{# html fragment to be included in SSO pages, to show the user's profile #}

<div class="profile{% if user_profile.avatar_url %} with-avatar{% endif %}">
    {% if user_profile.avatar_url %}
    <img src="{{ user_profile.avatar_url | mxc_to_http(64, 64) }}" class="avatar" />
    {% endif %}
    {# users that signed up with SSO will have a display_name of some sort;
       however that is not the case for users who signed up via other
       methods, so we need to handle that.
    {% if user_profile.display_name %}
        <div class="display-name">{{ user_profile.display_name }}</div>
    {% else %}
        {# split the userid on ':', take the part before the first ':',
           and then remove the leading '@'. #}
        <div class="display-name">{{ user_id.split(":")[0][1:] }}</div>
    {% endif %}
    <div class="user-id">{{ user_id }}</div>