Richard van der Hoff 1519572961 Ship the email templates as package_data
move the example email templates into the synapse package so that they can be
used as package data, which should mean that all of the packaging mechanisms
(pip, docker, debian, arch, etc) should now come with the example templates.

In order to grandfather in people who relied on the templates being in the old
place, check for that situation and fall back to using the defaults if the
templates directory does not exist.
2018-10-17 16:46:02 +01:00

149 lines
5.4 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2015, 2016 OpenMarket Ltd
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
from __future__ import print_function
# This file can't be called because if it is, we cannot:
import email.utils
import logging
import os
import sys
import textwrap
from ._base import Config
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class EmailConfig(Config):
def read_config(self, config):
self.email_enable_notifs = False
email_config = config.get("email", {})
self.email_enable_notifs = email_config.get("enable_notifs", False)
if self.email_enable_notifs:
# make sure we can import the required deps
import jinja2
import bleach
# prevent unused warnings
required = [
missing = []
for k in required:
if k not in email_config:
if (len(missing) > 0):
raise RuntimeError(
"email.enable_notifs is True but required keys are missing: %s" %
(", ".join(["email." + k for k in missing]),)
if config.get("public_baseurl") is None:
raise RuntimeError(
"email.enable_notifs is True but no public_baseurl is set"
self.email_smtp_host = email_config["smtp_host"]
self.email_smtp_port = email_config["smtp_port"]
self.email_notif_from = email_config["notif_from"]
self.email_notif_template_html = email_config["notif_template_html"]
self.email_notif_template_text = email_config["notif_template_text"]
self.email_template_dir = email_config.get("template_dir")
# backwards-compatibility hack
if (
self.email_template_dir == "res/templates"
and not os.path.isfile(
os.path.join(self.email_template_dir, self.email_notif_template_text)
t = """\
WARNING: The email notifier is configured to look for templates in '%s', but no templates
could be found there. We will fall back to using the example templates; to get rid of this
warning, leave 'email.template_dir' unset.
""" % (self.email_template_dir,)
print(textwrap.fill(t, width=80) + "\n", file=sys.stderr)
self.email_template_dir = None
self.email_notif_for_new_users = email_config.get(
"notif_for_new_users", True
self.email_riot_base_url = email_config.get(
"riot_base_url", None
self.email_smtp_user = email_config.get(
"smtp_user", None
self.email_smtp_pass = email_config.get(
"smtp_pass", None
self.require_transport_security = email_config.get(
"require_transport_security", False
if "app_name" in email_config:
self.email_app_name = email_config["app_name"]
self.email_app_name = "Matrix"
# make sure it's valid
parsed = email.utils.parseaddr(self.email_notif_from)
if parsed[1] == '':
raise RuntimeError("Invalid notif_from address")
self.email_enable_notifs = False
# Not much point setting defaults for the rest: it would be an
# error for them to be used.
def default_config(self, config_dir_path, server_name, **kwargs):
return """
# Enable sending emails for notification events
# Defining a custom URL for Riot is only needed if email notifications
# should contain links to a self-hosted installation of Riot; when set
# the "app_name" setting is ignored.
# If your SMTP server requires authentication, the optional smtp_user &
# smtp_pass variables should be used
# enable_notifs: false
# smtp_host: "localhost"
# smtp_port: 25
# smtp_user: "exampleusername"
# smtp_pass: "examplepassword"
# require_transport_security: False
# notif_from: "Your Friendly %(app)s Home Server <>"
# app_name: Matrix
# # if template_dir is unset, uses the example templates that are part of
# # the Synapse distribution.
# #template_dir: res/templates
# notif_template_html: notif_mail.html
# notif_template_text: notif_mail.txt
# notif_for_new_users: True
# riot_base_url: "http://localhost/riot"