapse.pdf) [PDF] - This draft for a chapter in a forthcoming book has instantly achieved classic status because of the attention it has garnered thanks to the credentials of its author, Dr. Steven Jones. A physics professor for 20 years, Jones enumerates several features of the 'collapses' of the Twin Towers and Building 7 -- symmetry, the absence of a single historical precedent of fire-induced total collapse of such steel-framed buildings, reports of molten metal in the rubble, horizontal puffs of dust, and many other features seen only in controlled demolitions. - [Muslims Suspend Laws of Physics!](https://www.911review.com/articles/jm/mslp_1.htm) - Published in November, 2001, this article examines the physics of hydrocarbon fires and steel, and exposes the absurdity of the popular myth that the WTC fires melted the towers' columns. - [Muslims Suspend Laws of Physics Part II](https://www.911review.com/articles/jm/mslp_2.htm) - Addresses arguments that the fires needed only soften the steel (particularly that of the floor trusses) to precipitate the collapse scenario. -- [How Strong Is The Evidence For A Controlled Demolition?](https://web.archive.org/web/20121031035605/http://www.plaguepuppy.net/public_html/collapse%20update/) +- [How Strong Is The Evidence For A Controlled Demolition?](https://web.archive.org/web/20121031035605/http://www.plaguepuppy.net/public_html/collapse%20update/) - This article, once named "Collapse Update" was the first clear exposition of the explosive features of the destruction of the Twin Towers, authored by Jeff King (AKA PlaguePuppy). It uses photos and videos of the destruction of the Towers to walk the reader through specific aspects of the event. The page contains several of the videos now in the 9-11 Research video archive. That page links to another by Jeff King, The Strange Collapse of the Spire, which contains some interesting speculation and some unsupported conclusions, such as that the North Tower spire turned to dust. **Pages with Analysis of the WTC Destruction** - [Energetic Examination of the Collapse of the North Tower of the WTC](https://web.archive.org/web/20100830050716/http://www.saunalahti.fi/wtc2001/energia3.htm) - This paper examines the sources and sinks of energy in the collapse of the North Tower. @@ -91,7 +92,7 @@ - [9-11 and the IMPOSSIBLE](https://web.archive.org/web/20070821021536/home.comcast.net/~skydrifter/exp.htm) - This page by Skydrifter (Ralph Olmholt) treats the Pentagon crash and other aspects of the 9/11/01 attack. - [NEWSLETTER #7: Special Edition: The Pentagon Attack](https://archive.ph/Fb51X) - This analysis by David McGowan endorses the attack drone theory, largely ignoring the eyewitness evidence. - [Physical and mathematical analysis of pentagon crash](https://web.archive.org/web/20120224083747/houston.indymedia.org/news/2002/10/5053_comment.php) - This long paper by Gerard Holmgren dissects the Pentagon crash using geometry and intuitive arguments to assert the impossibility that the attack plane was a 757. Holmgren makes numerous unsupported assumptions about plane crash physics, failing to acknowledge, for instance, the degree to which such an crash could reduce even a large jetliner to small debris. -- [Hunt the Boeing! And test your perceptions!]() - This classic presentation invites the reader to find any recognizable parts from a large jetliner in photos of the Pentagon crash site that are carefully selected to avoid showing debris. +- [Hunt the Boeing! And test your perceptions!](https://web.archive.org/web/20041114094926/http://www.asile.org/citoyens/numero13/pentagone/erreurs_en.htm) - This classic presentation invites the reader to find any recognizable parts from a large jetliner in photos of the Pentagon crash site that are carefully selected to avoid showing debris. - [What convinced me that Flight 77 was not the Killer Jet](https://web.archive.org/web/20030108194136/http://www.apfn.org/apfn/77_deastman1.htm) - This and the following two articles are by Dick Eastman, apparently the first to articulate the 'two-plane theory'. - [What convinced me that Flight 77 was not the Killer Jet, Part 2](https://web.archive.org/web/20040603022515/http://www.apfn.org/apfn/77_deastman2.htm) - [What convinced me that Flight 77 was not the Killer Jet, Part 3](https://web.archive.org/web/20040603023133/http://www.apfn.org/apfn/77_deastman3.htm) - Examines the 'star evidence' -- the scrap of aircraft skin with markings like that of an AA 757. @@ -99,6 +100,69 @@ **Sites with Extensive Coverage of the Pentagon Attack** - [The September 11th Attack on the Pentagon](http://pentagon.spacelist.org/) - This page by Brian J. Roberts, a volunteer firefighter with Greenbelt's Volunteer Fire Department and Rescue Squad, contains a detailed description of events at the Pentagon, including those he witnessed. +--- +### **Military Non-Response** + +**Sites Exposing Stand-Down** +- [StandDown.net](https://www.standdown.net/) - This approximately 20-page document describing the stand-down by the air defense system on September 11th is the work of Mark Elsis. +- [OilEmpire.us](https://web.archive.org/web/20080213071622/https://www.oilempire.us/standdown.html) - This site has a great deal relating to the apparent stand-down, including a page on the stand-down, and a page on the war games before and during the attack. +- [911Dossier.co.uk](https://web.archive.org/web/20030621053226/http://911dossier.co.uk/) - This was once a well organized site with a reasonably good analysis of the military non-response. Now it pushes the book 9/11 Revealed whose purpose seems to be to surreptitiously reinforce the official story by promoting hoaxes and strategically avoiding strong evidence of official complicity. + +**Pages Highlighting Lack of Milirary Response** +- [Why did a Civilian Air Traffic Controller do a Better Job of Defending the Skies on 9/11 than NORAD?](https://arabesque911.blogspot.com/2009/07/why-did-civilian-air-traffic-controller.html) - This article points out that, whereas there is ample evidence that NORAD was "aware" that Flight 77 was approaching the Pentagon, they failed to scramble any planes, whereas a C-130 was notified, not by the military but by a civilian air traffic controller, to intercept the jetliner. +- [The Failure to Defend the Skies on 9/11 By Paul Thompson](https://web.archive.org/web/20050715075948/http://www.cooperativeresearch.org:80/timeline/main/essayairdefense.html) - Detailed summary of the (lack of) air defense response on 9/11/01 +- [Stand Down from Incompetence or Complicity?](https://web.archive.org/web/20051126015607/www.ratical.org/ratville/CAH/AOPof911p12.html) - The full title of this analysis by David T. Ratcliffe is "9-11 Timeline: minute-by-minute: Stand Down from Incompetence or Complicity?" +- [911 Stand Down Indicators: Skewered Script / Timeline Distortion](https://web.archive.org/web/20051126023505/www.ratical.org/ratville/JFK/JohnJudge/standdownIndc.html) - This page by John Judge points out some of the red flags in the official timeline. +- [Summation of Civilian Air Defense, Sept 11, 2001](https://communitycurrency.org/Part1C.html) - Chapter from article by MalcontentX +- [Guilty For 9-11: Bush, Rumsfeld, Myers](https://web.archive.org/web/20071207110051/https://emperors-clothes.com/indict/indict-1.htm) - Lays out and exposes lies of the official story, using quotes from officials. +- [Mr. Cheney's Cover-Up](https://web.archive.org/web/20080207124457/http://emperors-clothes.com/indict/indict-2.htm) - A second exposé focusing on Cheney. +- [Powerful Evidence that Air Force Was Made to Stand Down on 9-11](https://web.archive.org/web/20070227035114/emperors-clothes.com/indict/update630.htm) - Has information on accessing mission statements of the Air National Guard bases. + +**Timelines Detailing Military Action** +- [The Failure to Defend the Skies on 9/11](https://web.archive.org/web/20131010091009/http://www.cooperativeresearch.org/essay.jsp?article=essayairdefense) - This timeline runs through events before 9/11/01 that provided ample warnings about the use of jetliners as weapons, and gives a detailed timeline about the military's actions on the day of the attack. Another timeline, Military Exercises Up to 9/11 provides detailed information on war games preceding the attack. +- [911timeline.net](https://web.archive.org/web/20070104182438/http://www.911timeline.net/) - This 9-11 timeline is also maintained by Mark Elsis. It is detailed but not nearly as detailed as Paul Thompson's timelines, and lacks references, but has relatively more analysis. + +--- + +### **Remote Control** + +**Sites with Articles on Remote Control** +- [OilEmpire.us](https://web.archive.org/web/20230712221926/http://www.oilempire.us/) - This site focuses on motive and means for the 9/11/01 attack rather than analysis of the physical evidence. It has a good deal of material on remote control, whose use may be almost impossible to prove, but which most researchers think played a key role in executing the aerial assault. + +**Pages Relating to Remote Control** +- ['Home Run' Electronically Hijacking the World Trade Center Attack Aircraft](https://web.archive.org/web/20051217005408/http://www.geocities.com/mknemesis/homerun.html) - Article by Joe Vialls about the 'Home Run' system used to gain control of jetliners from ground operations. +- [Evidence that remote-controlled planes were used](https://web.archive.org/web/20230609050740/www.oilempire.us/remote.html) - This page documents the incompetence of alleged Flight 77 hijacker Hani Hanjour, documents the existence of robot planes, points to various articles by experts suggesting that remote control was used on 9/11/01, and provides a dossier of a possible suspect, Dov Zakheim, PNAC member, former comtroller of the Pentagon, and head of a company with expertise in remote control. + +**Pages Concerning Alleged Hijackers** +- [At Least 7 of the 9/11 Hijackers are Still Alive](https://web.archive.org/web/20040812162245/www.whatreallyhappened.com/hijackers.html) - This page provides a rundown on the hijackers alleged to be on each of the four flights, and which of those have turned up alive. + +--- + +### **Flight 93** +- [Flight93Crash.com](https://web.archive.org/web/20041230040052/https://www.flight93crash.com/) - This website, exclusively about the crash of Flight 93, has not changed since October of 2003. It remains the best single resource on the crash of Flight 93, though some of its links to news stories are now broken. +- [Asking Questions at the Flight 93 Crash Site](https://www.devvy.com/flight_93_part_1.html) - Detailed analysis of the crash of Flight 93. Debunks the theory that the crash was faked. + +--- +### **Foreknowledge, Motive, and Complicity** +**Sites Focused on Motive and Complicity** +- [copvcia.com](https://web.archive.org/web/20111119124054/http://www.copvcia.com/) - The site is largely the work of Mike Ruppert, who is also the editor and publisher of the mirror site From the Wilderness Publications. Ruppert, an honors graduate of UCLA in Political Science, was an LAPD narcotics investigator when he discovered CIA drug trafficking in 1977. He subsequently worked to expose the fraudulent war on drugs, and has done a great deal of work on documenting the role of government agencies, such as the CIA, in the September 11th attack. +- [CooperativeResearch.org](https://web.archive.org/web/20060314162235/https://billstclair.com/911timeline/) - This website contains the vast and meticulously referenced 9-11 timelines by Paul Thompson. Because of its comprehensiveness and sourcing, this website is an essential resource for anyone doing in-depth research on the attack and its context. In 2004 the cooperativeresearch website was re-designed, splitting the timelines into multiple pages and barring access to the cached articles except when referred from within the site. The search feature frequently generates server errors. A version of the timelines prior to the site re-design is cached here. +- [911timeline.net](https://web.archive.org/web/20070104182438/http://www.911timeline.net/) - This 9-11 timeline is also maintained by Mark Elsis. It is detailed but not nearly as detailed as Paul Thompson's timelines, and lacks references, but has relatively more analysis. +- [OilEmpire.us](https://web.archive.org/web/20230712221926/http://www.oilempire.us/) - This extensive site connects the dots of the 9/11/01 attack and related issues such as peak oil. It emphasizes the logic of the attack -- such as the most sparsely occupied wedge of the Pentagon being hit -- over detailed speculations as to how the attack was engineered. Its strengths include the air defense failures of 9/11/01, the historical precedents to the attack, and geopolitical motives such as resource exploitation in Central Asia. It also covers key issues with Building 7's demolition. The site makes a compelling case that the attack was America's Reichstag Fire, based on the vanishing probability that all of the peculiar features of the attack could have occurred without being coordinated by people inside the government. +- [WantToKnow.info](https://www.wanttoknow.info/) - This site, which bills itself as providing "reliable, verifiable information on major cover-ups" shys away from the most substantial evidence that the 9/11/01 attack was an inside job, such as that of the controlled demolition of the Twin Towers, and has promoted specious material like In Plane Site. It describes Loose Change as the "Best Documentary on 9/11" with a rambling page of praise that is devoid of any critical review of the error-riddled video. WantToKnow.info includes sections of 9/11, Mind Control, and UFOs, and describes the 9/11 Cover-up in much the same way as the "UFO Cover-up". +- [CommunityCurrency.org](https://www.communitycurrency.org/) - This site is the work of Carol Brouillet. It is full of resources for activists, particularly on the September 11th issue, and contains a frequently-updated blog. The site promotes Loose Change, and does not link to critical reviews of it, such as Michael Green's. In the wake of the 2006 Chicago conference, which was covered by the New York Times, the site hosted an ad-homenim attack piece against Michael Ruppert and Mark Robinowitz, disguised as comedy. + +**Sites That Cover Motive and Complicity** +- [globalresearch.ca](https://www.globalresearch.ca/) - This site features the writings of Michael Chossudovsky, and has a substantial ammont of original material on 9-11, mostly covering issues of foreknowledge, complicity, and geopolotical context. +- [SeptemberEleventh.org](https://www.septembereleventh.org/) - This site features the 9-11 VISIBILITY PROJECT. It describes itself as an action-oriented site in support of the truth movement. It contains current news and resources for organizing. +- [rense.com](https://rense.com/) - This site of Jeff Rense is not devoted to September 11th, but contains many articles about it. The site seems to apply almost no filter to what it publishes, so it contains a mix of genuine research articles and disinformation. +- [uscrusade.com](https://web.archive.org/web/20071020055528/http://uscrusade.com/) - This is a large site with a forum. Its main focus is on 9/11 and the wars exploiting it, and Israel/Palestine. +- [questionsquestions.net](https://web.archive.org/web/20060830151335/http://www.questionsquestions.net/) - This site has a large collection of articles about 9/11, and its context. The 9/11 archive, not updated frequently, is a good historical survey of the progress of the 9/11 truth movement. +- [911pi.com](https://web.archive.org/web/20021122201227/http://www.911pi.com:80/) - Extensive forums on 9-11 issues + +**Sites That Cover Foreknowledge** +- [SUPPRESSED DETAILS OF CRIMINAL INSIDER TRADING LEAD DIRECTLY INTO THE CIA's HIGHEST RANKS](https://web.archive.org/web/20071026091949/www.fromthewilderness.com/free/ww3/10_09_01_krongard.html) - This article is in two parts. The first part 'THE SCOPE OF KNOWN INSIDER TRADING' gives evtenisve evidence of pre-attack insider trading, particulary huge surges in the purchases of put options on stocks that would plummit after the attck. The second part 'CIA, THE BANKS AND THE BROKER' gives brief resumes of a hanful of key players in the history of the CIA. Ruppert ties the CIA to the insider trading in part through A.B. "Buzzy" Krongard -- current Executive Director of the CIA and former chairman of the company used to place put options on UAL: the investment bank A.B. Brown, +- [Connecting the Dots: The 9/11 Commission's 'Failure of Imagination'](https://web.archive.org/web/20051227052052/https://www.yirmeyahureview.com/articles/connecting_the_dots.htm) - This article covers a lot of foreknowledge material from insider trading, to the ISI connections to the hijackers, the CIA connection to tohe ISI, to money laundering by BCCI. The hyperlinked footnees include an impressive list of articles on the insider trading around the attack. --- **Fighting Misinformation** @@ -107,7 +171,7 @@ --- -**Misc** +**More** - [250+ 9/11 'Smoking Guns' Found in the Mainstream Media](https://web.archive.org/web/20180913204310/http://whale.to/c/250_911.html) - [Firefighters for 9/11 Truth](https://www.ff911truth.org/) - [More Holes in the Official Story: The 9/11 Cell Phone Calls](https://archives.globalresearch.ca/articles/CHO408B.html) @@ -118,37 +182,23 @@ - [9/11 false flag (whale.to)](https://web.archive.org/web/20230604034849/http://whale.to/b/911.html) - [9-11 Research](https://911research.wtc7.net/index.html) -## **Videos** -- [9-11 was an occult sacrifice](https://yewtu.be.com/playlist?list=PLcbTglV5Olk0O-Vovzpvs5e1bCNY1Zl90) - [YT Playlist] [67 videos] -- [9-11: The Suppressed Evidence](https://yewtu.be/playlist?list=PLlXrtW4Wu8OJhIVpM3F5Aqe8zIvGp84te) - [YT Playlist] [134 videos] -- [9/11 As it happened](https://yewtu.be/playlist?list=PLxq9LUaV-XHYd2vRP1uE0RXI5WP6vYOv8) - [YT Paylist] [23 videos] -- [9/11 Conspiracy Facts](https://yewtu.be/playlist?list=PLADEETE5CDgoVrSfmzjzoQZzXwGTCXdpv) - [YT Playlist] [17 videos] -- [9/11 Evidence Videos of False Flag Operation](https://yewtu.be/playlist?list=PLcSS8zn7VkKCw2RRkulkdUFh3xG2PZqeN) - [YT Playlist] [169 videos] -- [9/11 Evidence](https://yewtu.be/playlist?list=PLcxSnB7H50U4o4tTEfZadCMdF6Zq14vk5) - [YT Playlist] [89 videos] -- [9/11 Explosive Evidence and Related Material](http://yewtu.be/playlist?list=PL5k_ChXg0iebijWLCQAZH_bKc-xJvkDk6) - [YT Playlist] [130 videos] -- [9/11 Footage/Research](https://yewtu.be/playlist?list=PLXVuI0Wa2lewZfDmbY_D_T8b9yCGxVQSj) - [YT Playlist] [55 videos] -- [9/11 Red Pill](https://yewtu.be/playlist?list=PL8EHDCydmPo6inaKaxjkdEOreuDQZwHOD) - [YT Playlist] [61 videos] -- [9/11 Special Picks](https://yewtu.be/playlist?list=PLi4T9fvMxCrh44S29Ri4SDmQ5AJnTWhXt) - [YT Playlist] [73 videos] -- [9/11 terror attack archives](https://yewtu.be/playlist?list=PLucCR0fxo05lwFzTevam1V0JjJ0NbIvHM) - [YT Playlist] [244 videos] -- [9/11 Testimony](https://yewtu.be/playlist?list=PL8F33064061A58D78) - [YT Playlist] [32 videos] -- [9/11 the third tower](https://yewtu.be/playlist?list=PL07D5A1C8318FDAB1) - [YT Playlist] [6 videos] -- [9/11 Truth](https://yewtu.be/playlist?list=PLDCE5A48A6E77A80B) - [YT Playlist] [67 videos] -- [9/11 TRUTH](https://yewtu.be/playlist?list=PLFE67239F3459153E) - [YT Playlist] [56 videos] -- [9/11 WAS AN INSIDE JOB](https://yewtu.be/playlist?list=PL99FDF01BFECB0EE0) - [YT Playlist] [28 videos] -- [9/11: Investigating the Inconsistencies](https://yewtu.be/playlist?list=PLjH9zd48xmP9JV1_YkGRrK8gcL2H0T9Pa) - [YT Playlist] [45 videos] -- [9/11: Remembering The WTC](https://yewtu.be/playlist?list=PL3703574C428CCDAD) - [YT Playlist] [359 videos] -- [AE911Truth](https://yewtu.be/channel/UCL-c_zvZ3lhlU7NU1ikxgmQ) - [YT Channel] -- [Documentaries - 9/11/01](https://yewtu.be/playlist?list=PLBTJXElf9n2u7qTaI-dmK8tBoPUm4UqfZ) - [YT Playlist] [155 videos] -- [Joint Inquiry Into Intelligence Community Activities Of 9/11](https://yewtu.be/playlist?list=PL-MUhgAHJaku0j-eQkjkPW9m_N-dKK41t) - [YT Playlist] [165 videos] -- [Never Forget! The 9/11 Terror Attacks](https://yewtu.be/playlist?list=PLCHySiYmH7QBzvdW3eHnhTQ80xpyKDToC) - [YT Playlist] [595 videos] -- [PROOF of 9/11 Predictive Programming](https://yewtu.be/watch?v=_AUclXzapJo) -- [The 9/11 Conspiracy](http://yewtu.be/playlist?list=PL5k_ChXg0ieaI99x3VtMkbjJGxh87lEgz) - [YT Playlist] [139 videos] -- [The 9/11 Psy-Op and the Suppression of Dr. Judy Wood's Work](https://yewtu.be/playlist?list=PLRkDC7LzbiK04zF4Di_4g8n5lwkErgWlu) - [YT Playlist] [156 videos] -- [The Third Truth about 9/11](https://yewtu.be/playlist?list=PL6D407CD8A5A69DFD) - [YT Playlist] [26 videos] -- [Various 9/11 Related Videos](https://yewtu.be/playlist?list=PLBB1E8741BA1E7453) - [YT Playlist] [80 videos] +--- +## **Predictions** +- [Alex Jones predicted 9/11 attack on July 25, 2001](https://yewtu.be/watch?v=a8Hk1-BpXO8) +- [Bill Cooper predicted 9/11 attack on June 28, 2001](https://yewtu.be/watch?v=lLHVQUTrgvM) +- [Donald Trump Predicted Large-Scale Terror Attack Before 9/11 In 2000](https://yewtu.be/watch?v=60RuXCV71ic) + +--- ## **Books** +**The World Trade Center Attack** +- [ 9/11: The Simple Facts -- Why the official story can't possibly be true by Arthur Naiman](https://annas-archive.org/md5/2ae2f674448c8611084de4eb87c297d7) - This concise book is an excellent introduction to the glaring anomalies in the official story that, a decade after the attack, most people remain unaware of. It covers a surprising breadth of topics in its 110 pages, and includes a glossary, index, and extensive set of references that are given tinyurl.com addresses for ease of access. +- [The World Is Turning: 9/11, the Movement for Justice, and Reclaiming America for the World by Don Paul](https://annas-archive.org/md5/0c716c2f7dd0c3e4a1c7967231e70a84) - This volume is a compilation of several earlier works and new material by one of the first and most persistent investigators of the the attack of 9/11/2001, Don Paul. With a foreward by whistleblower Kevin Ryan, The World Is Turning penetrates the web of deceit surrounding the crime with a clear exposition of the physical evidence of the controlled demolition of the World Trade Center, and analysis of who benefited. Paul's earlier historic book Facing Our Fascist State, out of print for years, is included in its entirety. +- [The Hidden History of 9-11-2001](https://annas-archive.org/md5/d45a9d007413f6bf28d7200dcf37d928) - This book is a compilation of essays by various authors about the 9/11/01 attack and its context. +- [Facing our Fascist State](https://annas-archive.org/md5/1f60c48ce92e1fda959fdc7bcc3e5b57) - This book briefly but persuasively addresses the collapses of the Twin Towers and Bulding 7. Paul cites studies by the Corus Construction corporation, which measured the temperatures of steel columns and beams in uninsulated steel-frame car-parks subjected to sustained hydrocarbon-fueled fires. The highest steel temperatures recorded in those studies was only 360ºC, far below the 800ºC figure assumed by the column failure theory. Paul's book covers issues of WTC ownership and insurance in some detail, and has information on who was warned and who avoided the WTC on September 11th. This book has been re-published as part of the compilation The World is Turning + +**More Books** - [9-11 : Descent Into Tyranny](https://annas-archive.org/md5/7aa1cc60d16920b7d1b430499c425f0e) - [9/11 Synthetic Terror: Made in USA](https://annas-archive.org/md5/ea57ffeb723cf8326e9aad03cedadcaf) - [9/11 Unmasked: An International Review Panel Investigation](https://annas-archive.org/md5/0be12289ec715a90fa0beb1b5001f948) @@ -190,6 +240,35 @@ - [September Clues: The Central Role of the News Media on 9/11](https://yewtu.be/watch?v=CEMI3KkryxU) - [SEVEN](https://www.bitchute.com/video/FGUMExhI9FBZ/) ---- -*gr33tz from hackliberty.org* +## **YT Videos** +- [9-11 was an occult sacrifice](https://yewtu.be.com/playlist?list=PLcbTglV5Olk0O-Vovzpvs5e1bCNY1Zl90) - [YT Playlist] [67 videos] +- [9-11: The Suppressed Evidence](https://yewtu.be/playlist?list=PLlXrtW4Wu8OJhIVpM3F5Aqe8zIvGp84te) - [YT Playlist] [134 videos] +- [9/11 As it happened](https://yewtu.be/playlist?list=PLxq9LUaV-XHYd2vRP1uE0RXI5WP6vYOv8) - [YT Paylist] [23 videos] +- [9/11 Conspiracy Facts](https://yewtu.be/playlist?list=PLADEETE5CDgoVrSfmzjzoQZzXwGTCXdpv) - [YT Playlist] [17 videos] +- [9/11 Evidence Videos of False Flag Operation](https://yewtu.be/playlist?list=PLcSS8zn7VkKCw2RRkulkdUFh3xG2PZqeN) - [YT Playlist] [169 videos] +- [9/11 Evidence](https://yewtu.be/playlist?list=PLcxSnB7H50U4o4tTEfZadCMdF6Zq14vk5) - [YT Playlist] [89 videos] +- [9/11 Explosive Evidence and Related Material](http://yewtu.be/playlist?list=PL5k_ChXg0iebijWLCQAZH_bKc-xJvkDk6) - [YT Playlist] [130 videos] +- [9/11 Footage/Research](https://yewtu.be/playlist?list=PLXVuI0Wa2lewZfDmbY_D_T8b9yCGxVQSj) - [YT Playlist] [55 videos] +- [9/11 Red Pill](https://yewtu.be/playlist?list=PL8EHDCydmPo6inaKaxjkdEOreuDQZwHOD) - [YT Playlist] [61 videos] +- [9/11 Special Picks](https://yewtu.be/playlist?list=PLi4T9fvMxCrh44S29Ri4SDmQ5AJnTWhXt) - [YT Playlist] [73 videos] +- [9/11 terror attack archives](https://yewtu.be/playlist?list=PLucCR0fxo05lwFzTevam1V0JjJ0NbIvHM) - [YT Playlist] [244 videos] +- [9/11 Testimony](https://yewtu.be/playlist?list=PL8F33064061A58D78) - [YT Playlist] [32 videos] +- [9/11 the third tower](https://yewtu.be/playlist?list=PL07D5A1C8318FDAB1) - [YT Playlist] [6 videos] +- [9/11 Truth](https://yewtu.be/playlist?list=PLDCE5A48A6E77A80B) - [YT Playlist] [67 videos] +- [9/11 TRUTH](https://yewtu.be/playlist?list=PLFE67239F3459153E) - [YT Playlist] [56 videos] +- [9/11 WAS AN INSIDE JOB](https://yewtu.be/playlist?list=PL99FDF01BFECB0EE0) - [YT Playlist] [28 videos] +- [9/11: Investigating the Inconsistencies](https://yewtu.be/playlist?list=PLjH9zd48xmP9JV1_YkGRrK8gcL2H0T9Pa) - [YT Playlist] [45 videos] +- [9/11: Remembering The WTC](https://yewtu.be/playlist?list=PL3703574C428CCDAD) - [YT Playlist] [359 videos] +- [AE911Truth](https://yewtu.be/channel/UCL-c_zvZ3lhlU7NU1ikxgmQ) - [YT Channel] +- [DavidChandler911](https://yewtu.be/channel/UCxvGFyCUkbMk4pB0C-AUJwQ) - [YT Channel] +- [Documentaries - 9/11/01](https://yewtu.be/playlist?list=PLBTJXElf9n2u7qTaI-dmK8tBoPUm4UqfZ) - [YT Playlist] [155 videos] +- [Joint Inquiry Into Intelligence Community Activities Of 9/11](https://yewtu.be/playlist?list=PL-MUhgAHJaku0j-eQkjkPW9m_N-dKK41t) - [YT Playlist] [165 videos] +- [Never Forget! The 9/11 Terror Attacks](https://yewtu.be/playlist?list=PLCHySiYmH7QBzvdW3eHnhTQ80xpyKDToC) - [YT Playlist] [595 videos] +- [PROOF of 9/11 Predictive Programming](https://yewtu.be/watch?v=_AUclXzapJo) +- [The 9/11 Conspiracy](http://yewtu.be/playlist?list=PL5k_ChXg0ieaI99x3VtMkbjJGxh87lEgz) - [YT Playlist] [139 videos] +- [The 9/11 Psy-Op and the Suppression of Dr. Judy Wood's Work](https://yewtu.be/playlist?list=PLRkDC7LzbiK04zF4Di_4g8n5lwkErgWlu) - [YT Playlist] [156 videos] +- [The Third Truth about 9/11](https://yewtu.be/playlist?list=PL6D407CD8A5A69DFD) - [YT Playlist] [26 videos] +- [Various 9/11 Related Videos](https://yewtu.be/playlist?list=PLBB1E8741BA1E7453) - [YT Playlist] [80 videos] +--- +*gr33tz from hackliberty.org* \ No newline at end of file