import { strict as assert } from "assert"; import { UserID } from "matrix-bot-sdk"; import { Suite } from "mocha"; import { Mjolnir } from "../../src/Mjolnir"; import { DetectFederationLag, LAG_STATE_EVENT } from "../../src/protections/DetectFederationLag"; import { getFirstReply } from "./commands/commandUtils"; import { newTestUser } from "./clientHelper"; const LOCAL_HOMESERVER_LAG_ENTER_WARNING_ZONE_MS = 180_000; const LOCAL_HOMESERVER_LAG_EXIT_WARNING_ZONE_MS = 100_000; const FEDERATED_HOMESERVER_LAG_ENTER_WARNING_ZONE_MS = 300_000; const FEDERATED_HOMESERVER_LAG_EXIT_WARNING_ZONE_MS = 200_000; const BUCKET_DURATION_MS = 100; const SAMPLE_SIZE = 100; const NUMBER_OF_LAGGING_FEDERATED_HOMESERVERS_ENTER_WARNING_ZONE = 2; const RE_STATS = /(\{(:?.|\n)*\})[^}]*$/m; describe("Test: DetectFederationLag protection", function() { // In this entire test, we call `handleEvent` directly, injecting // - events that simulate lag; // - a progression through time, to make sure that histograms get processed. beforeEach(async function() { // Setup an instance of DetectFederationLag this.detector = new DetectFederationLag(); await this.mjolnir.protectionManager.registerProtection(this.detector); await this.mjolnir.protectionManager.enableProtection("DetectFederationLag"); // Setup a moderator. this.moderator = await newTestUser(this.config.homeserverUrl, { name: { contains: "moderator" } }); await this.moderator.joinRoom(this.mjolnir.managementRoomId); const SETTINGS = { // The protection should kick in immediately. initialDelayGrace: 0, // Make histograms progress quickly. bucketDuration: BUCKET_DURATION_MS, // Three homeservers should be sufficient to raise an alert. numberOfLaggingFederatedHomeserversEnterWarningZone: NUMBER_OF_LAGGING_FEDERATED_HOMESERVERS_ENTER_WARNING_ZONE, localHomeserverLagEnterWarningZone: LOCAL_HOMESERVER_LAG_ENTER_WARNING_ZONE_MS, localHomeserverLagExitWarningZone: LOCAL_HOMESERVER_LAG_EXIT_WARNING_ZONE_MS, federatedHomeserverLagEnterWarningZone: FEDERATED_HOMESERVER_LAG_ENTER_WARNING_ZONE_MS, federatedHomeserverLagExitWarningZone: FEDERATED_HOMESERVER_LAG_EXIT_WARNING_ZONE_MS, }; for (let key of Object.keys(SETTINGS)) { this.detector.settings[key].setValue(SETTINGS[key]); } this.localDomain = new UserID(await this.mjolnir.client.getUserId()).domain; this.protectedRoomId = `!room1:${this.localDomain}`; this.mjolnir.addProtectedRoom(this.protectedRoomId); this.simulateLag = async (senders: string[], lag: number, start: Date) => { const content = {}; const origin_server_ts = start.getTime() - lag; for (let i = 0; i < SAMPLE_SIZE; ++i) { // We call directly `this.detector.handleEvent` to be able to forge old values of `origin_server_ts`. await this.detector.handleEvent(this.mjolnir, this.protectedRoomId, { sender: senders[i % senders.length], origin_server_ts, content, }, // Make sure that time progresses through histogram buckets. simulateDate(start, i) ); } }; this.getAlertEvent = async () => { try { let event = await this.mjolnir.client.getRoomStateEvent(this.mjolnir.managementRoomId, LAG_STATE_EVENT, this.protectedRoomId); if (Object.keys(event).length == 0) { // Event was redacted. return null; } return event; } catch (ex) { // No such event. return null; } }; this.getCommandStatus = async () => { const protectedRoomReply = await getFirstReply(this.mjolnir.client, this.mjolnir.managementRoomId, () => { const command = `!mjolnir status protection DetectFederationLag ${this.protectedRoomId}`; return this.moderator.sendMessage(this.mjolnir.managementRoomId, { msgtype: 'm.text', body: command }); }); const globalReply = await getFirstReply(this.mjolnir.client, this.mjolnir.managementRoomId, () => { const command = `!mjolnir status protection DetectFederationLag *`; return this.moderator.sendMessage(this.mjolnir.managementRoomId, { msgtype: 'm.text', body: command }); }); const protectedRoomStatsStr = protectedRoomReply.content.body.match(RE_STATS)[0]; const globalStatsStr = globalReply.content.body.match(RE_STATS)[0]; return { protectedRoomStats: protectedRoomStatsStr ? JSON.parse(protectedRoomStatsStr) : null, globalStats: globalStatsStr ? JSON.parse(globalStatsStr) : null, } } }); afterEach(async function() { await this.detector.cleanup(); this.detector.dispose(); await this.moderator?.stop(); }); let simulateDate = (start: Date, progress: number = SAMPLE_SIZE) => new Date(start.getTime() + 2 * progress * BUCKET_DURATION_MS / SAMPLE_SIZE); it('DetectFederationLag doesn\'t detect lag when there isn\'t any', async function() { this.timeout(60000); const MULTIPLIERS = [0, 0.5, 0.9]; // In this test, all the events we send have a lag < {local, federated}HomeserverLagEnterWarningZoneMS. const start = new Date(); // Ensure that no alert has been emitted yet. assert.equal(await this.getAlertEvent(), null, "Initially, there should be no alert"); // First, let's send events from the local homeserver. const LOCAL_SENDERS = [`@local_user:${this.localDomain}`]; for (let multiplier of MULTIPLIERS) { const LAG = multiplier * LOCAL_HOMESERVER_LAG_ENTER_WARNING_ZONE_MS; await this.simulateLag(LOCAL_SENDERS, LAG, start); assert.equal(await this.getAlertEvent(), null, `We have sent lots of local pseudo-events with a small lag of ${LAG}, there should be NO alert`); } // Three distinct remote servers should be sufficient to trigger an alert, if they all lag. const REMOTE_SENDERS = [ "", "", "", ]; for (let multiplier of MULTIPLIERS) { const LAG = multiplier * FEDERATED_HOMESERVER_LAG_ENTER_WARNING_ZONE_MS; await this.simulateLag(REMOTE_SENDERS, LAG, start); assert.equal(await this.getAlertEvent(), null, `We have sent lots of remote pseudo-events with a small lag of ${LAG}, there should be NO alert`); } const {protectedRoomStats, globalStats} = await this.getCommandStatus(); assert.ok(protectedRoomStats, "We should see stats for our room"); assert.ok(protectedRoomStats.min >= 0, `min ${protectedRoomStats.min} >= 0`); assert.ok(protectedRoomStats.min < protectedRoomStats.max); assert.ok(protectedRoomStats.mean > 0); assert.ok(protectedRoomStats.mean < protectedRoomStats.max); assert.ok(protectedRoomStats.median < protectedRoomStats.max); assert.ok(protectedRoomStats.median > 0); assert.ok(protectedRoomStats.max >= MULTIPLIERS[MULTIPLIERS.length - 1] * FEDERATED_HOMESERVER_LAG_ENTER_WARNING_ZONE_MS); assert.ok(protectedRoomStats.max < FEDERATED_HOMESERVER_LAG_ENTER_WARNING_ZONE_MS); assert.deepEqual(globalStats, { [this.protectedRoomId]: protectedRoomStats }); }); it('DetectFederationLag detects lag on local homeserver', async function() { this.timeout(60000); // In this test, all the events we send have a lag > localHomeserverLagEnterWarningZoneMS. const start = new Date(); const stop = simulateDate(start); // Ensure that no alert has been emitted yet. assert.equal(await this.getAlertEvent(), null, "Initially, there should be no alert"); // Simulate lagging events from the local homeserver. This should trigger an alarm. const SENDERS = [`@local_user_1:${this.localDomain}`]; await this.simulateLag(SENDERS, 1.5 * LOCAL_HOMESERVER_LAG_ENTER_WARNING_ZONE_MS, start); let lagEvent = await this.getAlertEvent(); console.debug(lagEvent); assert(lagEvent, "Local lag should be reported"); assert.equal(JSON.stringify(, JSON.stringify([this.localDomain]), "Lag report should mention only the local domain"); assert.equal(lagEvent.roomId, this.protectedRoomId, "Lag report should mention the right room"); assert(new Date(lagEvent.since) >= start, "Lag report should have happened since `now`"); assert(new Date(lagEvent.since) < stop, "Lag should have been detected before the end of the bombardment"); { const {protectedRoomStats, globalStats} = await this.getCommandStatus(); assert.ok(protectedRoomStats, "We should see stats for our room"); assert.ok(protectedRoomStats.min >= 0, `min ${protectedRoomStats.min} >= 0`); assert.ok(protectedRoomStats.min < protectedRoomStats.max); assert.ok(protectedRoomStats.mean > 0); assert.ok(protectedRoomStats.mean < protectedRoomStats.max); assert.ok(protectedRoomStats.median < protectedRoomStats.max); assert.ok(protectedRoomStats.median > 0); assert.ok(protectedRoomStats.max >= 1.5 * LOCAL_HOMESERVER_LAG_ENTER_WARNING_ZONE_MS); assert.deepEqual(globalStats, { [this.protectedRoomId]: protectedRoomStats }) } // Simulate non-lagging events from the local homeserver. After a while, this should rescind the alarm. // We switch to a new (pseudo-)user to simplify reading logs. const SENDERS_2 = [`@local_user_2:${this.localDomain}`]; const start2 = new Date(stop.getTime() + 1_000); await this.simulateLag(SENDERS_2, 0.75 * LOCAL_HOMESERVER_LAG_EXIT_WARNING_ZONE_MS, start2); assert.equal(await this.getAlertEvent(), null, "The alert should now be rescinded"); { const {protectedRoomStats, globalStats} = await this.getCommandStatus(); assert.ok(protectedRoomStats, "We should see stats for our room"); assert.ok(protectedRoomStats.min >= 0, `min ${protectedRoomStats.min} >= 0`); assert.ok(protectedRoomStats.min < protectedRoomStats.max); assert.ok(protectedRoomStats.mean > 0); assert.ok(protectedRoomStats.mean < protectedRoomStats.max); assert.ok(protectedRoomStats.median < protectedRoomStats.max); assert.ok(protectedRoomStats.median > 0); assert.ok(protectedRoomStats.max >= 0.75 * LOCAL_HOMESERVER_LAG_EXIT_WARNING_ZONE_MS); assert.ok(protectedRoomStats.max < FEDERATED_HOMESERVER_LAG_EXIT_WARNING_ZONE_MS); assert.deepEqual(globalStats, { [this.protectedRoomId]: protectedRoomStats }) } }); it('DetectFederationLag doesn\'t report lag when only one federated homeserver lags', async function() { this.timeout(60000); // In this test, all the events we send have a lag > federatedHomeserverLagEnterWarningZoneMS. const start = new Date(); // Ensure that no alert has been emitted yet. assert.equal(await this.getAlertEvent(), null, "Initially, there should be no alert"); // First, let's send events from the local homeserver. const SENDERS = [""]; await this.simulateLag(SENDERS, 1.5 * FEDERATED_HOMESERVER_LAG_ENTER_WARNING_ZONE_MS, start); let lagEvent = await this.getAlertEvent(); assert.equal(lagEvent, null, "With only one federated homeserver lagging, we shouldn't report any lag"); }); it('DetectFederationLag reports lag when three federated homeservers lag', async function() { this.timeout(60000); // In this test, all the events we send have a lag > federatedHomeserverLagEnterWarningZoneMS. const start = new Date(); const stop = simulateDate(start); // Ensure that no alert has been emitted yet. assert.equal(await this.getAlertEvent(), null, "Initially, there should be no alert"); // Simulate lagging events from remote homeservers. This should trigger an alarm. const SENDERS = [ "", "", "", ]; await this.simulateLag(SENDERS, 1.5 * FEDERATED_HOMESERVER_LAG_ENTER_WARNING_ZONE_MS, start); let lagEvent = await this.getAlertEvent(); console.debug(lagEvent); assert(lagEvent, "Local lag should be reported"); assert.equal(JSON.stringify(, JSON.stringify(["", "", ""]), "Lag report should mention only the local domain"); assert.equal(lagEvent.roomId, this.protectedRoomId, "Lag report should mention the right room"); assert(new Date(lagEvent.since) >= start, "Lag report should have happened since `now`"); assert(new Date(lagEvent.since) < stop, "Lag should have been detected before the end of the bombardment"); // Simulate non-lagging events from remote homeservers. After a while, this should rescind the alarm. // We switch to new (pseudo-)users to simplify reading logs. const SENDERS_2 = [ "", "", "", ]; const start2 = new Date(stop.getTime() + 1_000); await this.simulateLag(SENDERS_2, 0.75 * FEDERATED_HOMESERVER_LAG_EXIT_WARNING_ZONE_MS, start2); assert.equal(await this.getAlertEvent(), null, "The alert should now be rescinded"); }); });