// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT pragma solidity >=0.7.0 <0.9.0; import "../src/Test.sol"; contract StdUtilsMock is StdUtils { // We deploy a mock version so we can properly test expected reverts. function getTokenBalances_(address token, address[] memory addresses) external returns (uint256[] memory balances) { return getTokenBalances(token, addresses); } } contract StdUtilsTest is Test { /*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// BOUND UINT //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ function testBound() public { assertEq(bound(uint256(5), 0, 4), 0); assertEq(bound(uint256(0), 69, 69), 69); assertEq(bound(uint256(0), 68, 69), 68); assertEq(bound(uint256(10), 150, 190), 174); assertEq(bound(uint256(300), 2800, 3200), 3107); assertEq(bound(uint256(9999), 1337, 6666), 4669); } function testBound_WithinRange() public { assertEq(bound(uint256(51), 50, 150), 51); assertEq(bound(uint256(51), 50, 150), bound(bound(uint256(51), 50, 150), 50, 150)); assertEq(bound(uint256(149), 50, 150), 149); assertEq(bound(uint256(149), 50, 150), bound(bound(uint256(149), 50, 150), 50, 150)); } function testBound_EdgeCoverage() public { assertEq(bound(uint256(0), 50, 150), 50); assertEq(bound(uint256(1), 50, 150), 51); assertEq(bound(uint256(2), 50, 150), 52); assertEq(bound(uint256(3), 50, 150), 53); assertEq(bound(type(uint256).max, 50, 150), 150); assertEq(bound(type(uint256).max - 1, 50, 150), 149); assertEq(bound(type(uint256).max - 2, 50, 150), 148); assertEq(bound(type(uint256).max - 3, 50, 150), 147); } function testBound_DistributionIsEven(uint256 min, uint256 size) public { size = size % 100 + 1; min = bound(min, UINT256_MAX / 2, UINT256_MAX / 2 + size); uint256 max = min + size - 1; uint256 result; for (uint256 i = 1; i <= size * 4; ++i) { // x > max result = bound(max + i, min, max); assertEq(result, min + (i - 1) % size); // x < min result = bound(min - i, min, max); assertEq(result, max - (i - 1) % size); } } function testBound(uint256 num, uint256 min, uint256 max) public { if (min > max) (min, max) = (max, min); uint256 result = bound(num, min, max); assertGe(result, min); assertLe(result, max); assertEq(result, bound(result, min, max)); if (num >= min && num <= max) assertEq(result, num); } function testBoundUint256Max() public { assertEq(bound(0, type(uint256).max - 1, type(uint256).max), type(uint256).max - 1); assertEq(bound(1, type(uint256).max - 1, type(uint256).max), type(uint256).max); } function testCannotBoundMaxLessThanMin() public { vm.expectRevert(bytes("StdUtils bound(uint256,uint256,uint256): Max is less than min.")); bound(uint256(5), 100, 10); } function testCannotBoundMaxLessThanMin(uint256 num, uint256 min, uint256 max) public { vm.assume(min > max); vm.expectRevert(bytes("StdUtils bound(uint256,uint256,uint256): Max is less than min.")); bound(num, min, max); } /*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// BOUND INT //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ function testBoundInt() public { assertEq(bound(-3, 0, 4), 2); assertEq(bound(0, -69, -69), -69); assertEq(bound(0, -69, -68), -68); assertEq(bound(-10, 150, 190), 154); assertEq(bound(-300, 2800, 3200), 2908); assertEq(bound(9999, -1337, 6666), 1995); } function testBoundInt_WithinRange() public { assertEq(bound(51, -50, 150), 51); assertEq(bound(51, -50, 150), bound(bound(51, -50, 150), -50, 150)); assertEq(bound(149, -50, 150), 149); assertEq(bound(149, -50, 150), bound(bound(149, -50, 150), -50, 150)); } function testBoundInt_EdgeCoverage() public { assertEq(bound(type(int256).min, -50, 150), -50); assertEq(bound(type(int256).min + 1, -50, 150), -49); assertEq(bound(type(int256).min + 2, -50, 150), -48); assertEq(bound(type(int256).min + 3, -50, 150), -47); assertEq(bound(type(int256).min, 10, 150), 10); assertEq(bound(type(int256).min + 1, 10, 150), 11); assertEq(bound(type(int256).min + 2, 10, 150), 12); assertEq(bound(type(int256).min + 3, 10, 150), 13); assertEq(bound(type(int256).max, -50, 150), 150); assertEq(bound(type(int256).max - 1, -50, 150), 149); assertEq(bound(type(int256).max - 2, -50, 150), 148); assertEq(bound(type(int256).max - 3, -50, 150), 147); assertEq(bound(type(int256).max, -50, -10), -10); assertEq(bound(type(int256).max - 1, -50, -10), -11); assertEq(bound(type(int256).max - 2, -50, -10), -12); assertEq(bound(type(int256).max - 3, -50, -10), -13); } function testBoundInt_DistributionIsEven(int256 min, uint256 size) public { size = size % 100 + 1; min = bound(min, -int256(size / 2), int256(size - size / 2)); int256 max = min + int256(size) - 1; int256 result; for (uint256 i = 1; i <= size * 4; ++i) { // x > max result = bound(max + int256(i), min, max); assertEq(result, min + int256((i - 1) % size)); // x < min result = bound(min - int256(i), min, max); assertEq(result, max - int256((i - 1) % size)); } } function testBoundInt(int256 num, int256 min, int256 max) public { if (min > max) (min, max) = (max, min); int256 result = bound(num, min, max); assertGe(result, min); assertLe(result, max); assertEq(result, bound(result, min, max)); if (num >= min && num <= max) assertEq(result, num); } function testBoundIntInt256Max() public { assertEq(bound(0, type(int256).max - 1, type(int256).max), type(int256).max - 1); assertEq(bound(1, type(int256).max - 1, type(int256).max), type(int256).max); } function testBoundIntInt256Min() public { assertEq(bound(0, type(int256).min, type(int256).min + 1), type(int256).min); assertEq(bound(1, type(int256).min, type(int256).min + 1), type(int256).min + 1); } function testCannotBoundIntMaxLessThanMin() public { vm.expectRevert(bytes("StdUtils bound(int256,int256,int256): Max is less than min.")); bound(-5, 100, 10); } function testCannotBoundIntMaxLessThanMin(int256 num, int256 min, int256 max) public { vm.assume(min > max); vm.expectRevert(bytes("StdUtils bound(int256,int256,int256): Max is less than min.")); bound(num, min, max); } /*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// BYTES TO UINT //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ function testBytesToUint() external { bytes memory maxUint = hex"ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff"; bytes memory two = hex"02"; bytes memory millionEther = hex"d3c21bcecceda1000000"; assertEq(bytesToUint(maxUint), type(uint256).max); assertEq(bytesToUint(two), 2); assertEq(bytesToUint(millionEther), 1_000_000 ether); } function testCannotConvertGT32Bytes() external { bytes memory thirty3Bytes = hex"ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff"; vm.expectRevert("StdUtils bytesToUint(bytes): Bytes length exceeds 32."); bytesToUint(thirty3Bytes); } /*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// COMPUTE CREATE ADDRESS //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ function testComputeCreateAddress() external { address deployer = 0x6C9FC64A53c1b71FB3f9Af64d1ae3A4931A5f4E9; uint256 nonce = 14; address createAddress = computeCreateAddress(deployer, nonce); assertEq(createAddress, 0x68b3465833fb72A70ecDF485E0e4C7bD8665Fc45); } /*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// COMPUTE CREATE2 ADDRESS //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ function testComputeCreate2Address() external { bytes32 salt = bytes32(uint256(31415)); bytes32 initcodeHash = keccak256(abi.encode(0x6080)); address deployer = 0x6C9FC64A53c1b71FB3f9Af64d1ae3A4931A5f4E9; address create2Address = computeCreate2Address(salt, initcodeHash, deployer); assertEq(create2Address, 0xB147a5d25748fda14b463EB04B111027C290f4d3); } function testComputeCreate2AddressWithDefaultDeployer() external { bytes32 salt = 0xc290c670fde54e5ef686f9132cbc8711e76a98f0333a438a92daa442c71403c0; bytes32 initcodeHash = hashInitCode(hex"6080", ""); assertEq(initcodeHash, 0x1a578b7a4b0b5755db6d121b4118d4bc68fe170dca840c59bc922f14175a76b0); address create2Address = computeCreate2Address(salt, initcodeHash); assertEq(create2Address, 0xc0ffEe2198a06235aAbFffe5Db0CacF1717f5Ac6); } } contract StdUtilsForkTest is Test { /*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// GET TOKEN BALANCES //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ address internal SHIB = 0x95aD61b0a150d79219dCF64E1E6Cc01f0B64C4cE; address internal SHIB_HOLDER_0 = 0x855F5981e831D83e6A4b4EBFCAdAa68D92333170; address internal SHIB_HOLDER_1 = 0x8F509A90c2e47779cA408Fe00d7A72e359229AdA; address internal SHIB_HOLDER_2 = 0x0e3bbc0D04fF62211F71f3e4C45d82ad76224385; address internal USDC = 0xA0b86991c6218b36c1d19D4a2e9Eb0cE3606eB48; address internal USDC_HOLDER_0 = 0xDa9CE944a37d218c3302F6B82a094844C6ECEb17; address internal USDC_HOLDER_1 = 0x3e67F4721E6d1c41a015f645eFa37BEd854fcf52; function setUp() public { // All tests of the `getTokenBalances` method are fork tests using live contracts. vm.createSelectFork({urlOrAlias: "mainnet", blockNumber: 16_428_900}); } function testCannotGetTokenBalances_NonTokenContract() external { // We deploy a mock version so we can properly test the revert. StdUtilsMock stdUtils = new StdUtilsMock(); // The UniswapV2Factory contract has neither a `balanceOf` function nor a fallback function, // so the `balanceOf` call should revert. address token = address(0x5C69bEe701ef814a2B6a3EDD4B1652CB9cc5aA6f); address[] memory addresses = new address[](1); addresses[0] = USDC_HOLDER_0; vm.expectRevert("Multicall3: call failed"); stdUtils.getTokenBalances_(token, addresses); } function testCannotGetTokenBalances_EOA() external { address eoa = vm.addr({privateKey: 1}); address[] memory addresses = new address[](1); addresses[0] = USDC_HOLDER_0; vm.expectRevert("StdUtils getTokenBalances(address,address[]): Token address is not a contract."); getTokenBalances(eoa, addresses); } function testGetTokenBalances_Empty() external { address[] memory addresses = new address[](0); uint256[] memory balances = getTokenBalances(USDC, addresses); assertEq(balances.length, 0); } function testGetTokenBalances_USDC() external { address[] memory addresses = new address[](2); addresses[0] = USDC_HOLDER_0; addresses[1] = USDC_HOLDER_1; uint256[] memory balances = getTokenBalances(USDC, addresses); assertEq(balances[0], 159_000_000_000_000); assertEq(balances[1], 131_350_000_000_000); } function testGetTokenBalances_SHIB() external { address[] memory addresses = new address[](3); addresses[0] = SHIB_HOLDER_0; addresses[1] = SHIB_HOLDER_1; addresses[2] = SHIB_HOLDER_2; uint256[] memory balances = getTokenBalances(SHIB, addresses); assertEq(balances[0], 3_323_256_285_484.42e18); assertEq(balances[1], 1_271_702_771_149.99999928e18); assertEq(balances[2], 606_357_106_247e18); } }