# Installation ## Configuring Gitea In order to use any of the packages, you have configure `npm` / `yarn` / `pnpm` to work with Gitea. The [official guide is here](https://development.tornadocash.community/T-Hax/gitea-guide), you can also download it by doing: ```bash git clone https://development.tornadocash.community/T-Hax/gitea-guide ``` If you want to skip doing the entire configuration, you can just add to your `.npmrc` (if using `npm`), the following, albeit this is limited and untested, but should work for `npm`: ```yaml @tornado:registry=https://development.tornadocash.community/api/packages/T-Hax/npm/ ``` ## Installing the packages ```bash # if npm has been configured npm install @tornado/ # if yarn has been configured yarn add @tornado/ ```