# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright 2014, 2015 OpenMarket Ltd # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. from inspect import getcallargs from functools import wraps import logging import inspect import time _TIME_FUNC_ID = 0 def _log_debug_as_f(f, msg, msg_args): name = f.__module__ logger = logging.getLogger(name) if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): lineno = f.func_code.co_firstlineno pathname = f.func_code.co_filename record = logging.LogRecord( name=name, level=logging.DEBUG, pathname=pathname, lineno=lineno, msg=msg, args=msg_args, exc_info=None ) logger.handle(record) def log_function(f): """ Function decorator that logs every call to that function. """ func_name = f.__name__ @wraps(f) def wrapped(*args, **kwargs): name = f.__module__ logger = logging.getLogger(name) level = logging.DEBUG if logger.isEnabledFor(level): bound_args = getcallargs(f, *args, **kwargs) def format(value): r = str(value) if len(r) > 50: r = r[:50] + "..." return r func_args = [ "%s=%s" % (k, format(v)) for k, v in bound_args.items() ] msg_args = { "func_name": func_name, "args": ", ".join(func_args) } _log_debug_as_f( f, "Invoked '%(func_name)s' with args: %(args)s", msg_args ) return f(*args, **kwargs) wrapped.__name__ = func_name return wrapped def time_function(f): func_name = f.__name__ @wraps(f) def wrapped(*args, **kwargs): global _TIME_FUNC_ID id = _TIME_FUNC_ID _TIME_FUNC_ID += 1 start = time.clock() * 1000 try: _log_debug_as_f( f, "[FUNC START] {%s-%d}", (func_name, _TIME_FUNC_ID), ) r = f(*args, **kwargs) finally: end = time.clock() * 1000 _log_debug_as_f( f, "[FUNC END] {%s-%d} %f", (func_name, _TIME_FUNC_ID, end-start,), ) return r return wrapped def trace_function(f): func_name = f.__name__ linenum = f.func_code.co_firstlineno pathname = f.func_code.co_filename @wraps(f) def wrapped(*args, **kwargs): name = f.__module__ logger = logging.getLogger(name) level = logging.DEBUG s = inspect.currentframe().f_back to_print = [ "\t%s:%s %s. Args: args=%s, kwargs=%s" % ( pathname, linenum, func_name, args, kwargs ) ] while s: if True or s.f_globals["__name__"].startswith("synapse"): filename, lineno, function, _, _ = inspect.getframeinfo(s) args_string = inspect.formatargvalues(*inspect.getargvalues(s)) to_print.append( "\t%s:%d %s. Args: %s" % ( filename, lineno, function, args_string ) ) s = s.f_back msg = "\nTraceback for %s:\n" % (func_name,) + "\n".join(to_print) record = logging.LogRecord( name=name, level=level, pathname=pathname, lineno=lineno, msg=msg, args=None, exc_info=None ) logger.handle(record) return f(*args, **kwargs) wrapped.__name__ = func_name return wrapped