David Teller 7b0edadd17
Update tests and instructions to intercept reports also with v3 endpoint (#388)
In both our instructions and our tests, we use the r0 endpoint to intercept abuse reports. This endpoint is deprecated and not implemented by all clients. This PR updates the instructions and tests to the new endpoint.
2022-10-18 15:48:39 +02:00

42 lines
2.3 KiB

import { read as configRead } from "../../src/config";
import { makeMjolnir, teardownManagementRoom } from "./mjolnirSetupUtils";
// When Mjolnir starts (src/index.ts) it clobbers the config by resolving the management room
// alias specified in the config (config.managementRoom) and overwriting that with the room ID.
// Unfortunately every piece of code importing that config imports the same instance, including
// testing code, which is problematic when we want to create a fresh management room for each test.
// So there is some code in here to "undo" the mutation after we stop Mjolnir syncing.
export const mochaHooks = {
beforeEach: [
async function() {
console.error("---- entering test", JSON.stringify(this.currentTest.title)); // Makes MatrixClient error logs a bit easier to parse.
// Sometimes it takes a little longer to register users.
const config = this.config = configRead();
this.managementRoomAlias = config.managementRoom;
this.mjolnir = await makeMjolnir(config);
config.RUNTIME.client = this.mjolnir.client;
await Promise.all([
this.mjolnir.client.setAccountData('org.matrix.mjolnir.protected_rooms', { rooms: [] }),
this.mjolnir.client.setAccountData('org.matrix.mjolnir.watched_lists', { references: [] }),
await this.mjolnir.start();
console.log("mochaHooks.beforeEach DONE");
afterEach: [
async function() {
await this.mjolnir.stop();
await Promise.all([
this.mjolnir.client.setAccountData('org.matrix.mjolnir.protected_rooms', { rooms: [] }),
this.mjolnir.client.setAccountData('org.matrix.mjolnir.watched_lists', { references: [] }),
// remove alias from management room and leave it.
await teardownManagementRoom(this.mjolnir.client, this.mjolnir.managementRoomId, this.managementRoomAlias);
console.error("---- completed test", JSON.stringify(this.currentTest.title), "\n\n"); // Makes MatrixClient error logs a bit easier to parse.