# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright 2014-2016 OpenMarket Ltd # Copyright 2019 The Matrix.org Foundation C.I.C. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import collections import logging import re from abc import abstractmethod from enum import Enum from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple from six import integer_types from canonicaljson import json from twisted.internet import defer from synapse.api.constants import EventTypes from synapse.api.errors import StoreError from synapse.api.room_versions import RoomVersion, RoomVersions from synapse.storage._base import SQLBaseStore from synapse.storage.data_stores.main.search import SearchStore from synapse.storage.database import Database, LoggingTransaction from synapse.types import ThirdPartyInstanceID from synapse.util.caches.descriptors import cached, cachedInlineCallbacks logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) OpsLevel = collections.namedtuple( "OpsLevel", ("ban_level", "kick_level", "redact_level") ) RatelimitOverride = collections.namedtuple( "RatelimitOverride", ("messages_per_second", "burst_count") ) class RoomSortOrder(Enum): """ Enum to define the sorting method used when returning rooms with get_rooms_paginate ALPHABETICAL = sort rooms alphabetically by name SIZE = sort rooms by membership size, highest to lowest """ ALPHABETICAL = "alphabetical" SIZE = "size" class RoomWorkerStore(SQLBaseStore): def __init__(self, database: Database, db_conn, hs): super(RoomWorkerStore, self).__init__(database, db_conn, hs) self.config = hs.config def get_room(self, room_id): """Retrieve a room. Args: room_id (str): The ID of the room to retrieve. Returns: A dict containing the room information, or None if the room is unknown. """ return self.db.simple_select_one( table="rooms", keyvalues={"room_id": room_id}, retcols=("room_id", "is_public", "creator"), desc="get_room", allow_none=True, ) def get_public_room_ids(self): return self.db.simple_select_onecol( table="rooms", keyvalues={"is_public": True}, retcol="room_id", desc="get_public_room_ids", ) def count_public_rooms(self, network_tuple, ignore_non_federatable): """Counts the number of public rooms as tracked in the room_stats_current and room_stats_state table. Args: network_tuple (ThirdPartyInstanceID|None) ignore_non_federatable (bool): If true filters out non-federatable rooms """ def _count_public_rooms_txn(txn): query_args = [] if network_tuple: if network_tuple.appservice_id: published_sql = """ SELECT room_id from appservice_room_list WHERE appservice_id = ? AND network_id = ? """ query_args.append(network_tuple.appservice_id) query_args.append(network_tuple.network_id) else: published_sql = """ SELECT room_id FROM rooms WHERE is_public """ else: published_sql = """ SELECT room_id FROM rooms WHERE is_public UNION SELECT room_id from appservice_room_list """ sql = """ SELECT COALESCE(COUNT(*), 0) FROM ( %(published_sql)s ) published INNER JOIN room_stats_state USING (room_id) INNER JOIN room_stats_current USING (room_id) WHERE ( join_rules = 'public' OR history_visibility = 'world_readable' ) AND joined_members > 0 """ % { "published_sql": published_sql } txn.execute(sql, query_args) return txn.fetchone()[0] return self.db.runInteraction("count_public_rooms", _count_public_rooms_txn) @defer.inlineCallbacks def get_largest_public_rooms( self, network_tuple: Optional[ThirdPartyInstanceID], search_filter: Optional[dict], limit: Optional[int], bounds: Optional[Tuple[int, str]], forwards: bool, ignore_non_federatable: bool = False, ): """Gets the largest public rooms (where largest is in terms of joined members, as tracked in the statistics table). Args: network_tuple search_filter limit: Maxmimum number of rows to return, unlimited otherwise. bounds: An uppoer or lower bound to apply to result set if given, consists of a joined member count and room_id (these are excluded from result set). forwards: true iff going forwards, going backwards otherwise ignore_non_federatable: If true filters out non-federatable rooms. Returns: Rooms in order: biggest number of joined users first. We then arbitrarily use the room_id as a tie breaker. """ where_clauses = [] query_args = [] if network_tuple: if network_tuple.appservice_id: published_sql = """ SELECT room_id from appservice_room_list WHERE appservice_id = ? AND network_id = ? """ query_args.append(network_tuple.appservice_id) query_args.append(network_tuple.network_id) else: published_sql = """ SELECT room_id FROM rooms WHERE is_public """ else: published_sql = """ SELECT room_id FROM rooms WHERE is_public UNION SELECT room_id from appservice_room_list """ # Work out the bounds if we're given them, these bounds look slightly # odd, but are designed to help query planner use indices by pulling # out a common bound. if bounds: last_joined_members, last_room_id = bounds if forwards: where_clauses.append( """ joined_members <= ? AND ( joined_members < ? OR room_id < ? ) """ ) else: where_clauses.append( """ joined_members >= ? AND ( joined_members > ? OR room_id > ? ) """ ) query_args += [last_joined_members, last_joined_members, last_room_id] if ignore_non_federatable: where_clauses.append("is_federatable") if search_filter and search_filter.get("generic_search_term", None): search_term = "%" + search_filter["generic_search_term"] + "%" where_clauses.append( """ ( LOWER(name) LIKE ? OR LOWER(topic) LIKE ? OR LOWER(canonical_alias) LIKE ? ) """ ) query_args += [ search_term.lower(), search_term.lower(), search_term.lower(), ] where_clause = "" if where_clauses: where_clause = " AND " + " AND ".join(where_clauses) sql = """ SELECT room_id, name, topic, canonical_alias, joined_members, avatar, history_visibility, joined_members, guest_access FROM ( %(published_sql)s ) published INNER JOIN room_stats_state USING (room_id) INNER JOIN room_stats_current USING (room_id) WHERE ( join_rules = 'public' OR history_visibility = 'world_readable' ) AND joined_members > 0 %(where_clause)s ORDER BY joined_members %(dir)s, room_id %(dir)s """ % { "published_sql": published_sql, "where_clause": where_clause, "dir": "DESC" if forwards else "ASC", } if limit is not None: query_args.append(limit) sql += """ LIMIT ? """ def _get_largest_public_rooms_txn(txn): txn.execute(sql, query_args) results = self.db.cursor_to_dict(txn) if not forwards: results.reverse() return results ret_val = yield self.db.runInteraction( "get_largest_public_rooms", _get_largest_public_rooms_txn ) defer.returnValue(ret_val) @cached(max_entries=10000) def is_room_blocked(self, room_id): return self.db.simple_select_one_onecol( table="blocked_rooms", keyvalues={"room_id": room_id}, retcol="1", allow_none=True, desc="is_room_blocked", ) async def get_rooms_paginate( self, start: int, limit: int, order_by: RoomSortOrder, reverse_order: bool, search_term: Optional[str], ) -> Tuple[List[Dict[str, Any]], int]: """Function to retrieve a paginated list of rooms as json. Args: start: offset in the list limit: maximum amount of rooms to retrieve order_by: the sort order of the returned list reverse_order: whether to reverse the room list search_term: a string to filter room names by Returns: A list of room dicts and an integer representing the total number of rooms that exist given this query """ # Filter room names by a string where_statement = "" if search_term: where_statement = "WHERE state.name LIKE ?" # Our postgres db driver converts ? -> %s in SQL strings as that's the # placeholder for postgres. # HOWEVER, if you put a % into your SQL then everything goes wibbly. # To get around this, we're going to surround search_term with %'s # before giving it to the database in python instead search_term = "%" + search_term + "%" # Set ordering if RoomSortOrder(order_by) == RoomSortOrder.SIZE: order_by_column = "curr.joined_members" order_by_asc = False elif RoomSortOrder(order_by) == RoomSortOrder.ALPHABETICAL: # Sort alphabetically order_by_column = "state.name" order_by_asc = True else: raise StoreError( 500, "Incorrect value for order_by provided: %s" % order_by ) # Whether to return the list in reverse order if reverse_order: # Flip the boolean order_by_asc = not order_by_asc # Create one query for getting the limited number of events that the user asked # for, and another query for getting the total number of events that could be # returned. Thus allowing us to see if there are more events to paginate through info_sql = """ SELECT state.room_id, state.name, state.canonical_alias, curr.joined_members FROM room_stats_state state INNER JOIN room_stats_current curr USING (room_id) %s ORDER BY %s %s LIMIT ? OFFSET ? """ % ( where_statement, order_by_column, "ASC" if order_by_asc else "DESC", ) # Use a nested SELECT statement as SQL can't count(*) with an OFFSET count_sql = """ SELECT count(*) FROM ( SELECT room_id FROM room_stats_state state %s ) AS get_room_ids """ % ( where_statement, ) def _get_rooms_paginate_txn(txn): # Execute the data query sql_values = (limit, start) if search_term: # Add the search term into the WHERE clause sql_values = (search_term,) + sql_values txn.execute(info_sql, sql_values) # Refactor room query data into a structured dictionary rooms = [] for room in txn: rooms.append( { "room_id": room[0], "name": room[1], "canonical_alias": room[2], "joined_members": room[3], } ) # Execute the count query # Add the search term into the WHERE clause if present sql_values = (search_term,) if search_term else () txn.execute(count_sql, sql_values) room_count = txn.fetchone() return rooms, room_count[0] return await self.db.runInteraction( "get_rooms_paginate", _get_rooms_paginate_txn, ) @cachedInlineCallbacks(max_entries=10000) def get_ratelimit_for_user(self, user_id): """Check if there are any overrides for ratelimiting for the given user Args: user_id (str) Returns: RatelimitOverride if there is an override, else None. If the contents of RatelimitOverride are None or 0 then ratelimitng has been disabled for that user entirely. """ row = yield self.db.simple_select_one( table="ratelimit_override", keyvalues={"user_id": user_id}, retcols=("messages_per_second", "burst_count"), allow_none=True, desc="get_ratelimit_for_user", ) if row: return RatelimitOverride( messages_per_second=row["messages_per_second"], burst_count=row["burst_count"], ) else: return None @cachedInlineCallbacks() def get_retention_policy_for_room(self, room_id): """Get the retention policy for a given room. If no retention policy has been found for this room, returns a policy defined by the configured default policy (which has None as both the 'min_lifetime' and the 'max_lifetime' if no default policy has been defined in the server's configuration). Args: room_id (str): The ID of the room to get the retention policy of. Returns: dict[int, int]: "min_lifetime" and "max_lifetime" for this room. """ def get_retention_policy_for_room_txn(txn): txn.execute( """ SELECT min_lifetime, max_lifetime FROM room_retention INNER JOIN current_state_events USING (event_id, room_id) WHERE room_id = ?; """, (room_id,), ) return self.db.cursor_to_dict(txn) ret = yield self.db.runInteraction( "get_retention_policy_for_room", get_retention_policy_for_room_txn, ) # If we don't know this room ID, ret will be None, in this case return the default # policy. if not ret: defer.returnValue( { "min_lifetime": self.config.retention_default_min_lifetime, "max_lifetime": self.config.retention_default_max_lifetime, } ) row = ret[0] # If one of the room's policy's attributes isn't defined, use the matching # attribute from the default policy. # The default values will be None if no default policy has been defined, or if one # of the attributes is missing from the default policy. if row["min_lifetime"] is None: row["min_lifetime"] = self.config.retention_default_min_lifetime if row["max_lifetime"] is None: row["max_lifetime"] = self.config.retention_default_max_lifetime defer.returnValue(row) def get_media_mxcs_in_room(self, room_id): """Retrieves all the local and remote media MXC URIs in a given room Args: room_id (str) Returns: The local and remote media as a lists of tuples where the key is the hostname and the value is the media ID. """ def _get_media_mxcs_in_room_txn(txn): local_mxcs, remote_mxcs = self._get_media_mxcs_in_room_txn(txn, room_id) local_media_mxcs = [] remote_media_mxcs = [] # Convert the IDs to MXC URIs for media_id in local_mxcs: local_media_mxcs.append("mxc://%s/%s" % (self.hs.hostname, media_id)) for hostname, media_id in remote_mxcs: remote_media_mxcs.append("mxc://%s/%s" % (hostname, media_id)) return local_media_mxcs, remote_media_mxcs return self.db.runInteraction( "get_media_ids_in_room", _get_media_mxcs_in_room_txn ) def quarantine_media_ids_in_room(self, room_id, quarantined_by): """For a room loops through all events with media and quarantines the associated media """ logger.info("Quarantining media in room: %s", room_id) def _quarantine_media_in_room_txn(txn): local_mxcs, remote_mxcs = self._get_media_mxcs_in_room_txn(txn, room_id) total_media_quarantined = 0 # Now update all the tables to set the quarantined_by flag txn.executemany( """ UPDATE local_media_repository SET quarantined_by = ? WHERE media_id = ? """, ((quarantined_by, media_id) for media_id in local_mxcs), ) txn.executemany( """ UPDATE remote_media_cache SET quarantined_by = ? WHERE media_origin = ? AND media_id = ? """, ( (quarantined_by, origin, media_id) for origin, media_id in remote_mxcs ), ) total_media_quarantined += len(local_mxcs) total_media_quarantined += len(remote_mxcs) return total_media_quarantined return self.db.runInteraction( "quarantine_media_in_room", _quarantine_media_in_room_txn ) def _get_media_mxcs_in_room_txn(self, txn, room_id): """Retrieves all the local and remote media MXC URIs in a given room Args: txn (cursor) room_id (str) Returns: The local and remote media as a lists of tuples where the key is the hostname and the value is the media ID. """ mxc_re = re.compile("^mxc://([^/]+)/([^/#?]+)") sql = """ SELECT stream_ordering, json FROM events JOIN event_json USING (room_id, event_id) WHERE room_id = ? %(where_clause)s AND contains_url = ? AND outlier = ? ORDER BY stream_ordering DESC LIMIT ? """ txn.execute(sql % {"where_clause": ""}, (room_id, True, False, 100)) local_media_mxcs = [] remote_media_mxcs = [] while True: next_token = None for stream_ordering, content_json in txn: next_token = stream_ordering event_json = json.loads(content_json) content = event_json["content"] content_url = content.get("url") thumbnail_url = content.get("info", {}).get("thumbnail_url") for url in (content_url, thumbnail_url): if not url: continue matches = mxc_re.match(url) if matches: hostname = matches.group(1) media_id = matches.group(2) if hostname == self.hs.hostname: local_media_mxcs.append(media_id) else: remote_media_mxcs.append((hostname, media_id)) if next_token is None: # We've gone through the whole room, so we're finished. break txn.execute( sql % {"where_clause": "AND stream_ordering < ?"}, (room_id, next_token, True, False, 100), ) return local_media_mxcs, remote_media_mxcs def quarantine_media_by_id( self, server_name: str, media_id: str, quarantined_by: str, ): """quarantines a single local or remote media id Args: server_name: The name of the server that holds this media media_id: The ID of the media to be quarantined quarantined_by: The user ID that initiated the quarantine request """ logger.info("Quarantining media: %s/%s", server_name, media_id) is_local = server_name == self.config.server_name def _quarantine_media_by_id_txn(txn): local_mxcs = [media_id] if is_local else [] remote_mxcs = [(server_name, media_id)] if not is_local else [] return self._quarantine_media_txn( txn, local_mxcs, remote_mxcs, quarantined_by ) return self.db.runInteraction( "quarantine_media_by_user", _quarantine_media_by_id_txn ) def quarantine_media_ids_by_user(self, user_id: str, quarantined_by: str): """quarantines all local media associated with a single user Args: user_id: The ID of the user to quarantine media of quarantined_by: The ID of the user who made the quarantine request """ def _quarantine_media_by_user_txn(txn): local_media_ids = self._get_media_ids_by_user_txn(txn, user_id) return self._quarantine_media_txn(txn, local_media_ids, [], quarantined_by) return self.db.runInteraction( "quarantine_media_by_user", _quarantine_media_by_user_txn ) def _get_media_ids_by_user_txn(self, txn, user_id: str, filter_quarantined=True): """Retrieves local media IDs by a given user Args: txn (cursor) user_id: The ID of the user to retrieve media IDs of Returns: The local and remote media as a lists of tuples where the key is the hostname and the value is the media ID. """ # Local media sql = """ SELECT media_id FROM local_media_repository WHERE user_id = ? """ if filter_quarantined: sql += "AND quarantined_by IS NULL" txn.execute(sql, (user_id,)) local_media_ids = [row[0] for row in txn] # TODO: Figure out all remote media a user has referenced in a message return local_media_ids def _quarantine_media_txn( self, txn, local_mxcs: List[str], remote_mxcs: List[Tuple[str, str]], quarantined_by: str, ) -> int: """Quarantine local and remote media items Args: txn (cursor) local_mxcs: A list of local mxc URLs remote_mxcs: A list of (remote server, media id) tuples representing remote mxc URLs quarantined_by: The ID of the user who initiated the quarantine request Returns: The total number of media items quarantined """ total_media_quarantined = 0 # Update all the tables to set the quarantined_by flag txn.executemany( """ UPDATE local_media_repository SET quarantined_by = ? WHERE media_id = ? """, ((quarantined_by, media_id) for media_id in local_mxcs), ) txn.executemany( """ UPDATE remote_media_cache SET quarantined_by = ? WHERE media_origin = ? AND media_id = ? """, ((quarantined_by, origin, media_id) for origin, media_id in remote_mxcs), ) total_media_quarantined += len(local_mxcs) total_media_quarantined += len(remote_mxcs) return total_media_quarantined class RoomBackgroundUpdateStore(SQLBaseStore): REMOVE_TOMESTONED_ROOMS_BG_UPDATE = "remove_tombstoned_rooms_from_directory" ADD_ROOMS_ROOM_VERSION_COLUMN = "add_rooms_room_version_column" def __init__(self, database: Database, db_conn, hs): super(RoomBackgroundUpdateStore, self).__init__(database, db_conn, hs) self.config = hs.config self.db.updates.register_background_update_handler( "insert_room_retention", self._background_insert_retention, ) self.db.updates.register_background_update_handler( self.REMOVE_TOMESTONED_ROOMS_BG_UPDATE, self._remove_tombstoned_rooms_from_directory, ) self.db.updates.register_background_update_handler( self.ADD_ROOMS_ROOM_VERSION_COLUMN, self._background_add_rooms_room_version_column, ) @defer.inlineCallbacks def _background_insert_retention(self, progress, batch_size): """Retrieves a list of all rooms within a range and inserts an entry for each of them into the room_retention table. NULLs the property's columns if missing from the retention event in the room's state (or NULLs all of them if there's no retention event in the room's state), so that we fall back to the server's retention policy. """ last_room = progress.get("room_id", "") def _background_insert_retention_txn(txn): txn.execute( """ SELECT state.room_id, state.event_id, events.json FROM current_state_events as state LEFT JOIN event_json AS events ON (state.event_id = events.event_id) WHERE state.room_id > ? AND state.type = '%s' ORDER BY state.room_id ASC LIMIT ?; """ % EventTypes.Retention, (last_room, batch_size), ) rows = self.db.cursor_to_dict(txn) if not rows: return True for row in rows: if not row["json"]: retention_policy = {} else: ev = json.loads(row["json"]) retention_policy = json.dumps(ev["content"]) self.db.simple_insert_txn( txn=txn, table="room_retention", values={ "room_id": row["room_id"], "event_id": row["event_id"], "min_lifetime": retention_policy.get("min_lifetime"), "max_lifetime": retention_policy.get("max_lifetime"), }, ) logger.info("Inserted %d rows into room_retention", len(rows)) self.db.updates._background_update_progress_txn( txn, "insert_room_retention", {"room_id": rows[-1]["room_id"]} ) if batch_size > len(rows): return True else: return False end = yield self.db.runInteraction( "insert_room_retention", _background_insert_retention_txn, ) if end: yield self.db.updates._end_background_update("insert_room_retention") defer.returnValue(batch_size) async def _background_add_rooms_room_version_column( self, progress: dict, batch_size: int ): """Background update to go and add room version inforamtion to `rooms` table from `current_state_events` table. """ last_room_id = progress.get("room_id", "") def _background_add_rooms_room_version_column_txn(txn: LoggingTransaction): sql = """ SELECT room_id, json FROM current_state_events INNER JOIN event_json USING (room_id, event_id) WHERE room_id > ? AND type = 'm.room.create' AND state_key = '' ORDER BY room_id LIMIT ? """ txn.execute(sql, (last_room_id, batch_size)) updates = [] for room_id, event_json in txn: event_dict = json.loads(event_json) room_version_id = event_dict.get("content", {}).get( "room_version", RoomVersions.V1.identifier ) creator = event_dict.get("content").get("creator") updates.append((room_id, creator, room_version_id)) if not updates: return True new_last_room_id = "" for room_id, creator, room_version_id in updates: # We upsert here just in case we don't already have a row, # mainly for paranoia as much badness would happen if we don't # insert the row and then try and get the room version for the # room. self.db.simple_upsert_txn( txn, table="rooms", keyvalues={"room_id": room_id}, values={"room_version": room_version_id}, insertion_values={"is_public": False, "creator": creator}, ) new_last_room_id = room_id self.db.updates._background_update_progress_txn( txn, self.ADD_ROOMS_ROOM_VERSION_COLUMN, {"room_id": new_last_room_id} ) return False end = await self.db.runInteraction( "_background_add_rooms_room_version_column", _background_add_rooms_room_version_column_txn, ) if end: await self.db.updates._end_background_update( self.ADD_ROOMS_ROOM_VERSION_COLUMN ) return batch_size async def _remove_tombstoned_rooms_from_directory( self, progress, batch_size ) -> int: """Removes any rooms with tombstone events from the room directory Nowadays this is handled by the room upgrade handler, but we may have some that got left behind """ last_room = progress.get("room_id", "") def _get_rooms(txn): txn.execute( """ SELECT room_id FROM rooms r INNER JOIN current_state_events cse USING (room_id) WHERE room_id > ? AND r.is_public AND cse.type = '%s' AND cse.state_key = '' ORDER BY room_id ASC LIMIT ?; """ % EventTypes.Tombstone, (last_room, batch_size), ) return [row[0] for row in txn] rooms = await self.db.runInteraction( "get_tombstoned_directory_rooms", _get_rooms ) if not rooms: await self.db.updates._end_background_update( self.REMOVE_TOMESTONED_ROOMS_BG_UPDATE ) return 0 for room_id in rooms: logger.info("Removing tombstoned room %s from the directory", room_id) await self.set_room_is_public(room_id, False) await self.db.updates._background_update_progress( self.REMOVE_TOMESTONED_ROOMS_BG_UPDATE, {"room_id": rooms[-1]} ) return len(rooms) @abstractmethod def set_room_is_public(self, room_id, is_public): # this will need to be implemented if a background update is performed with # existing (tombstoned, public) rooms in the database. # # It's overridden by RoomStore for the synapse master. raise NotImplementedError() class RoomStore(RoomBackgroundUpdateStore, RoomWorkerStore, SearchStore): def __init__(self, database: Database, db_conn, hs): super(RoomStore, self).__init__(database, db_conn, hs) self.config = hs.config async def upsert_room_on_join(self, room_id: str, room_version: RoomVersion): """Ensure that the room is stored in the table Called when we join a room over federation, and overwrites any room version currently in the table. """ await self.db.simple_upsert( desc="upsert_room_on_join", table="rooms", keyvalues={"room_id": room_id}, values={"room_version": room_version.identifier}, insertion_values={"is_public": False, "creator": ""}, # rooms has a unique constraint on room_id, so no need to lock when doing an # emulated upsert. lock=False, ) @defer.inlineCallbacks def store_room( self, room_id: str, room_creator_user_id: str, is_public: bool, room_version: RoomVersion, ): """Stores a room. Args: room_id: The desired room ID, can be None. room_creator_user_id: The user ID of the room creator. is_public: True to indicate that this room should appear in public room lists. room_version: The version of the room Raises: StoreError if the room could not be stored. """ try: def store_room_txn(txn, next_id): self.db.simple_insert_txn( txn, "rooms", { "room_id": room_id, "creator": room_creator_user_id, "is_public": is_public, "room_version": room_version.identifier, }, ) if is_public: self.db.simple_insert_txn( txn, table="public_room_list_stream", values={ "stream_id": next_id, "room_id": room_id, "visibility": is_public, }, ) with self._public_room_id_gen.get_next() as next_id: yield self.db.runInteraction("store_room_txn", store_room_txn, next_id) except Exception as e: logger.error("store_room with room_id=%s failed: %s", room_id, e) raise StoreError(500, "Problem creating room.") @defer.inlineCallbacks def set_room_is_public(self, room_id, is_public): def set_room_is_public_txn(txn, next_id): self.db.simple_update_one_txn( txn, table="rooms", keyvalues={"room_id": room_id}, updatevalues={"is_public": is_public}, ) entries = self.db.simple_select_list_txn( txn, table="public_room_list_stream", keyvalues={ "room_id": room_id, "appservice_id": None, "network_id": None, }, retcols=("stream_id", "visibility"), ) entries.sort(key=lambda r: r["stream_id"]) add_to_stream = True if entries: add_to_stream = bool(entries[-1]["visibility"]) != is_public if add_to_stream: self.db.simple_insert_txn( txn, table="public_room_list_stream", values={ "stream_id": next_id, "room_id": room_id, "visibility": is_public, "appservice_id": None, "network_id": None, }, ) with self._public_room_id_gen.get_next() as next_id: yield self.db.runInteraction( "set_room_is_public", set_room_is_public_txn, next_id ) self.hs.get_notifier().on_new_replication_data() @defer.inlineCallbacks def set_room_is_public_appservice( self, room_id, appservice_id, network_id, is_public ): """Edit the appservice/network specific public room list. Each appservice can have a number of published room lists associated with them, keyed off of an appservice defined `network_id`, which basically represents a single instance of a bridge to a third party network. Args: room_id (str) appservice_id (str) network_id (str) is_public (bool): Whether to publish or unpublish the room from the list. """ def set_room_is_public_appservice_txn(txn, next_id): if is_public: try: self.db.simple_insert_txn( txn, table="appservice_room_list", values={ "appservice_id": appservice_id, "network_id": network_id, "room_id": room_id, }, ) except self.database_engine.module.IntegrityError: # We've already inserted, nothing to do. return else: self.db.simple_delete_txn( txn, table="appservice_room_list", keyvalues={ "appservice_id": appservice_id, "network_id": network_id, "room_id": room_id, }, ) entries = self.db.simple_select_list_txn( txn, table="public_room_list_stream", keyvalues={ "room_id": room_id, "appservice_id": appservice_id, "network_id": network_id, }, retcols=("stream_id", "visibility"), ) entries.sort(key=lambda r: r["stream_id"]) add_to_stream = True if entries: add_to_stream = bool(entries[-1]["visibility"]) != is_public if add_to_stream: self.db.simple_insert_txn( txn, table="public_room_list_stream", values={ "stream_id": next_id, "room_id": room_id, "visibility": is_public, "appservice_id": appservice_id, "network_id": network_id, }, ) with self._public_room_id_gen.get_next() as next_id: yield self.db.runInteraction( "set_room_is_public_appservice", set_room_is_public_appservice_txn, next_id, ) self.hs.get_notifier().on_new_replication_data() def get_room_count(self): """Retrieve a list of all rooms """ def f(txn): sql = "SELECT count(*) FROM rooms" txn.execute(sql) row = txn.fetchone() return row[0] or 0 return self.db.runInteraction("get_rooms", f) def _store_room_topic_txn(self, txn, event): if hasattr(event, "content") and "topic" in event.content: self.store_event_search_txn( txn, event, "content.topic", event.content["topic"] ) def _store_room_name_txn(self, txn, event): if hasattr(event, "content") and "name" in event.content: self.store_event_search_txn( txn, event, "content.name", event.content["name"] ) def _store_room_message_txn(self, txn, event): if hasattr(event, "content") and "body" in event.content: self.store_event_search_txn( txn, event, "content.body", event.content["body"] ) def _store_retention_policy_for_room_txn(self, txn, event): if hasattr(event, "content") and ( "min_lifetime" in event.content or "max_lifetime" in event.content ): if ( "min_lifetime" in event.content and not isinstance(event.content.get("min_lifetime"), integer_types) ) or ( "max_lifetime" in event.content and not isinstance(event.content.get("max_lifetime"), integer_types) ): # Ignore the event if one of the value isn't an integer. return self.db.simple_insert_txn( txn=txn, table="room_retention", values={ "room_id": event.room_id, "event_id": event.event_id, "min_lifetime": event.content.get("min_lifetime"), "max_lifetime": event.content.get("max_lifetime"), }, ) self._invalidate_cache_and_stream( txn, self.get_retention_policy_for_room, (event.room_id,) ) def add_event_report( self, room_id, event_id, user_id, reason, content, received_ts ): next_id = self._event_reports_id_gen.get_next() return self.db.simple_insert( table="event_reports", values={ "id": next_id, "received_ts": received_ts, "room_id": room_id, "event_id": event_id, "user_id": user_id, "reason": reason, "content": json.dumps(content), }, desc="add_event_report", ) def get_current_public_room_stream_id(self): return self._public_room_id_gen.get_current_token() def get_all_new_public_rooms(self, prev_id, current_id, limit): def get_all_new_public_rooms(txn): sql = """ SELECT stream_id, room_id, visibility, appservice_id, network_id FROM public_room_list_stream WHERE stream_id > ? AND stream_id <= ? ORDER BY stream_id ASC LIMIT ? """ txn.execute(sql, (prev_id, current_id, limit)) return txn.fetchall() if prev_id == current_id: return defer.succeed([]) return self.db.runInteraction( "get_all_new_public_rooms", get_all_new_public_rooms ) @defer.inlineCallbacks def block_room(self, room_id, user_id): """Marks the room as blocked. Can be called multiple times. Args: room_id (str): Room to block user_id (str): Who blocked it Returns: Deferred """ yield self.db.simple_upsert( table="blocked_rooms", keyvalues={"room_id": room_id}, values={}, insertion_values={"user_id": user_id}, desc="block_room", ) yield self.db.runInteraction( "block_room_invalidation", self._invalidate_cache_and_stream, self.is_room_blocked, (room_id,), ) @defer.inlineCallbacks def get_rooms_for_retention_period_in_range( self, min_ms, max_ms, include_null=False ): """Retrieves all of the rooms within the given retention range. Optionally includes the rooms which don't have a retention policy. Args: min_ms (int|None): Duration in milliseconds that define the lower limit of the range to handle (exclusive). If None, doesn't set a lower limit. max_ms (int|None): Duration in milliseconds that define the upper limit of the range to handle (inclusive). If None, doesn't set an upper limit. include_null (bool): Whether to include rooms which retention policy is NULL in the returned set. Returns: dict[str, dict]: The rooms within this range, along with their retention policy. The key is "room_id", and maps to a dict describing the retention policy associated with this room ID. The keys for this nested dict are "min_lifetime" (int|None), and "max_lifetime" (int|None). """ def get_rooms_for_retention_period_in_range_txn(txn): range_conditions = [] args = [] if min_ms is not None: range_conditions.append("max_lifetime > ?") args.append(min_ms) if max_ms is not None: range_conditions.append("max_lifetime <= ?") args.append(max_ms) # Do a first query which will retrieve the rooms that have a retention policy # in their current state. sql = """ SELECT room_id, min_lifetime, max_lifetime FROM room_retention INNER JOIN current_state_events USING (event_id, room_id) """ if len(range_conditions): sql += " WHERE (" + " AND ".join(range_conditions) + ")" if include_null: sql += " OR max_lifetime IS NULL" txn.execute(sql, args) rows = self.db.cursor_to_dict(txn) rooms_dict = {} for row in rows: rooms_dict[row["room_id"]] = { "min_lifetime": row["min_lifetime"], "max_lifetime": row["max_lifetime"], } if include_null: # If required, do a second query that retrieves all of the rooms we know # of so we can handle rooms with no retention policy. sql = "SELECT DISTINCT room_id FROM current_state_events" txn.execute(sql) rows = self.db.cursor_to_dict(txn) # If a room isn't already in the dict (i.e. it doesn't have a retention # policy in its state), add it with a null policy. for row in rows: if row["room_id"] not in rooms_dict: rooms_dict[row["room_id"]] = { "min_lifetime": None, "max_lifetime": None, } return rooms_dict rooms = yield self.db.runInteraction( "get_rooms_for_retention_period_in_range", get_rooms_for_retention_period_in_range_txn, ) defer.returnValue(rooms)