# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from setuptools import find_packages, setup with open("README.md", encoding="utf-8") as f: long_description = f.read() setup( name="pantalaimon", version="0.9.2", url="https://github.com/matrix-org/pantalaimon", author="The Matrix.org Team", author_email="poljar@termina.org.uk", description=("A Matrix proxy daemon that adds E2E encryption " "capabilities."), long_description=long_description, long_description_content_type="text/markdown", license="Apache License, Version 2.0", packages=find_packages(), install_requires=[ "attrs >= 19.3.0", "aiohttp >= 3.6, < 4.0", "appdirs >= 1.4.4", "click >= 7.1.2", "keyring >= 21.2.1", "logbook >= 1.5.3", "peewee >= 3.13.1", "janus >= 0.5", "cachetools >= 3.0.0", "prompt_toolkit > 2, < 4", "typing;python_version<'3.5'", "matrix-nio[e2e] >= 0.14, < 0.18" ], extras_require={ "ui": [ "dbus-python >= 1.2, < 1.3", "PyGObject >= 3.36, < 3.39", "pydbus >= 0.6, < 0.7", "notify2 >= 0.3, < 0.4", ] }, entry_points={ "console_scripts": ["pantalaimon=pantalaimon.main:main", "panctl=pantalaimon.panctl:main"], }, zip_safe=False )