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// ts-essentials
import { DeepRequired, MarkOptional } from 'ts-essentials'
// Local types
import { TornadoInstance, TornadoProxy } from './deth'
// Monorepo
import { RelayerProperties as RelayerDataProperties } from '@tornado/sdk-data'
import { ZKDepositData, InputFor } from '@tornado/sdk-crypto'
// External imports
import { TransactionRequest } from '@ethersproject/abstract-provider'
import { BigNumber, EventFilter, providers } from 'ethers'
import { parseUnits } from 'ethers/lib/utils'
import { bigInt } from 'snarkjs'
// @ts-ignore
import { parseIndexableString } from 'pouchdb-collate'
// Local imports
import { Primitives } from '@tornado/sdk-crypto'
import { ErrorUtils, ObjectUtils, AsyncUtils } from '@tornado/sdk-utils'
import { Docs, Cache, Keys, Constants, Onchain } from '@tornado/sdk-data'
import { Contracts, Chain, Synchronizer, Options as ChainOptions } from '@tornado/sdk-chain'
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ DECLARATIONS (MUST BE INLINED) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
export namespace Options {
export namespace Core {
export interface Deposit {
depositsPerInstance?: Array<number>
doNotPopulate?: boolean
export type Invoice = Deposit
export interface BuildDepositProof {
gasPrice?: BigNumber
gasPriceCushion?: BigNumber
tokenDecimals?: number
ethPurchaseAmounts?: Array<BigNumber>
checkNotesSpent?: boolean
checkKnownRoot?: boolean
merkleTreeHeight?: number
export type Sync = ChainOptions.Sync
export namespace Transactions {
export interface Deposit {
request: TransactionRequest
invoice?: string
note?: string
export type Invoice = Deposit
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ FOR SYNCHRONIZATION ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
function tornadoSyncErrorHandler(
err: Error,
numResolvedPromises: number,
callbackIndex: number,
orderIndex: number,
...args: any[]
): void {
err = ErrorUtils.ensureError<Error>(err)
if (err.message.match('context deadline exceeded'))
`Context deadline exceeded, stop if more promises do not resolve. Resolved: ${numResolvedPromises}`
else if (err.message.match('Invalid JSON RPC'))
ErrorUtils.getError(`Endpoint returned invalid value (we might be rate limited), retrying.`)
else {
err.message += `\nCallback args supplied: [${args.join(', ')}]\n`
throw err
export class DepositCache extends Cache.Syncable<Docs.Deposit> {
buildDoc(response: any): Docs.Deposit {
return new Docs.Deposit(response)
getErrorHandlers(): Array<AsyncUtils.ErrorHandler> {
return [tornadoSyncErrorHandler]
getCallbacks(instance: TornadoInstance): Array<AsyncUtils.Callback> {
return [
(fromBlock: number, toBlock: number) => {
return instance.queryFilter(instance.filters.Deposit(null, null, null), fromBlock, toBlock)
export class WithdrawalCache extends Cache.Syncable<Docs.Withdrawal> {
buildDoc(response: any): Docs.Withdrawal {
return new Docs.Withdrawal(response)
getErrorHandlers(): Array<AsyncUtils.ErrorHandler> {
return [tornadoSyncErrorHandler]
getCallbacks(instance: TornadoInstance): Array<AsyncUtils.Callback> {
return [
(fromBlock: number, toBlock: number) => {
return instance.queryFilter(instance.filters.Withdrawal(null, null, null, null), fromBlock, toBlock)
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CORE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
type Provider = providers.Provider
type RelayerProperties = MarkOptional<
Pick<RelayerDataProperties, 'address' | 'serviceFeePercent' | 'prices'>,
'serviceFeePercent' | 'prices'
export class Core extends Synchronizer {
private _mutex: AsyncUtils.SimpleMutex
caches: Map<string, Cache.Base<Docs.Base>>
chain?: Chain
constructor() {
this.caches = new Map<string, Cache.Syncable<Docs.Base>>()
this._mutex = new AsyncUtils.SimpleMutex()
private _checkProvider(parentCallName: string): void {
try {
} catch (err) {
throw ErrorUtils.getError('Core.' + parentCallName + ': you must first connect a provider!')
async connect(provider: Provider): Promise<void> {
if (!this.chain) this.chain = new Chain(provider)
else this.chain.provider = provider
await this.chain.fetchChainData()
getInstances(keys: Array<{ token: string; denomination: number | string }>): Array<TornadoInstance> {
return =>
Contracts.getInstance(String(this.chain!.id), key.token, String(key.denomination), this.chain!.provider)
getInstance(token: string, denomination: number | string): TornadoInstance {
return this.loadInstance(this.chain!.id, token, denomination)
getProxy(): TornadoProxy {
return Contracts.getProxy(String(this.chain!.id), this.chain!.provider)
async buildDepositProof(
instance: TornadoInstance,
relayerProperties: RelayerProperties,
recipientAddress: string,
zkDepositsData: ZKDepositData,
options?: Options.Core.BuildDepositProof
): Promise<Array<string>> {
return (
await this.buildDepositProofs(
* @param instance This is the Tornado Instance which will be withdrawn from.
* @param relayerProperties The properties of the relayer that is going to be used for the withdrawals. If the service fee is 0, it is assumed that there is no relayer, but that a manual wallet withdraw is being made. These properties are included in the ZK proof.
* @param recipientAddresses The recipient addresses which should receive the withdrawals, in order.
* @param zkDepositsData These represent the public and private values, reconstructed from the deposit note, generated during the building of deposit transactions, used for building the proof of knowledge statement for withdrawal, for each withdrawal (in this context).
* @param options Numerous options which most importantly allow a user to specify whether he is buying ETH, whether to check proof data validity and finally to modulate the gas prices which will be used to calculate the gas fees paid to the relayer.
* @returns The proofs for which the user should then decide whether to use a relayer (recommended, but decide carefully which one) or use his own wallet (if needed).
async buildDepositProofs(
instance: TornadoInstance,
relayerProperties: RelayerProperties,
recipientAddresses: Array<string>,
zkDepositsData: Array<ZKDepositData>,
options?: Options.Core.BuildDepositProof
): Promise<Array<Array<string>>> {
// Extract commitments and nullifier hashes
const hexCommitments: string[] = []
const hexNullifierHashes: string[] = []
const purchaseAmounts =
options?.ethPurchaseAmounts ?? new Array(zkDepositsData.length).fill(BigNumber.from(0))
if (zkDepositsData.length !== recipientAddresses.length)
throw ErrorUtils.getError(
'Core.buildDepositProofs: the number of recipients must equal the length of zkDepositsData.'
if (zkDepositsData.length !== purchaseAmounts.length)
throw ErrorUtils.getError(
'Core.buildDepositProofs: if purchase amounts is specified, it must equal the length of zkDepositsData.'
zkDepositsData.forEach((deposit) => {
// Determine cache name
const { network, token, denomination } = await Onchain.getInstanceLookupKeys(instance.address)
const name = 'Deposits' + (network + token + denomination).toUpperCase()
// Find all leaves & indices by reading from cache
const [leaves, leafIndices] = await this._findLeavesAndIndices(name, hexCommitments)
const invalidCommitments: string[] = []
`\nFound leaves and indices, num leaves: ${leaves.length}, indices: [${leafIndices.join(', ')}]`
// Determine whether we will be checking whether notes are spent
const checkSpent = options?.checkNotesSpent !== false
const spentNotes: string[] = []
this.emit('debug', `\nCheck spent notes? => ${checkSpent}`)
// If yes, immediately check it with the supplied Tornado Instance
const checkSpentArray = checkSpent ? await instance.isSpentArray(hexNullifierHashes) : undefined
if (checkSpent) this.emit('debug', `\nSpent array: [${checkSpentArray?.join(', ')}]`)
// Check whether a commitment has not been found in all deposits, meaning that it is invalid
// Also add the invalid commitments. We can do leafIndices[i] because the matched one are concatenated
// at the start
for (let i = 0, len = zkDepositsData.length; i < len; i++) {
if (!leafIndices[i]) invalidCommitments.push(hexCommitments[i])
if (checkSpent && checkSpentArray![i]) spentNotes.push(hexNullifierHashes[i])
// If something is wrong, throw
const commitmentsAreInvalid = invalidCommitments.length !== 0
const notesAreSpent = spentNotes.length !== 0
if (commitmentsAreInvalid || notesAreSpent)
throw ErrorUtils.getError(
`Core.buildDepositProofs: ` +
? `following commitments are invalid:\n\n${invalidCommitments.join('\n')}\n\n`
: '') +
? `${
commitmentsAreInvalid ? 'and ' : ''
}following notes are already spent or invalid:\n\n${spentNotes.join('\n')}\n\n`
: '')
// Otherwise, build the merkle tree from the leaves
const merkleTree = Primitives.buildMerkleTree({
height: options?.merkleTreeHeight ?? Constants.MERKLE_TREE_HEIGHT,
leaves: leaves
const root: string = BigNumber.from(merkleTree.root()).toHexString()
const checkKnownRoot: boolean = options?.checkKnownRoot ?? true
this.emit('debug', `\nMerkle root: ${root}, check known? => ${checkKnownRoot}`)
// Check whether the root is valid
if (checkKnownRoot && !(await instance.isKnownRoot(root)))
throw ErrorUtils.getError(
'Core.buildDepositProofs: the merkle tree created is not valid, something went wrong with syncing.'
// Rest of note invariant arguments
const inputsForProofs: InputFor.ZKProof[] = []
const gasPrice = options?.gasPrice ?? (await this.chain!.getGasPrice())
const gasPriceCushion = options?.gasPrice ?? gasPrice.mul(10).div(100)
// In reality, if a manual withdraw is made, we don't differentiate it from a relayer withdraw
// Since it is only serviceFee 0 AND without a token price, the function will not buy more tokens
const serviceFeePercent = relayerProperties.serviceFeePercent ?? 0
const tokenPrice = relayerProperties.prices?.get(token)
const decimals = BigNumber.from(10).pow(
options?.tokenDecimals ?? (await Onchain.getTokenDecimals(network, token))
const toWithdraw = BigNumber.from(+denomination * 10 ** denomination.length)
.div(10 ** denomination.length)
const native = token == this.chain!.symbol
if (!tokenPrice && !native)
throw ErrorUtils.getError(
'Core.buildDepositProofs: a token price MUST be supplied if the token withdrawn is not native.'
`\nProof building, invariant data: [${[
].join(', ')}]\n`
// Compute proofs
for (let i = 0, len = zkDepositsData.length; i < len; i++) {
public: {
root: root,
tree: merkleTree,
leafIndex: leafIndices[i],
hexNullifierHash: zkDepositsData[i].hexNullifierHash,
recipientAddress: recipientAddresses[i],
relayerAddress: relayerProperties.address,
fee: this._calcWithdrawalFee(
// This is our flag whether it's a token or not
native ? undefined : tokenPrice
// @ts-expect-error
refund: purchaseAmounts[i] ? bigInt(purchaseAmounts[i].toString()) : bigInt(0)
private: {
nullifier: zkDepositsData[i].nullifier,
secret: zkDepositsData[i].secret
return await Primitives.calcDepositProofs(inputsForProofs)
private _calcWithdrawalFee(
toWithdraw: BigNumber,
decimals: BigNumber,
gasPrice: BigNumber,
gasPriceCushion: BigNumber,
relayerServiceFee: number,
ethBought: BigNumber,
tokenPriceInEth?: BigNumber
): typeof bigInt {
const factor = 10 ** String(relayerServiceFee).length
const baseRelayerFee = toWithdraw.mul(BigNumber.from(relayerServiceFee * factor)).div(factor)
const txCost = gasPrice.add(gasPriceCushion).mul(5e5)
if (tokenPriceInEth) {
// @ts-expect-error
return bigInt(txCost.add(ethBought).mul(decimals).div(tokenPriceInEth).add(baseRelayerFee).toString())
// @ts-expect-error
else return bigInt(txCost.add(baseRelayerFee).toString())
* @param instanceName The name of the instance as created in `_sync` function.
* @param commitments The commitments for which the leaf index values are to be noted down extra.
* @returns The result of concatenating the array of leaf indices found by matching them with the provided commitment values, followed by the array of all leaf indices, including all of the formerly mentioned values given that they are valid. Values which have not been matched, meaning probably invalid values, will be `0`.
private async _findLeavesAndIndices(
instanceName: string,
commitments: Array<string>
): Promise<[Array<string>, Array<number>]> {
const indices = new Array<number>(commitments.length).fill(0)
const leaves: Array<string> = []
const cache = this.loadCache<Cache.Base<Docs.Deposit>>(instanceName)
// Shallow copy so we can find indexes again for commitments
const commitmentsCopy = [...commitments]
const docs = await cache.db.allDocs()
// If no docs in cache throw and stop
if (docs.total_rows === 0) {
await cache.clear()
throw ErrorUtils.getError(
`Core.buildMerkleTree: events for instance ${instanceName} have not been synchronized.`
// Otherwise start looking for commitment leaf indices and also pick up all other leafs on the way
for (const row of docs.rows) {
let index = -1
const [, leafIndex, loadedCommitment] = parseIndexableString(
// Search only if there is some left
if (commitments.length !== 0)
index = commitments.findIndex((commitment) => commitment === loadedCommitment)
// If some commitment is found then add the leaf index
if (index !== -1) {
// Add it there where we intended for it to be originally
indices[commitmentsCopy.findIndex((commitment) => commitment === loadedCommitment)] = leafIndex
commitments.splice(index, 1)
`\nMatched commitment ${loadedCommitment} @ leaf index ${leafIndex}, leftover commitments:\n\n${commitments.join(
// In any case push every leaf
// Concat matched and all leaf indices
return [leaves, indices]
async loadNotes(
indexes?: Array<number>,
keys?: Partial<Keys.InstanceLookup>
): Promise<Array<ZKDepositData>> {
const rows = await Cache.loadContents<Docs.Note>('DepositNotes')
let docs: Array<Docs.Note | undefined> = []
let notes: Array<string> = []
if (indexes)
for (let i = 0, len = rows.length; i < len; i++) {
else docs = => row.doc)
if (keys)
docs.forEach((doc) => {
const idNetworkMatches = doc && ( ? === doc?.network : true)
const andTokenSymbolMatches = idNetworkMatches && (keys.token ? keys.token === doc?.token : true)
const lastlyDenominationMatches =
andTokenSymbolMatches && (keys.denomination ? keys.denomination === doc?.denomination : true)
if (lastlyDenominationMatches && doc?.note) notes.push(doc.note)
else notes = docs.filter((doc) => ObjectUtils.exists(doc?.note)).map((doc) => doc!.note)
return this.parseNotes(notes)
parseNotes(notes: Array<string>): Array<ZKDepositData> {
return => Primitives.parseNote(note))
parseNote(note: string): ZKDepositData {
return this.parseNotes([note])[0]
instance: TornadoInstance | string,
event: Function | number = 0,
listenerIndex: number = 0
): void {
const _instance = this._resolveInstance(instance)
const filter = this._resolveInstanceEvent(_instance, event)
this._instanceEventToFilter(filter, _instance.filters.Deposit),
clearListeners(instance: TornadoInstance | string): void {
listenForDeposits(instance: TornadoInstance | string): void {
this.listenForInstanceEvents(instance, 0)
listenForWithdrawals(instance: TornadoInstance | string): void {
this.listenForInstanceEvents(instance, 1)
listenForInstanceEvents(instance: TornadoInstance | string, event: Function | number = 0): void {
let _instance: TornadoInstance
let key: string
if (typeof instance !== 'string') {
const { network, token, denomination } = Onchain.getInstanceLookupKeysSync(instance.address)
_instance = this.loadInstance(network, token, denomination)
key = network + token + denomination
} else {
key = instance.toLowerCase()
_instance = this._resolveInstance(key)
const filter = this._resolveInstanceEvent(_instance!, event)
const isDeposit = filter == _instance.filters.Deposit
const cache = isDeposit
? this.loadDepositCache('Deposits' + key.toUpperCase())
: this.loadWithdrawalCache('Withdrawals' + key.toUpperCase())
isDeposit ? 'deposit' : 'withdrawal',
this._instanceEventToFilter(filter, _instance.filters.Deposit),
private _instanceEventToFilter(event: Function, depositEvent: Function): EventFilter {
return event == depositEvent ? event(null, null, null) : event(null, null, null, null)
private _resolveInstanceEvent(instance: TornadoInstance, event: Function | number = 0): Function {
let filter: Function
if (typeof event === 'number') {
filter = event === 0 ? instance.filters.Deposit : instance.filters.Withdrawal
} else filter = event
return filter
private _resolveInstance(instance: TornadoInstance | string): TornadoInstance {
let _instance: TornadoInstance
if (typeof instance === 'string') {
instance = instance.toLowerCase()
const regexp = /([0-9]+)([a-z]+)([0-9.]+)/
const matches = instance.match(regexp)?.slice(1)
if (!matches || matches.length === 0)
throw ErrorUtils.getError('Core._resolveInstance: instance string key invalid.')
_instance = this.loadInstance(matches[0], matches[1], matches[2])
} else _instance = instance
return _instance
* This is the main function to build a single Tornado Cash Classic deposit. An address need not be supplied because the returned note proves a deposit.
* @param instance The TornadoInstance for which to build transactions.
* @param options Whether or not to populate the transactions (only in the sense of encoding transaction data), and whether to backup notes and invoices. Defaults: `depositsPerInstance = [1], doNotPopulate = false, backup { notes = true, invoices = false }` Deposits per instance are hardcoded to 1, since we're doing a single transaction.
* @returns A promise which resolves to the created transaction.
buildDepositTransaction(instance: TornadoInstance, options?: Options.Core.Deposit): Transactions.Deposit {
let opts: Options.Core.Deposit = options ?? {}
opts.depositsPerInstance = [1]
return this.buildDepositTransactions([instance], opts)[0]
* This is the main function which is used to build Tornado Cash Classic deposit transactions. An address need not be supplied because the returned note proves a deposit.
* @param instances The TornadoInstance instances for which to build transactions.
* @param options The number of deposits per instance, whether or not to populate the transactions (only in the sense of encoding transaction data), and whether to backup notes and invoices. Defaults: `depositsPerInstance = [1]*instance_num, doNotPopulate = false, backup { notes = true, invoices = false }`
* @returns A promise which resolves to the created transactions.
* @todo TODO: Maybe this should be sync and deposit backups should be async somewhere else
instances: Array<TornadoInstance>,
options?: Options.Core.Deposit
): Array<Transactions.Deposit> {
const depositsPerInstance = options?.depositsPerInstance ?? new Array<number>(instances.length).fill(1)
const doNotPopulate = options?.doNotPopulate ?? false
if (depositsPerInstance.length != instances.length)
throw ErrorUtils.getError(
'Core.buildDepositTx: number of deposit amount elements must equal the number of instances!'
const chainId = this.chain!.id
const proxy: TornadoProxy = Contracts.getProxy(String(chainId), this.chain!.provider)
const txs: Array<Transactions.Deposit> = []
for (let i = 0, nInstances = instances.length; i < nInstances; i++) {
const { network, token, denomination } = Onchain.getInstanceLookupKeysSync(instances[i].address)
const pathstring = network + token + denomination
for (let d = 0, nDeposits = depositsPerInstance[i]; d < nDeposits; d++) {
const deposit = Primitives.createDeposit()
const note = Primitives.createNote(deposit.preimage)
if (!doNotPopulate) {
request: {
to: proxy.address,
data: proxy.interface.encodeFunctionData('deposit', [
value: token == 'eth' ? parseUnits(denomination) : BigNumber.from(0)
note: pathstring + '_' + note,
invoice: pathstring + '_' + deposit.hexCommitment
} else
request: {},
note: pathstring + '_' + note,
invoice: pathstring + '_' + deposit.hexCommitment
return txs
async backupNote(instance: TornadoInstance, transaction: Transactions.Deposit): Promise<void> {
await this.backupNotes(instance, [transaction])
async backupInvoice(instance: TornadoInstance, transaction: Transactions.Deposit): Promise<void> {
await this.backupInvoices(instance, [transaction])
async backupNotes(instance: TornadoInstance, transactions: Array<Transactions.Deposit>): Promise<void> {
const { network, token, denomination } = await Onchain.getInstanceLookupKeys(instance.address)
await this._backupDepositData(
async backupInvoices(instance: TornadoInstance, transactions: Array<Transactions.Deposit>): Promise<void> {
const { network, token, denomination } = await Onchain.getInstanceLookupKeys(instance.address)
await this._backupDepositData(
private async _backupDepositData<T extends Docs.Note | Docs.Invoice>(
network: string,
token: string,
denomination: string,
transactions: Array<Transactions.Deposit>,
cache: Cache.Base<T>
): Promise<void> {
const notes = === 12 ? true : false
const name = notes ? 'notes' : 'invoices'
// We need a mutex here
const release = await this._mutex.acquire(name)
let id = +(await
await cache.db
.bulkDocs( => {
if (notes) return new Docs.Note(++id, network, token, denomination, transaction.note!)
else return new Docs.Invoice(++id, network, token, denomination, transaction.invoice!)
}) as Array<T>
.catch((err) => {
throw ErrorUtils.ensureError(err)
// Release
loadDepositCache(name: string, options?: Options.Sync): DepositCache {
if (!this.caches.has(name)) {
new DepositCache(
options ? { adapter: options?.cacheAdapter, persistent: options?.persistentCache } : undefined
return this.caches.get(name) as DepositCache
loadWithdrawalCache(name: string, options?: Options.Sync): WithdrawalCache {
if (!this.caches.has(name)) {
new WithdrawalCache(
options ? { adapter: options?.cacheAdapter, persistent: options?.persistentCache } : undefined
return this.caches.get(name) as WithdrawalCache
loadCache<C extends Cache.Base<Docs.Base>>(name: string, options?: Options.Sync): C {
if (!this.caches.has(name)) {
new Cache.Base(
options ? { adapter: options?.cacheAdapter, persistent: options?.persistentCache } : undefined
return this.caches.get(name) as C
loadInstance(chainId: number | string, token: string, denomination: number | string): TornadoInstance {
token = token.toLowerCase()
return Contracts.getInstance('' + chainId, token, '' + denomination, this.chain!.provider)
async syncDeposits(instance: TornadoInstance, options?: Options.Sync): Promise<void> {
const { network, token, denomination } = await Onchain.getInstanceLookupKeys(instance.address)
const pathstring = network + token + denomination
options = options ?? {}
options.startBlock = await Onchain.getInstanceDeployBlockNum(network, token, denomination)
const populatedOptions = await this._populateSyncOptions(options)
const cache = this.loadDepositCache('Deposits' + pathstring.toUpperCase(), populatedOptions)
await this.sync('deposit', instance.filters.Deposit(null, null, null), instance, cache, populatedOptions)
if (!this.caches.has( this.caches.set(, cache)
async syncWithdrawals(instance: TornadoInstance, options?: Options.Sync): Promise<void> {
const { network, token, denomination } = await Onchain.getInstanceLookupKeys(instance.address)
const pathstring = network + token + denomination
options = options ?? {}
options.startBlock = await Onchain.getInstanceDeployBlockNum(network, token, denomination)
const populatedOptions = await this._populateSyncOptions(options)
const cache = this.loadWithdrawalCache('Withdrawals' + pathstring.toUpperCase(), populatedOptions)
await this.sync(
instance.filters.Withdrawal(null, null, null),
if (!this.caches.has( this.caches.set(, cache)
protected async _populateSyncOptions(options: Options.Sync): Promise<DeepRequired<Options.Sync>> {
if (!options.startBlock) throw ErrorUtils.getError('Core._populateSyncOptions: startBlock not set.')
options.targetBlock = options.targetBlock ?? (await this.chain!.latestBlockNum())
options.blockDivisor = options.blockDivisor ?? 40
options.blockDelta = Math.floor((options.targetBlock - options.startBlock) / options.blockDivisor)
options.concurrencyLimit = options.concurrencyLimit ?? 8
options.msTimeout = options.msTimeout ?? 200 // 5 requests per second
options.persistentCache = options.persistentCache ?? true
options.cacheAdapter = options.cacheAdapter ?? 'leveldb'
options.listenForEvents = options.listenForEvents ?? false
return options as DeepRequired<Options.Sync>