Gnuxie 77ad40e27a
Refactor protected rooms. (#371)
* Attempt to factor out protected rooms from Mjolnir.

This is useful to the appservice because it means we don't
have to wrap a Mjolnir that is designed to sync.

It's also useful if we later on want to have specific
settings per space.

It's also just a nice seperation between Mjolnir's needs while
syncing via client-server and the behaviour of syncing policy rooms.

 ### Things that have changed

- `ErrorCache` no longer a static class (phew), gets used by `ProtectedRooms`.
- `ManagementRoomOutput` class gets created to handle logging back to the management room.
- Responsibilities for syncing member bans and server ACL are handled by `ProtectedRooms`.
- Responsibilities for watched lists should be moved to `ProtectedRooms` if they haven't been.
- `EventRedactionQueue` is moved to `ProtectedRooms` since this needs to happen after
  member bans.
- ApplyServerAcls moved to `ProtectedRooms`
- ApplyMemberBans move to `ProtectedRooms`
- `logMessage` and `replaceRoomIdsWithPills` moved to `ManagementRoomOutput`.
- `resyncJoinedRooms` has been made a little more clear, though I am concerned about how often it does run because it does seem expensive.

* ProtectedRooms is not supposed to track joined rooms.

The reason is because it is supposed to represent a specific
set of rooms to protect, not do horrible logic
for working out what rooms mjolnir is supposed to protect.
2022-09-29 14:49:09 +01:00

35 lines
1.4 KiB

import { strict as assert } from "assert";
import { LogLevel } from "matrix-bot-sdk";
import ManagementRoomOutput from "../../src/ManagementRoomOutput";
describe("Test: utils", function() {
it("replaceRoomIdsWithPills correctly turns a room ID in to a pill", async function() {
const managementRoomAlias = this.config.managementRoom;
const managementRoomOutput: ManagementRoomOutput = this.mjolnir.managementRoomOutput;
await this.mjolnir.client.sendStateEvent(
{ alias: managementRoomAlias }
const message: any = await new Promise(async resolve => {
this.mjolnir.client.on('room.message', (roomId, event) => {
if (roomId === this.mjolnir.managementRoomId) {
if (event.content?.body?.startsWith("it's")) {
await managementRoomOutput.logMessage(LogLevel.INFO, 'replaceRoomIdsWithPills test',
`it's fun here in ${this.mjolnir.managementRoomId}`,
[this.mjolnir.managementRoomId, "!myfaketestid:example.com"]);
`it's fun here in <a href="https://matrix.to/#/${managementRoomAlias}">${managementRoomAlias}</a>`