#!/bin/bash ## Purpose of this script ## Select all files in the folder /content/fr ## Save them to the folder /temp/ ## 1: We declare some variables INPUT="../content/meta.txt ../content/manifestos/*.*" ## ../content/intro.txt TEMP="../temp/newfile.txt" TEMP2="../temp/newfile2.txt" TIMESTAMP=$(date +"%s") OUTPUT="../output/output-"$TIMESTAMP".pdf" ## 2: AWK Method ## FNR = the current record number in the current file. ## NR = "Number of Lines seen so far in the current file" ## \\vfill \\columnbreak \\newpage awk ' BEGIN { start = ""; ## \\begin{multicols}{2} end = "\\newpage"; ## \\end{multicols}\n print start } FNR == 1 && FNR != NR { print end; print start } {print} ## {print $0," "} ## Adds two spaces after each end-of-line, to keep line returns in Markdown. END { print end } ' $INPUT > $TEMP ## awk '{print $0," x"}' $TEMP > $TEMP2 ## mv $TEMP2 $TEMP ## PANDOC processing ## Consolata ## Inconsesi ## "Breite Grotesk" ## "Work Sans" ## "Archivo Narrow" ## "Sophia Nubian" ## "Limousine" ## Monoid pandoc -f markdown -o $OUTPUT --template=../templates/customV2 $TEMP --latex-engine=xelatex \ --variable mainfont="Monoid" \ --variable sansfont=Futura \ --variable monofont=Inconsesi \ --variable fontsize=9pt \ --variable urlcolor=black \ --variable linkcolor=black \ --variable documentclass=book \ --toc --toc-depth=1 \ --include-before-body=../content/intro.txt ## End of file