import { strict as assert } from "assert"; import { newTestUser } from "./clientHelper"; import { getMessagesByUserIn } from "../../src/utils"; /** * Ensure that Mjolnir paginates only the necessary segment of the room timeline when backfilling. */ describe("Test: timeline pagination", function () { it('does not paginate across the entire room history while backfilling.', async function() { this.timeout(60000); // Create a few users and a room. let badUser = await newTestUser({ name: { contains: "spammer" }}); let badUserId = await badUser.getUserId(); let moderator = await newTestUser({ name: { contains: "moderator" }}); let targetRoom = await moderator.createRoom({ invite: [await badUser.getUserId()]}); await badUser.joinRoom(targetRoom); // send some irrelevant messages await Promise.all([...Array(200).keys()].map((i) => moderator.sendMessage(targetRoom, {msgtype: 'm.text.', body: `Irrelevant Message #${i}`}))); // bad guy sends 5 messages for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) { await badUser.sendMessage(targetRoom, {msgtype: 'm.text', body: "Very Bad Stuff"}); } // send some irrelevant messages await Promise.all([...Array(50).keys()].map((i) => moderator.sendMessage(targetRoom, {msgtype: 'm.text.', body: `Irrelevant Message #${i}`}))); // bad guy sends 1 extra message at the most recent edge of the timeline. await badUser.sendMessage(targetRoom, {msgtype: 'm.text', body: "Very Bad Stuff"}); // then call this paignator and ensure that we don't go across the entire room history. let cbCount = 0; let eventCount = 0; await getMessagesByUserIn(moderator, badUserId, targetRoom, 1000, function(events) { cbCount += 1; eventCount += events.length; => assert.equal(e.sender, badUserId, "All the events should be from the same sender")); }); assert.equal(cbCount, 1, "The callback only needs to be called once with all the messages because the events should be filtered."); assert.equal(eventCount, 7, "There shouldn't be any more events (1 member event and 6 messages), and they should all be from the same account."); }) it('does not call the callback with an empty array when there are no relevant events', async function() { this.timeout(60000); let badUser = await newTestUser({ name: { contains: "spammer" }}); let badUserId = await badUser.getUserId(); let moderator = await newTestUser({ name: { contains: "moderator" }}); let targetRoom = await moderator.createRoom(); // send some irrelevant messages await Promise.all([...Array(200).keys()].map((i) => moderator.sendMessage(targetRoom, {msgtype: 'm.text.', body: `Irrelevant Message #${i}`}))); // The callback should not be called. let cbCount = 0; await getMessagesByUserIn(moderator, badUserId, targetRoom, 1000, (events) => { cbCount += 1; }); assert.equal(cbCount, 0, "The callback should never get called"); }) it("The limit provided is respected", async function() { this.timeout(60000); let badUser = await newTestUser({ name: { contains: "spammer" }}); let badUserId = await badUser.getUserId(); let moderator = await newTestUser({ name: { contains: "moderator" }}); let targetRoom = await moderator.createRoom({ invite: [await badUser.getUserId()]}); await badUser.joinRoom(targetRoom); // send some bad person messages // bad guy sends 5 messages at the start of the timeline for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) { await badUser.sendMessage(targetRoom, {msgtype: 'm.text', body: "Very Bad Stuff"}); } // send some irrelevant messages await Promise.all([...Array(200).keys()].map((i) => moderator.sendMessage(targetRoom, {msgtype: 'm.text.', body: `Irrelevant Message #${i}`}))); let cbCount = 0; await getMessagesByUserIn(moderator, "*spammer*", targetRoom, 200, (events) => { cbCount += 1; }); // Remember that the limit is the number of events that getMessagesByUserIn has checked against the glob, // not the number of events to provide to the callback. // E.g. we don't want to paginate to the beginning of history just because less than 200 events match the glob, // which is very likely if a user has only just started sending messages. assert.equal(cbCount, 0, "The callback should never be called as the limit should be reached beforehand."); await getMessagesByUserIn(moderator, "*spammer*", targetRoom, 205, (events) => { cbCount += 1; => assert.equal(e.sender, badUserId, "All the events should be from the same sender")); }); assert.equal(cbCount, 1, "The callback should be called once with events matching the glob."); }); it("Gives the events to the callback ordered by youngest first (even more important when the limit is reached halfway through a chunk).", async function() { this.timeout(60000); let moderator = await newTestUser({ name: { contains: "moderator" }}); let moderatorId = await moderator.getUserId(); let targetRoom = await moderator.createRoom(); for (let i = 0; i < 20; i++) { await moderator.sendMessage(targetRoom, {msgtype: 'm.text.', body: `${i}`}) } await getMessagesByUserIn(moderator, moderatorId, targetRoom, 5, (events) => { let messageNumbers = => parseInt(event.content.body, 10)); => assert.equal(n >= 15, true, "The youngest events should be given to the callback first.")) }); }) });