Gnuxie 77ad40e27a
Refactor protected rooms. (#371)
* Attempt to factor out protected rooms from Mjolnir.

This is useful to the appservice because it means we don't
have to wrap a Mjolnir that is designed to sync.

It's also useful if we later on want to have specific
settings per space.

It's also just a nice seperation between Mjolnir's needs while
syncing via client-server and the behaviour of syncing policy rooms.

 ### Things that have changed

- `ErrorCache` no longer a static class (phew), gets used by `ProtectedRooms`.
- `ManagementRoomOutput` class gets created to handle logging back to the management room.
- Responsibilities for syncing member bans and server ACL are handled by `ProtectedRooms`.
- Responsibilities for watched lists should be moved to `ProtectedRooms` if they haven't been.
- `EventRedactionQueue` is moved to `ProtectedRooms` since this needs to happen after
  member bans.
- ApplyServerAcls moved to `ProtectedRooms`
- ApplyMemberBans move to `ProtectedRooms`
- `logMessage` and `replaceRoomIdsWithPills` moved to `ManagementRoomOutput`.
- `resyncJoinedRooms` has been made a little more clear, though I am concerned about how often it does run because it does seem expensive.

* ProtectedRooms is not supposed to track joined rooms.

The reason is because it is supposed to represent a specific
set of rooms to protect, not do horrible logic
for working out what rooms mjolnir is supposed to protect.
2022-09-29 14:49:09 +01:00

160 lines
6.5 KiB

import { strict as assert } from "assert";
import { Mjolnir } from "../../src/Mjolnir";
import { IProtection } from "../../src/protections/IProtection";
import { newTestUser, noticeListener } from "./clientHelper";
import { matrixClient, mjolnir } from "./mjolnirSetupUtils";
import { ConsequenceBan, ConsequenceRedact } from "../../src/protections/consequence";
describe("Test: standard consequences", function() {
let badUser;
let goodUser;
this.beforeEach(async function () {
badUser = await newTestUser(this.config.homeserverUrl, { name: { contains: "standard-consequences" }});
goodUser = await newTestUser(this.config.homeserverUrl, { name: { contains: "standard-consequences" }});
await badUser.start();
await goodUser.start();
this.afterEach(async function () {
await badUser.stop();
await goodUser.stop();
it("Mjolnir applies a standard consequence redaction", async function() {
let protectedRoomId = await this.mjolnir.client.createRoom({ invite: [await badUser.getUserId()] });
await badUser.joinRoom(this.mjolnir.managementRoomId);
await badUser.joinRoom(protectedRoomId);
await this.mjolnir.addProtectedRoom(protectedRoomId);
await this.mjolnir.protectionManager.registerProtection(new class implements IProtection {
name = "JY2TPN";
description = "A test protection";
settings = { };
handleEvent = async (mjolnir: Mjolnir, roomId: string, event: any) => {
if (event.content.body === "ngmWkF") {
return [new ConsequenceRedact("asd")];
await this.mjolnir.protectionManager.enableProtection("JY2TPN");
let reply = new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
const messageId = await badUser.sendMessage(protectedRoomId, {msgtype: "m.text", body: "ngmWkF"});
let redaction;
badUser.on('room.event', (roomId, event) => {
if (
roomId === protectedRoomId
&& event?.type === "m.room.redaction"
&& event.redacts === messageId
) {
redaction = event
if (
roomId === this.mjolnir.managementRoomId
&& event?.type === "m.room.message"
&& event?.content?.body?.startsWith("protection JY2TPN enacting redact against ")
&& redaction !== undefined
) {
resolve([redaction, event])
const [eventRedact, eventMessage] = await reply
it("Mjolnir applies a standard consequence ban", async function() {
let protectedRoomId = await this.mjolnir.client.createRoom({ invite: [await badUser.getUserId()] });
await badUser.joinRoom(this.mjolnir.managementRoomId);
await badUser.joinRoom(protectedRoomId);
await this.mjolnir.addProtectedRoom(protectedRoomId);
await this.mjolnir.protectionManager.registerProtection(new class implements IProtection {
name = "0LxMTy";
description = "A test protection";
settings = { };
handleEvent = async (mjolnir: Mjolnir, roomId: string, event: any) => {
if (event.content.body === "7Uga3d") {
return [new ConsequenceBan("asd")];
await this.mjolnir.protectionManager.enableProtection("0LxMTy");
let reply = new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
const messageId = await badUser.sendMessage(protectedRoomId, {msgtype: "m.text", body: "7Uga3d"});
let ban;
badUser.on('room.leave', (roomId, event) => {
if (
roomId === protectedRoomId
&& event?.type === "m.room.member"
&& event.content?.membership === "ban"
&& event.state_key === badUser.userId
) {
ban = event;
badUser.on('room.event', (roomId, event) => {
if (
roomId === this.mjolnir.managementRoomId
&& event?.type === "m.room.message"
&& event?.content?.body?.startsWith("protection 0LxMTy enacting ban against ")
&& ban !== undefined
) {
resolve([ban, event])
const [eventBan, eventMessage] = await reply
it("Mjolnir doesn't ban a good user", async function() {
let protectedRoomId = await this.mjolnir.client.createRoom({ invite: [await goodUser.getUserId(), await badUser.getUserId()] });
await badUser.joinRoom(protectedRoomId);
await goodUser.joinRoom(protectedRoomId);
await this.mjolnir.addProtectedRoom(protectedRoomId);
await this.mjolnir.protectionManager.registerProtection(new class implements IProtection {
name = "95B1Cr";
description = "A test protection";
settings = { };
handleEvent = async (mjolnir: Mjolnir, roomId: string, event: any) => {
if (event.content.body === "8HUnwb") {
return [new ConsequenceBan("asd")];
await this.mjolnir.protectionManager.enableProtection("95B1Cr");
let reply = new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
this.mjolnir.client.on('room.message', async (roomId, event) => {
if (event?.content?.body === "SUwvFT") {
await badUser.sendMessage(protectedRoomId, {msgtype: "m.text", body: "8HUnwb"});
this.mjolnir.client.on('room.event', (roomId, event) => {
if (
roomId === protectedRoomId
&& event?.type === "m.room.member"
&& event.content?.membership === "ban"
) {
if (event.state_key === goodUser.userId) {
reject("good user has been banned");
} else if (event.state_key === badUser.userId) {
await goodUser.sendMessage(protectedRoomId, {msgtype: "m.text", body: "SUwvFT"});
await reply