gnuxie 0bbfe93a4b Use MSC2313 m.policy.rule.* for rules and always prefer these types.
The reason for doing this is because otherwise there may be duplicate
rules under different state types for the same entity.
This simplifies the process of modifying or invalidating rules affecting
an entity because the rule with the most recent type will always be
2021-11-29 11:45:22 +00:00

179 lines
12 KiB

import { strict as assert } from "assert";
import config from "../../src/config";
import { newTestUser } from "./clientHelper";
import { MatrixClient } from "matrix-bot-sdk";
import BanList, { ChangeType, ListRuleChange, RULE_USER } from "../../src/models/BanList";
* Create a policy rule in a policy room.
* @param client A matrix client that is logged in
* @param policyRoomId The room id to add the policy to.
* @param policyType The type of policy to add e.g. m.policy.rule.user. (Use RULE_USER though).
* @param entity The entity to ban e.g. @foo:example.org
* @param reason A reason for the rule e.g. 'Wouldn't stop posting spam links'
* @returns The event id of the newly created policy rule.
async function createPolicyRule(client: MatrixClient, policyRoomId: string, policyType: string, entity: string, reason: string) {
return await client.sendStateEvent(policyRoomId, policyType, `rule:${entity}`, {
recommendation: 'm.ban'
describe("Test: Updating the BanList", function () {
it("Calculates what has changed correctly.", async function () {
const mjolnir = config.RUNTIME.client!
const moderator = await newTestUser(false, "moderator");
const banListId = await mjolnir.createRoom({ invite: [await moderator.getUserId()]});
const banList = new BanList(banListId, banListId, mjolnir);
mjolnir.setUserPowerLevel(await moderator.getUserId(), banListId, 100);
assert.equal(banList.allRules.length, 0);
// Test adding a new rule
await createPolicyRule(mjolnir, banListId, RULE_USER, '@added:localhost:9999', '');
let changes: ListRuleChange[] = await banList.updateList();
assert.equal(changes.length, 1, 'There should only be one change');
assert.equal(changes[0].changeType, ChangeType.Added);
assert.equal(changes[0].sender, await mjolnir.getUserId());
assert.equal(banList.userRules.length, 1);
assert.equal(banList.allRules.length, 1);
// Test modifiying a rule
let originalEventId = await createPolicyRule(mjolnir, banListId, RULE_USER, '@modified:localhost:9999', '');
await banList.updateList();
let modifyingEventId = await createPolicyRule(mjolnir, banListId, RULE_USER, '@modified:localhost:9999', 'modified reason');
changes = await banList.updateList();
assert.equal(changes.length, 1);
assert.equal(changes[0].changeType, ChangeType.Modified);
assert.equal(changes[0].previousState['event_id'], originalEventId, 'There should be a previous state event for a modified rule');
assert.equal(changes[0].event['event_id'], modifyingEventId);
let modifyingAgainEventId = await createPolicyRule(mjolnir, banListId, RULE_USER, '@modified:localhost:9999', 'modified again');
changes = await banList.updateList();
assert.equal(changes.length, 1);
assert.equal(changes[0].changeType, ChangeType.Modified);
assert.equal(changes[0].previousState['event_id'], modifyingEventId, 'There should be a previous state event for a modified rule');
assert.equal(changes[0].event['event_id'], modifyingAgainEventId);
assert.equal(banList.userRules.length, 2, 'There should be two rules, one for @modified:localhost:9999 and one for @added:localhost:9999');
// Test redacting a rule
const redactThis = await createPolicyRule(mjolnir, banListId, RULE_USER, '@redacted:localhost:9999', '');
await banList.updateList();
assert.equal(banList.userRules.filter(r => r.entity === '@redacted:localhost:9999').length, 1);
await mjolnir.redactEvent(banListId, redactThis);
changes = await banList.updateList();
assert.equal(changes.length, 1);
assert.equal(changes[0].changeType, ChangeType.Removed);
assert.equal(changes[0].event['event_id'], redactThis, 'Should show the new version of the event with redacted content');
assert.equal(Object.keys(changes[0].event['content']).length, 0, 'Should show the new version of the event with redacted content');
assert.notEqual(Object.keys(changes[0].previousState['content']), 0, 'Should have a copy of the unredacted state');
assert.notEqual(changes[0].rule, undefined, 'The previous rule should be present');
assert.equal(banList.userRules.filter(r => r.entity === '@redacted:localhost:9999').length, 0, 'The rule should be removed.');
// Test soft redaction of a rule
const softRedactedEntity = '@softredacted:localhost:9999'
await createPolicyRule(mjolnir, banListId, RULE_USER, softRedactedEntity, '');
await banList.updateList();
assert.equal(banList.userRules.filter(r => r.entity === softRedactedEntity).length, 1);
await mjolnir.sendStateEvent(banListId, RULE_USER, `rule:${softRedactedEntity}`, {});
changes = await banList.updateList();
assert.equal(changes.length, 1);
assert.equal(changes[0].changeType, ChangeType.Removed);
assert.equal(Object.keys(changes[0].event['content']).length, 0, 'Should show the new version of the event with redacted content');
assert.notEqual(Object.keys(changes[0].previousState['content']), 0, 'Should have a copy of the unredacted state');
assert.notEqual(changes[0].rule, undefined, 'The previous rule should be present');
assert.equal(banList.userRules.filter(r => r.entity === softRedactedEntity).length, 0, 'The rule should have been removed');
// Now test a double soft redaction just to make sure stuff doesn't explode
await mjolnir.sendStateEvent(banListId, RULE_USER, `rule:${softRedactedEntity}`, {});
changes = await banList.updateList();
assert.equal(changes.length, 0, "It shouldn't detect a double soft redaction as a change, it should be seen as adding an invalid rule.");
assert.equal(banList.userRules.filter(r => r.entity === softRedactedEntity).length, 0, 'The rule should have been removed');
// Test that different (old) rule types will be modelled as the latest event type.
originalEventId = await createPolicyRule(mjolnir, banListId, 'org.matrix.mjolnir.rule.user', '@old:localhost:9999', '');
changes = await banList.updateList();
assert.equal(changes.length, 1);
assert.equal(changes[0].changeType, ChangeType.Added);
assert.equal(banList.userRules.filter(r => r.entity === '@old:localhost:9999').length, 1);
modifyingEventId = await createPolicyRule(mjolnir, banListId, 'm.room.rule.user', '@old:localhost:9999', 'modified reason');
changes = await banList.updateList();
assert.equal(changes.length, 1);
assert.equal(changes[0].changeType, ChangeType.Modified);
assert.equal(changes[0].event['event_id'], modifyingEventId);
assert.equal(changes[0].previousState['event_id'], originalEventId, 'There should be a previous state event for a modified rule');
assert.equal(banList.userRules.filter(r => r.entity === '@old:localhost:9999').length, 1);
modifyingAgainEventId = await createPolicyRule(mjolnir, banListId, RULE_USER, '@old:localhost:9999', 'changes again');
changes = await banList.updateList();
assert.equal(changes.length, 1);
assert.equal(changes[0].changeType, ChangeType.Modified);
assert.equal(changes[0].event['event_id'], modifyingAgainEventId);
assert.equal(changes[0].previousState['event_id'], modifyingEventId, 'There should be a previous state event for a modified rule');
assert.equal(banList.userRules.filter(r => r.entity === '@old:localhost:9999').length, 1);
it("Will remove rules with old types when they are 'soft redacted' with a different but more recent event type.", async function () {
const mjolnir = config.RUNTIME.client!
const moderator = await newTestUser(false, "moderator");
const banListId = await mjolnir.createRoom({ invite: [await moderator.getUserId()]});
const banList = new BanList(banListId, banListId, mjolnir);
mjolnir.setUserPowerLevel(await moderator.getUserId(), banListId, 100);
const entity = '@old:localhost:9999';
let originalEventId = await createPolicyRule(mjolnir, banListId, 'm.room.rule.user', entity, '');
let changes = await banList.updateList();
assert.equal(changes.length, 1);
assert.equal(changes[0].changeType, ChangeType.Added);
assert.equal(banList.userRules.filter(rule => rule.entity === entity).length, 1, 'There should be a rule stored that we just added...')
let softRedactingEventId = await mjolnir.sendStateEvent(banListId, RULE_USER, `rule:${entity}`, {});
changes = await banList.updateList();
assert.equal(changes.length, 1);
assert.equal(changes[0].changeType, ChangeType.Removed);
assert.equal(changes[0].event['event_id'], softRedactingEventId);
assert.equal(changes[0].previousState['event_id'], originalEventId, 'There should be a previous state event for a modified rule');
assert.equal(banList.userRules.filter(rule => rule.entity === entity).length, 0, 'The rule should no longer be stored.');
it("A rule of the most recent type won't be deleted when an old rule is deleted for the same entity.", async function () {
const mjolnir = config.RUNTIME.client!
const moderator = await newTestUser(false, "moderator");
const banListId = await mjolnir.createRoom({ invite: [await moderator.getUserId()]});
const banList = new BanList(banListId, banListId, mjolnir);
mjolnir.setUserPowerLevel(await moderator.getUserId(), banListId, 100);
const entity = '@old:localhost:9999';
let originalEventId = await createPolicyRule(mjolnir, banListId, 'm.room.rule.user', entity, '');
let changes = await banList.updateList();
assert.equal(changes.length, 1);
assert.equal(changes[0].changeType, ChangeType.Added);
assert.equal(banList.userRules.filter(rule => rule.entity === entity).length, 1, 'There should be a rule stored that we just added...')
let updatedEventId = await createPolicyRule(mjolnir, banListId, RULE_USER, entity, '');
changes = await banList.updateList();
// If in the future you change this and it fails, it's really subjective whether this constitutes a modification, since the only thing that has changed
// is the rule type. The actual content is identical.
assert.equal(changes.length, 1);
assert.equal(changes[0].changeType, ChangeType.Modified);
assert.equal(changes[0].event['event_id'], updatedEventId);
assert.equal(changes[0].previousState['event_id'], originalEventId, 'There should be a previous state event for a modified rule');
assert.equal(banList.userRules.filter(rule => rule.entity === entity).length, 1, 'Only the latest version of the rule gets returned.');
// Now we delete the old version of the rule without consequence.
await mjolnir.sendStateEvent(banListId, 'm.room.rule.user', `rule:${entity}`, {});
changes = await banList.updateList();
assert.equal(changes.length, 0);
assert.equal(banList.userRules.filter(rule => rule.entity === entity).length, 1, 'The rule should still be active.');
// And we can still delete the new version of the rule.
let softRedactingEventId = await mjolnir.sendStateEvent(banListId, RULE_USER, `rule:${entity}`, {});
changes = await banList.updateList();
assert.equal(changes.length, 1);
assert.equal(changes[0].changeType, ChangeType.Removed);
assert.equal(changes[0].event['event_id'], softRedactingEventId);
assert.equal(changes[0].previousState['event_id'], updatedEventId, 'There should be a previous state event for a modified rule');
assert.equal(banList.userRules.filter(rule => rule.entity === entity).length, 0, 'The rule should no longer be stored.');