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127 lines
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/* global artifacts, web3, contract */
const { toBN, fromWei } = require('web3-utils')
const { takeSnapshot, revertSnapshot, mineBlock } = require('../scripts/ganacheHelper')
const Torn = artifacts.require('TORNMock')
const RewardSwap = artifacts.require('RewardSwapMock')
const tornConfig = require('torn-token')
const RLP = require('rlp')
// Set time to beginning of a second
async function timeReset() {
const delay = 1000 - new Date().getMilliseconds()
await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, delay))
await mineBlock()
async function getNextAddr(sender, offset = 0) {
const nonce = await web3.eth.getTransactionCount(sender)
return (
'0x' +
.sha3(RLP.encode([sender, Number(nonce) + Number(offset)]))
// todo mock's fixed timestamp interferes with simulation
contract.skip('RewardSwap simulation', (accounts) => {
let torn
let rewardSwap
const sender = accounts[0]
const recipient = accounts[1]
const tornCap = toBN(tornConfig.torn.cap)
const miningCap = toBN(tornConfig.torn.distribution.miningV2.amount)
const initialTornBalance = toBN(tornConfig.miningV2.initialBalance)
const poolWeight = 1e11
let snapshotId
async function increaseTimeDays(days, verbose = true) {
if (verbose) {
console.log(`Skipping ${days} days`)
const timestamp = await rewardSwap.getTimestamp()
await rewardSwap.setTimestamp(Number(timestamp) + 60 * 60 * 24 * Number(days))
async function exchange(points, verbose = true) {
const balanceBefore = await torn.balanceOf(recipient)
await rewardSwap.swap(recipient, points, { from: sender })
const balanceAfter = await torn.balanceOf(recipient)
const poolSize = await rewardSwap.tornVirtualBalance()
if (verbose) {
`Exchanged ${points} points for ${fromWei(
)} TORN. Remaining in pool ${fromWei(poolSize)} TORN`,
before(async () => {
const swapExpectedAddr = await getNextAddr(accounts[0], 1)
torn = await Torn.new(sender, 0, [
{ to: swapExpectedAddr, amount: miningCap.toString() },
{ to: sender, amount: tornCap.sub(miningCap).toString() },
rewardSwap = await RewardSwap.new(
snapshotId = await takeSnapshot()
beforeEach(async () => {
await timeReset()
describe('Swap Simulations', () => {
it('init', async () => {
console.log('Cap', fromWei(miningCap))
console.log('Virtual balance', fromWei(await rewardSwap.tornVirtualBalance()))
it('rates', async () => {
let k = toBN(1)
for (let i = 0; i < 18; i++) {
`Expected return for 10^${i} points: ${fromWei(await rewardSwap.getExpectedReturn(k))} TORN`,
k = k.mul(toBN(10))
it.skip('sim1', async () => {
await exchange(1e8)
await exchange(1e8)
await increaseTimeDays(1)
await exchange(1e8)
it('equilibrium sim', async () => {
const amountPerDay = 7.2e9
for (let i = 0; i <= 450; i++) {
const verbose = i < 15 || i % 30 === 0 || (i > 360 && i < 370)
if (verbose) {
console.log(`Day ${i}`)
await exchange(amountPerDay, verbose)
await increaseTimeDays(1, false)
afterEach(async () => {
await revertSnapshot(snapshotId.result)
// eslint-disable-next-line require-atomic-updates
snapshotId = await takeSnapshot()