2022-02-05 21:17:18 +09:00

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#!/usr/bin/env node
// Temporary demo client
// Works both in browser and node.js
const fs = require('fs')
const axios = require('axios')
const assert = require('assert')
const snarkjs = require('snarkjs')
const crypto = require('crypto')
const circomlib = require('circomlib')
const bigInt = snarkjs.bigInt
const merkleTree = require('./lib/MerkleTree')
const Web3 = require('web3')
const Web3HttpProvider = require('web3-providers-http');
const buildGroth16 = require('websnark/src/groth16')
const websnarkUtils = require('websnark/src/utils')
const { toWei, fromWei, toBN, BN } = require('web3-utils')
const BigNumber = require('bignumber.js');
const config = require('./config')
const program = require('commander')
const { GasPriceOracle } = require('gas-price-oracle')
const SocksProxyAgent = require('socks-proxy-agent')
let web3, tornado, tornadoContract, tornadoInstance, circuit, proving_key, groth16, erc20, senderAccount, netId, netName, netSymbol, isLocalNode
/** Whether we are in a browser or node.js */
const inBrowser = typeof window !== 'undefined'
let isTestRPC = false
/** Generate random number of specified byte length */
const rbigint = (nbytes) => snarkjs.bigInt.leBuff2int(crypto.randomBytes(nbytes))
/** Compute pedersen hash */
const pedersenHash = (data) => circomlib.babyJub.unpackPoint(circomlib.pedersenHash.hash(data))[0]
/** BigNumber to hex string of specified length */
function toHex(number, length = 32) {
const str = number instanceof Buffer ? number.toString('hex') : bigInt(number).toString(16)
return '0x' + str.padStart(length * 2, '0')
/** Display ETH account balance */
async function printETHBalance({ address, name }) {
const checkBalance = new BigNumber(await web3.eth.getBalance(address));
console.log(`${name} balance is`, checkBalance.div(BigNumber(10).pow(18)).toString(),`${netSymbol}`)
/** Display ERC20 account balance */
async function printERC20Balance({ address, name, tokenAddress }) {
const erc20ContractJson = require('./build/contracts/ERC20Mock.json')
erc20 = tokenAddress ? new web3.eth.Contract(erc20ContractJson.abi, tokenAddress) : erc20
const tokenBalance = new BigNumber(await erc20.methods.balanceOf(address).call())
const tokenDecimals = await erc20.methods.decimals().call()
const tokenName = await
const tokenSymbol = await erc20.methods.symbol().call()
console.log(`${name}`,tokenName,`Token Balance is`,tokenBalance.div(BigNumber(10).pow(tokenDecimals)).toString(),tokenSymbol)
async function submitTransaction(signedTX) {
console.log("Submitting transaction to the remote node");
await web3.eth.sendSignedTransaction(signedTX)
.on('transactionHash', function (txHash) {
console.log(`View transaction on block explorer https://${getExplorerLink()}/tx/${txHash}`)
.on('error', function (e) {
console.error('on transactionHash error', e.message)
async function generateTransaction(to, encodedData, value = 0) {
const nonce = await web3.eth.getTransactionCount(senderAccount)
const gasPrice = await fetchGasPrice()
let gasLimit;
async function estimateGas() {
const fetchedGas = await web3.eth.estimateGas({
from : senderAccount,
to : to,
value : value,
nonce : nonce,
data : encodedData
const bumped = Math.floor(fetchedGas * 1.3)
return web3.utils.toHex(bumped)
if (encodedData) {
gasLimit = await estimateGas();
} else {
gasLimit = web3.utils.toHex(21000);
async function txoptions() {
// Generate EIP-1559 transaction
if (netId == 1) {
return {
to : to,
value : value,
nonce : nonce,
maxFeePerGas : gasPrice,
maxPriorityFeePerGas : web3.utils.toHex(web3.utils.toWei('3', 'gwei')),
gas : gasLimit,
data : encodedData
} else if (netId == 5 || netId == 137 || netId == 43114) {
return {
to : to,
value : value,
nonce : nonce,
maxFeePerGas : gasPrice,
maxPriorityFeePerGas : gasPrice,
gas : gasLimit,
data : encodedData
} else {
return {
to : to,
value : value,
nonce : nonce,
gasPrice : gasPrice,
gas : gasLimit,
data : encodedData
const tx = await txoptions();
const signed = await web3.eth.accounts.signTransaction(tx, PRIVATE_KEY);
if (!isLocalNode) {
await submitTransaction(signed.rawTransaction);
} else {
console.log('\n=============Raw TX=================','\n')
console.log(`Please submit this raw tx to https://${getExplorerLink()}/pushTx, or otherwise broadcast with node cli.js broadcast command.`,`\n`)
* Create deposit object from secret and nullifier
function createDeposit({ nullifier, secret }) {
const deposit = { nullifier, secret }
deposit.preimage = Buffer.concat([deposit.nullifier.leInt2Buff(31), deposit.secret.leInt2Buff(31)])
deposit.commitment = pedersenHash(deposit.preimage)
deposit.commitmentHex = toHex(deposit.commitment)
deposit.nullifierHash = pedersenHash(deposit.nullifier.leInt2Buff(31))
deposit.nullifierHex = toHex(deposit.nullifierHash)
return deposit
async function backupNote({ currency, amount, netId, note, noteString }) {
try {
await fs.writeFileSync(`./backup-tornado-${currency}-${amount}-${netId}-${note.slice(0, 10)}.txt`, noteString, 'utf8');
console.log("Backed up deposit note as",`./backup-tornado-${currency}-${amount}-${netId}-${note.slice(0, 10)}.txt`)
} catch (e) {
throw new Error('Writing backup note failed:',e)
* Make a deposit
* @param currency Сurrency
* @param amount Deposit amount
async function deposit({ currency, amount }) {
assert(senderAccount != null, 'Error! PRIVATE_KEY not found. Please provide PRIVATE_KEY in .env file if you deposit')
const deposit = createDeposit({
nullifier: rbigint(31),
secret: rbigint(31)
const note = toHex(deposit.preimage, 62)
const noteString = `tornado-${currency}-${amount}-${netId}-${note}`
console.log(`Your note: ${noteString}`)
await backupNote({ currency, amount, netId, note, noteString })
if (currency === netSymbol.toLowerCase()) {
await printETHBalance({ address: tornadoContract._address, name: 'Tornado contract' })
await printETHBalance({ address: senderAccount, name: 'Sender account' })
const value = isTestRPC ? ETH_AMOUNT : fromDecimals({ amount, decimals: 18 })
console.log('Submitting deposit transaction')
await generateTransaction(contractAddress, tornado.methods.deposit(tornadoInstance, toHex(deposit.commitment), []).encodeABI(), value)
await printETHBalance({ address: tornadoContract._address, name: 'Tornado contract' })
await printETHBalance({ address: senderAccount, name: 'Sender account' })
} else {
// a token
await printERC20Balance({ address: tornadoContract._address, name: 'Tornado contract' })
await printERC20Balance({ address: senderAccount, name: 'Sender account' })
const decimals = isTestRPC ? 18 : config.deployments[`netId${netId}`][currency].decimals
const tokenAmount = isTestRPC ? TOKEN_AMOUNT : fromDecimals({ amount, decimals })
if (isTestRPC) {
console.log('Minting some test tokens to deposit')
await generateTransaction(erc20Address,, tokenAmount).encodeABI())
const allowance = await erc20.methods.allowance(senderAccount, tornado._address).call({ from: senderAccount })
console.log('Current allowance is', fromWei(allowance))
if (toBN(allowance).lt(toBN(tokenAmount))) {
console.log('Approving tokens for deposit')
await generateTransaction(erc20Address, erc20.methods.approve(tornado._address, tokenAmount).encodeABI())
console.log('Submitting deposit transaction')
await generateTransaction(contractAddress, tornado.methods.deposit(tornadoInstance, toHex(deposit.commitment), []).encodeABI())
await printERC20Balance({ address: tornadoContract._address, name: 'Tornado contract' })
await printERC20Balance({ address: senderAccount, name: 'Sender account' })
return noteString
* Generate merkle tree for a deposit.
* Download deposit events from the tornado, reconstructs merkle tree, finds our deposit leaf
* in it and generates merkle proof
* @param deposit Deposit object
async function generateMerkleProof(deposit, currency, amount) {
let leafIndex = -1
// Get all deposit events from smart contract and assemble merkle tree from them
const cachedEvents = await fetchEvents({ type: 'deposit', currency, amount })
const leaves = cachedEvents
.sort((a, b) => a.leafIndex - b.leafIndex) // Sort events in chronological order
.map((e) => {
const index = toBN(e.leafIndex).toNumber()
if (toBN(e.commitment).eq(toBN(deposit.commitmentHex))) {
leafIndex = index
return toBN(e.commitment).toString(10)
const tree = new merkleTree(MERKLE_TREE_HEIGHT, leaves)
// Validate that our data is correct
const root = await tree.root()
const isValidRoot = await tornadoContract.methods.isKnownRoot(toHex(root)).call()
const isSpent = await tornadoContract.methods.isSpent(toHex(deposit.nullifierHash)).call()
assert(isValidRoot === true, 'Merkle tree is corrupted')
assert(isSpent === false, 'The note is already spent')
assert(leafIndex >= 0, 'The deposit is not found in the tree')
// Compute merkle proof of our commitment
return tree.path(leafIndex)
* Generate SNARK proof for withdrawal
* @param deposit Deposit object
* @param recipient Funds recipient
* @param relayer Relayer address
* @param fee Relayer fee
* @param refund Receive ether for exchanged tokens
async function generateProof({ deposit, currency, amount, recipient, relayerAddress = 0, fee = 0, refund = 0 }) {
// Compute merkle proof of our commitment
const { root, path_elements, path_index } = await generateMerkleProof(deposit, currency, amount)
// Prepare circuit input
const input = {
// Public snark inputs
root: root,
nullifierHash: deposit.nullifierHash,
recipient: bigInt(recipient),
relayer: bigInt(relayerAddress),
fee: bigInt(fee),
refund: bigInt(refund),
// Private snark inputs
nullifier: deposit.nullifier,
secret: deposit.secret,
pathElements: path_elements,
pathIndices: path_index
console.log('Generating SNARK proof')
console.time('Proof time')
const proofData = await websnarkUtils.genWitnessAndProve(groth16, input, circuit, proving_key)
const { proof } = websnarkUtils.toSolidityInput(proofData)
console.timeEnd('Proof time')
const args = [
toHex(input.recipient, 20),
toHex(input.relayer, 20),
return { proof, args }
* Do an ETH withdrawal
* @param noteString Note to withdraw
* @param recipient Recipient address
async function withdraw({ deposit, currency, amount, recipient, relayerURL, torPort, refund = '0' }) {
let options = {};
if (currency === netSymbol.toLowerCase() && refund !== '0') {
throw new Error('The ETH purchase is supposted to be 0 for ETH withdrawals')
refund = toWei(refund)
if (relayerURL) {
if (relayerURL.endsWith('.eth')) {
throw new Error('ENS name resolving is not supported. Please provide DNS name of the relayer. See instuctions in')
if (torPort) {
options = { httpsAgent: new SocksProxyAgent('socks5h://'+torPort), headers: { 'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; rv:91.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/91.0' } }
const relayerStatus = await axios.get(relayerURL + '/status', options)
const { rewardAccount, netId, ethPrices, tornadoServiceFee } =
assert(netId === (await || netId === '*', 'This relay is for different network')
console.log('Relay address:', rewardAccount)
const gasPrice = await fetchGasPrice()
const decimals = isTestRPC ? 18 : config.deployments[`netId${netId}`][currency].decimals
const fee = calculateFee({
relayerServiceFee: tornadoServiceFee,
if ({ amount, decimals }))) {
throw new Error('Too high refund')
const { proof, args } = await generateProof({ deposit, currency, amount, recipient, relayerAddress: rewardAccount, fee, refund })
console.log('Sending withdraw transaction through relay')
try {
const response = await + '/v1/tornadoWithdraw', {
contract: tornadoInstance,
}, options)
const { id } =
const result = await getStatus(id, relayerURL, options)
console.log('STATUS', result)
} catch (e) {
if (e.response) {
} else {
} else {
// using private key
// check if the address of recepient matches with the account of provided private key from environment to prevent accidental use of deposit address for withdrawal transaction.
assert(recipient.toLowerCase() == senderAccount.toLowerCase(), 'Withdrawal recepient mismatches with the account of provided private key from environment file')
const checkBalance = await web3.eth.getBalance(senderAccount)
assert(checkBalance !== 0, 'You have 0 balance, make sure to fund account by withdrawing from tornado using relayer first')
const { proof, args } = await generateProof({ deposit, currency, amount, recipient, refund })
console.log('Submitting withdraw transaction')
await generateTransaction(contractAddress, tornado.methods.withdraw(tornadoInstance, proof, ...args).encodeABI())
if (currency === netSymbol.toLowerCase()) {
await printETHBalance({ address: recipient, name: 'Recipient' })
} else {
await printERC20Balance({ address: recipient, name: 'Recipient' })
console.log('Done withdrawal from Tornado Cash')
* Do an ETH / ERC20 send
* @param address Recepient address
* @param amount Amount to send
* @param tokenAddress ERC20 token address
async function send({ address, amount, tokenAddress }) {
// using private key
assert(senderAccount != null, 'Error! PRIVATE_KEY not found. Please provide PRIVATE_KEY in .env file if you send')
if (tokenAddress) {
const erc20ContractJson = require('./build/contracts/ERC20Mock.json')
erc20 = new web3.eth.Contract(erc20ContractJson.abi, tokenAddress)
const tokenBalance = new BigNumber(await erc20.methods.balanceOf(senderAccount).call())
const tokenDecimals = await erc20.methods.decimals().call()
const tokenSymbol = await erc20.methods.symbol().call()
const toSend = new BigNumber(amount).times(BigNumber(10).pow(tokenDecimals))
if ( {
console.error("You have",tokenBalance.div(BigNumber(10).pow(tokenDecimals)).toString(),tokenSymbol,", you can't send more than you have")
const encodeTransfer = erc20.methods.transfer(address, toSend).encodeABI()
await generateTransaction(tokenAddress, encodeTransfer)
} else {
const balance = new BigNumber(await web3.eth.getBalance(senderAccount));
assert(balance.toNumber() !== 0, "You have 0 balance, can't send transaction")
if (amount) {
toSend = new BigNumber(amount).times(BigNumber(10).pow(18))
if ( {
console.error("You have",balance.div(BigNumber(10).pow(18)),netSymbol+", you can't send more than you have.")
} else {
console.log('Amount not defined, sending all available amounts')
const gasPrice = new BigNumber(await fetchGasPrice());
const gasLimit = new BigNumber(21000);
if (netId == 1 || netId == 5) {
const priorityFee = new BigNumber(await gasPrices(3));
toSend = balance.minus(gasLimit.times(;
} else {
toSend = balance.minus(gasLimit.times(gasPrice));
await generateTransaction(address, null, toSend)
function getStatus(id, relayerURL, options) {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
async function getRelayerStatus() {
const responseStatus = await axios.get(relayerURL + '/v1/jobs/' + id, options)
if (responseStatus.status === 200) {
const { txHash, status, confirmations, failedReason } =
console.log(`Current job status ${status}, confirmations: ${confirmations}`)
if (status === 'FAILED') {
throw new Error(status + ' failed reason:' + failedReason)
if (status === 'CONFIRMED') {
const receipt = await waitForTxReceipt({ txHash })
`Transaction submitted through the relay. View transaction on block explorer https://${getExplorerLink()}/tx/${txHash}`
console.log('Transaction mined in block', receipt.blockNumber)
setTimeout(() => {
getRelayerStatus(id, relayerURL)
}, 3000)
function capitalizeFirstLetter(string) {
return string.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + string.slice(1);
function fromDecimals({ amount, decimals }) {
amount = amount.toString()
let ether = amount.toString()
const base = new BN('10').pow(new BN(decimals))
const baseLength = base.toString(10).length - 1 || 1
const negative = ether.substring(0, 1) === '-'
if (negative) {
ether = ether.substring(1)
if (ether === '.') {
throw new Error('[ethjs-unit] while converting number ' + amount + ' to wei, invalid value')
// Split it into a whole and fractional part
const comps = ether.split('.')
if (comps.length > 2) {
throw new Error('[ethjs-unit] while converting number ' + amount + ' to wei, too many decimal points')
let whole = comps[0]
let fraction = comps[1]
if (!whole) {
whole = '0'
if (!fraction) {
fraction = '0'
if (fraction.length > baseLength) {
throw new Error('[ethjs-unit] while converting number ' + amount + ' to wei, too many decimal places')
while (fraction.length < baseLength) {
fraction += '0'
whole = new BN(whole)
fraction = new BN(fraction)
let wei = whole.mul(base).add(fraction)
if (negative) {
wei = wei.mul(negative)
return new BN(wei.toString(10), 10)
function toDecimals(value, decimals, fixed) {
const zero = new BN(0)
const negative1 = new BN(-1)
decimals = decimals || 18
fixed = fixed || 7
value = new BN(value)
const negative =
const base = new BN('10').pow(new BN(decimals))
const baseLength = base.toString(10).length - 1 || 1
if (negative) {
value = value.mul(negative1)
let fraction = value.mod(base).toString(10)
while (fraction.length < baseLength) {
fraction = `0${fraction}`
fraction = fraction.match(/^([0-9]*[1-9]|0)(0*)/)[1]
const whole = value.div(base).toString(10)
value = `${whole}${fraction === '0' ? '' : `.${fraction}`}`
if (negative) {
value = `-${value}`
if (fixed) {
value = value.slice(0, fixed)
return value
// List fetched from
function getExplorerLink() {
switch (netId) {
case 56:
return ''
case 100:
return ''
case 137:
return ''
case 42161:
return ''
case 43114:
return ''
case 5:
return ''
case 42:
return ''
case 10:
return ''
return ''
// List fetched from
function getCurrentNetworkName() {
switch (netId) {
case 1:
return 'Ethereum'
case 56:
return 'BinanceSmartChain'
case 100:
return 'GnosisChain'
case 137:
return 'Polygon'
case 42161:
return 'Arbitrum'
case 43114:
return 'Avalanche'
case 5:
return 'Goerli'
case 42:
return 'Kovan'
case 10:
return 'Optimism'
return 'testRPC'
function getCurrentNetworkSymbol() {
switch (netId) {
case 56:
return 'BNB'
case 100:
return 'xDAI'
case 137:
return 'MATIC'
case 43114:
return 'AVAX'
return 'ETH'
function gasPricesETH(value = 80) {
const tenPercent = (Number(value) * 5) / 100
const max = Math.max(tenPercent, 3)
const bumped = Math.floor(Number(value) + max)
return toHex(toWei(bumped.toString(), 'gwei'))
function gasPrices(value = 5) {
return toHex(toWei(value.toString(), 'gwei'))
async function fetchGasPrice() {
try {
const options = {
chainId: netId
// Bump fees for Ethereum network
if (netId == 1) {
const oracle = new GasPriceOracle(options)
const gas = await oracle.gasPrices()
return gasPricesETH(gas.instant)
} else if (netId == 5 || isTestRPC) {
return gasPrices(1)
} else {
const oracle = new GasPriceOracle(options)
const gas = await oracle.gasPrices()
return gasPrices(gas.instant)
} catch (err) {
throw new Error(`Method fetchGasPrice has error ${err.message}`)
function calculateFee({ currency, gasPrice, amount, refund, ethPrices, relayerServiceFee, decimals }) {
const decimalsPoint =
Math.floor(relayerServiceFee) === Number(relayerServiceFee) ? 0 : relayerServiceFee.toString().split('.')[1].length
const roundDecimal = 10 ** decimalsPoint
const total = toBN(fromDecimals({ amount, decimals }))
const feePercent = total.mul(toBN(relayerServiceFee * roundDecimal)).div(toBN(roundDecimal * 100))
const expense = toBN(gasPrice).mul(toBN(5e5))
let desiredFee
switch (currency) {
case netSymbol.toLowerCase(): {
desiredFee = expense.add(feePercent)
default: {
desiredFee = expense
.mul(toBN(10 ** decimals))
desiredFee = desiredFee.add(feePercent)
return desiredFee
* Waits for transaction to be mined
* @param txHash Hash of transaction
* @param attempts
* @param delay
function waitForTxReceipt({ txHash, attempts = 60, delay = 1000 }) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const checkForTx = async (txHash, retryAttempt = 0) => {
const result = await web3.eth.getTransactionReceipt(txHash)
if (!result || !result.blockNumber) {
if (retryAttempt <= attempts) {
setTimeout(() => checkForTx(txHash, retryAttempt + 1), delay)
} else {
reject(new Error('tx was not mined'))
} else {
function initJson(file) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
fs.readFile(file, 'utf8', (error, data) => {
if (error) {
try {
} catch (error) {
function loadCachedEvents({ type, currency, amount }) {
try {
const module = require(`./cache/${netName.toLowerCase()}/${type}s_${currency}_${amount}.json`)
if (module) {
const events = module
return {
lastBlock: events[events.length - 1].blockNumber
} catch (err) {
console.log("Error fetching cached files, syncing from block",deployedBlockNumber)
return {
events: [],
lastBlock: deployedBlockNumber,
async function fetchEvents({ type, currency, amount}) {
if (type === "withdraw") {
type = "withdrawal"
const cachedEvents = loadCachedEvents({ type, currency, amount })
const startBlock = cachedEvents.lastBlock + 1
console.log("Loaded cached",amount,currency.toUpperCase(),type,"events for",startBlock,"block")
console.log("Fetching",amount,currency.toUpperCase(),type,"events for",netName,"network")
async function syncEvents() {
try {
let targetBlock = await web3.eth.getBlockNumber();
let chunks = 1000;
for (let i=startBlock; i < targetBlock; i+=chunks) {
let fetchedEvents = [];
async function fetchLatestEvents(i) {
let j;
if (i+chunks-1 > targetBlock) {
j = targetBlock;
} else {
j = i+chunks-1;
await tornadoContract.getPastEvents(capitalizeFirstLetter(type), {
fromBlock: i,
toBlock: j,
}).then(r => { fetchedEvents = fetchedEvents.concat(r); console.log("Fetched",amount,currency.toUpperCase(),type,"events to block:", j) }, err => { console.error(i + " failed fetching",type,"events from node", err); process.exit(1); }).catch(console.log);
async function mapDepositEvents() {
fetchedEvents ={ blockNumber, transactionHash, returnValues }) => {
const { commitment, leafIndex, timestamp } = returnValues
return {
leafIndex: Number(leafIndex),
async function mapWithdrawEvents() {
fetchedEvents ={ blockNumber, transactionHash, returnValues }) => {
const { nullifierHash, to, fee } = returnValues
return {
async function mapLatestEvents() {
if (type === "deposit"){
await mapDepositEvents();
} else {
await mapWithdrawEvents();
async function updateCache() {
try {
const fileName = `./cache/${netName.toLowerCase()}/${type}s_${currency}_${amount}.json`
const localEvents = await initJson(fileName);
const events = localEvents.concat(fetchedEvents);
await fs.writeFileSync(fileName, JSON.stringify(events, null, 2), 'utf8')
} catch (error) {
throw new Error('Writing cache file failed:',error)
await fetchLatestEvents(i);
await mapLatestEvents();
await updateCache();
} catch (error) {
throw new Error("Error while updating cache")
await syncEvents();
async function loadUpdatedEvents() {
const fileName = `./cache/${netName.toLowerCase()}/${type}s_${currency}_${amount}.json`
const updatedEvents = await initJson(fileName);
const updatedBlock = updatedEvents[updatedEvents.length - 1].blockNumber
console.log("Cache updated for Tornado",type,amount,currency,"instance to block",updatedBlock,"successfully")
console.log(`Total ${type}s:`, updatedEvents.length)
return updatedEvents;
const events = await loadUpdatedEvents();
return events
* Parses note
* @param noteString the note
function parseNote(noteString) {
const noteRegex = /tornado-(?<currency>\w+)-(?<amount>[\d.]+)-(?<netId>\d+)-0x(?<note>[0-9a-fA-F]{124})/g
const match = noteRegex.exec(noteString)
if (!match) {
throw new Error('The note has invalid format')
const buf = Buffer.from(match.groups.note, 'hex')
const nullifier = bigInt.leBuff2int(buf.slice(0, 31))
const secret = bigInt.leBuff2int(buf.slice(31, 62))
const deposit = createDeposit({ nullifier, secret })
const netId = Number(match.groups.netId)
return {
currency: match.groups.currency,
amount: match.groups.amount,
async function loadDepositData({ amount, currency, deposit }) {
try {
const cachedEvents = await fetchEvents({ type: 'deposit', currency, amount })
const eventWhenHappened = await cachedEvents.filter(function (event) {
return event.commitment === deposit.commitmentHex;
if (eventWhenHappened.length === 0) {
throw new Error('There is no related deposit, the note is invalid')
const timestamp = eventWhenHappened.timestamp
const txHash = eventWhenHappened.transactionHash
const isSpent = await tornadoContract.methods.isSpent(deposit.nullifierHex).call()
const receipt = await web3.eth.getTransactionReceipt(txHash)
return {
from: receipt.from,
commitment: deposit.commitmentHex
} catch (e) {
console.error('loadDepositData', e)
return {}
async function loadWithdrawalData({ amount, currency, deposit }) {
try {
const cachedEvents = await fetchEvents({ type: 'withdrawal', currency, amount })
const withdrawEvent = cachedEvents.filter((event) => {
return event.nullifierHash === deposit.nullifierHex
const fee = withdrawEvent.fee
const decimals = config.deployments[`netId${netId}`][currency].decimals
const withdrawalAmount = toBN(fromDecimals({ amount, decimals })).sub(toBN(fee))
const { timestamp } = await web3.eth.getBlock(withdrawEvent.blockNumber)
return {
amount: toDecimals(withdrawalAmount, decimals, 9),
txHash: withdrawEvent.transactionHash,
nullifier: deposit.nullifierHex,
fee: toDecimals(fee, decimals, 9)
} catch (e) {
console.error('loadWithdrawalData', e)
* Init web3, contracts, and snark
async function init({ rpc, noteNetId, currency = 'dai', amount = '100', torPort, balanceCheck, localMode }) {
let contractJson, instanceJson, erc20ContractJson, erc20tornadoJson, tornadoAddress, tokenAddress
// TODO do we need this? should it work in browser really?
if (inBrowser) {
// Initialize using injected web3 (Metamask)
// To assemble web version run `npm run browserify`
web3 = new Web3(window.web3.currentProvider, null, {
transactionConfirmationBlocks: 1
contractJson = await (await fetch('build/contracts/TornadoProxy.abi.json')).json()
instanceJson = await (await fetch('build/contracts/Instance.abi.json')).json()
circuit = await (await fetch('build/circuits/tornado.json')).json()
proving_key = await (await fetch('build/circuits/tornadoProvingKey.bin')).arrayBuffer()
senderAccount = (await web3.eth.getAccounts())[0]
} else {
let ipOptions = {};
if (torPort && rpc.includes("https")) {
console.log("Using tor network")
web3Options = { agent: { https: new SocksProxyAgent('socks5h://'+torPort) }, timeout: 60000 }
// Use forked web3-providers-http from local file to modify user-agent header value which improves privacy.
web3 = new Web3(new Web3HttpProvider(rpc, web3Options), null, { transactionConfirmationBlocks: 1 })
ipOptions = { httpsAgent: new SocksProxyAgent('socks5h://'+torPort), headers: { 'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; rv:91.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/91.0' } }
} else if (torPort && rpc.includes("http")) {
console.log("Using tor network")
web3Options = { agent: { http: new SocksProxyAgent('socks5h://'+torPort) }, timeout: 60000 }
// Use forked web3-providers-http from local file to modify user-agent header value which improves privacy.
web3 = new Web3(new Web3HttpProvider(rpc, web3Options), null, { transactionConfirmationBlocks: 1 })
ipOptions = { httpsAgent: new SocksProxyAgent('socks5h://'+torPort), headers: { 'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; rv:91.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/91.0' } }
} else if (rpc.includes("ipc")) {
console.log("Using ipc connection")
web3 = new Web3(new Web3.providers.IpcProvider(rpc, net), null, { transactionConfirmationBlocks: 1 })
} else if (rpc.includes("ws") || rpc.includes("wss")) {
console.log("Using websocket connection (Note: Tor is not supported for Websocket providers)")
web3Options = { clientConfig: { keepalive: true, keepaliveInterval: -1 }, reconnect: { auto: true, delay: 1000, maxAttempts: 10, onTimeout: false } }
web3 = new Web3(new Web3.providers.WebsocketProvider(rpc, web3Options), net, { transactionConfirmationBlocks: 1 })
} else {
console.log("Connecting to remote node")
web3 = new Web3(rpc, null, { transactionConfirmationBlocks: 1 })
const fetchRemoteIP = await axios.get('', ipOptions)
const { country, ip } =
console.log('Your remote IP address is',ip,'from',country+'.');
contractJson = require('./build/contracts/TornadoProxy.abi.json')
instanceJson = require('./build/contracts/Instance.abi.json')
circuit = require('./build/circuits/tornado.json')
proving_key = fs.readFileSync('build/circuits/tornadoProvingKey.bin').buffer
const privKey = process.env.PRIVATE_KEY
if (privKey) {
if (privKey.includes("0x")) {
PRIVATE_KEY = process.env.PRIVATE_KEY.substring(2)
} else {
const account = web3.eth.accounts.privateKeyToAccount('0x' + PRIVATE_KEY)
web3.eth.accounts.wallet.add('0x' + PRIVATE_KEY)
web3.eth.defaultAccount = account.address
senderAccount = account.address
erc20ContractJson = require('./build/contracts/ERC20Mock.json')
erc20tornadoJson = require('./build/contracts/ERC20Tornado.json')
// groth16 initialises a lot of Promises that will never be resolved, that's why we need to use process.exit to terminate the CLI
groth16 = await buildGroth16()
netId = await
netName = getCurrentNetworkName()
netSymbol = getCurrentNetworkSymbol()
if (noteNetId && Number(noteNetId) !== netId) {
throw new Error('This note is for a different network. Specify the --rpc option explicitly')
if (netName === "testRPC") {
isTestRPC = true;
if (localMode) {
console.log("Local mode detected: will not submit signed TX to remote node")
isLocalNode = true;
if (isTestRPC) {
tornadoAddress = currency === netSymbol.toLowerCase() ? contractJson.networks[netId].address : erc20tornadoJson.networks[netId].address
tokenAddress = currency !== netSymbol.toLowerCase() ? erc20ContractJson.networks[netId].address : null
deployedBlockNumber = 0
senderAccount = (await web3.eth.getAccounts())[0]
} else {
try {
if (balanceCheck) {
currency = netSymbol.toLowerCase()
amount = Object.keys(config.deployments[`netId${netId}`][currency].instanceAddress)[0]
tornadoAddress = config.deployments[`netId${netId}`].proxy
tornadoInstance = config.deployments[`netId${netId}`][currency].instanceAddress[amount]
deployedBlockNumber = config.deployments[`netId${netId}`][currency].deployedBlockNumber[amount]
if (!tornadoAddress) {
throw new Error()
tokenAddress = currency !== netSymbol.toLowerCase() ? config.deployments[`netId${netId}`][currency].tokenAddress : null
} catch (e) {
console.error('There is no such tornado instance, check the currency and amount you provide', e)
tornado = new web3.eth.Contract(contractJson, tornadoAddress)
tornadoContract = new web3.eth.Contract(instanceJson, tornadoInstance)
contractAddress = tornadoAddress
erc20 = currency !== netSymbol.toLowerCase() ? new web3.eth.Contract(erc20ContractJson.abi, tokenAddress) : {}
erc20Address = tokenAddress
async function main() {
if (inBrowser) {
const instance = { currency: 'eth', amount: '0.1' }
await init(instance)
window.deposit = async () => {
await deposit(instance)
window.withdraw = async () => {
const noteString = prompt('Enter the note to withdraw')
const recipient = (await web3.eth.getAccounts())[0]
const { currency, amount, netId, deposit } = parseNote(noteString)
await init({ noteNetId: netId, currency, amount })
await withdraw({ deposit, currency, amount, recipient })
} else {
.option('-r, --rpc <URL>', 'The RPC that CLI should interact with', 'http://localhost:8545')
.option('-R, --relayer <URL>', 'Withdraw via relayer')
.option('-T, --tor <PORT>', 'Optional tor port')
.option('-L, --local', 'Local Node - Does not submit signed transaction to the node')
.command('deposit <currency> <amount>')
'Submit a deposit of specified currency and amount from default eth account and return the resulting note. The currency is one of (ETH|DAI|cDAI|USDC|cUSDC|USDT). The amount depends on currency, see config.js file or visit'
.action(async (currency, amount) => {
currency = currency.toLowerCase()
await init({ rpc: program.rpc, currency, amount, torPort: program.tor, localMode: program.local })
await deposit({ currency, amount })
.command('withdraw <note> <recipient> [ETH_purchase]')
'Withdraw a note to a recipient account using relayer or specified private key. You can exchange some of your deposit`s tokens to ETH during the withdrawal by specifing ETH_purchase (e.g. 0.01) to pay for gas in future transactions. Also see the --relayer option.'
.action(async (noteString, recipient, refund) => {
const { currency, amount, netId, deposit } = parseNote(noteString)
await init({ rpc: program.rpc, noteNetId: netId, currency, amount, torPort: program.tor, localMode: program.local })
await withdraw({
relayerURL: program.relayer,
torPort: program.tor
.command('balance [address] [token_address]')
.description('Check ETH and ERC20 balance')
.action(async (address, tokenAddress) => {
await init({ rpc: program.rpc, torPort: program.tor, balanceCheck: true })
if (!address && senderAccount) {
console.log("Using address",senderAccount,"from private key")
address = senderAccount;
await printETHBalance({ address, name: 'Account' })
if (tokenAddress) {
await printERC20Balance({ address, name: 'Account', tokenAddress })
.command('send <address> [amount] [token_address]')
.description('Send ETH or ERC to address')
.action(async (address, amount, tokenAddress) => {
await init({ rpc: program.rpc, torPort: program.tor, balanceCheck: true, localMode: program.local })
await send({ address, amount, tokenAddress })
.command('broadcast <signedTX>')
.description('Submit signed TX to the remote node')
.action(async (signedTX) => {
await init({ rpc: program.rpc, torPort: program.tor, balanceCheck: true })
await submitTransaction(signedTX)
.command('compliance <note>')
'Shows the deposit and withdrawal of the provided note. This might be necessary to show the origin of assets held in your withdrawal address.'
.action(async (noteString) => {
const { currency, amount, netId, deposit } = parseNote(noteString)
await init({ rpc: program.rpc, noteNetId: netId, currency, amount, torPort: program.tor })
const depositInfo = await loadDepositData({ amount, currency, deposit })
const depositDate = new Date(depositInfo.timestamp * 1000)
console.log('Deposit :', amount, currency.toUpperCase())
console.log('Date :', depositDate.toLocaleDateString(), depositDate.toLocaleTimeString())
console.log('From :', `https://${getExplorerLink()}/address/${depositInfo.from}`)
console.log('Transaction :', `https://${getExplorerLink()}/tx/${depositInfo.txHash}`)
console.log('Commitment :', depositInfo.commitment)
console.log('Spent :', depositInfo.isSpent)
if (!depositInfo.isSpent) {
console.log('The note was not spent')
const withdrawInfo = await loadWithdrawalData({ amount, currency, deposit })
const withdrawalDate = new Date(withdrawInfo.timestamp * 1000)
console.log('Withdrawal :', withdrawInfo.amount, currency)
console.log('Relayer Fee :', withdrawInfo.fee, currency)
console.log('Date :', withdrawalDate.toLocaleDateString(), withdrawalDate.toLocaleTimeString())
console.log('To :', `https://${getExplorerLink()}/address/${}`)
console.log('Transaction :', `https://${getExplorerLink()}/tx/${withdrawInfo.txHash}`)
console.log('Nullifier :', withdrawInfo.nullifier)
.command('syncEvents <type> <currency> <amount>')
'Sync the local cache file of deposit / withdrawal events for specific currency.'
.action(async (type, currency, amount) => {
console.log("Starting event sync command")
currency = currency.toLowerCase()
await init({ rpc: program.rpc, type, currency, amount, torPort: program.tor })
const cachedEvents = await fetchEvents({ type, currency, amount })
console.log("Synced event for",type,amount,currency.toUpperCase(),netName,"Tornado instance to block",cachedEvents[cachedEvents.length - 1].blockNumber)
.description('Perform an automated test. It deposits and withdraws one ETH and one ERC20 note. Uses ganache.')
.action(async () => {
console.log('Start performing ETH deposit-withdraw test')
let currency = 'eth'
let amount = '0.1'
await init({ rpc: program.rpc, currency, amount })
let noteString = await deposit({ currency, amount })
let parsedNote = parseNote(noteString)
await withdraw({
deposit: parsedNote.deposit,
recipient: senderAccount,
relayerURL: program.relayer
console.log('\nStart performing DAI deposit-withdraw test')
currency = 'dai'
amount = '100'
await init({ rpc: program.rpc, currency, amount })
noteString = await deposit({ currency, amount })
parsedNote = parseNote(noteString)
await withdraw({
deposit: parsedNote.deposit,
recipient: senderAccount,
refund: '0.02',
relayerURL: program.relayer
try {
await program.parseAsync(process.argv)
} catch (e) {
console.log('Error:', e)