# Manifestos for the Internet Age A collection of manifestos for the internet age. The URL of this repository is: [https://github.com/greyscalepress/manifestos](https://github.com/greyscalepress/manifestos) ![](images/manifestos-amazon-page.png) You can obtain a printed version on [Amazon.com](http://www.amazon.com/Manifestos-Internet-Age-Various/dp/2940561028/), also on [Amazon UK](http://www.amazon.co.uk/Manifestos-Internet-Age-Various/dp/2940561028/), [Germany](http://www.amazon.de/Manifestos-Internet-Age-Various/dp/2940561028/), [France](http://www.amazon.fr/Manifestos-Internet-Age-Various/dp/2940561028/), [Spain](http://www.amazon.es/Manifestos-Internet-Age-Various/dp/2940561028/). ## Format Same format as other pocket greyscale titles. Page size: 4.25" x 6.875" (10.795cm x 17.463cm) Margins, bleed, cover: See [notes/cover-size.md](notes/cover-size.md) ## Specifications Description, BISAC Category, ISBN, Pricing... See [notes/specifications.md](notes/specifications.md) ## Release history See [content/manifestos/9999-end.txt](content/manifestos/9999-end.txt) ## Software used Here is what you need to install in order to compile the book: ### Pandoc Source: [http://johnmacfarlane.net/pandoc/](http://johnmacfarlane.net/pandoc/) The package I am using: pandoc- ### TeX Installer for Mac OSX: BasicTeX [http://www.tug.org/mactex/morepackages.html](http://www.tug.org/mactex/morepackages.html) The package I am using: basictex-20150613.pkg ### flushend.sty This is a Latex extension that we use. It needs to be installed. The method I used to install it: running this in the command line: ```sudo tlmgr install sttools``` ### titlesec.sty Another package we need to install... Command: ```sudo tlmgr install titlesec``` The titlesec package allows basic changes to the standard chapter style, including setting the font style and size or placement of the title. ### tocloft.sty We want to control the Table of Contents: ```\usepackage{tocloft}``` Command: ```sudo tlmgr install tocloft``` ## Troubleshooting Errors that can occur during compilation: ```! Undefined control sequence. l.719 \tightlist``` ```! Undefined control sequence. l.4428 \afterpage``` ```! LaTeX Error: \chaptermark undefined.``` This error is linked to the fancyhdr package, and is caused by using a document class without the \chapter command (article, scrartcl, ...). **Solution:** we need to use the "book" document class