David Teller cff9b43207
This should hopefully fix some startup woes (#462)
Splitting PolicyListManager from Mjolnir, making it more resilient to startup errors
2022-12-21 19:32:27 +01:00

597 lines
38 KiB

import { strict as assert } from "assert";
import { newTestUser } from "./clientHelper";
import { LogService, MatrixClient, Permalinks, UserID } from "matrix-bot-sdk";
import PolicyList, { ChangeType } from "../../src/models/PolicyList";
import { ServerAcl } from "../../src/models/ServerAcl";
import { getFirstReaction } from "./commands/commandUtils";
import { getMessagesByUserIn } from "../../src/utils";
import { Mjolnir } from "../../src/Mjolnir";
import { ALL_RULE_TYPES, Recommendation, RULE_SERVER, RULE_USER, SERVER_RULE_TYPES } from "../../src/models/ListRule";
import AccessControlUnit, { Access, EntityAccess } from "../../src/models/AccessControlUnit";
import { randomUUID } from "crypto";
import { MatrixSendClient } from "../../src/MatrixEmitter";
* Create a policy rule in a policy room.
* @param client A matrix client that is logged in
* @param policyRoomId The room id to add the policy to.
* @param policyType The type of policy to add e.g. m.policy.rule.user. (Use RULE_USER though).
* @param entity The entity to ban e.g. @foo:example.org
* @param reason A reason for the rule e.g. 'Wouldn't stop posting spam links'
* @param template The template to use for the policy rule event.
* @returns The event id of the newly created policy rule.
async function createPolicyRule(client: MatrixSendClient, policyRoomId: string, policyType: string, entity: string, reason: string, template = { recommendation: 'm.ban' }, stateKey = `rule:${entity}`) {
return await client.sendStateEvent(policyRoomId, policyType, stateKey, {
* Remove a policy rule from a list.
* @param client A matrix client that is logged in
* @param policyRoomId The room id to add the policy to.
* @param policyType The type of policy to add e.g. m.policy.rule.user. (Use RULE_USER though).
* @param entity The entity to ban e.g. @foo:example.org
* @param stateKey The key for the rule.
* @returns The event id of the void rule that was created to override the old one.
async function removePolicyRule(client: MatrixSendClient, policyRoomId: string, policyType: string, entity: string, stateKey = `rule:${entity}`) {
return await client.sendStateEvent(policyRoomId, policyType, stateKey, {});
describe("Test: Updating the PolicyList", function() {
it("Calculates what has changed correctly.", async function() {
const mjolnir: Mjolnir = this.mjolnir!
const moderator = await newTestUser(this.config.homeserverUrl, { name: { contains: "moderator" } });
const banListId = await mjolnir.client.createRoom({ invite: [await moderator.getUserId()] });
const banList = new PolicyList(banListId, banListId, mjolnir.client);
await mjolnir.client.setUserPowerLevel(await moderator.getUserId(), banListId, 100);
assert.equal(banList.allRules.length, 0);
// Test adding a new rule
await createPolicyRule(mjolnir.client, banListId, RULE_USER, '@added:localhost:9999', '');
let { changes } = await banList.updateList();
assert.equal(changes.length, 1, 'There should only be one change');
assert.equal(changes[0].changeType, ChangeType.Added);
assert.equal(changes[0].sender, await mjolnir.client.getUserId());
assert.equal(banList.userRules.length, 1);
assert.equal(banList.allRules.length, 1);
// Test modifiying a rule
let originalEventId = await createPolicyRule(mjolnir.client, banListId, RULE_USER, '@modified:localhost:9999', '');
await banList.updateList();
let modifyingEventId = await createPolicyRule(mjolnir.client, banListId, RULE_USER, '@modified:localhost:9999', 'modified reason');
changes = (await banList.updateList()).changes;
assert.equal(changes.length, 1);
assert.equal(changes[0].changeType, ChangeType.Modified);
assert.equal(changes[0].previousState['event_id'], originalEventId, 'There should be a previous state event for a modified rule');
assert.equal(changes[0].event['event_id'], modifyingEventId);
let modifyingAgainEventId = await createPolicyRule(mjolnir.client, banListId, RULE_USER, '@modified:localhost:9999', 'modified again');
changes = (await banList.updateList()).changes;
assert.equal(changes.length, 1);
assert.equal(changes[0].changeType, ChangeType.Modified);
assert.equal(changes[0].previousState['event_id'], modifyingEventId, 'There should be a previous state event for a modified rule');
assert.equal(changes[0].event['event_id'], modifyingAgainEventId);
assert.equal(banList.userRules.length, 2, 'There should be two rules, one for @modified:localhost:9999 and one for @added:localhost:9999');
// Test redacting a rule
const redactThis = await createPolicyRule(mjolnir.client, banListId, RULE_USER, '@redacted:localhost:9999', '');
await banList.updateList();
assert.equal(banList.userRules.filter(r => r.entity === '@redacted:localhost:9999').length, 1);
await mjolnir.client.redactEvent(banListId, redactThis);
changes = (await banList.updateList()).changes;
assert.equal(changes.length, 1);
assert.equal(changes[0].changeType, ChangeType.Removed);
assert.equal(changes[0].event['event_id'], redactThis, 'Should show the new version of the event with redacted content');
assert.equal(Object.keys(changes[0].event['content']).length, 0, 'Should show the new version of the event with redacted content');
assert.notEqual(Object.keys(changes[0].previousState['content']), 0, 'Should have a copy of the unredacted state');
assert.notEqual(changes[0].rule, undefined, 'The previous rule should be present');
assert.equal(banList.userRules.filter(r => r.entity === '@redacted:localhost:9999').length, 0, 'The rule should be removed.');
// Test soft redaction of a rule
const softRedactedEntity = '@softredacted:localhost:9999'
await createPolicyRule(mjolnir.client, banListId, RULE_USER, softRedactedEntity, '');
await banList.updateList();
assert.equal(banList.userRules.filter(r => r.entity === softRedactedEntity).length, 1);
await mjolnir.client.sendStateEvent(banListId, RULE_USER, `rule:${softRedactedEntity}`, {});
changes = (await banList.updateList()).changes;
assert.equal(changes.length, 1);
assert.equal(changes[0].changeType, ChangeType.Removed);
assert.equal(Object.keys(changes[0].event['content']).length, 0, 'Should show the new version of the event with redacted content');
assert.notEqual(Object.keys(changes[0].previousState['content']), 0, 'Should have a copy of the unredacted state');
assert.notEqual(changes[0].rule, undefined, 'The previous rule should be present');
assert.equal(banList.userRules.filter(r => r.entity === softRedactedEntity).length, 0, 'The rule should have been removed');
// Now test a double soft redaction just to make sure stuff doesn't explode
await mjolnir.client.sendStateEvent(banListId, RULE_USER, `rule:${softRedactedEntity}`, {});
changes = (await banList.updateList()).changes;
assert.equal(changes.length, 0, "It shouldn't detect a double soft redaction as a change, it should be seen as adding an invalid rule.");
assert.equal(banList.userRules.filter(r => r.entity === softRedactedEntity).length, 0, 'The rule should have been removed');
// Test that different (old) rule types will be modelled as the latest event type.
originalEventId = await createPolicyRule(mjolnir.client, banListId, 'org.matrix.mjolnir.rule.user', '@old:localhost:9999', '');
changes = (await banList.updateList()).changes;
assert.equal(changes.length, 1);
assert.equal(changes[0].changeType, ChangeType.Added);
assert.equal(banList.userRules.filter(r => r.entity === '@old:localhost:9999').length, 1);
modifyingEventId = await createPolicyRule(mjolnir.client, banListId, 'm.room.rule.user', '@old:localhost:9999', 'modified reason');
changes = (await banList.updateList()).changes;
assert.equal(changes.length, 1);
assert.equal(changes[0].changeType, ChangeType.Modified);
assert.equal(changes[0].event['event_id'], modifyingEventId);
assert.equal(changes[0].previousState['event_id'], originalEventId, 'There should be a previous state event for a modified rule');
assert.equal(banList.userRules.filter(r => r.entity === '@old:localhost:9999').length, 1);
modifyingAgainEventId = await createPolicyRule(mjolnir.client, banListId, RULE_USER, '@old:localhost:9999', 'changes again');
changes = (await banList.updateList()).changes;
assert.equal(changes.length, 1);
assert.equal(changes[0].changeType, ChangeType.Modified);
assert.equal(changes[0].event['event_id'], modifyingAgainEventId);
assert.equal(changes[0].previousState['event_id'], modifyingEventId, 'There should be a previous state event for a modified rule');
assert.equal(banList.userRules.filter(r => r.entity === '@old:localhost:9999').length, 1);
it("Will remove rules with old types when they are 'soft redacted' with a different but more recent event type.", async function() {
const mjolnir: Mjolnir = this.mjolnir!
const moderator = await newTestUser(this.config.homeserverUrl, { name: { contains: "moderator" }} );
const banListId = await mjolnir.client.createRoom({ invite: [await moderator.getUserId()] });
const banList = new PolicyList(banListId, banListId, mjolnir.client);
await mjolnir.client.setUserPowerLevel(await moderator.getUserId(), banListId, 100);
const entity = '@old:localhost:9999';
let originalEventId = await createPolicyRule(mjolnir.client, banListId, 'm.room.rule.user', entity, '');
let { changes } = await banList.updateList();
assert.equal(changes.length, 1);
assert.equal(changes[0].changeType, ChangeType.Added);
assert.equal(banList.userRules.filter(rule => rule.entity === entity).length, 1, 'There should be a rule stored that we just added...')
let softRedactingEventId = await mjolnir.client.sendStateEvent(banListId, RULE_USER, `rule:${entity}`, {});
changes = (await banList.updateList()).changes;
assert.equal(changes.length, 1);
assert.equal(changes[0].changeType, ChangeType.Removed);
assert.equal(changes[0].event['event_id'], softRedactingEventId);
assert.equal(changes[0].previousState['event_id'], originalEventId, 'There should be a previous state event for a modified rule');
assert.equal(banList.userRules.filter(rule => rule.entity === entity).length, 0, 'The rule should no longer be stored.');
it("A rule of the most recent type won't be deleted when an old rule is deleted for the same entity.", async function() {
const mjolnir: Mjolnir = this.mjolnir!
const moderator = await newTestUser(this.config.homeserverUrl, { name: { contains: "moderator" } });
const banListId = await mjolnir.client.createRoom({ invite: [await moderator.getUserId()] });
const banList = new PolicyList(banListId, banListId, mjolnir.client);
await mjolnir.client.setUserPowerLevel(await moderator.getUserId(), banListId, 100);
const entity = '@old:localhost:9999';
let originalEventId = await createPolicyRule(mjolnir.client, banListId, 'm.room.rule.user', entity, '');
let { changes } = await banList.updateList();
assert.equal(changes.length, 1);
assert.equal(changes[0].changeType, ChangeType.Added);
assert.equal(banList.userRules.filter(rule => rule.entity === entity).length, 1, 'There should be a rule stored that we just added...')
let updatedEventId = await createPolicyRule(mjolnir.client, banListId, RULE_USER, entity, '');
changes = (await banList.updateList()).changes;
// If in the future you change this and it fails, it's really subjective whether this constitutes a modification, since the only thing that has changed
// is the rule type. The actual content is identical.
assert.equal(changes.length, 1);
assert.equal(changes[0].changeType, ChangeType.Modified);
assert.equal(changes[0].event['event_id'], updatedEventId);
assert.equal(changes[0].previousState['event_id'], originalEventId, 'There should be a previous state event for a modified rule');
assert.equal(banList.userRules.filter(rule => rule.entity === entity).length, 1, 'Only the latest version of the rule gets returned.');
// Now we delete the old version of the rule without consequence.
await mjolnir.client.sendStateEvent(banListId, 'm.room.rule.user', `rule:${entity}`, {});
changes = (await banList.updateList()).changes;
assert.equal(changes.length, 0);
assert.equal(banList.userRules.filter(rule => rule.entity === entity).length, 1, 'The rule should still be active.');
// And we can still delete the new version of the rule.
let softRedactingEventId = await mjolnir.client.sendStateEvent(banListId, RULE_USER, `rule:${entity}`, {});
changes = (await banList.updateList()).changes;
assert.equal(changes.length, 1);
assert.equal(changes[0].changeType, ChangeType.Removed);
assert.equal(changes[0].event['event_id'], softRedactingEventId);
assert.equal(changes[0].previousState['event_id'], updatedEventId, 'There should be a previous state event for a modified rule');
assert.equal(banList.userRules.filter(rule => rule.entity === entity).length, 0, 'The rule should no longer be stored.');
it('Test: PolicyList Supports all entity types.', async function () {
const mjolnir: Mjolnir = this.mjolnir!
const banListId = await mjolnir.client.createRoom();
const banList = new PolicyList(banListId, banListId, mjolnir.client);
for (let i = 0; i < ALL_RULE_TYPES.length; i++) {
await createPolicyRule(mjolnir.client, banListId, ALL_RULE_TYPES[i], `*${i}*`, '');
let { changes } = await banList.updateList();
assert.equal(changes.length, ALL_RULE_TYPES.length);
assert.equal(banList.allRules.length, ALL_RULE_TYPES.length);
describe('Test: We will not be able to ban ourselves via ACL.', function() {
it('We do not ban ourselves when we put ourselves into the policy list.', async function() {
const mjolnir: Mjolnir = this.mjolnir
const serverName = new UserID(await mjolnir.client.getUserId()).domain;
const banListId = await mjolnir.client.createRoom();
const banList = new PolicyList(banListId, banListId, mjolnir.client);
const aclUnit = new AccessControlUnit([banList]);
await createPolicyRule(mjolnir.client, banListId, RULE_SERVER, serverName, '');
await createPolicyRule(mjolnir.client, banListId, RULE_SERVER, 'evil.com', '');
await createPolicyRule(mjolnir.client, banListId, RULE_SERVER, '*', '');
// We should still intern the matching rules rule.
let { changes } = await banList.updateList();
assert.equal(banList.serverRules.length, 3);
// But when we construct an ACL, we should be safe.
const acl = new ServerAcl(serverName)
changes.forEach(change => acl.denyServer(change.rule.entity));
assert.equal(acl.safeAclContent().deny.length, 1);
assert.equal(acl.literalAclContent().deny.length, 3);
const aclUnitAcl = aclUnit.compileServerAcl(serverName);
assert.equal(aclUnitAcl.literalAclContent().deny.length, 1);
describe('Test: ACL updates will batch when rules are added in succession.', function() {
it('Will batch ACL updates if we spam rules into a PolicyList', async function() {
const mjolnir: Mjolnir = this.mjolnir!
const serverName: string = new UserID(await mjolnir.client.getUserId()).domain
const moderator = await newTestUser(this.config.homeserverUrl, { name: { contains: "moderator" } });
await moderator.joinRoom(mjolnir.managementRoomId);
const mjolnirId = await mjolnir.client.getUserId();
// Setup some protected rooms so we can check their ACL state later.
const protectedRooms: string[] = [];
for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
const room = await moderator.createRoom({ invite: [mjolnirId] });
await mjolnir.client.joinRoom(room);
await moderator.setUserPowerLevel(mjolnirId, room, 100);
await mjolnir.addProtectedRoom(room);
// If a previous test hasn't cleaned up properly, these rooms will be populated by bogus ACLs at this point.
await mjolnir.protectedRoomsTracker.syncLists();
await Promise.all(protectedRooms.map(async room => {
// We're going to need timeline pagination I'm afraid.
const roomAcl = await mjolnir.client.getRoomStateEvent(room, "m.room.server_acl", "");
assert.equal(roomAcl?.deny?.length ?? 0, 0, 'There should be no entries in the deny ACL.');
// Flood the watched list with banned servers, which should prompt Mjolnir to update server ACL in protected rooms.
const banListId = await moderator.createRoom({ invite: [mjolnirId] });
await mjolnir.client.joinRoom(banListId);
await mjolnir.policyListManager.watchList(Permalinks.forRoom(banListId));
const acl = new ServerAcl(serverName).denyIpAddresses().allowServer("*");
const evilServerCount = 200;
for (let i = 0; i < evilServerCount; i++) {
const badServer = `${i}.evil.com`;
await createPolicyRule(moderator, banListId, RULE_SERVER, badServer, `Rule #${i}`);
// Give them a bit of a spread over time.
await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 5));
// We do this because it should force us to wait until all the ACL events have been applied.
// Even if that does mean the last few events will not go through batching...
await mjolnir.protectedRoomsTracker.syncLists();
// At this point we check that the state within Mjolnir is internally consistent, this is just because debugging the following
// is a pita.
const list: PolicyList = this.mjolnir.policyListManager.lists[0]!;
assert.equal(list.serverRules.length, evilServerCount, `There should be ${evilServerCount} rules in here`);
// Check each of the protected rooms for ACL events and make sure they were batched and are correct.
await Promise.all(protectedRooms.map(async room => {
const roomAcl = await mjolnir.client.getRoomStateEvent(room, "m.room.server_acl", "");
if (!acl.matches(roomAcl)) {
assert.fail(`Room ${room} doesn't have the correct ACL: ${JSON.stringify(roomAcl, null, 2)}`)
let aclEventCount = 0;
await getMessagesByUserIn(mjolnir.client, mjolnirId, room, 100, events => {
events.forEach(event => event.type === 'm.room.server_acl' ? aclEventCount += 1 : null);
LogService.debug('PolicyListTest', `aclEventCount: ${aclEventCount}`);
// If there's less than two then it means the ACL was updated by this test calling `this.mjolnir!.syncLists()`
// and not the listener that detects changes to ban lists (that we want to test!).
// It used to be 10, but it was too low, 30 seems better for CI.
assert.equal(aclEventCount < 30 && aclEventCount > 2, true, 'We should have sent less than 30 ACL events to each room because they should be batched')
describe('Test: unbaning entities via the PolicyList.', function() {
afterEach(function() { this.moderator?.stop(); });
it('Will remove rules that have legacy types', async function() {
const mjolnir: Mjolnir = this.mjolnir!
const serverName: string = new UserID(await mjolnir.client.getUserId()).domain
const moderator: MatrixClient = await newTestUser(this.config.homeserverUrl, { name: { contains: "moderator" } });
this.moderator = moderator;
await moderator.joinRoom(mjolnir.managementRoomId);
const mjolnirId = await mjolnir.client.getUserId();
// We'll make 1 protected room to test ACLs in.
const protectedRoom = await moderator.createRoom({ invite: [mjolnirId] });
await mjolnir.client.joinRoom(protectedRoom);
await moderator.setUserPowerLevel(mjolnirId, protectedRoom, 100);
await mjolnir.addProtectedRoom(protectedRoom);
// If a previous test hasn't cleaned up properly, these rooms will be populated by bogus ACLs at this point.
await mjolnir.protectedRoomsTracker.syncLists();
// If this is not present, then it means the room isn't being protected, which is really bad.
const roomAcl = await mjolnir.client.getRoomStateEvent(protectedRoom, "m.room.server_acl", "");
assert.equal(roomAcl?.deny?.length ?? 0, 0, 'There should be no entries in the deny ACL.');
// Create some legacy rules on a PolicyList.
const banListId = await moderator.createRoom({ invite: [mjolnirId] });
await moderator.setUserPowerLevel(await mjolnir.client.getUserId(), banListId, 100);
await moderator.sendStateEvent(banListId, 'org.matrix.mjolnir.shortcode', '', { shortcode: "unban-test" });
await mjolnir.client.joinRoom(banListId);
await mjolnir.policyListManager.watchList(Permalinks.forRoom(banListId));
// we use this to compare changes.
const banList = new PolicyList(banListId, banListId, moderator);
// we need two because we need to test the case where an entity has all rule types in the list
// and another one that only has one (so that we would hit 404 while looking up state)
const olderBadServer = "old.evil.example"
const newerBadServer = "new.evil.example"
await Promise.all(SERVER_RULE_TYPES.map(type => createPolicyRule(moderator, banListId, type, olderBadServer, 'gregg rulz ok')));
await createPolicyRule(moderator, banListId, RULE_SERVER, newerBadServer, 'this is bad sort it out.');
await createPolicyRule(moderator, banListId, RULE_SERVER, newerBadServer, 'hidden with a non-standard state key', undefined, "rule_1");
// Wait for the ACL event to be applied to our protected room.
await mjolnir.protectedRoomsTracker.syncLists();
await banList.updateList();
// rules are normalized by rule type, that's why there should only be 3.
assert.equal(banList.allRules.length, 3);
// Check that we have setup our test properly and therefore evil.example is banned.
const acl = new ServerAcl(serverName).denyIpAddresses().allowServer("*").denyServer(olderBadServer).denyServer(newerBadServer);
const protectedAcl = await mjolnir.client.getRoomStateEvent(protectedRoom, "m.room.server_acl", "");
if (!acl.matches(protectedAcl)) {
assert.fail(`Room ${protectedRoom} doesn't have the correct ACL: ${JSON.stringify(roomAcl, null, 2)}`);
// Now unban the servers, we will go via the unban command for completeness sake.
try {
await moderator.start();
for (const server of [olderBadServer, newerBadServer]) {
await getFirstReaction(moderator, mjolnir.managementRoomId, '✅', async () => {
return await moderator.sendMessage(mjolnir.managementRoomId, { msgtype: 'm.text', body: `!mjolnir unban unban-test server ${server}` });
} finally {
// Wait for mjolnir to sync protected rooms to update ACL.
await mjolnir.protectedRoomsTracker.syncLists();
// Confirm that the server is unbanned.
await banList.updateList();
assert.equal(banList.allRules.length, 0);
const aclAfter = await mjolnir.client.getRoomStateEvent(protectedRoom, "m.room.server_acl", "");
assert.equal(aclAfter.deny.length, 0, 'Should be no servers denied anymore');
describe('Test: should apply bans to the most recently active rooms first', function() {
it('Applies bans to the most recently active rooms first', async function() {
const mjolnir: Mjolnir = this.mjolnir!
const serverName: string = new UserID(await mjolnir.client.getUserId()).domain
const moderator = await newTestUser(this.config.homeserverUrl, { name: { contains: "moderator" } });
await moderator.joinRoom(mjolnir.managementRoomId);
const mjolnirId = await mjolnir.client.getUserId();
// Setup some protected rooms so we can check their ACL state later.
const protectedRooms: string[] = [];
for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
const room = await moderator.createRoom({ invite: [mjolnirId] });
await mjolnir.client.joinRoom(room);
await moderator.setUserPowerLevel(mjolnirId, room, 100);
await mjolnir.addProtectedRoom(room);
// If a previous test hasn't cleaned up properly, these rooms will be populated by bogus ACLs at this point.
await mjolnir.protectedRoomsTracker.syncLists();
await Promise.all(protectedRooms.map(async room => {
const roomAcl = await mjolnir.client.getRoomStateEvent(room, "m.room.server_acl", "").catch(e => e.statusCode === 404 ? { deny: [] } : Promise.reject(e));
assert.equal(roomAcl?.deny?.length ?? 0, 0, 'There should be no entries in the deny ACL.');
// Flood the watched list with banned servers, which should prompt Mjolnir to update server ACL in protected rooms.
const banListId = await moderator.createRoom({ invite: [mjolnirId] });
await mjolnir.client.joinRoom(banListId);
await mjolnir.policyListManager.watchList(Permalinks.forRoom(banListId));
await mjolnir.protectedRoomsTracker.syncLists();
// shuffle protected rooms https://stackoverflow.com/a/12646864, we do this so we can create activity "randomly" in them.
for (let i = protectedRooms.length - 1; i > 0; i--) {
const j = Math.floor(Math.random() * (i + 1));
[protectedRooms[i], protectedRooms[j]] = [protectedRooms[j], protectedRooms[i]];
// create some activity in the same order.
for (const roomId of protectedRooms.slice().reverse()) {
await moderator.sendMessage(roomId, { body: `activity`, msgtype: 'm.text' });
await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 100));
// check the rooms are in the expected order
for (let i = 0; i < protectedRooms.length; i++) {
assert.equal(mjolnir.protectedRoomsTracker.protectedRoomsByActivity()[i], protectedRooms[i]);
// just ban one server
const badServer = `evil.com`;
const acl = new ServerAcl(serverName).denyIpAddresses().allowServer("*").denyServer(badServer);
// collect all the rooms that received an ACL event.
const aclRooms: any[] = await new Promise(async resolve => {
const rooms: any[] = [];
this.mjolnir.client.on('room.event', (room: string, event: any) => {
if (protectedRooms.includes(room)) {
if (rooms.length === protectedRooms.length) {
// create the rule that will ban the server.
await createPolicyRule(moderator, banListId, RULE_SERVER, badServer, `Rule ${badServer}`);
// Wait until all the ACL events have been applied.
await mjolnir.protectedRoomsTracker.syncLists();
for (let i = 0; i < protectedRooms.length; i++) {
assert.equal(aclRooms[i], protectedRooms[i], "The ACL should have been applied to the active rooms first.");
// Check that the most recently active rooms got the ACL update first.
let last_event_ts = 0;
for (const roomId of protectedRooms) {
let roomAclEvent: null | any;
// Can't be the best way to get the whole event, but ok.
await getMessagesByUserIn(mjolnir.client, mjolnirId, roomId, 1, events => roomAclEvent = events[0]);
const roomAcl = roomAclEvent!.content;
if (!acl.matches(roomAcl)) {
assert.fail(`Room ${roomId} doesn't have the correct ACL: ${JSON.stringify(roomAcl, null, 2)}`)
assert.equal(roomAclEvent.origin_server_ts > last_event_ts, true, `This room was more recently active so should have the more recent timestamp`);
last_event_ts = roomAclEvent.origin_server_ts;
* Assert that the AccessUnitOutcome entity test has the right access.
* @param expected The Access we expect the entity to have, See Access.
* @param query The result of a test on AccessControlUnit e.g. `unit.getAccessForUser'@meow:localhost')`
* @param message A message for the console if the entity doesn't have the expected access.
function assertAccess(expected: Access, query: EntityAccess, message?: string) {
assert.equal(query.outcome, expected, message);
describe('Test: AccessControlUnit interaction with policy lists.', function() {
it('The AccessControlUnit correctly reflects the policies that have been set in its watched lists.', async function() {
const mjolnir: Mjolnir = this.mjolnir!
const policyListId = await mjolnir.client.createRoom();
const policyList = new PolicyList(policyListId, Permalinks.forRoom(policyListId), mjolnir.client);
const aclUnit = new AccessControlUnit([policyList]);
assertAccess(Access.Allowed, aclUnit.getAccessForUser('@anyone:anywhere.example.com', "CHECK_SERVER"), 'Empty lists should implicitly allow.');
await createPolicyRule(mjolnir.client, policyListId, RULE_SERVER, 'matrix.org', '', { recommendation: Recommendation.Allow });
// we want to imagine that the banned server was never taken off the allow after being banned.
await createPolicyRule(mjolnir.client, policyListId, RULE_SERVER, 'bad.example.com', '', { recommendation: Recommendation.Allow }, 'something-else');
await createPolicyRule(mjolnir.client, policyListId, RULE_SERVER, 'bad.example.com', '', { recommendation: Recommendation.Ban });
await createPolicyRule(mjolnir.client, policyListId, RULE_SERVER, '*.ddns.example.com', '', { recommendation: Recommendation.Ban });
await policyList.updateList();
assertAccess(Access.Allowed, aclUnit.getAccessForServer('matrix.org'));
assertAccess(Access.Allowed, aclUnit.getAccessForUser('@someone:matrix.org', "CHECK_SERVER"));
assertAccess(Access.NotAllowed, aclUnit.getAccessForServer('anywhere.else.example.com'));
assertAccess(Access.NotAllowed, aclUnit.getAccessForUser('@anyone:anywhere.else.example.com', "CHECK_SERVER"));
assertAccess(Access.Banned, aclUnit.getAccessForServer('bad.example.com'));
assertAccess(Access.Banned, aclUnit.getAccessForUser('@anyone:bad.example.com', "CHECK_SERVER"));
// They're not allowed in the first place, never mind that they are also banned.
assertAccess(Access.NotAllowed, aclUnit.getAccessForServer('meow.ddns.example.com'));
assertAccess(Access.NotAllowed, aclUnit.getAccessForUser('@anyone:meow.ddns.example.com', "CHECK_SERVER"));
assertAccess(Access.Allowed, aclUnit.getAccessForUser('@spam:matrix.org', "CHECK_SERVER"));
await createPolicyRule(mjolnir.client, policyListId, RULE_USER, '@spam:matrix.org', '', { recommendation: Recommendation.Ban });
await policyList.updateList();
assertAccess(Access.Banned, aclUnit.getAccessForUser('@spam:matrix.org', "CHECK_SERVER"));
assertAccess(Access.Allowed, aclUnit.getAccessForUser('@someone:matrix.org', "CHECK_SERVER"));
// protect a room and check that only bad.example.com, *.ddns.example.com are in the deny ACL and not matrix.org
await mjolnir.policyListManager.watchList(policyList.roomRef);
const protectedRoom = await mjolnir.client.createRoom();
await mjolnir.protectedRoomsTracker.addProtectedRoom(protectedRoom);
await mjolnir.protectedRoomsTracker.syncLists();
const roomAcl = await mjolnir.client.getRoomStateEvent(protectedRoom, "m.room.server_acl", "");
assert.equal(roomAcl?.deny?.length ?? 0, 2, 'There should be two entries in the deny ACL.');
for (const serverGlob of ["*.ddns.example.com", "bad.example.com"]) {
assert.equal((roomAcl?.deny ?? []).includes(serverGlob), true);
assert.equal(roomAcl.deny.includes("matrix.org"), false);
assert.equal(roomAcl.allow.includes("matrix.org"), true);
// Now we remove the rules and hope that everything functions noramally.
await removePolicyRule(mjolnir.client, policyListId, RULE_SERVER, 'matrix.org');
await removePolicyRule(mjolnir.client, policyListId, RULE_SERVER, 'bad.example.com', 'something-else');
await removePolicyRule(mjolnir.client, policyListId, RULE_SERVER, 'bad.example.com');
await removePolicyRule(mjolnir.client, policyListId, RULE_SERVER, '*.ddns.example.com');
await removePolicyRule(mjolnir.client, policyListId, RULE_USER, "@spam:matrix.org");
const { changes } = await policyList.updateList()
await mjolnir.protectedRoomsTracker.syncLists();
assert.equal(changes.length, 5, "The rules should have correctly been removed");
assertAccess(Access.Allowed, aclUnit.getAccessForServer('matrix.org'));
assertAccess(Access.Allowed, aclUnit.getAccessForUser('@someone:matrix.org', "CHECK_SERVER"));
assertAccess(Access.Allowed, aclUnit.getAccessForServer('anywhere.else.example.com'));
assertAccess(Access.Allowed, aclUnit.getAccessForUser('@anyone:anywhere.else.example.com', "CHECK_SERVER"));
assertAccess(Access.Allowed, aclUnit.getAccessForServer('bad.example.com'));
assertAccess(Access.Allowed, aclUnit.getAccessForUser('@anyone:bad.example.com', "CHECK_SERVER"));
assertAccess(Access.Allowed, aclUnit.getAccessForServer('meow.ddns.example.com'));
assertAccess(Access.Allowed, aclUnit.getAccessForUser('@anyone:meow.ddns.example.com', "CHECK_SERVER"));
assertAccess(Access.Allowed, aclUnit.getAccessForUser('@spam:matrix.org', "CHECK_SERVER"));
const roomAclAfter = await mjolnir.client.getRoomStateEvent(protectedRoom, "m.room.server_acl", "");
assert.equal(roomAclAfter.deny?.length ?? 0, 0, 'There should be no entries in the deny ACL.');
assert.equal(roomAclAfter.allow?.length ?? 0, 1, 'There should be 1 entry in the allow ACL.');
assert.equal(roomAclAfter.allow.includes("*"), true);
it('removing a rule from a different list will not clobber anything.', async function() {
const mjolnir: Mjolnir = this.mjolnir!
const policyLists = await Promise.all([...Array(2).keys()].map(async _ => {
const policyListId = await mjolnir.client.createRoom();
return new PolicyList(policyListId, Permalinks.forRoom(policyListId), mjolnir.client);
const banMeServer = 'banme.example.com';
const aclUnit = new AccessControlUnit(policyLists);
await Promise.all(policyLists.map(policyList => {
return createPolicyRule(mjolnir.client, policyList.roomId, RULE_SERVER, banMeServer, '', { recommendation: Recommendation.Ban })
await Promise.all(policyLists.map(list => list.updateList()));
assertAccess(Access.Banned, aclUnit.getAccessForServer(banMeServer));
// remove the rule that bans `banme.example.com` from just one of the lists.
await removePolicyRule(mjolnir.client, policyLists[0].roomId, RULE_SERVER, banMeServer);
await Promise.all(policyLists.map(list => list.updateList()));
assertAccess(Access.Banned, aclUnit.getAccessForServer(banMeServer), "Should still be banned at this point.");
await removePolicyRule(mjolnir.client, policyLists[1].roomId, RULE_SERVER, banMeServer);
await Promise.all(policyLists.map(list => list.updateList()));
assertAccess(Access.Allowed, aclUnit.getAccessForServer(banMeServer), "Should not longer be any rules");
describe('Test: Creating policy lists.', function() {
it('Will automatically invite and op users from invites', async function() {
const mjolnir: Mjolnir = this.mjolnir;
const testUsers = await Promise.all([...Array(2)].map(_ => newTestUser(this.config.homeserverUrl, { name: { contains: "moderator" } })))
const invite = await Promise.all(testUsers.map(client => client.getUserId()));
const policyListId = await PolicyList.createList(
// Check power levels are right.
const powerLevelEvent = await mjolnir.client.getRoomStateEvent(policyListId, "m.room.power_levels", "");
assert.equal(Object.keys(powerLevelEvent.users ?? {}).length, invite.length + 1);
// Check create event for MSC3784 support.
const createEvent = await mjolnir.client.getRoomStateEvent(policyListId, "m.room.create", "");
assert.equal(createEvent.type, PolicyList.ROOM_TYPE);
// We can't create rooms without forgetting the type.
await assert.rejects(
async () => {
await PolicyList.createList(mjolnir.client, randomUUID(), [], {
creation_content: {}