const { isHexStrict, toBN, toWei, BN } = require('web3-utils') const { netId, mixers, relayerServiceFee } = require('../config') function isValidProof(proof) { // validator expects `websnarkUtils.toSolidityInput(proof)` output if (!(proof)) { return { valid: false, reason: 'The proof is empty.' } } if (!isHexStrict(proof) || proof.length !== 2 + 2 * 8 * 32) { return { valid: false, reason: 'Corrupted proof' } } return { valid: true } } function isValidArgs(args) { if (!(args)) { return { valid: false, reason: 'Args are empty' } } if (args.length !== 6) { return { valid: false, reason: 'Length of args is lower than 6' } } for(let signal of args) { if (!isHexStrict(signal)) { return { valid: false, reason: `Corrupted signal ${signal}` } } } if (args[0].length !== 66 || args[1].length !== 66 || args[2].length !== 42 || args[3].length !== 42 || args[4].length !== 66 || args[5].length !== 66) { return { valid: false, reason: 'The length one of the signals is incorrect' } } return { valid: true } } function isKnownContract(contract) { const mixers = getMixers() for (let currency of Object.keys(mixers)) { for (let amount of Object.keys(mixers[currency].mixerAddress)) { if (mixers[currency].mixerAddress[amount] === contract) { return { valid: true, currency, amount } } } } return { valid: false } } function sleep(ms) { return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms)) } function fromDecimals(value, decimals) { value = value.toString() let ether = value.toString() const base = new BN('10').pow(new BN(decimals)) const baseLength = base.toString(10).length - 1 || 1 const negative = ether.substring(0, 1) === '-' if (negative) { ether = ether.substring(1) } if (ether === '.') { throw new Error('[ethjs-unit] while converting number ' + value + ' to wei, invalid value') } // Split it into a whole and fractional part const comps = ether.split('.') if (comps.length > 2) { throw new Error( '[ethjs-unit] while converting number ' + value + ' to wei, too many decimal points' ) } let whole = comps[0] let fraction = comps[1] if (!whole) { whole = '0' } if (!fraction) { fraction = '0' } if (fraction.length > baseLength) { throw new Error( '[ethjs-unit] while converting number ' + value + ' to wei, too many decimal places' ) } while (fraction.length < baseLength) { fraction += '0' } whole = new BN(whole) fraction = new BN(fraction) let wei = whole.mul(base).add(fraction) if (negative) { wei = wei.mul(negative) } return new BN(wei.toString(10), 10) } function isEnoughFee({ gas, gasPrices, currency, amount, refund, ethPrices, fee }) { const { decimals } = mixers[`netId${netId}`][currency] const feePercent = toBN(fromDecimals(amount, decimals)).mul(toBN(relayerServiceFee * 10)).div(toBN('1000')) const expense = toBN(toWei(, 'gwei')).mul(toBN(gas)) let desiredFee switch (currency) { case 'eth': { desiredFee = expense.add(feePercent) break } default: { desiredFee = expense.add(refund) .mul(toBN(10 ** decimals)) .div(toBN(ethPrices[currency])) desiredFee = desiredFee.add(feePercent) break } } console.log('sent fee, desired fee, feePercent', fee.toString(), desiredFee.toString(), feePercent.toString()) if ( { return { isEnough: false, reason: 'Not enough fee' } } return { isEnough: true } } function getArgsForOracle() { const tokens = mixers['netId1'] const tokenAddresses = [] const oneUintAmount = [] const parts = [] // this is probably should be removed const currencyLookup = {} Object.entries(tokens).map(([currency, data]) => { if (currency !== 'eth') { tokenAddresses.push(data.tokenAddress) oneUintAmount.push( toBN('10') .pow(toBN(data.decimals.toString())) .toString() ) parts.push('1') currencyLookup[data.tokenAddress] = currency } }) return { tokenAddresses, oneUintAmount, parts, currencyLookup } } function getMixers() { return mixers[`netId${netId}`] } module.exports = { isValidProof, isValidArgs, sleep, isKnownContract, isEnoughFee, getMixers, getArgsForOracle }