Gnuxie 4d5447cb50
Rework the banning and unbanning of entities in PolicyLists. (#345)
* Rework the banning and unbanning of entities in PolicyLists.

1. We keep track of the event that created a list rule so that we
can remove the rule by having a way to determine the original state key for the rule.
This is because the state key of rules can be anything and should not be
relied on by Mjolnir to unban things (which it was doing).

2. The old scheme for producing a state key was causing for some entities to escape bans

We could have used a hash or something similar, but we know that
the reason for the `rule:${entity}` scheme existed was for ease of debugging
and finding rules in devtools. So instead we have followed a scheme simalar to
bridges where the first character of an mxid is replaced with an underscore.
Everything else just gets put into the state key. Since domains can't have '@'
and room ids, aliases can't either.

3. We have stopped the need for Mjolnir to wait for the next response from sync after banning,
unbanning an entity so that we can apply ACL's sooner.

* Use PolicyList's `banEntity` method to create imported rules.
2022-08-19 13:09:08 +01:00

447 lines
28 KiB

import { strict as assert } from "assert";
import { newTestUser } from "./clientHelper";
import { LogService, MatrixClient, Permalinks, UserID } from "matrix-bot-sdk";
import PolicyList, { ChangeType, ListRuleChange } from "../../src/models/PolicyList";
import { ServerAcl } from "../../src/models/ServerAcl";
import { getFirstReaction } from "./commands/commandUtils";
import { getMessagesByUserIn } from "../../src/utils";
import { Mjolnir } from "../../src/Mjolnir";
import { ALL_RULE_TYPES, RULE_SERVER, RULE_USER, SERVER_RULE_TYPES } from "../../src/models/ListRule";
* Create a policy rule in a policy room.
* @param client A matrix client that is logged in
* @param policyRoomId The room id to add the policy to.
* @param policyType The type of policy to add e.g. m.policy.rule.user. (Use RULE_USER though).
* @param entity The entity to ban e.g. @foo:example.org
* @param reason A reason for the rule e.g. 'Wouldn't stop posting spam links'
* @param template The template to use for the policy rule event.
* @returns The event id of the newly created policy rule.
async function createPolicyRule(client: MatrixClient, policyRoomId: string, policyType: string, entity: string, reason: string, template = { recommendation: 'm.ban' }, stateKey = `rule:${entity}`) {
return await client.sendStateEvent(policyRoomId, policyType, stateKey, {
describe("Test: Updating the PolicyList", function() {
it("Calculates what has changed correctly.", async function() {
const mjolnir: Mjolnir = this.mjolnir!
const moderator = await newTestUser(this.config.homeserverUrl, { name: { contains: "moderator" } });
const banListId = await mjolnir.client.createRoom({ invite: [await moderator.getUserId()] });
const banList = new PolicyList(banListId, banListId, mjolnir.client);
await mjolnir.client.setUserPowerLevel(await moderator.getUserId(), banListId, 100);
assert.equal(banList.allRules.length, 0);
// Test adding a new rule
await createPolicyRule(mjolnir.client, banListId, RULE_USER, '@added:localhost:9999', '');
let changes: ListRuleChange[] = await banList.updateList();
assert.equal(changes.length, 1, 'There should only be one change');
assert.equal(changes[0].changeType, ChangeType.Added);
assert.equal(changes[0].sender, await mjolnir.client.getUserId());
assert.equal(banList.userRules.length, 1);
assert.equal(banList.allRules.length, 1);
// Test modifiying a rule
let originalEventId = await createPolicyRule(mjolnir.client, banListId, RULE_USER, '@modified:localhost:9999', '');
await banList.updateList();
let modifyingEventId = await createPolicyRule(mjolnir.client, banListId, RULE_USER, '@modified:localhost:9999', 'modified reason');
changes = await banList.updateList();
assert.equal(changes.length, 1);
assert.equal(changes[0].changeType, ChangeType.Modified);
assert.equal(changes[0].previousState['event_id'], originalEventId, 'There should be a previous state event for a modified rule');
assert.equal(changes[0].event['event_id'], modifyingEventId);
let modifyingAgainEventId = await createPolicyRule(mjolnir.client, banListId, RULE_USER, '@modified:localhost:9999', 'modified again');
changes = await banList.updateList();
assert.equal(changes.length, 1);
assert.equal(changes[0].changeType, ChangeType.Modified);
assert.equal(changes[0].previousState['event_id'], modifyingEventId, 'There should be a previous state event for a modified rule');
assert.equal(changes[0].event['event_id'], modifyingAgainEventId);
assert.equal(banList.userRules.length, 2, 'There should be two rules, one for @modified:localhost:9999 and one for @added:localhost:9999');
// Test redacting a rule
const redactThis = await createPolicyRule(mjolnir.client, banListId, RULE_USER, '@redacted:localhost:9999', '');
await banList.updateList();
assert.equal(banList.userRules.filter(r => r.entity === '@redacted:localhost:9999').length, 1);
await mjolnir.client.redactEvent(banListId, redactThis);
changes = await banList.updateList();
assert.equal(changes.length, 1);
assert.equal(changes[0].changeType, ChangeType.Removed);
assert.equal(changes[0].event['event_id'], redactThis, 'Should show the new version of the event with redacted content');
assert.equal(Object.keys(changes[0].event['content']).length, 0, 'Should show the new version of the event with redacted content');
assert.notEqual(Object.keys(changes[0].previousState['content']), 0, 'Should have a copy of the unredacted state');
assert.notEqual(changes[0].rule, undefined, 'The previous rule should be present');
assert.equal(banList.userRules.filter(r => r.entity === '@redacted:localhost:9999').length, 0, 'The rule should be removed.');
// Test soft redaction of a rule
const softRedactedEntity = '@softredacted:localhost:9999'
await createPolicyRule(mjolnir.client, banListId, RULE_USER, softRedactedEntity, '');
await banList.updateList();
assert.equal(banList.userRules.filter(r => r.entity === softRedactedEntity).length, 1);
await mjolnir.client.sendStateEvent(banListId, RULE_USER, `rule:${softRedactedEntity}`, {});
changes = await banList.updateList();
assert.equal(changes.length, 1);
assert.equal(changes[0].changeType, ChangeType.Removed);
assert.equal(Object.keys(changes[0].event['content']).length, 0, 'Should show the new version of the event with redacted content');
assert.notEqual(Object.keys(changes[0].previousState['content']), 0, 'Should have a copy of the unredacted state');
assert.notEqual(changes[0].rule, undefined, 'The previous rule should be present');
assert.equal(banList.userRules.filter(r => r.entity === softRedactedEntity).length, 0, 'The rule should have been removed');
// Now test a double soft redaction just to make sure stuff doesn't explode
await mjolnir.client.sendStateEvent(banListId, RULE_USER, `rule:${softRedactedEntity}`, {});
changes = await banList.updateList();
assert.equal(changes.length, 0, "It shouldn't detect a double soft redaction as a change, it should be seen as adding an invalid rule.");
assert.equal(banList.userRules.filter(r => r.entity === softRedactedEntity).length, 0, 'The rule should have been removed');
// Test that different (old) rule types will be modelled as the latest event type.
originalEventId = await createPolicyRule(mjolnir.client, banListId, 'org.matrix.mjolnir.rule.user', '@old:localhost:9999', '');
changes = await banList.updateList();
assert.equal(changes.length, 1);
assert.equal(changes[0].changeType, ChangeType.Added);
assert.equal(banList.userRules.filter(r => r.entity === '@old:localhost:9999').length, 1);
modifyingEventId = await createPolicyRule(mjolnir.client, banListId, 'm.room.rule.user', '@old:localhost:9999', 'modified reason');
changes = await banList.updateList();
assert.equal(changes.length, 1);
assert.equal(changes[0].changeType, ChangeType.Modified);
assert.equal(changes[0].event['event_id'], modifyingEventId);
assert.equal(changes[0].previousState['event_id'], originalEventId, 'There should be a previous state event for a modified rule');
assert.equal(banList.userRules.filter(r => r.entity === '@old:localhost:9999').length, 1);
modifyingAgainEventId = await createPolicyRule(mjolnir.client, banListId, RULE_USER, '@old:localhost:9999', 'changes again');
changes = await banList.updateList();
assert.equal(changes.length, 1);
assert.equal(changes[0].changeType, ChangeType.Modified);
assert.equal(changes[0].event['event_id'], modifyingAgainEventId);
assert.equal(changes[0].previousState['event_id'], modifyingEventId, 'There should be a previous state event for a modified rule');
assert.equal(banList.userRules.filter(r => r.entity === '@old:localhost:9999').length, 1);
it("Will remove rules with old types when they are 'soft redacted' with a different but more recent event type.", async function() {
const mjolnir: Mjolnir = this.mjolnir!
const moderator = await newTestUser(this.config.homeserverUrl, { name: { contains: "moderator" }} );
const banListId = await mjolnir.client.createRoom({ invite: [await moderator.getUserId()] });
const banList = new PolicyList(banListId, banListId, mjolnir.client);
await mjolnir.client.setUserPowerLevel(await moderator.getUserId(), banListId, 100);
const entity = '@old:localhost:9999';
let originalEventId = await createPolicyRule(mjolnir.client, banListId, 'm.room.rule.user', entity, '');
let changes = await banList.updateList();
assert.equal(changes.length, 1);
assert.equal(changes[0].changeType, ChangeType.Added);
assert.equal(banList.userRules.filter(rule => rule.entity === entity).length, 1, 'There should be a rule stored that we just added...')
let softRedactingEventId = await mjolnir.client.sendStateEvent(banListId, RULE_USER, `rule:${entity}`, {});
changes = await banList.updateList();
assert.equal(changes.length, 1);
assert.equal(changes[0].changeType, ChangeType.Removed);
assert.equal(changes[0].event['event_id'], softRedactingEventId);
assert.equal(changes[0].previousState['event_id'], originalEventId, 'There should be a previous state event for a modified rule');
assert.equal(banList.userRules.filter(rule => rule.entity === entity).length, 0, 'The rule should no longer be stored.');
it("A rule of the most recent type won't be deleted when an old rule is deleted for the same entity.", async function() {
const mjolnir: Mjolnir = this.mjolnir!
const moderator = await newTestUser(this.config.homeserverUrl, { name: { contains: "moderator" } });
const banListId = await mjolnir.client.createRoom({ invite: [await moderator.getUserId()] });
const banList = new PolicyList(banListId, banListId, mjolnir.client);
await mjolnir.client.setUserPowerLevel(await moderator.getUserId(), banListId, 100);
const entity = '@old:localhost:9999';
let originalEventId = await createPolicyRule(mjolnir.client, banListId, 'm.room.rule.user', entity, '');
let changes = await banList.updateList();
assert.equal(changes.length, 1);
assert.equal(changes[0].changeType, ChangeType.Added);
assert.equal(banList.userRules.filter(rule => rule.entity === entity).length, 1, 'There should be a rule stored that we just added...')
let updatedEventId = await createPolicyRule(mjolnir.client, banListId, RULE_USER, entity, '');
changes = await banList.updateList();
// If in the future you change this and it fails, it's really subjective whether this constitutes a modification, since the only thing that has changed
// is the rule type. The actual content is identical.
assert.equal(changes.length, 1);
assert.equal(changes[0].changeType, ChangeType.Modified);
assert.equal(changes[0].event['event_id'], updatedEventId);
assert.equal(changes[0].previousState['event_id'], originalEventId, 'There should be a previous state event for a modified rule');
assert.equal(banList.userRules.filter(rule => rule.entity === entity).length, 1, 'Only the latest version of the rule gets returned.');
// Now we delete the old version of the rule without consequence.
await mjolnir.client.sendStateEvent(banListId, 'm.room.rule.user', `rule:${entity}`, {});
changes = await banList.updateList();
assert.equal(changes.length, 0);
assert.equal(banList.userRules.filter(rule => rule.entity === entity).length, 1, 'The rule should still be active.');
// And we can still delete the new version of the rule.
let softRedactingEventId = await mjolnir.client.sendStateEvent(banListId, RULE_USER, `rule:${entity}`, {});
changes = await banList.updateList();
assert.equal(changes.length, 1);
assert.equal(changes[0].changeType, ChangeType.Removed);
assert.equal(changes[0].event['event_id'], softRedactingEventId);
assert.equal(changes[0].previousState['event_id'], updatedEventId, 'There should be a previous state event for a modified rule');
assert.equal(banList.userRules.filter(rule => rule.entity === entity).length, 0, 'The rule should no longer be stored.');
it('Test: PolicyList Supports all entity types.', async function () {
const mjolnir: Mjolnir = this.mjolnir!
const banListId = await mjolnir.client.createRoom();
const banList = new PolicyList(banListId, banListId, mjolnir.client);
for (let i = 0; i < ALL_RULE_TYPES.length; i++) {
await createPolicyRule(mjolnir.client, banListId, ALL_RULE_TYPES[i], `*${i}*`, '');
let changes: ListRuleChange[] = await banList.updateList();
assert.equal(changes.length, ALL_RULE_TYPES.length);
assert.equal(banList.allRules.length, ALL_RULE_TYPES.length);
describe('Test: We do not respond to recommendations other than m.ban in the PolicyList', function() {
it('Will not respond to a rule that has a different recommendation to m.ban (or the unstable equivalent).', async function() {
const mjolnir: Mjolnir = this.mjolnir!
const banListId = await mjolnir.client.createRoom();
const banList = new PolicyList(banListId, banListId, mjolnir.client);
await createPolicyRule(mjolnir.client, banListId, RULE_SERVER, 'exmaple.org', '', { recommendation: 'something that is not m.ban' });
let changes: ListRuleChange[] = await banList.updateList();
assert.equal(changes.length, 1, 'There should only be one change');
assert.equal(changes[0].changeType, ChangeType.Added);
assert.equal(changes[0].sender, await mjolnir.client.getUserId());
// We really don't want things that aren't m.ban to end up being accessible in these APIs.
assert.equal(banList.serverRules.length, 0, `We should have an empty serverRules, got ${JSON.stringify(banList.serverRules)}`);
assert.equal(banList.allRules.length, 0, `We should have an empty allRules, got ${JSON.stringify(banList.allRules)}`);
describe('Test: We will not be able to ban ourselves via ACL.', function() {
it('We do not ban ourselves when we put ourselves into the policy list.', async function() {
const mjolnir: Mjolnir = this.mjolnir
const serverName = new UserID(await mjolnir.client.getUserId()).domain;
const banListId = await mjolnir.client.createRoom();
const banList = new PolicyList(banListId, banListId, mjolnir.client);
await createPolicyRule(mjolnir.client, banListId, RULE_SERVER, serverName, '');
await createPolicyRule(mjolnir.client, banListId, RULE_SERVER, 'evil.com', '');
await createPolicyRule(mjolnir.client, banListId, RULE_SERVER, '*', '');
// We should still intern the matching rules rule.
let changes: ListRuleChange[] = await banList.updateList();
assert.equal(banList.serverRules.length, 3);
// But when we construct an ACL, we should be safe.
const acl = new ServerAcl(serverName)
changes.forEach(change => acl.denyServer(change.rule.entity));
assert.equal(acl.safeAclContent().deny.length, 1);
assert.equal(acl.literalAclContent().deny.length, 3);
describe('Test: ACL updates will batch when rules are added in succession.', function() {
it('Will batch ACL updates if we spam rules into a PolicyList', async function() {
const mjolnir: Mjolnir = this.mjolnir!
const serverName: string = new UserID(await mjolnir.client.getUserId()).domain
const moderator = await newTestUser(this.config.homeserverUrl, { name: { contains: "moderator" } });
await moderator.joinRoom(mjolnir.managementRoomId);
const mjolnirId = await mjolnir.client.getUserId();
// Setup some protected rooms so we can check their ACL state later.
const protectedRooms: string[] = [];
for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
const room = await moderator.createRoom({ invite: [mjolnirId] });
await mjolnir.client.joinRoom(room);
await moderator.setUserPowerLevel(mjolnirId, room, 100);
await mjolnir.addProtectedRoom(room);
// If a previous test hasn't cleaned up properly, these rooms will be populated by bogus ACLs at this point.
await mjolnir.syncLists();
await Promise.all(protectedRooms.map(async room => {
// We're going to need timeline pagination I'm afraid.
const roomAcl = await mjolnir.client.getRoomStateEvent(room, "m.room.server_acl", "");
assert.equal(roomAcl?.deny?.length ?? 0, 0, 'There should be no entries in the deny ACL.');
// Flood the watched list with banned servers, which should prompt Mjolnir to update server ACL in protected rooms.
const banListId = await moderator.createRoom({ invite: [mjolnirId] });
await mjolnir.client.joinRoom(banListId);
await mjolnir.watchList(Permalinks.forRoom(banListId));
const acl = new ServerAcl(serverName).denyIpAddresses().allowServer("*");
const evilServerCount = 200;
for (let i = 0; i < evilServerCount; i++) {
const badServer = `${i}.evil.com`;
await createPolicyRule(moderator, banListId, RULE_SERVER, badServer, `Rule #${i}`);
// Give them a bit of a spread over time.
await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 5));
// We do this because it should force us to wait until all the ACL events have been applied.
// Even if that does mean the last few events will not go through batching...
await mjolnir.syncLists();
// At this point we check that the state within Mjolnir is internally consistent, this is just because debugging the following
// is a pita.
const list: PolicyList = this.mjolnir.policyLists[0]!;
assert.equal(list.serverRules.length, evilServerCount, `There should be ${evilServerCount} rules in here`);
// Check each of the protected rooms for ACL events and make sure they were batched and are correct.
await Promise.all(protectedRooms.map(async room => {
const roomAcl = await mjolnir.client.getRoomStateEvent(room, "m.room.server_acl", "");
if (!acl.matches(roomAcl)) {
assert.fail(`Room ${room} doesn't have the correct ACL: ${JSON.stringify(roomAcl, null, 2)}`)
let aclEventCount = 0;
await getMessagesByUserIn(mjolnir.client, mjolnirId, room, 100, events => {
events.forEach(event => event.type === 'm.room.server_acl' ? aclEventCount += 1 : null);
LogService.debug('PolicyListTest', `aclEventCount: ${aclEventCount}`);
// If there's less than two then it means the ACL was updated by this test calling `this.mjolnir!.syncLists()`
// and not the listener that detects changes to ban lists (that we want to test!).
// It used to be 10, but it was too low, 30 seems better for CI.
assert.equal(aclEventCount < 30 && aclEventCount > 2, true, 'We should have sent less than 30 ACL events to each room because they should be batched')
describe('Test: unbaning entities via the PolicyList.', function() {
afterEach(function() { this.moderator?.stop(); });
it('Will remove rules that have legacy types', async function() {
const mjolnir: Mjolnir = this.mjolnir!
const serverName: string = new UserID(await mjolnir.client.getUserId()).domain
const moderator = await newTestUser(this.config.homeserverUrl, { name: { contains: "moderator" } });
this.moderator = moderator;
await moderator.joinRoom(mjolnir.managementRoomId);
const mjolnirId = await mjolnir.client.getUserId();
// We'll make 1 protected room to test ACLs in.
const protectedRoom = await moderator.createRoom({ invite: [mjolnirId] });
await mjolnir.client.joinRoom(protectedRoom);
await moderator.setUserPowerLevel(mjolnirId, protectedRoom, 100);
await mjolnir.addProtectedRoom(protectedRoom);
// If a previous test hasn't cleaned up properly, these rooms will be populated by bogus ACLs at this point.
await mjolnir.syncLists();
// If this is not present, then it means the room isn't being protected, which is really bad.
const roomAcl = await mjolnir.client.getRoomStateEvent(protectedRoom, "m.room.server_acl", "");
assert.equal(roomAcl?.deny?.length ?? 0, 0, 'There should be no entries in the deny ACL.');
// Create some legacy rules on a PolicyList.
const banListId = await moderator.createRoom({ invite: [mjolnirId] });
await moderator.setUserPowerLevel(await mjolnir.client.getUserId(), banListId, 100);
await moderator.sendStateEvent(banListId, 'org.matrix.mjolnir.shortcode', '', { shortcode: "unban-test" });
await mjolnir.client.joinRoom(banListId);
await mjolnir.watchList(Permalinks.forRoom(banListId));
// we use this to compare changes.
const banList = new PolicyList(banListId, banListId, moderator);
// we need two because we need to test the case where an entity has all rule types in the list
// and another one that only has one (so that we would hit 404 while looking up state)
const olderBadServer = "old.evil.example"
const newerBadServer = "new.evil.example"
await Promise.all(SERVER_RULE_TYPES.map(type => createPolicyRule(moderator, banListId, type, olderBadServer, 'gregg rulz ok')));
await createPolicyRule(moderator, banListId, RULE_SERVER, newerBadServer, 'this is bad sort it out.');
await createPolicyRule(moderator, banListId, RULE_SERVER, newerBadServer, 'hidden with a non-standard state key', undefined, "rule_1");
// Wait for the ACL event to be applied to our protected room.
await this.mjolnir!.syncLists();
await banList.updateList();
// rules are normalized by rule type, that's why there should only be 3.
assert.equal(banList.allRules.length, 3);
// Check that we have setup our test properly and therefore evil.example is banned.
const acl = new ServerAcl(serverName).denyIpAddresses().allowServer("*").denyServer(olderBadServer).denyServer(newerBadServer);
const protectedAcl = await mjolnir.client.getRoomStateEvent(protectedRoom, "m.room.server_acl", "");
if (!acl.matches(protectedAcl)) {
assert.fail(`Room ${protectedRoom} doesn't have the correct ACL: ${JSON.stringify(roomAcl, null, 2)}`);
// Now unban the servers, we will go via the unban command for completeness sake.
try {
await moderator.start();
for (const server of [olderBadServer, newerBadServer]) {
await getFirstReaction(moderator, mjolnir.managementRoomId, '✅', async () => {
return await moderator.sendMessage(mjolnir.managementRoomId, { msgtype: 'm.text', body: `!mjolnir unban unban-test server ${server}` });
} finally {
// Wait for mjolnir to sync protected rooms to update ACL.
await mjolnir.syncLists();
// Confirm that the server is unbanned.
await banList.updateList();
assert.equal(banList.allRules.length, 0);
const aclAfter = await mjolnir.client.getRoomStateEvent(protectedRoom, "m.room.server_acl", "");
assert.equal(aclAfter.deny.length, 0, 'Should be no servers denied anymore');
describe('Test: should apply bans to the most recently active rooms first', function() {
it('Applies bans to the most recently active rooms first', async function() {
const mjolnir: Mjolnir = this.mjolnir!
const serverName: string = new UserID(await mjolnir.client.getUserId()).domain
const moderator = await newTestUser(this.config.homeserverUrl, { name: { contains: "moderator" } });
await moderator.joinRoom(mjolnir.managementRoomId);
const mjolnirId = await mjolnir.client.getUserId();
// Setup some protected rooms so we can check their ACL state later.
const protectedRooms: string[] = [];
for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
const room = await moderator.createRoom({ invite: [mjolnirId] });
await mjolnir.client.joinRoom(room);
await moderator.setUserPowerLevel(mjolnirId, room, 100);
await mjolnir.addProtectedRoom(room);
// If a previous test hasn't cleaned up properly, these rooms will be populated by bogus ACLs at this point.
await mjolnir.syncLists();
await Promise.all(protectedRooms.map(async room => {
const roomAcl = await mjolnir.client.getRoomStateEvent(room, "m.room.server_acl", "").catch(e => e.statusCode === 404 ? { deny: [] } : Promise.reject(e));
assert.equal(roomAcl?.deny?.length ?? 0, 0, 'There should be no entries in the deny ACL.');
// Flood the watched list with banned servers, which should prompt Mjolnir to update server ACL in protected rooms.
const banListId = await moderator.createRoom({ invite: [mjolnirId] });
await mjolnir.client.joinRoom(banListId);
await mjolnir.watchList(Permalinks.forRoom(banListId));
await mjolnir.syncLists();
// shuffle protected rooms https://stackoverflow.com/a/12646864, we do this so we can create activity "randomly" in them.
for (let i = protectedRooms.length - 1; i > 0; i--) {
const j = Math.floor(Math.random() * (i + 1));
[protectedRooms[i], protectedRooms[j]] = [protectedRooms[j], protectedRooms[i]];
// create some activity in the same order.
for (const roomId of protectedRooms.slice().reverse()) {
await mjolnir.client.sendMessage(roomId, { body: `activity`, msgtype: 'm.text' });
await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 100));
// check the rooms are in the expected order
for (let i = 0; i < protectedRooms.length; i++) {
assert.equal(mjolnir.protectedRoomsByActivity()[i], protectedRooms[i]);
const badServer = `evil.com`;
// just ban one server
const acl = new ServerAcl(serverName).denyIpAddresses().allowServer("*").denyServer(badServer);
await createPolicyRule(moderator, banListId, RULE_SERVER, badServer, `Rule ${badServer}`);
// Wait until all the ACL events have been applied.
await mjolnir.syncLists();
for (let i = 0; i < protectedRooms.length; i++) {
assert.equal(mjolnir.protectedRoomsByActivity()[i], protectedRooms.at(-i - 1));
// Check that the most recently active rooms got the ACL update first.
let last_event_ts = 0;
for (const roomId of protectedRooms) {
let roomAclEvent: null | any;
// Can't be the best way to get the whole event, but ok.
await getMessagesByUserIn(mjolnir.client, mjolnirId, roomId, 1, events => roomAclEvent = events[0]);
const roomAcl = roomAclEvent!.content;
if (!acl.matches(roomAcl)) {
assert.fail(`Room ${roomId} doesn't have the correct ACL: ${JSON.stringify(roomAcl, null, 2)}`)
assert.equal(roomAclEvent.origin_server_ts > last_event_ts, true, `This room was more recently active so should have the more recent timestamp`);
last_event_ts = roomAclEvent.origin_server_ts;