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2023-03-11 11:48:49 -05:00
pragma solidity 0.8.13;
import { UD60x18 } from "@prb/math/UD60x18.sol";
import { IERC20 } from "@root/interfaces/IERC20.sol";
import { inv, add, sub, mul, exp, ln, wrap, unwrap, gte, mod, div } from "@prb/math/UD60x18.sol";
* @title Rolling Dutch Auction
* @author Samuel JJ Gosling
* @description A dutch auction derivative with composite logarithimic decay
contract RollingDutchAuction {
/* @dev Address mapping for an auction's redeemable balances */
mapping(address => mapping(bytes => bytes)) public _claims;
/* @dev Auction mapping translating to an indexed window */
mapping(bytes => mapping(uint256 => Window)) public _window;
/* @dev Auction mapping for associated parameters */
mapping(bytes => Auction) public _auctions;
/* @dev Auction mapping for the window index */
mapping(bytes => uint256) public _windows;
struct Auction {
uint256 windowDuration; /* @dev Unix time window duration */
uint256 windowTimestamp; /* @dev Unix timestamp for window start */
uint256 startTimestamp; /* @dev Unix auction start timestamp */
uint256 endTimestamp; /* @dev Unix auction end timestamp */
uint256 duration; /* @dev Unix time auction duration */
uint256 proceeds; /* @dev Auction proceeds balance */
uint256 reserves; /* @dev Auction reserves balance */
uint256 price; /* @dev Auction origin price */
struct Window {
bytes bidId; /* @dev Bid identifier */
uint256 expiry; /* @dev Unix timestamp window exipration */
uint256 price; /* @dev Window price */
uint256 volume; /* @dev Window volume */
bool processed; /* @dev Window fuflfillment state */
* @dev Conditioner to ensure an auction is active
* @param a͟u͟c͟t͟i͟o͟n͟I͟d͟ Encoded auction parameter identifier
modifier activeAuction(bytes memory auctionId) {
require(remainingWindowTime(auctionId) > 0 || remainingTime(auctionId) > 0);
* @dev Conditioner to ensure an auction is inactive
* @param a͟u͟c͟t͟i͟o͟n͟I͟d͟ Encoded auction parameter identifier
modifier inactiveAuction(bytes memory auctionId) {
require(remainingWindowTime(auctionId) == 0 && remainingTime(auctionId) == 0);
* @dev Helper to view an auction's operator address
* @param a͟u͟c͟t͟i͟o͟n͟I͟d͟ Encoded auction parameter identifier
function operatorAddress(bytes memory auctionId) public pure returns (address opAddress) {
(opAddress,,,,) = abi.decode(auctionId, (address, address, address, uint256, bytes));
* @dev Helper to view an auction's purchase token address
* @param a͟u͟c͟t͟i͟o͟n͟I͟d͟ Ancoded auction parameter identifier
function purchaseToken(bytes memory auctionId) public pure returns (address tokenAddress) {
(,, tokenAddress,,) = abi.decode(auctionId, (address, address, address, uint256, bytes));
* @dev Helper to view an auction's reserve token address
* @param a͟u͟c͟t͟i͟o͟n͟I͟d͟ Encoded auction parameter identifier
function reserveToken(bytes memory auctionId) public pure returns (address tokenAddress) {
(, tokenAddress,,,) = abi.decode(auctionId, (address, address, address, uint256, bytes));
* @dev Helper to decode claim hash balances
* @param c͟l͟a͟i͟m͟H͟a͟s͟h͟ Encoded (uint256, uint256) values
function balancesOf(bytes memory claimHash) public pure returns (uint256, uint256) {
uint256 refundBalance;
uint256 claimBalance;
if (keccak256(claimHash) != keccak256(bytes(""))) {
(refundBalance, claimBalance) = abi.decode(claimHash, (uint256, uint256));
return (refundBalance, claimBalance);
* @dev Auction deployment
* @param o͟p͟e͟r͟a͟t͟o͟r͟A͟d͟r͟e͟s͟s͟ Auction management address
* @param r͟e͟s͟e͟r͟v͟e͟T͟o͟k͟e͟n͟ Auctioning token address
* @param p͟u͟r͟c͟h͟a͟s͟e͟T͟o͟k͟e͟n͟ Currency token address
* @param r͟e͟s͟e͟r͟v͟e͟A͟m͟o͟u͟n͟t͟ Auctioning token amount
* @param m͟i͟n͟i͟m͟u͟m͟P͟u͟r͟c͟h͟a͟s͟e͟A͟m͟o͟u͟n͟t͟ Minimum currency purchase amount
* @param s͟t͟a͟r͟t͟i͟n͟g͟O͟r͟i͟g͟i͟n͟P͟r͟i͟c͟e͟ Auction starting price
* @param s͟t͟a͟r͟t͟T͟i͟m͟e͟s͟t͟a͟m͟p͟ Unix timestamp auction initiation
* @param e͟n͟d͟T͟i͟m͟e͟s͟t͟a͟m͟p͟ Unix timestamp auction expiration
* @param w͟i͟n͟d͟o͟w͟D͟u͟r͟a͟t͟i͟o͟n͟ Uinx time window duration
function createAuction(
address operatorAddress,
address reserveToken,
address purchaseToken,
uint256 reserveAmount,
uint256 minimumPurchaseAmount,
uint256 startingOriginPrice,
uint256 startTimestamp,
uint256 endTimestamp,
uint256 windowDuration
) public returns (bytes memory) {
bytes memory auctionId = abi.encode(
abi.encodePacked(reserveAmount, startingPrice, startTimestamp, endTimestamp, windowDuration)
Auction storage state = _auctions[auctionId];
require(state.price == 0, "AUCTION EXISTS");
IERC20(reserveToken).transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), reserveAmount);
state.duration = endTimestamp - startTimestamp;
state.windowDuration = windowDuration;
state.windowTimestamp = startTimestamp;
state.startTimestamp = startTimestamp;
state.endTimestamp = endTimestamp;
state.price = startingOriginPrice;
state.reserves = reserveAmount;
emit NewAuction(auctionId, reserveToken, reserveAmount, startingPrice, endTimestamp);
return auctionId;
* @dev Helper to view an auction's minimum purchase amount
* @param a͟u͟c͟t͟i͟o͟n͟I͟d͟ Encoded auction parameter identifier
function minimumPurchase(bytes memory auctionId) public pure returns (uint256 minimumAmount) {
(,,, minimumAmount,) = abi.decode(auctionId, (address, address, address, uint256, bytes));
* @dev Helper to view an auction's maximum order reserve amount
* @param a͟u͟c͟t͟i͟o͟n͟I͟d͟ Encoded auction parameter identifier
function maximumPurchase(bytes memory auctionId) public view returns (uint256) {
return unwrap(inv(scalarPrice(auctionId)));
* @dev Helper to view an auction's active scalar price formatted to uint256
* @param a͟u͟c͟t͟i͟o͟n͟I͟d͟ Encoded auction parameter identifier
function scalarPriceUint(bytes memory auctionId) public view returns (uint256) {
return unwrap(scalarPrice(auctionId));
* @dev Active price decay following time delta (x) between the current
* timestamp and the window's start timestamp or if the window is expired; time
* delta between the window's expiration. Which is the applied as the exponent
* of Euler's number and subject to the natural logarithim. Finally applied as
* as a product to the origin price (y) and substracted from itself
* @param a͟u͟c͟t͟i͟o͟n͟I͟d͟ Encoded auction parameter identifier
function scalarPrice(bytes memory auctionId) public view returns (UD60x18) {
Auction storage state = _auctions[auctionId];
Window storage w = _window[auctionId][_windows[auctionId]];
bool isInitialised = w.expiry != 0;
bool isExpired = w.expiry < block.timestamp && isInitialised;
uint256 timestamp = isExpired ? w.expiry : state.windowTimestamp;
UD60x18 t = wrap(block.timestamp - timestamp);
UD60x18 t_r = wrap(state.endTimestamp - timestamp);
UD60x18 x = div(add(t, mod(t, sub(t_r, t))), t_r);
UD60x18 y = !isInitialised ? wrap(state.price) : wrap(w.price);
return sub(y, mul(ln(exp(x)), y));
* @dev Bid submission
* @param a͟u͟c͟t͟i͟o͟n͟I͟d͟ Encoded auction parameter identifier
* @param p͟r͟i͟c͟e͟ Bid order price
* @param v͟o͟l͟u͟m͟e͟ Bid order volume
function commitBid(bytes memory auctionId, uint256 price, uint256 volume)
public returns (bytes memory) {
Window storage w = _window[auctionId][_windows[auctionId]];
require(minimumPurchase(auctionId) <= volume, "INSUFFICIENT VOLUME");
bool hasExpired;
if (w.expiry != 0) {
if (remainingWindowTime(auctionId) > 0) {
if (w.price < price) {
require(w.volume <= volume, "INSUFFICIENT WINDOW VOLUME");
} else {
require(w.price < price, "INVALID WINDOW PRICE");
} else {
hasExpired = true;
if (w.price == 0 || hasExpired) {
require(gte(wrap(price), scalarPrice(auctionId)), "INVALID CURVE PRICE");
IERC20(purchaseToken(auctionId)).transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), volume);
require(_auctions[auctionId].reserves >= (volume / price), "INSUFFICIENT RESERVES");
require(maximumPurchase(auctionId) >= (volume / price), "INVALID VOLUME");
bytes memory bidId = abi.encode(auctionId, msg.sender, price, volume);
(uint256 refund, uint256 claim) = balancesOf(_claims[msg.sender][auctionId]);
_claims[msg.sender][auctionId] = abi.encode(refund + volume, claim);
if (hasExpired) {
w = _window[auctionId][windowExpiration(auctionId)];
_auctions[auctionId].windowTimestamp = block.timestamp;
w.expiry = block.timestamp + _auctions[auctionId].windowDuration;
w.volume = volume;
w.price = price;
w.bidId = bidId;
emit Offer(auctionId, msg.sender, w.bidId, w.expiry);
return bidId;
* @dev Expire and fulfill an auction's active window
* @param a͟u͟c͟t͟i͟o͟n͟I͟d͟ Encoded auction parameter identifier
function windowExpiration(bytes memory auctionId) internal returns (uint256) {
uint256 windowIndex = _windows[auctionId];
uint256 auctionElapsedTime = elapsedTime(auctionId, block.timestamp);
uint256 auctionRemainingTime = _auctions[auctionId].duration - auctionElapsedTime;
bytes memory winningBidId = _window[auctionId][windowIndex].bidId;
_auctions[auctionId].endTimestamp = block.timestamp + auctionRemainingTime;
_auctions[auctionId].price = _window[auctionId][windowIndex].price;
_windows[auctionId] = windowIndex + 1;
fulfillWindow(auctionId, windowIndex);
emit Expiration(auctionId, winningBidId, windowIndex);
return windowIndex + 1;
* @dev Fulfill a window index even if the auction is inactive
* @param a͟u͟c͟t͟i͟o͟n͟I͟d͟ Encoded auction parameter identifier
function fulfillWindow(bytes memory auctionId, uint256 windowId) public {
Window storage w = _window[auctionId][windowId];
require(w.expiry < block.timestamp, "WINDOW UNEXPIRED");
require(!w.processed, "WINDOW ALREADY FUFILLED");
(, address bidder, uint256 price, uint256 volume) = abi.decode(w.bidId, (bytes, address, uint256, uint256));
(uint256 refund, uint256 claim) = balancesOf(_claims[bidder][auctionId]);
delete _claims[bidder][auctionId];
w.processed = true;
_auctions[auctionId].reserves -= volume / price;
_auctions[auctionId].proceeds += volume;
_claims[bidder][auctionId] = abi.encode(refund - volume, claim + (volume / price));
emit Fufillment(auctionId, w.bidId, windowId);
* @dev Helper to view an auction's remaining duration
* @param a͟u͟c͟t͟i͟o͟n͟I͟d͟ Encoded auction parameter identifier
function remainingTime(bytes memory auctionId) public view returns (uint256) {
uint256 endTimestamp = _auctions[auctionId].endTimestamp;
if (endTimestamp > block.timestamp) {
return endTimestamp - block.timestamp;
} else {
return 0;
* @dev Helper to view an auction's active remaining window duration
* @param a͟u͟c͟t͟i͟o͟n͟I͟d͟ Encoded auction parameter identifier
function remainingWindowTime(bytes memory auctionId) public view returns (uint256) {
uint256 expiryTimestamp = _window[auctionId][_windows[auctionId]].expiry;
if (expiryTimestamp == 0 || block.timestamp > expiryTimestamp) {
return 0;
} else {
return expiryTimestamp - block.timestamp;
* @dev Helper to view an auction's progress in unix time
* @param a͟u͟c͟t͟i͟o͟n͟I͟d͟ Encoded auction parameter identifier
function elapsedTime(bytes memory auctionId, uint256 timestamp) public view returns (uint256) {
uint256 windowIndex = _windows[auctionId] + 1;
uint256 windowElapsedTime = _auctions[auctionId].windowDuration * windowIndex;
return timestamp - _auctions[auctionId].startTimestamp - windowElapsedTime;
* @dev Auction management redemption
* @param a͟u͟c͟t͟i͟o͟n͟I͟d͟ Encoded auction parameter identifier
function withdraw(bytes memory auctionId)
public {
uint256 proceeds = _auctions[auctionId].proceeds;
uint256 reserves = _auctions[auctionId].reserves;
delete _auctions[auctionId].proceeds;
delete _auctions[auctionId].reserves;
if (proceeds > 0) {
IERC20(purchaseToken(auctionId)).transfer(operatorAddress(auctionId), proceeds);
if (reserves > 0) {
IERC20(reserveToken(auctionId)).transfer(operatorAddress(auctionId), reserves);
emit Withdraw(auctionId);
* @dev Auction order and refund redemption
* @param a͟u͟c͟t͟i͟o͟n͟I͟d͟ Encoded auction parameter identifier
function redeem(address bidder, bytes memory auctionId)
public {
bytes memory claimHash = _claims[bidder][auctionId];
(uint256 refund, uint256 claim) = balancesOf(claimHash);
delete _claims[bidder][auctionId];
if (refund > 0) {
IERC20(purchaseToken(auctionId)).transfer(bidder, refund);
if (claim > 0) {
IERC20(reserveToken(auctionId)).transfer(bidder, claim);
emit Claim(auctionId, claimHash);
event NewAuction(
bytes indexed auctionId, address reserveToken, uint256 reserves, uint256 price, uint256 endTimestamp
event Offer(bytes indexed auctionId, address indexed owner, bytes indexed bidId, uint256 expiry);
event Fufillment(bytes indexed auctionId, bytes indexed bidId, uint256 windowId);
event Expiration(bytes indexed auctionId, bytes indexed bidId, uint256 windowId);
event Claim(bytes indexed auctionId, bytes indexed bidId);
event Withdraw(bytes indexed auctionId);