gas speed param, fee printing & confirmation prompts
This commit is contained in:
@ -20,11 +20,20 @@ const program = require('commander');
const { GasPriceOracle } = require('gas-price-oracle');
const { SocksProxyAgent } = require('socks-proxy-agent');
const is_ip_private = require('private-ip');
const readline = require('readline');
let web3, torPort, tornado, tornadoContract, tornadoInstance, circuit, proving_key, groth16, erc20, senderAccount, netId, netName, netSymbol, doNotSubmitTx, multiCall, privateRpc, subgraph;
const prompt = readline.createInterface({ input: process.stdin, output: process.stdout });
const gasSpeedPreferences = ['instant', 'fast', 'standard', 'low'];
let web3, torPort, tornado, tornadoContract, tornadoInstance, circuit, proving_key, groth16, erc20, senderAccount, netId, netName, netSymbol, multiCall, subgraph;
let isTestRPC = false;
/** Command state parameters */
let preferenceSpeed = gasSpeedPreferences[0];
let isTestRPC, eipGasSupport = false;
let shouldPromptConfirmation = true;
let doNotSubmitTx, privateRpc;
/** ----------------------------------------- **/
/** Generate random number of specified byte length */
const rbigint = (nbytes) => snarkjs.bigInt.leBuff2int(crypto.randomBytes(nbytes));
@ -104,12 +113,25 @@ async function generateTransaction(to, encodedData, value = 0) {
const bumped = Math.floor(fetchedGas * 1.3);
return web3.utils.toHex(bumped);
if (encodedData) {
gasLimit = await estimateGas();
} else {
gasLimit = web3.utils.toHex(21000);
gasLimit = web3.utils.toHex(23000);
const isNumRString = typeof value == 'string' || typeof value == 'number'
const valueCost = isNumRString ? toBN(value) : value;
const gasCosts = toBN(gasPrice).mul(toBN(gasLimit));
const totalCosts = valueCost.add(gasCosts);
/** Transaction details */
console.log('Gas price: ', web3.utils.hexToNumber(gasPrice));
console.log('Gas limit: ', web3.utils.hexToNumber(gasLimit));
console.log('Transaction fee: ', rmDecimalBN(fromWei(gasCosts), 12), `${netSymbol}`);
console.log('Transaction cost: ', rmDecimalBN(fromWei(totalCosts), 12), `${netSymbol}`);
/** ----------------------------------------- **/
function txoptions() {
// Generate EIP-1559 transaction
if (netId == 1) {
@ -143,8 +165,14 @@ async function generateTransaction(to, encodedData, value = 0) {
if (shouldPromptConfirmation) {
await promptConfirmation();
const tx = txoptions();
const signed = await web3.eth.accounts.signTransaction(tx, PRIVATE_KEY);
if (!doNotSubmitTx) {
await submitTransaction(signed.rawTransaction);
} else {
@ -404,6 +432,20 @@ async function withdraw({ deposit, currency, amount, recipient, relayerURL, refu
const { proof, args } = await generateProof({ deposit, currency, amount, recipient, relayerAddress: rewardAccount, fee, refund });
console.log('Sending withdraw transaction through relay');
const gasCosts = toBN(gasPrice).mul(toBN(340000));
const totalCosts = fee.add(gasCosts);
/** Relayer fee details **/
console.log('Transaction fee: ', rmDecimalBN(fromWei(gasCosts), 12), `${netSymbol}`);
console.log('Relayer fee: ', rmDecimalBN(fromWei(fee), 12), `${netSymbol}`);
console.log('Total fees: ', rmDecimalBN(fromWei(totalCosts), 12), `${netSymbol}`);
/** -------------------- **/
if (shouldPromptConfirmation) {
await promptConfirmation();
try {
const response = await + '/v1/tornadoWithdraw', {
contract: tornadoInstance,
@ -698,19 +740,20 @@ function gasPrices(value = 5) {
async function fetchGasPrice() {
try {
const options = {
chainId: netId
// Bump fees for Ethereum network
/** Gas preferences **/
console.log('Gas speed preference: ', preferenceSpeed);
/** ----------------------------------------------- **/
const options = { chainId: netId }
try {
const isLegacy = true
const isLegacy = !eipGasSupport
const oracle = new GasPriceOracle(options);
const gas = await oracle.gasPrices({ isLegacy });
if (netId === 1) {
return gasPricesETH(gas.instant);
return gasPricesETH(gas[preferenceSpeed]);
} else {
return gasPrices(gas.instant)
return gasPrices(gas[preferenceSpeed])
} catch(e) {
const wei = await web3.eth.getGasPrice();
@ -1178,6 +1221,33 @@ async function loadWithdrawalData({ amount, currency, deposit }) {
function statePreferences(program) {
const isPref = gasSpeedPreferences.includes(program.gas_speed);
if (program.gas_speed && !isPref) {
throw new Error("Invalid gas speed preference");
} else if (program.gas_speed) {
preferenceSpeed = program.gas_speed;
if(program.noconfirmation) {
shouldPromptConfirmation = false;
} if(program.onlyrpc) {
privateRpc = true;
} if(program.tor) {
torPort = program.tor;
async function promptConfirmation() {
const query = "Confirm the transaction [Y/n] ";
const confirmation = await new Promise(resolve => prompt.question(query, resolve));
if (confirmation.toUpperCase() !== "Y") {
throw new Error("Transaction rejected");
* Init web3, contracts, and snark
@ -1304,15 +1374,17 @@ async function main() {
.option('-r, --rpc <URL>', 'The RPC that CLI should interact with', 'http://localhost:8545')
.option('-R, --relayer <URL>', 'Withdraw via relayer')
.option('-T, --tor <PORT>', 'Optional tor port')
.option('-L, --local', 'Local Node - Does not submit signed transaction to the node')
.option('-o, --onlyrpc', 'Only rpc mode - Does not enable thegraph api nor remote ip detection');
.option('-S --gas_speed <SPEED>', 'Gas speed preference [ instant, fast, standard, low ]')
.option('-N --noconfirmation', 'No confirmation mode - Does not query confirmation ')
.option('-L, --local-rpc', 'Local node mode - Does not submit signed transaction to the node')
.option('-o, --only-rpc', 'Only rpc mode - Does not enable thegraph api nor remote ip detection');
.command('createNote <currency> <amount> <chainId>')
'Create deposit note and invoice, allows generating private key like deposit notes from secure, offline environment. The currency is one of (ETH|DAI|cDAI|USDC|cUSDC|USDT). The amount depends on currency, see config.js file or visit'
.action(async (currency, amount, chainId) => {
currency = currency.toLowerCase();
currency = currency.toLowerCase();
await createInvoice({ currency, amount, chainId });
@ -1321,10 +1393,8 @@ async function main() {
'Submit a deposit of invoice from default eth account and return the resulting note.'
.action(async (invoice) => {
if (program.onlyrpc) {
privateRpc = true;
torPort = program.tor;
const { currency, amount, netId, commitmentNote } = parseInvoice(invoice);
await init({ rpc: program.rpc, currency, amount, localMode: program.local });
console.log("Creating", currency.toUpperCase(), amount, "deposit for", netName, "Tornado Cash Instance");
@ -1336,11 +1406,10 @@ async function main() {
'Submit a deposit of specified currency and amount from default eth account and return the resulting note. The currency is one of (ETH|DAI|cDAI|USDC|cUSDC|USDT). The amount depends on currency, see config.js file or visit'
.action(async (currency, amount) => {
if (program.onlyrpc) {
privateRpc = true;
currency = currency.toLowerCase();
torPort = program.tor;
await init({ rpc: program.rpc, currency, amount, localMode: program.local });
await deposit({ currency, amount });
@ -1350,11 +1419,10 @@ async function main() {
'Withdraw a note to a recipient account using relayer or specified private key. You can exchange some of your deposit`s tokens to ETH during the withdrawal by specifing ETH_purchase (e.g. 0.01) to pay for gas in future transactions. Also see the --relayer option.'
.action(async (noteString, recipient, refund) => {
if (program.onlyrpc) {
privateRpc = true;
const { currency, amount, netId, deposit } = parseNote(noteString);
torPort = program.tor;
await init({ rpc: program.rpc, noteNetId: netId, currency, amount, localMode: program.local });
await withdraw({
@ -1369,10 +1437,8 @@ async function main() {
.command('balance [address] [token_address]')
.description('Check ETH and ERC20 balance')
.action(async (address, tokenAddress) => {
if (program.onlyrpc) {
privateRpc = true;
torPort = program.tor;
await init({ rpc: program.rpc, balanceCheck: true });
if (!address && senderAccount) {
console.log("Using address", senderAccount, "from private key");
@ -1387,10 +1453,8 @@ async function main() {
.command('send <address> [amount] [token_address]')
.description('Send ETH or ERC to address')
.action(async (address, amount, tokenAddress) => {
if (program.onlyrpc) {
privateRpc = true;
torPort = program.tor;
await init({ rpc: program.rpc, balanceCheck: true, localMode: program.local });
await send({ address, amount, tokenAddress });
@ -1398,10 +1462,8 @@ async function main() {
.command('broadcast <signedTX>')
.description('Submit signed TX to the remote node')
.action(async (signedTX) => {
if (program.onlyrpc) {
privateRpc = true;
torPort = program.tor;
await init({ rpc: program.rpc, balanceCheck: true });
await submitTransaction(signedTX);
@ -1411,11 +1473,10 @@ async function main() {
'Shows the deposit and withdrawal of the provided note. This might be necessary to show the origin of assets held in your withdrawal address.'
.action(async (noteString) => {
if (program.onlyrpc) {
privateRpc = true;
const { currency, amount, netId, deposit } = parseNote(noteString);
torPort = program.tor;
await init({ rpc: program.rpc, noteNetId: netId, currency, amount });
const depositInfo = await loadDepositData({ amount, currency, deposit });
const depositDate = new Date(depositInfo.timestamp * 1000);
@ -1448,12 +1509,11 @@ async function main() {
'Sync the local cache file of deposit / withdrawal events for specific currency.'
.action(async (type, currency, amount) => {
if (program.onlyrpc) {
privateRpc = true;
console.log("Starting event sync command");
currency = currency.toLowerCase();
torPort = program.tor;
console.log("Starting event sync command");
await init({ rpc: program.rpc, type, currency, amount });
const cachedEvents = await fetchEvents({ type, currency, amount });
console.log("Synced event for", type, amount, currency.toUpperCase(), netName, "Tornado instance to block", cachedEvents[cachedEvents.length - 1].blockNumber);
Reference in New Issue
Block a user