2022-04-22 13:05:56 +10:00
/* eslint-disable no-console */
import BN from 'bignumber.js'
import { hexToNumber, numberToHex } from 'web3-utils'
2022-05-30 23:27:44 +10:00
import { SnackbarProgrammatic as Snackbar, DialogProgrammatic as Dialog } from 'buefy'
2022-04-22 13:05:56 +10:00
import { PROVIDERS } from '@/constants'
import networkConfig from '@/networkConfig'
import { walletConnectConnector } from '@/services'
import SanctionsListAbi from '@/abis/SanctionsList.abi'
const { toChecksumAddress } = require('web3-utils')
const state = () => {
return {
netId: 1,
walletName: '',
ethBalance: '0',
ethAccount: null,
providerConfig: {},
providerName: null,
isInitialized: false,
isReconnecting: false,
mismatchNetwork: false
const getters = {
isWalletConnect(state) {
return state.providerConfig.name === 'WalletConnect'
isPartialSupport(state) {
return state.providerConfig.isPartialSupport
hasEthAccount(state) {
return state.ethAccount !== null
mismatchNetwork(state) {
return state.mismatchNetwork
netId(state) {
return state.netId
networkName(state) {
return networkConfig[`netId${state.netId}`].networkName
currency(state) {
return networkConfig[`netId${state.netId}`].currencyName
nativeCurrency(state) {
return networkConfig[`netId${state.netId}`].nativeCurrency
networkConfig(state) {
const conf = networkConfig[`netId${state.netId}`]
return conf || networkConfig.netId1
getEthereumProvider: (state, getters) => (netId) => {
switch (state.providerName) {
case 'walletConnect':
return walletConnectConnector(netId || getters.netId)
case 'metamask':
case 'trustwallet':
case 'imtoken':
case 'alphawallet':
case 'generic':
if (window.ethereum) {
return window.ethereum
} else {
throw new Error(this.app.i18n.t('networkDoesNotHaveEthereumProperty'))
isLoggedIn: (state, getters) => {
return !!state.providerName && getters.hasEthAccount
const mutations = {
IDENTIFY(state, ethAccount) {
state.ethAccount = ethAccount
SET_NET_ID(state, netId) {
netId = parseInt(netId, 10)
2022-06-07 00:26:00 +10:00
window.localStorage.setItem('netId', netId)
2022-04-22 13:05:56 +10:00
state.netId = netId
SET_RECONNECTING(state, bool) {
state.isReconnecting = bool
SET_MISMATCH_NETWORK(state, payload) {
state.mismatchNetwork = payload
SAVE_BALANCE(state, ethBalance) {
state.ethBalance = ethBalance
SET_WALLET_NAME(state, walletName) {
state.walletName = walletName
SET_PROVIDER_NAME(state, providerName) {
state.providerName = providerName
state.providerConfig = PROVIDERS[providerName]
window.localStorage.setItem('provider', providerName)
state.providerName = null
state.providerConfig = {}
SET_INITIALIZED(state, initialized) {
state.isInitialized = initialized
const actions = {
async initialize({ dispatch, commit, getters, rootState, rootGetters }, payload) {
await dispatch('askPermission', payload)
dispatch('governance/gov/checkActiveProposals', {}, { root: true })
onSetInitializeData({ commit, dispatch, state }, isMismatch) {
if (isMismatch) {
commit('IDENTIFY', null)
commit('SET_INITIALIZED', false)
} else {
const providerName = window.localStorage.getItem('provider')
if (providerName && !state.isInitialized) {
dispatch('initialize', { providerName })
commit('SET_MISMATCH_NETWORK', isMismatch)
async checkMismatchNetwork({ dispatch, commit, state, getters }, netId) {
if (getters.isWalletConnect) {
const { id } = this.$provider.config
const isMismatch = Number(netId) !== Number(id)
await dispatch('onSetInitializeData', isMismatch)
if (!window.ethereum) {
const chainId = await window.ethereum.request({ method: 'eth_chainId' })
const isMismatch = Number(netId) !== hexToNumber(chainId)
await dispatch('onSetInitializeData', isMismatch)
async sendTransaction(
{ dispatch, state, rootGetters },
{ method, params, watcherParams, isAwait = true, isSaving = true, eipDisable = false }
) {
try {
const { ethAccount, netId } = state
const gasParams = rootGetters['gasPrices/getGasParams']('fast', eipDisable)
if (params.gasPrice && 'gasPrice' in gasParams) {
gasParams.gasPrice = params.gasPrice.value
const callParams = {
params: [
value: '0x00',
from: ethAccount,
dispatch('loading/showConfirmLoader', {}, { root: true })
const txHash = await this.$provider.sendRequest(callParams)
{ message: this.app.i18n.t('waitUntilTransactionIsMined') },
{ root: true }
const activeWatcher = () =>
{ root: true }
if (isAwait) {
await activeWatcher()
} else {
dispatch('loading/disable', {}, { root: true })
return txHash
} catch (err) {
if (err.message.includes('EIP-1559')) {
return await dispatch('sendTransaction', {
eipDisable: true
} else {
throw new Error(this.app.i18n.t('rejectedRequest', { description: state.walletName }))
} finally {
dispatch('loading/disable', {}, { root: true })
async getEncryptionPublicKey({ state }) {
try {
const { ethAccount } = state
const callParams = {
method: 'eth_getEncryptionPublicKey',
params: [ethAccount]
const key = await this.$provider.sendRequest(callParams)
return key
} catch (err) {
let errorMessage = 'decryptFailed'
if (err.message.includes('Trezor')) {
errorMessage = 'trezorNotSupported'
} else if (err.message.includes('Ledger')) {
errorMessage = 'ledgerNotSupported'
const isRejected = err.message.includes(
'MetaMask EncryptionPublicKey: User denied message EncryptionPublicKey.'
if (isRejected) {
throw new Error(this.app.i18n.t('rejectedRequest', { description: state.walletName }))
throw new Error(this.app.i18n.t(errorMessage))
async ethDecrypt({ state }, hexData) {
try {
const { ethAccount } = state
const callParams = {
method: 'eth_decrypt',
params: [hexData, ethAccount]
const encryptedData = await this.$provider.sendRequest(callParams)
return encryptedData
} catch (err) {
throw new Error(`Method ethDecrypt has error: ${err.message}`)
async onAccountsChanged({ dispatch, commit }, { newAccount }) {
if (newAccount) {
const account = toChecksumAddress(newAccount)
commit('IDENTIFY', account)
await dispatch('updateAccountBalance')
} else {
await dispatch('onLogOut')
onLogOut({ commit, getters, dispatch }) {
if (getters.isWalletConnect) {
const mobileProvider = this.$provider.provider
if (typeof mobileProvider.close === 'function') {
commit('IDENTIFY', null)
commit('SET_INITIALIZED', false)
async mobileWalletReconnect({ state, dispatch, commit, rootState }, { netId }) {
try {
commit('SET_RECONNECTING', true)
const { providerName } = state
const { enabled } = rootState.loading
await dispatch('onLogOut')
await dispatch('initialize', { providerName, chosenNetId: netId })
if (enabled) {
await dispatch('loading/disable', {}, { root: true })
} catch ({ message }) {
throw new Error(`Mobile wallet reconnect error: ${message}`)
} finally {
commit('SET_RECONNECTING', false)
async networkChangeHandler({ state, getters, commit, dispatch }, params) {
try {
if (getters.isWalletConnect) {
2022-05-30 23:27:44 +10:00
dispatch('loading/disable', {}, { root: true })
const networkName = networkConfig[`netId${params.netId}`].networkName
const { result } = await Dialog.confirm({
title: this.app.i18n.t('changeNetwork'),
message: this.app.i18n.t('mobileWallet.reconnect.message', { networkName }),
cancelText: this.app.i18n.t('cancelButton'),
confirmText: this.app.i18n.t('mobileWallet.reconnect.action')
if (result) {
await dispatch('mobileWalletReconnect', params)
this.$provider._onNetworkChanged({ id: params.netId })
2022-04-22 13:05:56 +10:00
} else {
if (state.isInitialized) {
await dispatch('switchNetwork', params)
await dispatch('onNetworkChanged', params)
} catch (err) {
console.error('networkChangeHandler', err.message)
async checkIsSanctioned({ rootGetters }, { address }) {
const ethProvider = rootGetters['relayer/ethProvider']
const contract = new ethProvider.eth.Contract(
const isSanctioned = await contract.methods.isSanctioned(address).call()
if (isSanctioned) {
window.onbeforeunload = null
window.location = 'https://twitter.com/TornadoCash/status/1514904975037669386'
async onNetworkChanged({ state, getters, commit, dispatch }, { netId }) {
dispatch('checkMismatchNetwork', netId)
if (netId !== 'loading' && Number(state.netId) !== Number(netId)) {
try {
if (!networkConfig[`netId${netId}`]) {
message: this.app.i18n.t('currentNetworkIsNotSupported'),
type: 'is-primary',
position: 'is-top',
actionText: 'OK',
indefinite: true
throw new Error(this.app.i18n.t('currentNetworkIsNotSupported'))
commit('SET_NET_ID', netId)
await dispatch('application/setNativeCurrency', { netId }, { root: true })
// TODO what if all rpc failed
await dispatch('settings/checkCurrentRpc', {}, { root: true })
dispatch('application/updateSelectEvents', {}, { root: true })
if (getters.isLoggedIn) {
await dispatch('updateAccountBalance')
} catch (e) {
throw new Error(e.message)
async updateAccountBalance({ state, commit }, account = '') {
try {
const address = account || state.ethAccount
if (!address) {
return 0
const balance = await this.$provider.getBalance({ address })
commit('SAVE_BALANCE', balance)
return balance
} catch (err) {
console.error(`updateAccountBalance has error ${err.message}`)
clearProvider({ commit, state }) {
if (state.providerConfig.storageName) {
async askPermission(
{ commit, dispatch, getters, rootGetters, state, rootState },
{ providerName, chosenNetId }
) {
commit('SET_PROVIDER_NAME', providerName)
const { name, listener } = state.providerConfig
commit('SET_WALLET_NAME', name)
try {
const provider = await getters.getEthereumProvider(chosenNetId)
if (providerName === 'walletConnect') {
await dispatch(listener, { provider })
const address = await this.$provider.initProvider(provider, {})
if (!address) {
throw new Error('lockedMetamask')
await dispatch('checkIsSanctioned', { address })
commit('IDENTIFY', address)
const netId = await dispatch('checkNetworkVersion')
await dispatch('onNetworkChanged', { netId })
commit('SET_INITIALIZED', true)
const { url } = rootGetters['settings/currentRpc']
await dispatch('updateAccountBalance', address)
if (getters.isWalletConnect) {
if (provider.wc.peerMeta) {
commit('SET_WALLET_NAME', provider.wc.peerMeta.name)
method: 'chainChanged',
callback: () => {
dispatch('onNetworkChanged', { netId })
method: 'accountsChanged',
callback: ([newAccount]) => {
dispatch('onAccountsChanged', { newAccount })
return { netId, ethAccount: address }
} catch (err) {
if (providerName === 'walletConnect') {
const mobileProvider = this.$provider.provider
if (typeof mobileProvider.disconnect === 'function') {
await dispatch('onLogOut')
throw new Error(`method askPermission has error: ${err.message}`)
walletConnectSocketListener({ state, commit, dispatch, getters, rootState }, { provider }) {
const { enabled } = rootState.loading
try {
provider.wc.on('disconnect', (error, payload) => {
if (state.isReconnecting) {
console.warn('Provider reconnect payload', { payload, error, isReconnecting: state.isReconnecting })
if (enabled) {
dispatch('loading/disable', {}, { root: true })
commit('SET_RECONNECTING', false)
const prevConnection = localStorage.getItem('walletconnectTimeStamp')
const isPrevConnection = new BN(Date.now()).minus(prevConnection).isGreaterThanOrEqualTo(5000)
if (isPrevConnection) {
console.warn('Provider disconnect payload', {
isReconnecting: state.isReconnecting
if (enabled) {
dispatch('loading/disable', {}, { root: true })
} catch (err) {
console.error('WalletConnect listeners error: ', err)
async switchNetwork({ dispatch }, { netId }) {
try {
await this.$provider.sendRequest({
method: 'wallet_switchEthereumChain',
params: [{ chainId: numberToHex(netId) }]
} catch (err) {
// This error indicates that the chain has not been added to MetaMask.
if (err.message.includes('wallet_addEthereumChain')) {
return dispatch('addNetwork', { netId })
throw new Error(err.message)
async addNetwork(_, { netId }) {
56: {
chainId: '0x38',
chainName: 'Binance Smart Chain Mainnet',
rpcUrls: ['https://bsc-dataseed1.ninicoin.io'],
nativeCurrency: {
name: 'Binance Chain Native Token',
symbol: 'BNB',
decimals: 18
blockExplorerUrls: ['https://bscscan.com']
10: {
chainId: '0xa',
chainName: 'Optimism',
rpcUrls: ['https://mainnet.optimism.io/'],
nativeCurrency: {
name: 'Ether',
symbol: 'ETH',
decimals: 18
blockExplorerUrls: ['https://optimistic.etherscan.io']
100: {
chainId: '0x64',
chainName: 'Gnosis Chain (formerly xDai)',
rpcUrls: ['https://rpc.gnosischain.com'],
nativeCurrency: {
name: 'xDAI',
symbol: 'xDAI',
decimals: 18
blockExplorerUrls: ['https://blockscout.com/xdai/mainnet']
137: {
chainId: '0x89',
chainName: 'Polygon Mainnet',
rpcUrls: ['https://polygon-rpc.com/'],
nativeCurrency: {
name: 'MATIC',
symbol: 'MATIC',
decimals: 18
blockExplorerUrls: ['https://polygonscan.com']
42161: {
chainId: '0xA4B1',
chainName: 'Arbitrum One',
rpcUrls: ['https://arb1.arbitrum.io/rpc'],
nativeCurrency: {
name: 'Ether',
symbol: 'ETH',
decimals: 18
blockExplorerUrls: ['https://arbiscan.io']
43114: {
chainId: '0xA86A',
chainName: 'Avalanche C-Chain',
rpcUrls: ['https://api.avax.network/ext/bc/C/rpc'],
nativeCurrency: {
name: 'Avalanche',
symbol: 'AVAX',
decimals: 18
blockExplorerUrls: ['https://snowtrace.io']
if (METAMASK_LIST[netId]) {
await this.$provider.sendRequest({
method: 'wallet_addEthereumChain',
params: [METAMASK_LIST[netId]]
async checkNetworkVersion() {
try {
const id = Number(
await this.$provider.sendRequest({
method: 'eth_chainId',
params: []
return id
} catch (err) {
throw new Error(err.message)
export default {
namespaced: true,