gnuxie 1a65122b0d Initial Ruleserver prototype.
This is an experimental ruleserver that will serve the combined rules from
the active policy lists to a Synapse module over a web api.
This makes it easier to communicate changes in policy lists to Synapse workers
that do not have an immediate view over all of the policy rooms at
the same time.
This also allows us to express moderation actions to the homeserver
beyond what is currently expressible via MSC2313 policy
2022-01-21 12:13:04 +00:00

194 lines
7.7 KiB

# This configuration file is for the integration tests run by yarn:integration.
# Unless you're working on the test suite, you should probably rather check
# default.yaml!
# Where the homeserver is located (client-server URL). This should point at
# pantalaimon if you're using that.
homeserverUrl: "http://localhost:8081"
# Where the homeserver is located (client-server URL). NOT pantalaimon.
rawHomeserverUrl: "http://localhost:8081"
# README: We use the Pantalaimon client WITHOUT Pantalaimon itself in tests (and the manual test)
# as an easy way to login with passwords from the config without having
# to resolve a chicken-vs-egg problem in regards to access tokens.
# Pantalaimon options (https://github.com/matrix-org/pantalaimon)
# If true, accessToken above is ignored and the username/password below will be
# used instead. The access token of the bot will be stored in the dataPath.
use: true
# The username to login with.
username: mjolnir
# The password to login with. Can be removed after the bot has logged in once and
# stored the access token.
password: mjolnir
# The directory the bot should store various bits of information in
dataPath: "./test/harness/mjolnir-data/"
# If true (the default), only users in the `managementRoom` can invite the bot
# to new rooms.
autojoinOnlyIfManager: true
# If `autojoinOnlyIfManager` is false, only the members in this group can invite
# the bot to new rooms.
acceptInvitesFromGroup: '+example:example.org'
# If the bot is invited to a room and it won't accept the invite (due to the
# conditions above), report it to the management room. Defaults to disabled (no
# reporting).
recordIgnoredInvites: false
# The room ID where people can use the bot. The bot has no access controls, so
# anyone in this room can use the bot - secure your room!
# This should be a room alias or room ID - not a matrix.to URL.
# Note: Mjolnir is fairly verbose - expect a lot of messages from it.
managementRoom: "#moderators:localhost:9999"
# Set to false to make the management room a bit quieter.
verboseLogging: true
# The log level for the logs themselves. One of DEBUG, INFO, WARN, and ERROR.
# This should be at INFO or DEBUG in order to get support for Mjolnir problems.
logLevel: "DEBUG"
# Set to false to disable synchronizing the ban lists on startup. If true, this
# is the same as running !mjolnir sync immediately after startup.
syncOnStartup: true
# Set to false to prevent Mjolnir from checking its permissions on startup. This
# is recommended to be left as "true" to catch room permission problems (state
# resets, etc) before Mjolnir is needed.
verifyPermissionsOnStartup: true
# If true, Mjolnir won't actually ban users or apply server ACLs, but will
# think it has. This is useful to see what it does in a scenario where the
# bot might not be trusted fully, yet. Default false (do bans/ACLs).
noop: false
# Set to true to use /joined_members instead of /state to figure out who is
# in the room. Using /state is preferred because it means that users are
# banned when they are invited instead of just when they join, though if your
# server struggles with /state requests then set this to true.
fasterMembershipChecks: false
# A case-insensitive list of ban reasons to automatically redact a user's
# messages for. Typically this is useful to avoid having to type two commands
# to the bot. Use asterisks to represent globs (ie: "spam*testing" would match
# "spam for testing" as well as "spamtesting").
- "spam"
- "advertising"
# A list of rooms to protect (matrix.to URLs)
protectedRooms: []
# Set this option to true to protect every room the bot is joined to. Note that
# this effectively makes the protectedRooms and associated commands useless because
# the bot by nature must be joined to the room to protect it.
# Note: the management room is *excluded* from this condition. Add it to the
# protected rooms to protect it.
# Note: ban list rooms the bot is watching but didn't create will not be protected.
# Manually add these rooms to the protected rooms list if you want them protected.
protectAllJoinedRooms: false
# Misc options for command handling and commands
# If true, Mjolnir will respond to commands like !help and !ban instead of
# requiring a prefix. This is useful if Mjolnir is the only bot running in
# your management room.
# Note that Mjolnir can be pinged by display name instead of having to use
# the !mjolnir prefix. For example, "my_moderator_bot: ban @spammer:example.org"
# will ban a user.
allowNoPrefix: false
# In addition to the bot's display name, !mjolnir, and optionally no prefix
# above, the bot will respond to these names. The items here can be used either
# as display names or prefixed with exclamation points.
- "mjolnir_bot"
# If true, ban commands that use wildcard characters require confirmation with
# an extra `--force` argument
confirmWildcardBan: true
# Configuration specific to certain toggleable protections
# Configuration for the wordlist plugin, which can ban users based if they say certain
# blocked words shortly after joining.
# A list of words which should be monitored by the bot. These will match if any part
# of the word is present in the message in any case. e.g. "hello" also matches
# "HEllO". Additionally, regular expressions can be used.
- "CaSe"
- "InSeNsAtIve"
- "WoRd"
- "LiSt"
# How long after a user joins the server should the bot monitor their messages. After
# this time, users can say words from the wordlist without being banned automatically.
# Set to zero to disable (users will always be banned if they say a bad word)
minutesBeforeTrusting: 20
# Options for monitoring the health of the bot
# healthz options. These options are best for use in container environments
# like Kubernetes to detect how healthy the service is. The bot will report
# that it is unhealthy until it is able to process user requests. Typically
# this means that it'll flag itself as unhealthy for a number of minutes
# before saying "Now monitoring rooms" and flagging itself healthy.
# Health is flagged through HTTP status codes, defined below.
# Whether the healthz integration should be enabled (default false)
enabled: false
# The port to expose the webserver on. Defaults to 8080.
port: 8080
# The address to listen for requests on. Defaults to all addresses.
address: ""
# The path to expose the monitoring endpoint at. Defaults to `/healthz`
endpoint: "/healthz"
# The HTTP status code which reports that the bot is healthy/ready to
# process requests. Typically this should not be changed. Defaults to
# 200.
healthyStatus: 200
# The HTTP status code which reports that the bot is not healthy/ready.
# Defaults to 418.
unhealthyStatus: 418
# Options for exposing web APIs.
# Whether to enable web APIs.
enabled: true
# The port to expose the webserver on. Defaults to 8080.
port: 8082
# The address to listen for requests on. Defaults to all addresses.
# Be careful with this setting, as opening to the wide web will increase
# your security perimeter.
# We listen on all in harness because we might be getting requests through the docker gateway.
address: ""
# A web API designed to intercept Matrix API
# POST /_matrix/client/r0/rooms/{roomId}/report/{eventId}
# and display readable abuse reports in the moderation room.
# Whether to enable this feature.
enabled: true
# A web API for a description of all the combined rules from watched banlists.
# GET /api/1/ruleserver/updates
enabled: true