const { expect } = require('chai') const { ethers } = require('hardhat') const { BigNumber } = require('@ethersproject/bignumber') const config = require('../../config') const { takeSnapshot, revertSnapshot } = require('../utils') describe('Gov Exploit Patch Upgrade Tests', () => { const zero = BigNumber.from(0) const ProposalState = { Pending: 0, Active: 1, Defeated: 2, Timelocked: 3, AwaitingExecution: 4, Executed: 5, Expired: 6, } let periods = { EXECUTION_DELAY: zero, EXECUTION_EXPIRATION: zero, QUORUM_VOTES: zero, PROPOSAL_THRESHOLD: zero, VOTING_DELAY: zero, VOTING_PERIOD: zero, CLOSING_PERIOD: zero, VOTE_EXTEND_TIME: zero, } async function setPeriods(_periods, govc) { _periods.EXECUTION_DELAY = await govc.EXECUTION_DELAY() _periods.EXECUTION_EXPIRATION = await govc.EXECUTION_EXPIRATION() _periods.QUORUM_VOTES = await govc.QUORUM_VOTES() _periods.PROPOSAL_THRESHOLD = await govc.PROPOSAL_THRESHOLD() _periods.VOTING_DELAY = await govc.VOTING_DELAY() _periods.VOTING_PERIOD = await govc.VOTING_PERIOD() _periods.CLOSING_PERIOD = await govc.CLOSING_PERIOD() _periods.VOTE_EXTEND_TIME = await govc.VOTE_EXTEND_TIME() return _periods } let tornwhale let proposer let initialProposalDeployer let maliciousProposalDeployer let initialProposalImpl let maliciousProposalImpl let proposalContractsDeployer let proposalDeployer let proposerBalanceInitial let torn let governance let metamorphicFactory let exploit = { hacker: undefined, salt: '00000000006578706c6f6974', // hex "exploit", hacker addrs must be prepended address: '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000', // Has to be filled } // From other tests let getToken = async (tokenAddress) => { return await ethers.getContractAt('@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/ERC20.sol:ERC20', tokenAddress) } let minewait = async (time) => { await ethers.provider.send('evm_increaseTime', [time]) await ethers.provider.send('evm_mine', []) } let pE = (x) => { return ethers.utils.parseEther(`${x}`) } let snapshotId before(async function () { // Pick our signer proposer = (await ethers.getSigners())[2] // Prepare hacker signer and salt exploit.hacker = (await ethers.getSigners())[3] exploit.salt = exploit.hacker.address + exploit.salt // Ok get current gov governance = (await ethers.getContractAt('GovernanceStakingUpgrade', config.governance)).connect(proposer) // Impersonate await ethers.provider.send('hardhat_impersonateAccount', [config.governance]) // Pick whale tornwhale = ethers.provider.getSigner(config.governance) // Connect to above torn = (await getToken(config.TORN)).connect(tornwhale) // Set balance of governance contract await ethers.provider.send('hardhat_setBalance', [proposer.address, pE(10).toHexString()]) // Take gov balance const govbal = await torn.balanceOf(governance.address) // Transfer await torn.transfer(proposer.address, govbal.div(2)) // Note bal proposerBalanceInitial = await torn.balanceOf(proposer.address) // Check bal was allocated expect(await torn.balanceOf(proposer.address)).to.equal(govbal.div(2)) // Connect torn = torn.connect(proposer) // Allow torn to be locked await torn.approve(governance.address, proposerBalanceInitial) // Lock it await governance.connect(proposer).lockWithApproval(proposerBalanceInitial) // Get the proposal periods for say executing, voting, and so on periods = await setPeriods(periods, governance) // Contracts factories initialProposalDeployer = await ethers.getContractFactory('InitialProposal') maliciousProposalDeployer = await ethers.getContractFactory('MaliciousProposal') proposalContractsDeployer = await ethers.getContractFactory('PatchProposalContractsFactory') proposalDeployer = await ethers.getContractFactory('PatchProposal') // Metamorphic & Exploit metamorphicFactory = ( await ethers.getContractAt('MetamorphicContractFactory', '0x00000000e82eb0431756271F0d00CFB143685e7B') ).connect(exploit.hacker) initialProposalImpl = await initialProposalDeployer.deploy() maliciousProposalImpl = await maliciousProposalDeployer.deploy() exploit.address = await metamorphicFactory.findMetamorphicContractAddress(exploit.salt) // Snapshot snapshotId = await takeSnapshot() }) describe('Integrative: Patched Governance', () => { after(async () => { await revertSnapshot(snapshotId) snapshotId = await takeSnapshot() }) it('Should be able to execute the proposal', async () => { // Load these storage variables for comparison const oldVaultAddr = await governance.userVault() const oldGasCompAddr = await governance.gasCompensationVault() const oldStaking = await governance.Staking() // Start proposing const proposal = await proposalDeployer.deploy((await proposalContractsDeployer.deploy()).address) // Propose await governance.propose(proposal.address, 'PATCH') // Get the proposal id const proposalId = await governance.latestProposalIds(proposer.address) // Get proposal data let proposalData = await governance.proposals(proposalId) // Mine up until we can start voting await minewait(periods.VOTING_DELAY.add(1).toNumber()) await governance.castVote(proposalId, true) await ethers.provider.send('evm_setNextBlockTimestamp', [ proposalData.endTime.add(periods.EXECUTION_DELAY).add(BigNumber.from(1000)).toNumber(), ]) await ethers.provider.send('evm_mine', []) await governance.execute(proposalId) const newVaultAddr = await governance.userVault() const newGasCompAddr = await governance.gasCompensationVault() const newStaking = await governance.Staking() expect(oldGasCompAddr).to.equal(newGasCompAddr) expect(newVaultAddr).to.equal(oldVaultAddr) expect(newStaking) .to.not.equal(oldStaking)'0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000') }) it('Should not be susceptible to the contract metamorphosis exploit', async () => { // First deploy @ metamorphic the valid contract let response = await metamorphicFactory.deployMetamorphicContractFromExistingImplementation( exploit.salt, initialProposalImpl.address, [], ) const initialProposalAddress = (await response.wait()).events[0].args[0] // Must equal expect(initialProposalAddress).to.equal(exploit.address) // Load the contract const initialProposal = await ethers.getContractAt('InitialProposal', initialProposalAddress) // Propose the valid one await governance.propose(initialProposal.address, 'VALID') // Get the proposal id const proposalId = await governance.latestProposalIds(proposer.address) // Get proposal data let proposalData = await governance.proposals(proposalId) // Mine up until we can start voting await minewait(periods.VOTING_DELAY.add(1).toNumber()) // Vote for this await governance.castVote(proposalId, true) // Prepare time so we can execute await ethers.provider.send('evm_setNextBlockTimestamp', [ proposalData.endTime.add(periods.EXECUTION_DELAY).add(BigNumber.from(1000)).toNumber(), ]) await ethers.provider.send('evm_mine', []) // Since the proposal has now passed, terminate the original contract await initialProposal.emergencyStop() // Run metamorphic deployment again response = await metamorphicFactory.deployMetamorphicContractFromExistingImplementation( exploit.salt, maliciousProposalImpl.address, [], ) const maliciousProposalAddress = (await response.wait()).events[0].args[0] // Confirm again expect(maliciousProposalAddress).to.equal(exploit.address) // Load the contract const maliciousProposal = await ethers.getContractAt('MaliciousProposal', maliciousProposalAddress) // Now execute await expect(governance.execute(proposalId)) 'Governance::propose: metamorphic contracts not allowed', ) // Terminate the contract for the next test await maliciousProposal.emergencyStop() }) }) describe('Integrative: Unpatched Governance', () => { after(async () => { await revertSnapshot(snapshotId) snapshotId = await takeSnapshot() }) it('The standard contract should be susceptible to the metamorphosis exploit', async () => { // First deploy @ metamorphic the valid contract let response = await metamorphicFactory.deployMetamorphicContractFromExistingImplementation( exploit.salt, initialProposalImpl.address, [], ) const initialProposalAddress = (await response.wait()).events[0].args[0] // Must equal expect(initialProposalAddress).to.equal(exploit.address) // Load the contract const initialProposal = await ethers.getContractAt('InitialProposal', initialProposalAddress) // Propose the valid one await governance.propose(initialProposal.address, 'VALID') // Get the proposal id const proposalId = await governance.latestProposalIds(proposer.address) // Get proposal data let proposalData = await governance.proposals(proposalId) // Mine up until we can start voting await minewait(periods.VOTING_DELAY.add(1).toNumber()) // Vote for this await governance.castVote(proposalId, true) // Prepare time so we can execute await ethers.provider.send('evm_setNextBlockTimestamp', [ proposalData.endTime.add(periods.EXECUTION_DELAY).add(BigNumber.from(1000)).toNumber(), ]) await ethers.provider.send('evm_mine', []) // Since the proposal has now passed, terminate the original contract await initialProposal.emergencyStop() // Run metamorphic deployment again response = await metamorphicFactory.deployMetamorphicContractFromExistingImplementation( exploit.salt, maliciousProposalImpl.address, [], ) const maliciousProposalAddress = (await response.wait()).events[0].args[0] // Confirm again expect(maliciousProposalAddress).to.equal(exploit.address) // Load the contract const maliciousProposal = await ethers.getContractAt('MaliciousProposal', maliciousProposalAddress) // Check that the malicious proposer is the deployer const deployer = await maliciousProposal.deployer() // Get bal before const deployerBalanceBefore = await torn.balanceOf(deployer) const governanceBalanceBefore = await torn.balanceOf(governance.address) expect(governanceBalanceBefore) // Now execute await governance.execute(proposalId) // Check bal after const deployerBalanceAfter = await torn.balanceOf(deployer) const governanceBalanceAfter = await torn.balanceOf(governance.address) // Protected expect(deployerBalanceAfter) expect(governanceBalanceAfter).to.equal(zero) }) }) })