{ "Close": "关闭", "Mute": "静音", "Notifications": "通知", "OK": "确定", "Operation failed": "操作失败", "%(appName)s via %(browserName)s on %(osName)s": "应用%(appName)通过%(osName)上的%(browserName)浏览器运行", "Safari and Opera work too.": "SafariOpera均可运行。", "A new version of Riot is available.": "Riot 有更新可用。", "Add an email address above to configure email notifications": "请在上方输入电子邮件地址以接收邮件通知", "Advanced notification settings": "通知高级设置", "All messages": "全部消息", "All messages (loud)": "全部消息(高亮)", "All Rooms": "全部房间", "All notifications are currently disabled for all targets.": "当前所有目标的通知均已禁用。", "An error occurred whilst saving your email notification preferences.": "保存邮件通知偏好设定时出现错误。", "Call invitation": "语音邀请", "Cancel": "取消", "Cancel Sending": "取消发送", "Can't update user notification settings": "不能更新用户通知设置", "Changelog": "变更日志", "Collecting app version information": "正在收集应用版本信息", "Collecting logs": "正在收集日志", "Create new room": "创建新房间", "Couldn't find a matching Matrix room": "未找到符合的 Matrix 房间", "Custom Server Options": "自定义服务器选项", "customServer_text": "你可以通过指定自定义服务器选项中的其他 Home server URL 来登录其他 Matrix 服务器。
该选项允许你在 Riot 上使用其他 Home server 上的帐号。

你也可以自定义身份验证服务器,但你将不能通过邮件邀请其他用户,同样的,你也不能通过邮件被其他用户邀请。", "delete the alias.": "删除别名。", "Delete the room alias %(alias)s and remove %(name)s from the directory?": "确定要删除房间别名 %(alias) 并将 %(name) 从列表中删除吗?", "Describe your problem here.": "在这里描述你的问题。", "Directory": "房间列表", "Dismiss": "设为已读", "Download this file": "下载该文件" }