T-Hax 735546619e
Signed-off-by: T-Hax <>
2023-04-08 18:46:18 +00:00

121 lines
4.2 KiB

/* global artifacts, web3, contract */
const { takeSnapshot, revertSnapshot } = require('../scripts/ganacheHelper')
const { toBN } = require('web3-utils')
const RLP = require('rlp')
const Torn = artifacts.require('./TORNMock.sol')
const Voucher = artifacts.require('./VoucherMock.sol')
async function getNextAddr(sender, offset = 0) {
const nonce = await web3.eth.getTransactionCount(sender)
return (
'0x' +
.sha3(RLP.encode([sender, Number(nonce) + Number(offset)]))
contract('Voucher', (accounts) => {
let torn
let voucher
let snapshotId
// const owner = accounts[0]
// const ownerPrivateKey = '0x4f3edf983ac636a65a842ce7c78d9aa706d3b113bce9c46f30d7d21715b23b1d'
const recipient = accounts[1]
const governance = accounts[8]
let startTimestamp
const duration = toBN(60 * 60 * 24 * 365)
const cap = toBN(10000000).mul(toBN(10 ** 18))
before(async () => {
const voucherExpectedAddr = await getNextAddr(accounts[0], 1)
const thirtyDays = 30 * 24 * 3600
torn = await Torn.new(governance, thirtyDays, [{ to: voucherExpectedAddr, amount: cap.toString() }])
voucher = await Voucher.new(torn.address, governance, duration, [
{ to: accounts[0], amount: cap.toString() },
startTimestamp = await voucher.blockTimestamp()
await voucher.setFakeTimestamp(startTimestamp)
const blockTimestamp = await voucher.blockTimestamp()
await voucher.transfer(recipient, cap.div(toBN(10)))
snapshotId = await takeSnapshot()
describe('#constructor', () => {
it('should be initialized', async () => {
const expiresAt = await voucher.expiresAt()
const balance = await torn.balanceOf(voucher.address)
const vTORNRecipientBalance = await voucher.balanceOf(recipient)
describe('#redeem', () => {
it('should work', async () => {
const vTORNRecipientBalanceBefore = await voucher.balanceOf(recipient)
const TORNRecipientBalanceBefore = await torn.balanceOf(recipient)
await voucher.redeem({ from: recipient })
const vTORNRecipientBalanceAfter = await voucher.balanceOf(recipient)
const TORNRecipientBalanceAfter = await torn.balanceOf(recipient)
it('can redeem if time has passed', async () => {
await voucher.redeem({ from: recipient })
const expiresAt = await voucher.expiresAt()
await voucher.setFakeTimestamp(expiresAt)
await voucher.redeem({ from: recipient }).should.be.rejectedWith('Airdrop redeem period has ended')
describe('#rescueExpiredTokens', () => {
it('should not work if time has not passed', async () => {
await voucher.rescueExpiredTokens().should.be.rejectedWith('Airdrop redeem period has not ended yet')
it('should work if time has passed', async () => {
await voucher.redeem({ from: recipient })
const expiresAt = await voucher.expiresAt()
await voucher.setFakeTimestamp(expiresAt)
const balanceBefore = await torn.balanceOf(governance)
const voucherBalanceBefore = await torn.balanceOf(voucher.address)
await voucher.rescueExpiredTokens()
const balanceAfter = await torn.balanceOf(governance)
describe('#pause', () => {
it('should be paused', async () => {
const amount = await voucher.balanceOf(recipient)
await voucher
.transfer(accounts[4], amount, { from: recipient })
.should.be.rejectedWith('ERC20: transfer is not allowed')
afterEach(async () => {
await revertSnapshot(snapshotId.result)
// eslint-disable-next-line require-atomic-updates
snapshotId = await takeSnapshot()