from typing import List, Dict from import SQLBaseStore class EventForwardExtremitiesStore(SQLBaseStore): async def delete_forward_extremities_for_room(self, room_id: str) -> int: """Delete any extra forward extremities for a room. Returns count deleted. """ def delete_forward_extremities_for_room_txn(txn): # First we need to get the event_id to not delete sql = ( "SELECT " " last_value(event_id) OVER w AS event_id" " FROM event_forward_extremities" " NATURAL JOIN events" " where room_id = ?" " WINDOW w AS (" " PARTITION BY room_id" " ORDER BY stream_ordering" " range between unbounded preceding and unbounded following" " )" " ORDER BY stream_ordering" ) txn.execute(sql, (room_id,)) rows = txn.fetchall() # TODO: should this raise a SynapseError instead of better to blow? event_id = rows[0][0] # Now delete the extra forward extremities sql = ( "DELETE FROM event_forward_extremities " "WHERE" " event_id != ?" " AND room_id = ?" ) # TODO we should not commit yet txn.execute(sql, (event_id, room_id)) # TODO flush the cache then commit return txn.rowcount return await self.db_pool.runInteraction( "delete_forward_extremities_for_room", delete_forward_extremities_for_room_txn, ) async def get_forward_extremities_for_room(self, room_id: str) -> List[Dict]: """Get list of forward extremities for a room.""" def get_forward_extremities_for_room_txn(txn): sql = ( "SELECT event_id, state_group FROM event_forward_extremities NATURAL JOIN event_to_state_groups " "WHERE room_id = ?" ) txn.execute(sql, (room_id,)) rows = txn.fetchall() return [{"event_id": row[0], "state_group": row[1]} for row in rows] return await self.db_pool.runInteraction( "get_forward_extremities_for_room", get_forward_extremities_for_room_txn, )