name: mjolnir up: before: - docker run --rm --network $MX_TEST_NETWORK_NAME --name mjolnir-test-postgres --domainname mjolnir-test-postgres -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=mjolnir-test -e POSTGRES_USER=mjolnir-tester -e POSTGRES_DB=mjolnir-test-db -d -p postgres # Wait until postgresql is ready - until psql postgres://mjolnir-tester:mjolnir-test@localhost:8083/mjolnir-test-db -c ""; do echo "Waiting for psql..."; sleep 1s; done # Make table in postgres - psql postgres://mjolnir-tester:mjolnir-test@localhost:8083/mjolnir-test-db -c "CREATE TABLE mjolnir (local_part VARCHAR(255), owner VARCHAR(255), management_room TEXT)" # Launch the reverse proxy, listening for connections *only* on the local host. - docker run --rm --network host --name mjolnir-test-reverse-proxy -p -v $MX_TEST_CWD/test/nginx.conf:/etc/nginx/nginx.conf:ro -d nginx - yarn install - npx ts-node src/appservice/cli.ts -r -u "http://host.docker.internal:9000" - cp mjolnir-registration.yaml $MX_TEST_SYNAPSE_DIR/data/ after: # Wait until Synapse is ready - until curl localhost:9999 --stderr /dev/null > /dev/null; do echo "Waiting for Synapse..."; sleep 1s; done - echo "Synapse is ready" run: - yarn test:integration down: finally: - docker stop mjolnir-test-postgres || true - docker stop mjolnir-test-reverse-proxy || true modules: - name: mjolnir build: - cp -r synapse_antispam $MX_TEST_MODULE_DIR/ config: module: mjolnir.Module config: {} homeserver: # Basic configuration. server_name: localhost:9999 public_baseurl: http://localhost:9999 registration_shared_secret: REGISTRATION_SHARED_SECRET # Make manual testing easier enable_registration: true enable_registration_without_verification: true app_service_config_files: - "/data/mjolnir-registration.yaml" # We remove rc_message so we can test rate limiting, # but we keep the others because of # and we don't want to slow integration tests down. rc_registration: per_second: 10000 burst_count: 10000 rc_login: address: per_second: 10000 burst_count: 10000 account: per_second: 10000 burst_count: 10000 failed_attempts: per_second: 10000 burst_count: 10000 rc_admin_redaction: per_second: 10000 burst_count: 10000 rc_joins: local: per_second: 10000 burst_count: 10000 remote: per_second: 10000 burst_count: 10000