# Example systemd configuration file for synapse. Copy into # /etc/systemd/system/, update the paths if necessary, then: # # systemctl enable matrix-synapse # systemctl start matrix-synapse # # This assumes that Synapse has been installed by a user named # synapse. # # This assumes that Synapse has been installed in a virtualenv in # the user's home directory: `/home/synapse/synapse/env`. # # **NOTE:** This is an example service file that may change in the future. If you # wish to use this please copy rather than symlink it. [Unit] Description=Synapse Matrix homeserver [Service] Type=notify NotifyAccess=main ExecReload=/bin/kill -HUP $MAINPID Restart=on-abort User=synapse Group=nogroup WorkingDirectory=/opt/synapse ExecStart=/home/synapse/synapse/env/bin/python -m synapse.app.homeserver --config-path=/home/synapse/synapse/homeserver.yaml SyslogIdentifier=matrix-synapse # adjust the cache factor if necessary # Environment=SYNAPSE_CACHE_FACTOR=2.0 [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target