import { strict as assert } from "assert"; import { getRequestFn } from "matrix-bot-sdk"; import { IConfig } from "../../src/config"; async function fetchMetrics(config: IConfig): Promise { if (! { throw new TypeError("openMetrics deactivated, cannot fetch"); } let uri = new URL("http://localhost"); uri.port = `${!.port}`; uri.pathname =!.endpoint; return await new Promise((resolve, reject) => getRequestFn()({ method: "GET", uri }, (error: object, _response: any, body: string) => { if (error) { reject(error); } else { resolve(body); } }) ); } describe("Test that we can read metrics using the API", function() { it('can fetch default metrics', async function() { console.debug("config", this.mjolnir.config); let metrics = await fetchMetrics(this.mjolnir.config); console.debug("Got metrics", metrics); // Sample of Prometheus-recommended metrics. for (let name of ["process_cpu_seconds_total"]) { assert(metrics.includes(name), `Metrics should contain default metric \`${name}\``); } // Sample of metrics that we're injecting. for (let name of ["mjolnir_performance_http_request_sum", "mjolnir_status_api_request_pass", "mjolnir_status_api_request_fail"]) { assert(metrics.includes(name), `Metrics should contain custom metric \`${name}\``); } }) });