const { instances, netId } = require('./config') const { poseidon } = require('circomlib') const { toBN, toChecksumAddress, BN, fromWei, isAddress, toWei } = require('web3-utils') const TOKENS = { torn: { tokenAddress: '0x77777FeDdddFfC19Ff86DB637967013e6C6A116C', symbol: 'TORN', decimals: 18, }, } const addressMap = new Map() for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(instances)) { const netId = Number(key.substring(5)) for (const [currency, { instanceAddress, symbol, decimals }] of Object.entries(value)) { Object.entries(instanceAddress).forEach(([amount, address]) => addressMap.set(`${netId}_${address}`, { currency, amount, symbol, decimals, }), ) } } const sleep = ms => new Promise(res => setTimeout(res, ms)) function getInstance(address) { const key = `${netId}_${toChecksumAddress(address)}` if (addressMap.has(key)) { return addressMap.get(key) } else { throw new Error('Unknown contact address') } } const poseidonHash = items => toBN(poseidon(items).toString()) const poseidonHash2 = (a, b) => poseidonHash([a, b]) function setSafeInterval(func, interval) { func() .catch(console.error) .finally(() => { setTimeout(() => setSafeInterval(func, interval), interval) }) } /** * A promise that resolves when the source emits specified event */ function when(source, event) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { source .once(event, payload => { resolve(payload) }) .on('error', error => { reject(error) }) }) } function getArgsForOracle() { const tokens = { ...instances.netId1, ...TOKENS, } const tokenAddresses = [] const oneUintAmount = [] const currencyLookup = {} Object.entries(tokens).map(([currency, data]) => { if (currency !== 'eth') { tokenAddresses.push(data.tokenAddress) oneUintAmount.push(toBN('10').pow(toBN(data.decimals.toString())).toString()) currencyLookup[data.tokenAddress] = currency } }) return { tokenAddresses, oneUintAmount, currencyLookup } } function fromDecimals(value, decimals) { value = value.toString() let ether = value.toString() const base = new BN('10').pow(new BN(decimals)) const baseLength = base.toString(10).length - 1 || 1 const negative = ether.substring(0, 1) === '-' if (negative) { ether = ether.substring(1) } if (ether === '.') { throw new Error('[ethjs-unit] while converting number ' + value + ' to wei, invalid value') } // Split it into a whole and fractional part const comps = ether.split('.') if (comps.length > 2) { throw new Error('[ethjs-unit] while converting number ' + value + ' to wei, too many decimal points') } let whole = comps[0] let fraction = comps[1] if (!whole) { whole = '0' } if (!fraction) { fraction = '0' } if (fraction.length > baseLength) { throw new Error('[ethjs-unit] while converting number ' + value + ' to wei, too many decimal places') } while (fraction.length < baseLength) { fraction += '0' } whole = new BN(whole) fraction = new BN(fraction) let wei = whole.mul(base).add(fraction) if (negative) { wei = wei.mul(negative) } return new BN(wei.toString(10), 10) } class RelayerError extends Error { constructor(message, score = 0) { super(message) this.score = score } } const logRelayerError = async (redis, e) => { await redis.zadd('errors', 'INCR', 1, e.message) } const readRelayerErrors = async redis => { const set = await redis.zrevrange('errors', 0, -1, 'WITHSCORES') const errors = [] while (set.length) { const [message, score] = set.splice(0, 2) errors.push({ message, score }) } return errors } module.exports = { getInstance, setSafeInterval, poseidonHash2, sleep, when, getArgsForOracle, fromDecimals, toBN, toChecksumAddress, fromWei, toWei, BN, isAddress, RelayerError, logRelayerError, readRelayerErrors, }