David Teller cff9b43207
This should hopefully fix some startup woes (#462)
Splitting PolicyListManager from Mjolnir, making it more resilient to startup errors
2022-12-21 19:32:27 +01:00

275 lines
12 KiB

import { Mjolnir } from "../Mjolnir";
import { Request, WeakEvent, BridgeContext, Bridge, Intent, Logger } from "matrix-appservice-bridge";
import { getProvisionedMjolnirConfig } from "../config";
import PolicyList from "../models/PolicyList";
import { Permalinks, MatrixClient } from "matrix-bot-sdk";
import { DataStore } from "./datastore";
import { AccessControl } from "./AccessControl";
import { Access } from "../models/AccessControlUnit";
import { randomUUID } from "crypto";
import EventEmitter from "events";
import { MatrixEmitter } from "../MatrixEmitter";
const log = new Logger('MjolnirManager');
* The MjolnirManager is responsible for:
* * Provisioning new mjolnir instances.
* * Starting mjolnirs when the appservice is brought online.
* * Informing mjolnirs about new events.
export class MjolnirManager {
private readonly mjolnirs: Map</*the user id of the mjolnir*/string, ManagedMjolnir> = new Map();
private constructor(
private readonly dataStore: DataStore,
private readonly bridge: Bridge,
private readonly accessControl: AccessControl
) {
* Create the mjolnir manager from the datastore and the access control.
* @param dataStore The data store interface that has the details for provisioned mjolnirs.
* @param bridge The bridge abstraction that encapsulates details about the appservice.
* @param accessControl Who has access to the bridge.
* @returns A new mjolnir manager.
public static async makeMjolnirManager(dataStore: DataStore, bridge: Bridge, accessControl: AccessControl): Promise<MjolnirManager> {
const mjolnirManager = new MjolnirManager(dataStore, bridge, accessControl);
await mjolnirManager.createMjolnirsFromDataStore();
return mjolnirManager;
* Creates a new mjolnir for a user.
* @param requestingUserId The user that is requesting this mjolnir and who will own it.
* @param managementRoomId An existing matrix room to act as the management room.
* @param client A client for the appservice virtual user that the new mjolnir should use.
* @returns A new managed mjolnir.
public async makeInstance(requestingUserId: string, managementRoomId: string, client: MatrixClient): Promise<ManagedMjolnir> {
const intentListener = new MatrixIntentListener(await client.getUserId());
const managedMjolnir = new ManagedMjolnir(
await Mjolnir.setupMjolnirFromConfig(
await managedMjolnir.start();
this.mjolnirs.set(await client.getUserId(), managedMjolnir);
return managedMjolnir;
* Gets a mjolnir for the corresponding mxid that is owned by a specific user.
* @param mjolnirId The mxid of the mjolnir we are trying to get.
* @param ownerId The owner of the mjolnir. We ask for it explicitly to not leak access to another user's mjolnir.
* @returns The matching managed mjolnir instance.
public getMjolnir(mjolnirId: string, ownerId: string): ManagedMjolnir|undefined {
const mjolnir = this.mjolnirs.get(mjolnirId);
if (mjolnir) {
if (mjolnir.ownerId !== ownerId) {
throw new Error(`${mjolnirId} is owned by a different user to ${ownerId}`);
} else {
return mjolnir;
} else {
return undefined;
* Find all of the mjolnirs that are owned by this specific user.
* @param ownerId An owner of multiple mjolnirs.
* @returns Any mjolnirs that they own.
public getOwnedMjolnirs(ownerId: string): ManagedMjolnir[] {
// TODO we need to use the database for this but also provide the utility
// for going from a MjolnirRecord to a ManagedMjolnir.
// https://github.com/matrix-org/mjolnir/issues/409
return [...this.mjolnirs.values()].filter(mjolnir => mjolnir.ownerId !== ownerId);
* Listener that should be setup and called by `MjolnirAppService` while listening to the bridge abstraction provided by matrix-appservice-bridge.
public onEvent(request: Request<WeakEvent>, context: BridgeContext) {
// TODO We need a way to map a room id (that the event is from) to a set of managed mjolnirs that should be informed.
// https://github.com/matrix-org/mjolnir/issues/412
[...this.mjolnirs.values()].forEach((mj: ManagedMjolnir) => mj.onEvent(request));
* provision a new mjolnir for a matrix user.
* @param requestingUserId The mxid of the user we are creating a mjolnir for.
* @returns The matrix id of the new mjolnir and its management room.
public async provisionNewMjolnir(requestingUserId: string): Promise<[string, string]> {
const access = this.accessControl.getUserAccess(requestingUserId);
if (access.outcome !== Access.Allowed) {
throw new Error(`${requestingUserId} tried to provision a mjolnir when they do not have access ${access.outcome} ${access.rule?.reason ?? 'no reason specified'}`);
const provisionedMjolnirs = await this.dataStore.lookupByOwner(requestingUserId);
if (provisionedMjolnirs.length === 0) {
const mjolnirLocalPart = `mjolnir_${randomUUID()}`;
const mjIntent = await this.makeMatrixIntent(mjolnirLocalPart);
const managementRoomId = await mjIntent.matrixClient.createRoom({
preset: 'private_chat',
invite: [requestingUserId],
name: `${requestingUserId}'s mjolnir`
const mjolnir = await this.makeInstance(requestingUserId, managementRoomId, mjIntent.matrixClient);
await mjolnir.createFirstList(requestingUserId, "list");
await this.dataStore.store({
local_part: mjolnirLocalPart,
owner: requestingUserId,
management_room: managementRoomId,
return [mjIntent.userId, managementRoomId];
} else {
throw new Error(`User: ${requestingUserId} has already provisioned ${provisionedMjolnirs.length} mjolnirs.`);
* Utility that creates a matrix client for a virtual user on our homeserver with the specified loclapart.
* @param localPart The localpart of the virtual user we need a client for.
* @returns A bridge intent with the complete mxid of the virtual user and a MatrixClient.
private async makeMatrixIntent(localPart: string): Promise<Intent> {
const mjIntent = this.bridge.getIntentFromLocalpart(localPart);
await mjIntent.ensureRegistered();
return mjIntent;
// TODO: We need to check that an owner still has access to the appservice each time they send a command to the mjolnir or use the web api.
// https://github.com/matrix-org/mjolnir/issues/410
* Used at startup to create all the ManagedMjolnir instances and start them so that they will respond to users.
private async createMjolnirsFromDataStore() {
for (const mjolnirRecord of await this.dataStore.list()) {
const mjIntent = await this.makeMatrixIntent(mjolnirRecord.local_part);
const access = this.accessControl.getUserAccess(mjolnirRecord.owner);
if (access.outcome !== Access.Allowed) {
// Don't await, we don't want to clobber initialization just because we can't tell someone they're no longer allowed.
mjIntent.matrixClient.sendNotice(mjolnirRecord.management_room, `Your mjolnir has been disabled by the administrator: ${access.rule?.reason ?? "no reason supplied"}`);
} else {
await this.makeInstance(
).catch((e: any) => {
log.error(`Could not start mjolnir ${mjolnirRecord.local_part} for ${mjolnirRecord.owner}:`, e);
// Don't await, we don't want to clobber initialization if this fails.
mjIntent.matrixClient.sendNotice(mjolnirRecord.management_room, `Your mjolnir could not be started. Please alert the administrator`);
export class ManagedMjolnir {
public constructor(
public readonly ownerId: string,
private readonly mjolnir: Mjolnir,
private readonly matrixEmitter: MatrixIntentListener,
) { }
public async onEvent(request: Request<WeakEvent>) {
public async joinRoom(roomId: string) {
await this.mjolnir.client.joinRoom(roomId);
public async addProtectedRoom(roomId: string) {
await this.mjolnir.addProtectedRoom(roomId);
public async createFirstList(mjolnirOwnerId: string, shortcode: string) {
const listRoomId = await PolicyList.createList(
{ name: `${mjolnirOwnerId}'s policy room` }
const roomRef = Permalinks.forRoom(listRoomId);
await this.mjolnir.addProtectedRoom(listRoomId);
return await this.mjolnir.policyListManager.watchList(roomRef);
public get managementRoomId(): string {
return this.mjolnir.managementRoomId;
* Intended to be called by the MjolnirManager to make sure the mjolnir is ready to listen to events.
* This managed mjolnir should not be informed of any events via `onEvent` until `start` is called.
public async start(): Promise<void> {
await this.mjolnir.start();
* This is used to listen for events intended for a single mjolnir that resides in the appservice.
* This exists entirely because the Mjolnir class was previously designed only to receive events
* from a syncing matrix-bot-sdk MatrixClient. Since appservices provide a transactional push
* api for all users on the appservice, almost the opposite of sync, we needed to create an
* interface for both. See `MatrixEmitter`.
export class MatrixIntentListener extends EventEmitter implements MatrixEmitter {
constructor(private readonly mjolnirId: string) {
public handleEvent(mxEvent: WeakEvent) {
// These are ordered to be the same as matrix-bot-sdk's MatrixClient
// They shouldn't need to be, but they are just in case it matters.
if (mxEvent['type'] === 'm.room.member' && mxEvent.state_key === this.mjolnirId) {
if (mxEvent['content']['membership'] === 'leave') {
this.emit('room.leave', mxEvent.room_id, mxEvent);
if (mxEvent['content']['membership'] === 'invite') {
this.emit('room.invite', mxEvent.room_id, mxEvent);
if (mxEvent['content']['membership'] === 'join') {
this.emit('room.join', mxEvent.room_id, mxEvent);
if (mxEvent.type === 'm.room.message') {
this.emit('room.message', mxEvent.room_id, mxEvent);
if (mxEvent.type === 'm.room.tombstone' && mxEvent.state_key === '') {
this.emit('room.archived', mxEvent.room_id, mxEvent);
this.emit('room.event', mxEvent.room_id, mxEvent);
* To be called by `Mjolnir`.
public async start() {
// Nothing to do.
* To be called by `Mjolnir`.
public stop() {
// Nothing to do.