# file handling extension: [ "ts" ] spec: ["src/**/*.test.ts"] require: ["ts-node/register", "tsconfig-paths/register.js", "src/test/preload.ts"] ignore: "src/test/utils.test.ts" # # This is an example Mocha config containing every Mocha option plus others. # allow-uncaught: false # async-only: false # bail: false # check-leaks: false # color: true # delay: false # diff: true # exit: false # could be expressed as "no-exit: true" # extension: ['js', 'cjs', 'mjs'] # fail-zero: true # # fgrep and grep are mutually exclusive # fgrep: 'something' # file: # - '/path/to/some/file' # - '/path/to/some/other/file' # forbid-only: false # forbid-pending: false # full-trace: false # global: # - 'jQuery' # - '$' # # fgrep and grep are mutually exclusive # grep: '/something/i' # also 'something' # growl: false # ignore: # - '/path/to/some/ignored/file' # inline-diffs: false # # needs to be used with grep or fgrep # # invert: false # jobs: 1 # node-option: # - 'unhandled-rejections=strict' # without leading "--", also V8 flags # package: './package.json' # parallel: false # recursive: false # reporter: 'spec' # reporter-option: # array, not object # - 'foo=bar' # - 'baz=quux' # require: '@babel/register' # retries: 1 # slow: '75' # sort: false # spec: # - 'test/**/*.spec.js' # the positional arguments! # timeout: '2000' # same as "timeout: '2s'" # # timeout: false # same as "timeout: 0" # trace-warnings: true # node flags ok # ui: 'bdd' # v8-stack-trace-limit: 100 # V8 flags are prepended with "v8-" # watch: false # watch-files: # - 'lib/**/*.js' # - 'test/**/*.js' # watch-ignore: # - 'lib/vendor'