#!/usr/bin/env python3 import attr import asyncio from aiohttp import web, ClientSession from nio import AsyncClient, LoginResponse HOMESERVER = "https://localhost:8448" @attr.s class ProxyDaemon: homeserver = attr.ib() proxy = attr.ib(default=None) ssl = attr.ib(default=None) client_sessions = attr.ib(init=False, default=attr.Factory(dict)) default_session = attr.ib(init=False, default=None) async def router(self, request): path = request.path method = request.method data = await request.text() print(method, path, data) if not self.default_session: self.default_session = ClientSession() async with self.default_session.request( method, HOMESERVER + path, data=data, proxy=self.proxy, ssl=False ) as resp: return(web.Response(text=await resp.text())) async def login(self, request): json = await request.json() user = json.get("user", "") password = json.get("password", "") device_id = json.get("device_id", "") device_name = json.get("initial_device_display_name", "") client = AsyncClient( HOMESERVER, user, device_id, ssl=self.ssl, proxy=self.proxy ) print("Logging in") response = await client.login(password, device_name) if isinstance(response, LoginResponse): self.client_sessions[response.access_token] = client return web.Response( status=response.transport_response.status, text=await response.transport_response.text() ) async def sync(self, request): return web.Response( status=405, text="Not implemented" ) async def init(): """Initialize the proxy and the http server.""" proxy = ProxyDaemon(HOMESERVER, proxy="http://localhost:8080", ssl=False) app = web.Application() app.add_routes([ web.post("/_matrix/client/r0/login", proxy.login), web.get("/_matrix/client/r0/sync", proxy.sync), ]) app.router.add_route('*', "/" + '{proxyPath:.*}', proxy.router) return proxy, app def main(): loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() proxy, app = loop.run_until_complete(init()) web.run_app(app, host="", port=8081) if __name__ == "__main__": main()