AlienTornadosaurusHex 9726f20e7b test deploy scripts
Signed-off-by: AlienTornadosaurusHex <>
2023-05-27 16:54:38 +00:00

96 lines
2.6 KiB

const hre = require('hardhat')
const { ethers } = hre
const { createInterface } = require('readline')
const prompter = createInterface({ input: process.stdin, output: process.stdout })
function idToNetwork(id) {
switch (id) {
case 1:
return 'Mainnet'
case 3:
return 'Ropsten'
case 4:
return 'Rinkeby'
case 5:
return 'Goerli'
case 11155111:
return 'Sepolia'
throw Error('\nChain Id could not be recognized. What network are you using?\n')
function _prompt(prompt, resolve) {
prompter.question(prompt, (answer) => {
if (answer == 'y') {
} else {
function prompt(prompt) {
return new Promise((resolve) => _prompt(prompt, resolve))
function deployedMessage(name, chainId, address) {
return `\n${name} deployed on ${idToNetwork(chainId)} @ ${address}\n`
function verifiedMessage(name, address) {
return `\n${name} @ ${address} verified on Etherscan!\n`
function timeout(seconds) {
return new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, seconds * 1000))
const promptMessageBase = (middle) => `\n${middle}\n\nAre you sure you would like to continue? (y/n): `
async function deploy() {
if (process.env.STAKING_PROXY_ADDRESS === "") throw Error('Missing STAKING_PROXY_ADDRESS.')
if (process.env.REGISTRY_IMPL_ADDRESS === "") throw Error('Missing REGISTRY_IMPL_ADDRESS.')
const signer = await ethers.getSigner()
const _network = await ethers.provider.getNetwork()
const stakingProxyAddress = `${process.env.STAKING_PROXY_ADDRESS}`
const registryImplementationAddress = `${process.env.REGISTRY_IMPL_ADDRESS}`
const patchProposalDeployer = (await ethers.getContractFactory('PatchProposal')).connect(signer)
let patchProposal
if (await prompt(promptMessageBase('Continuing to PatchProposal deployment.'))) {
patchProposal = await patchProposalDeployer.deploy(stakingProxyAddress, registryImplementationAddress)
console.log(deployedMessage('PatchProposal', _network.chainId, patchProposal.address))
} else {
return '\nDecided to stop at PatchProposal deployment.\n'
if (await prompt(promptMessageBase('Continuing to contract verification.'))) {
console.log('\nWaiting 20 seconds.\n')
await timeout(20)
await'verify:verify', {
address: patchProposal.address,
constructorArguments: [stakingProxyAddress, registryImplementationAddress],
console.log(verifiedMessage('PatchProposal', patchProposal.address))
} else {
return '\nDecided to stop at contract verification.\n'