# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright 2014-2016 OpenMarket Ltd # Copyright 2019 The Matrix.org Foundation C.I.C. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import collections import logging import re from typing import Optional, Tuple from canonicaljson import json from twisted.internet import defer from synapse.api.errors import StoreError from synapse.storage._base import SQLBaseStore from synapse.storage.data_stores.main.search import SearchStore from synapse.types import ThirdPartyInstanceID from synapse.util.caches.descriptors import cached, cachedInlineCallbacks logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) OpsLevel = collections.namedtuple( "OpsLevel", ("ban_level", "kick_level", "redact_level") ) RatelimitOverride = collections.namedtuple( "RatelimitOverride", ("messages_per_second", "burst_count") ) class RoomWorkerStore(SQLBaseStore): def get_room(self, room_id): """Retrieve a room. Args: room_id (str): The ID of the room to retrieve. Returns: A dict containing the room information, or None if the room is unknown. """ return self._simple_select_one( table="rooms", keyvalues={"room_id": room_id}, retcols=("room_id", "is_public", "creator"), desc="get_room", allow_none=True, ) def get_public_room_ids(self): return self._simple_select_onecol( table="rooms", keyvalues={"is_public": True}, retcol="room_id", desc="get_public_room_ids", ) def count_public_rooms(self, network_tuple, ignore_non_federatable): """Counts the number of public rooms as tracked in the room_stats_current and room_stats_state table. Args: network_tuple (ThirdPartyInstanceID|None) ignore_non_federatable (bool): If true filters out non-federatable rooms """ def _count_public_rooms_txn(txn): query_args = [] if network_tuple: if network_tuple.appservice_id: published_sql = """ SELECT room_id from appservice_room_list WHERE appservice_id = ? AND network_id = ? """ query_args.append(network_tuple.appservice_id) query_args.append(network_tuple.network_id) else: published_sql = """ SELECT room_id FROM rooms WHERE is_public """ else: published_sql = """ SELECT room_id FROM rooms WHERE is_public UNION SELECT room_id from appservice_room_list """ sql = """ SELECT COALESCE(COUNT(*), 0) FROM ( %(published_sql)s ) published INNER JOIN room_stats_state USING (room_id) INNER JOIN room_stats_current USING (room_id) WHERE ( join_rules = 'public' OR history_visibility = 'world_readable' ) AND joined_members > 0 """ % { "published_sql": published_sql } txn.execute(sql, query_args) return txn.fetchone()[0] return self.runInteraction("count_public_rooms", _count_public_rooms_txn) @defer.inlineCallbacks def get_largest_public_rooms( self, network_tuple: Optional[ThirdPartyInstanceID], search_filter: Optional[dict], limit: Optional[int], bounds: Optional[Tuple[int, str]], forwards: bool, ignore_non_federatable: bool = False, ): """Gets the largest public rooms (where largest is in terms of joined members, as tracked in the statistics table). Args: network_tuple search_filter limit: Maxmimum number of rows to return, unlimited otherwise. bounds: An uppoer or lower bound to apply to result set if given, consists of a joined member count and room_id (these are excluded from result set). forwards: true iff going forwards, going backwards otherwise ignore_non_federatable: If true filters out non-federatable rooms. Returns: Rooms in order: biggest number of joined users first. We then arbitrarily use the room_id as a tie breaker. """ where_clauses = [] query_args = [] if network_tuple: if network_tuple.appservice_id: published_sql = """ SELECT room_id from appservice_room_list WHERE appservice_id = ? AND network_id = ? """ query_args.append(network_tuple.appservice_id) query_args.append(network_tuple.network_id) else: published_sql = """ SELECT room_id FROM rooms WHERE is_public """ else: published_sql = """ SELECT room_id FROM rooms WHERE is_public UNION SELECT room_id from appservice_room_list """ # Work out the bounds if we're given them, these bounds look slightly # odd, but are designed to help query planner use indices by pulling # out a common bound. if bounds: last_joined_members, last_room_id = bounds if forwards: where_clauses.append( """ joined_members <= ? AND ( joined_members < ? OR room_id < ? ) """ ) else: where_clauses.append( """ joined_members >= ? AND ( joined_members > ? OR room_id > ? ) """ ) query_args += [last_joined_members, last_joined_members, last_room_id] if ignore_non_federatable: where_clauses.append("is_federatable") if search_filter and search_filter.get("generic_search_term", None): search_term = "%" + search_filter["generic_search_term"] + "%" where_clauses.append( """ ( name LIKE ? OR topic LIKE ? OR canonical_alias LIKE ? ) """ ) query_args += [search_term, search_term, search_term] where_clause = "" if where_clauses: where_clause = " AND " + " AND ".join(where_clauses) sql = """ SELECT room_id, name, topic, canonical_alias, joined_members, avatar, history_visibility, joined_members, guest_access FROM ( %(published_sql)s ) published INNER JOIN room_stats_state USING (room_id) INNER JOIN room_stats_current USING (room_id) WHERE ( join_rules = 'public' OR history_visibility = 'world_readable' ) AND joined_members > 0 %(where_clause)s ORDER BY joined_members %(dir)s, room_id %(dir)s """ % { "published_sql": published_sql, "where_clause": where_clause, "dir": "DESC" if forwards else "ASC", } if limit is not None: query_args.append(limit) sql += """ LIMIT ? """ def _get_largest_public_rooms_txn(txn): txn.execute(sql, query_args) results = self.cursor_to_dict(txn) if not forwards: results.reverse() return results ret_val = yield self.runInteraction( "get_largest_public_rooms", _get_largest_public_rooms_txn ) defer.returnValue(ret_val) @cached(max_entries=10000) def is_room_blocked(self, room_id): return self._simple_select_one_onecol( table="blocked_rooms", keyvalues={"room_id": room_id}, retcol="1", allow_none=True, desc="is_room_blocked", ) @cachedInlineCallbacks(max_entries=10000) def get_ratelimit_for_user(self, user_id): """Check if there are any overrides for ratelimiting for the given user Args: user_id (str) Returns: RatelimitOverride if there is an override, else None. If the contents of RatelimitOverride are None or 0 then ratelimitng has been disabled for that user entirely. """ row = yield self._simple_select_one( table="ratelimit_override", keyvalues={"user_id": user_id}, retcols=("messages_per_second", "burst_count"), allow_none=True, desc="get_ratelimit_for_user", ) if row: return RatelimitOverride( messages_per_second=row["messages_per_second"], burst_count=row["burst_count"], ) else: return None class RoomStore(RoomWorkerStore, SearchStore): @defer.inlineCallbacks def store_room(self, room_id, room_creator_user_id, is_public): """Stores a room. Args: room_id (str): The desired room ID, can be None. room_creator_user_id (str): The user ID of the room creator. is_public (bool): True to indicate that this room should appear in public room lists. Raises: StoreError if the room could not be stored. """ try: def store_room_txn(txn, next_id): self._simple_insert_txn( txn, "rooms", { "room_id": room_id, "creator": room_creator_user_id, "is_public": is_public, }, ) if is_public: self._simple_insert_txn( txn, table="public_room_list_stream", values={ "stream_id": next_id, "room_id": room_id, "visibility": is_public, }, ) with self._public_room_id_gen.get_next() as next_id: yield self.runInteraction("store_room_txn", store_room_txn, next_id) except Exception as e: logger.error("store_room with room_id=%s failed: %s", room_id, e) raise StoreError(500, "Problem creating room.") @defer.inlineCallbacks def set_room_is_public(self, room_id, is_public): def set_room_is_public_txn(txn, next_id): self._simple_update_one_txn( txn, table="rooms", keyvalues={"room_id": room_id}, updatevalues={"is_public": is_public}, ) entries = self._simple_select_list_txn( txn, table="public_room_list_stream", keyvalues={ "room_id": room_id, "appservice_id": None, "network_id": None, }, retcols=("stream_id", "visibility"), ) entries.sort(key=lambda r: r["stream_id"]) add_to_stream = True if entries: add_to_stream = bool(entries[-1]["visibility"]) != is_public if add_to_stream: self._simple_insert_txn( txn, table="public_room_list_stream", values={ "stream_id": next_id, "room_id": room_id, "visibility": is_public, "appservice_id": None, "network_id": None, }, ) with self._public_room_id_gen.get_next() as next_id: yield self.runInteraction( "set_room_is_public", set_room_is_public_txn, next_id ) self.hs.get_notifier().on_new_replication_data() @defer.inlineCallbacks def set_room_is_public_appservice( self, room_id, appservice_id, network_id, is_public ): """Edit the appservice/network specific public room list. Each appservice can have a number of published room lists associated with them, keyed off of an appservice defined `network_id`, which basically represents a single instance of a bridge to a third party network. Args: room_id (str) appservice_id (str) network_id (str) is_public (bool): Whether to publish or unpublish the room from the list. """ def set_room_is_public_appservice_txn(txn, next_id): if is_public: try: self._simple_insert_txn( txn, table="appservice_room_list", values={ "appservice_id": appservice_id, "network_id": network_id, "room_id": room_id, }, ) except self.database_engine.module.IntegrityError: # We've already inserted, nothing to do. return else: self._simple_delete_txn( txn, table="appservice_room_list", keyvalues={ "appservice_id": appservice_id, "network_id": network_id, "room_id": room_id, }, ) entries = self._simple_select_list_txn( txn, table="public_room_list_stream", keyvalues={ "room_id": room_id, "appservice_id": appservice_id, "network_id": network_id, }, retcols=("stream_id", "visibility"), ) entries.sort(key=lambda r: r["stream_id"]) add_to_stream = True if entries: add_to_stream = bool(entries[-1]["visibility"]) != is_public if add_to_stream: self._simple_insert_txn( txn, table="public_room_list_stream", values={ "stream_id": next_id, "room_id": room_id, "visibility": is_public, "appservice_id": appservice_id, "network_id": network_id, }, ) with self._public_room_id_gen.get_next() as next_id: yield self.runInteraction( "set_room_is_public_appservice", set_room_is_public_appservice_txn, next_id, ) self.hs.get_notifier().on_new_replication_data() def get_room_count(self): """Retrieve a list of all rooms """ def f(txn): sql = "SELECT count(*) FROM rooms" txn.execute(sql) row = txn.fetchone() return row[0] or 0 return self.runInteraction("get_rooms", f) def _store_room_topic_txn(self, txn, event): if hasattr(event, "content") and "topic" in event.content: self.store_event_search_txn( txn, event, "content.topic", event.content["topic"] ) def _store_room_name_txn(self, txn, event): if hasattr(event, "content") and "name" in event.content: self.store_event_search_txn( txn, event, "content.name", event.content["name"] ) def _store_room_message_txn(self, txn, event): if hasattr(event, "content") and "body" in event.content: self.store_event_search_txn( txn, event, "content.body", event.content["body"] ) def add_event_report( self, room_id, event_id, user_id, reason, content, received_ts ): next_id = self._event_reports_id_gen.get_next() return self._simple_insert( table="event_reports", values={ "id": next_id, "received_ts": received_ts, "room_id": room_id, "event_id": event_id, "user_id": user_id, "reason": reason, "content": json.dumps(content), }, desc="add_event_report", ) def get_current_public_room_stream_id(self): return self._public_room_id_gen.get_current_token() def get_all_new_public_rooms(self, prev_id, current_id, limit): def get_all_new_public_rooms(txn): sql = """ SELECT stream_id, room_id, visibility, appservice_id, network_id FROM public_room_list_stream WHERE stream_id > ? AND stream_id <= ? ORDER BY stream_id ASC LIMIT ? """ txn.execute(sql, (prev_id, current_id, limit)) return txn.fetchall() if prev_id == current_id: return defer.succeed([]) return self.runInteraction("get_all_new_public_rooms", get_all_new_public_rooms) @defer.inlineCallbacks def block_room(self, room_id, user_id): """Marks the room as blocked. Can be called multiple times. Args: room_id (str): Room to block user_id (str): Who blocked it Returns: Deferred """ yield self._simple_upsert( table="blocked_rooms", keyvalues={"room_id": room_id}, values={}, insertion_values={"user_id": user_id}, desc="block_room", ) yield self.runInteraction( "block_room_invalidation", self._invalidate_cache_and_stream, self.is_room_blocked, (room_id,), ) def get_media_mxcs_in_room(self, room_id): """Retrieves all the local and remote media MXC URIs in a given room Args: room_id (str) Returns: The local and remote media as a lists of tuples where the key is the hostname and the value is the media ID. """ def _get_media_mxcs_in_room_txn(txn): local_mxcs, remote_mxcs = self._get_media_mxcs_in_room_txn(txn, room_id) local_media_mxcs = [] remote_media_mxcs = [] # Convert the IDs to MXC URIs for media_id in local_mxcs: local_media_mxcs.append("mxc://%s/%s" % (self.hs.hostname, media_id)) for hostname, media_id in remote_mxcs: remote_media_mxcs.append("mxc://%s/%s" % (hostname, media_id)) return local_media_mxcs, remote_media_mxcs return self.runInteraction("get_media_ids_in_room", _get_media_mxcs_in_room_txn) def quarantine_media_ids_in_room(self, room_id, quarantined_by): """For a room loops through all events with media and quarantines the associated media """ def _quarantine_media_in_room_txn(txn): local_mxcs, remote_mxcs = self._get_media_mxcs_in_room_txn(txn, room_id) total_media_quarantined = 0 # Now update all the tables to set the quarantined_by flag txn.executemany( """ UPDATE local_media_repository SET quarantined_by = ? WHERE media_id = ? """, ((quarantined_by, media_id) for media_id in local_mxcs), ) txn.executemany( """ UPDATE remote_media_cache SET quarantined_by = ? WHERE media_origin = ? AND media_id = ? """, ( (quarantined_by, origin, media_id) for origin, media_id in remote_mxcs ), ) total_media_quarantined += len(local_mxcs) total_media_quarantined += len(remote_mxcs) return total_media_quarantined return self.runInteraction( "quarantine_media_in_room", _quarantine_media_in_room_txn ) def _get_media_mxcs_in_room_txn(self, txn, room_id): """Retrieves all the local and remote media MXC URIs in a given room Args: txn (cursor) room_id (str) Returns: The local and remote media as a lists of tuples where the key is the hostname and the value is the media ID. """ mxc_re = re.compile("^mxc://([^/]+)/([^/#?]+)") next_token = self.get_current_events_token() + 1 local_media_mxcs = [] remote_media_mxcs = [] while next_token: sql = """ SELECT stream_ordering, json FROM events JOIN event_json USING (room_id, event_id) WHERE room_id = ? AND stream_ordering < ? AND contains_url = ? AND outlier = ? ORDER BY stream_ordering DESC LIMIT ? """ txn.execute(sql, (room_id, next_token, True, False, 100)) next_token = None for stream_ordering, content_json in txn: next_token = stream_ordering event_json = json.loads(content_json) content = event_json["content"] content_url = content.get("url") thumbnail_url = content.get("info", {}).get("thumbnail_url") for url in (content_url, thumbnail_url): if not url: continue matches = mxc_re.match(url) if matches: hostname = matches.group(1) media_id = matches.group(2) if hostname == self.hs.hostname: local_media_mxcs.append(media_id) else: remote_media_mxcs.append((hostname, media_id)) return local_media_mxcs, remote_media_mxcs