# Copyright 2014 matrix.org # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # trial imports from twisted.internet import defer from twisted.trial import unittest # python imports from mock import Mock import logging from ..utils import MockHttpServer from synapse.server import HomeServer from synapse.federation import initialize_http_replication from synapse.federation.units import Pdu from synapse.storage.pdu import PduTuple, PduEntry logging.getLogger().addHandler(logging.NullHandler()) def make_pdu(prev_pdus=[], **kwargs): """Provide some default fields for making a PduTuple.""" pdu_fields = { "is_state": False, "unrecognized_keys": [], "outlier": False, "have_processed": True, "state_key": None, "power_level": None, "prev_state_id": None, "prev_state_origin": None, } pdu_fields.update(kwargs) return PduTuple(PduEntry(**pdu_fields), prev_pdus) class MockClock(object): now = 1000 def time(self): return self.now def time_msec(self): return self.time() * 1000 class FederationTestCase(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.mock_http_server = MockHttpServer() self.mock_http_client = Mock(spec=[ "put_json", ]) self.mock_persistence = Mock(spec=[ "get_current_state_for_context", "get_pdu", "persist_pdu", "update_min_depth_for_context", "prep_send_transaction", "delivered_txn", "get_received_txn_response", "set_received_txn_response", ]) self.mock_persistence.get_received_txn_response.return_value = ( defer.succeed(None) ) self.clock = MockClock() hs = HomeServer("test", http_server=self.mock_http_server, http_client=self.mock_http_client, db_pool=None, datastore=self.mock_persistence, clock=self.clock, ) self.federation = initialize_http_replication(hs) self.distributor = hs.get_distributor() @defer.inlineCallbacks def test_get_state(self): self.mock_persistence.get_current_state_for_context.return_value = ( defer.succeed([]) ) # Empty context initially (code, response) = yield self.mock_http_server.trigger("GET", "/state/my-context/", None) self.assertEquals(200, code) self.assertFalse(response["pdus"]) # Now lets give the context some state self.mock_persistence.get_current_state_for_context.return_value = ( defer.succeed([ make_pdu( pdu_id="the-pdu-id", origin="red", context="my-context", pdu_type="m.topic", ts=123456789000, depth=1, is_state=True, content_json='{"topic":"The topic"}', state_key="", power_level=1000, prev_state_id="last-pdu-id", prev_state_origin="blue", ), ]) ) (code, response) = yield self.mock_http_server.trigger("GET", "/state/my-context/", None) self.assertEquals(200, code) self.assertEquals(1, len(response["pdus"])) @defer.inlineCallbacks def test_get_pdu(self): self.mock_persistence.get_pdu.return_value = ( defer.succeed(None) ) (code, response) = yield self.mock_http_server.trigger("GET", "/pdu/red/abc123def456/", None) self.assertEquals(404, code) # Now insert such a PDU self.mock_persistence.get_pdu.return_value = ( defer.succeed( make_pdu( pdu_id="abc123def456", origin="red", context="my-context", pdu_type="m.text", ts=123456789001, depth=1, content_json='{"text":"Here is the message"}', ) ) ) (code, response) = yield self.mock_http_server.trigger("GET", "/pdu/red/abc123def456/", None) self.assertEquals(200, code) self.assertEquals(1, len(response["pdus"])) self.assertEquals("m.text", response["pdus"][0]["pdu_type"]) @defer.inlineCallbacks def test_send_pdu(self): self.mock_http_client.put_json.return_value = defer.succeed( (200, "OK") ) pdu = Pdu( pdu_id="abc123def456", origin="red", destinations=["remote"], context="my-context", ts=123456789002, pdu_type="m.test", content={"testing": "content here"}, depth=1, ) yield self.federation.send_pdu(pdu) self.mock_http_client.put_json.assert_called_with( "remote", path="/send/1000000/", data={ "ts": 1000000, "origin": "test", "pdus": [ { "origin": "red", "pdu_id": "abc123def456", "prev_pdus": [], "ts": 123456789002, "context": "my-context", "pdu_type": "m.test", "is_state": False, "content": {"testing": "content here"}, "depth": 1, }, ] } ) @defer.inlineCallbacks def test_send_edu(self): self.mock_http_client.put_json.return_value = defer.succeed( (200, "OK") ) yield self.federation.send_edu( destination="remote", edu_type="m.test", content={"testing": "content here"}, ) # MockClock ensures we can guess these timestamps self.mock_http_client.put_json.assert_called_with( "remote", path="/send/1000000/", data={ "origin": "test", "ts": 1000000, "pdus": [], "edus": [ { "origin": "test", "destination": "remote", "edu_type": "m.test", "content": {"testing": "content here"}, } ], }) @defer.inlineCallbacks def test_recv_edu(self): recv_observer = Mock() recv_observer.return_value = defer.succeed(()) self.federation.register_edu_handler("m.test", recv_observer) yield self.mock_http_server.trigger("PUT", "/send/1001000/", """{ "origin": "remote", "ts": 1001000, "pdus": [], "edus": [ { "origin": "remote", "destination": "test", "edu_type": "m.test", "content": {"testing": "reply here"} } ] }""") recv_observer.assert_called_with( "remote", {"testing": "reply here"} )