gnuxie eeaa9d3aa1 Use the npm package config to load the config.
This is what was used prior to https://github.com/matrix-org/mjolnir/pull/347.
It was a nice idea motivated to drop a dependency that was confusing.
It was just never followed through and was underestimated how much disruption it would cause.
It was also believed that the library would mean there could only ever be one global copy of the config,
It was followed up by:

For simplicity sake I am reinstating the library.
The practice of loading default.yaml by default is also dangerous
and has led to issues multiple times in #mjolnir:matrix.org.
It is a sample and not a default.

In a following commit I will be adding the ability to specify the
config to use from the cli.
2022-11-22 15:10:42 +00:00

64 lines
2.3 KiB

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"description": "A moderation tool for Matrix",
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